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Author Topic: How much no fap before punt?  (Read 4012 times)

Offline kingmg

How many days no fap before a punt for multiple pops?

Online RandomGuy99

How many days no fap before a punt for multiple pops?
That would depend on the individual.

Believe it or not we aren't all made the same.  :unknown:

Offline trickdaddy

Personally, it needs to be at least a week.

Offline timmy1

about a 4-5 days for me, if it take a blue pill it doesnt matter, ive managed to cum twice in 30 mins a few times when using them.

Online badsin

Depends who I'm seeing. Used to have a regular massage few years ago, I give it 48 hours before seeing her, also produced a prestigious load...but she was FAF  :hi:

Offline billybobsmith

Doesn't make a difference for me.

Either I get the usual teaspoon or so of watery cum or a bit thicker depending on how I feel and what she's doing.  Not sure if hormonal or psychological factors can change consistency?
I don't spend that much time looking at the condom to gauge the contents to be honest, and not sure how much actually goes in the mouth if that's where I finish.

I've had times before when I abstained for a week and there's a lot of tension release in the hips area.
Other times, a damp squib so to speak.

I've had a wank at 9 in the morning before, met a woman from Seeking 2hrs later and produced a really good, thick load all over her.
(Doing this generally puts me in the mindset that I've just saved maybe £150 on a mundane punt)

Sometimes it spurts a bit (although nothing compared to many years ago when I was say 18).  Other times when I want to cum over her breasts, it seems to just drip out.

Offline SALIBA

I used to go a 3-5 days, but now if I do that I usually dont last too long. Yeah I know you said multiple pops, but one or 2 is enough for me.
Usually night before or the same morning with a late night punt.

Offline Bat

Started punting in mid January this year. Haven’t fapped once since then.

I find it really heightens the punting experience for me and I’ve had no issues with coming too quickly. If anything, it’s been the reverse and I seem to be able to last much longer and control myself to cum when I feel the time is right.

On some occasions the amount of cum is also way more than I used to manage, I guess thats the gap between each punt. Although, I am punting pretty regularly and averaging close to twice a week.

Offline Rockhead

Similar to what Bat says above, I have set myself the challenge of only allowing myself to cum when I am with a woman.

So far, I have only positive things to say. My desire has increased, my enjoyment of the whole experience is better and - for those who care about such things - my volume of cum is way more than before. I am 52 now but I am cumming as I did in my 20s - not of particular interest to me, but it was certainly a real surprise!

I realise the OP was asking about multiple pops - I've never been able to do that, so I can't say if nofap helps in that regard. But certainly, for me, it has greatly enhanced things in general.

Offline DDMC30

Started punting in mid January this year. Haven’t fapped once since then.

I find it really heightens the punting experience for me and I’ve had no issues with coming too quickly. If anything, it’s been the reverse and I seem to be able to last much longer and control myself to cum when I feel the time is right.

On some occasions the amount of cum is also way more than I used to manage, I guess thats the gap between each punt. Although, I am punting pretty regularly and averaging close to twice a week.

100% agree - the less I jerk off, the more I enjoy the punts. More bang for your buck. And if punting regularly happy to minimise the fapping. I don't posses your powers of discipline though, and often need to relieve myself a few hours after a punt due to lingering desire.

Offline Bat

100% agree - the less I jerk off, the more I enjoy the punts. More bang for your buck. And if punting regularly happy to minimise the fapping. I don't posses your powers of discipline though, and often need to relieve myself a few hours after a punt due to lingering desire.

I usually satiate any lingering desire by working out who I’m going to see next 😈😂

Offline DDMC30

I usually satiate any lingering desire by working out who I’m going to see next 😈😂

Strategic  :D

Offline WelshClipper

I have only ever cum twice in a punt with a lady in Hagley and another in Brum. Considering I am now well over 200 punts in total, that is pretty slim pickings. So I just concentrate on one good crack and don’t bother trying for a second.

Offline Landscape

I go two days (though this is increasingly becoming three) without fapping if I want to stand a chance of cumming during a meet. Also recently discovered that things are reaching the stage of if oral is had before sex then the chances of me finishing during sex is greatly reduced.

Offline WelshClipper

I go two days (though this is increasingly becoming three) without fapping if I want to stand a chance of cumming during a meet. Also recently discovered that things are reaching the stage of if oral is had before sex then the chances of me finishing during sex is greatly reduced.

Me too !

I have often wondered about this and almost asked on here as a new topic but then wondered if it was my imagination or even if it were a ‘thing’.  Glad to hear I’m not alone  :thumbsup:

Feels weird going into a punt saying ‘no blowie please’  :lol:

Online boardyhell

 I have the same problem sometimes on my ee sim
I don’t have a vpn
When I use my second phone which is not ee I don’t have a problem

Offline big-al93

I have the same problem sometimes on my ee sim
I don’t have a vpn
When I use my second phone which is not ee I don’t have a problem

I think you have posted this in the wrong thread, was it supposed to be in the ISP blocked one?

Offline Maak

Usually one week, I get a brilliant bucket load of jizz. My regular always requests to take a pic so she can sell it online

Offline Rockhead

Me too !

I have often wondered about this and almost asked on here as a new topic but then wondered if it was my imagination or even if it were a ‘thing’.  Glad to hear I’m not alone  :thumbsup:

Feels weird going into a punt saying ‘no blowie please’  :lol:

Add me to this list! Always assumed it was just me.

Offline versace

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Offline camshaft72uk

I don't abstain at all. 
In my earlier days ( late 1980's, early 90's), I would sometimes beat one  out whilst in the shower at the venue,  to slow things down, if I thought was the kind of place would want to just rush.

Offline EvilS

My routine is to knock one out in the shower on the morning of a meet so I can prolong the first one during the meet.

Offline southern punter

My routine is to knock one out in the shower on the morning of a meet so I can prolong the first one during the meet.

Not long ago I was in this category but things declined.  My last punt I gave myself 2 days abstinence and felt like it should have been three.  It's completely ruined my desire to punt actually, I always valued being spontaneous and you can't be spontaneous while also planning 2-3 days ahead.

Offline Robotrevolution

For me it’s about 4-5 days - quite hard when you know you have a meet lined up tho!