Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Saying thanks but no thanks  (Read 2189 times)

Offline RedKettle

Does anyone else have a problem declining the services of a WG when you meet her and she is a complete turn off?  Less likely to happen now I am on UKP but in the past I recall two in particular, one incall and one outcall at a hotel, that were awful - much worse than their pictures and just generally crap.  I do often try the slightly more mature woman but one of these must have been 30 years older than her pictures and one was almost as many stone heavier.

However I am just too polite and tried to go with it, hating every minute.  Did not get cock anywhere near going in - just had a very quick wank. 

Tried at time to justify it as avoiding hassle (pre UKP I did not use a punting phone for example) but in reality I was too soft - pun intended as boy did I struggle to get the little chap performing.

Any advice on how to beat a retreat?  Anyone else as weak minded as me?

Online threechilliman

I would have had no chance of walking early on in my punting career as I was so nervous.

Now, the question in my mind is always 'yes or no' which must be answered the moment the door opens. You know instantly. So far, no issues, but it means my words are prepared in advance.



  • Guest
Walking can often be difficult but you'll hate yourself for not when everything screams get out. I should have walked several times and I have walked several times. I've got a nose for a wrong un - either set up, comms or the girl. If she opens the door and isn't what I expected or not my cup of tea I usually keep it polite and to the point - sorry not for me etc. the tried and trusted method is of course sorry I've left my wallet in the car.

I've had a few howlers over the years when I really should have walked but didn't. I usually came home afterwards (usually £100+ lighter) full of self loathing and cried myself to sleep in a foetal position. Even now the moose that took advantage of me in Bristol a few years ago still makes me hate myself more than I usually do. Fanny like elephants ears and at least 2-3 stone heavier than her pics. Her hands were huge too so my dick looked like a little boys I when she got hold of it. Man I fucking hate myself


  • Guest
I haven't walked for a while. Last time, I was in need of a good put and the WG in question had been on my HL for a while. So I had requested black lingere and she opened the door wearing something my fucking wife would wear and facially not that great either!  I just said "no thanks" and turned around. I got a few shitty texts from her but that was about it.

Offline Jimmyredcab

It is much harder to "walk" with an outcall, that is why I no longer have pro$$ies visit me at home, I had some great punts in the past but after three dogs in a row I decided enough was enough.

Regarding incalls, I try wherever possible to stick to girls who display a clear face picture, if you are prepared to "punt blind" then you are increasing your risk.     :thumbsdown:

Offline smiths

Does anyone else have a problem declining the services of a WG when you meet her and she is a complete turn off?  Less likely to happen now I am on UKP but in the past I recall two in particular, one incall and one outcall at a hotel, that were awful - much worse than their pictures and just generally crap.  I do often try the slightly more mature woman but one of these must have been 30 years older than her pictures and one was almost as many stone heavier.

However I am just too polite and tried to go with it, hating every minute.  Did not get cock anywhere near going in - just had a very quick wank. 

Tried at time to justify it as avoiding hassle (pre UKP I did not use a punting phone for example) but in reality I was too soft - pun intended as boy did I struggle to get the little chap performing.

Any advice on how to beat a retreat?  Anyone else as weak minded as me?

In my early punting days i would rarely walk irrespective of whether i actually fancied the WG or not or what she offered.

Nowadays i will walk unless everything is to my satisfaction. Some punters advise using the old left the wallet in the car excuse so as to walk. I just walk out and fuck what they think.

IMO and yes totally unprovable of course many punters dont walk but think with their dicks instead. Having a plan B like a regular can greatly help with walking i have found and i have done a bit of it lately unfortunately.


  • Guest
I have been , and no doubt will be again, guilty of thinking with my little head , and should have walked on more occasions than I actually have .
That said however on more than one occasion when I wasn't initially attracted to the SP and didn't walk the resulting punt actually turned into a bloody good one , but then I am a fluffy and when feeling horny lose all common sense.


  • Guest
I have been , and no doubt will be again, guilty of thinking with my little head , and should have walked on more occasions than I actually have .
That said however on more than one occasion when I wasn't initially attracted to the SP and didn't walk the resulting punt actually turned into a bloody good one , but then I am a fluffy and when feeling horny lose all common sense.

Do you also promise them the earth when you're balls deep then lose all interest the minute you've delivered the cream?

Offline Matium

Any advice on how to beat a retreat?  Anyone else as weak minded as me?

You say:

"I left my wallet in the car"

Every WG knows that when a man says that, he won't be coming back.

Offline Dani

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I do often try the slightly more mature woman but one of these must have been 30 years older than her pictures and one was almost as many stone heavier.

Just say I am sorry there has been a mix up I booked so and so.  she is only x age or size x so if she is available I will stay.  A woman 30 years older than her photo is hardly going to have the balls to say yes that's me (unless she is thick) so will probably just mumble and see you out.

Be honest.  If everyone was honest when they walked then ads would get to be more honest and it would then not be so widely be assumed we all lie about age and size.

If she is stupid enough to say yes that's me I am x age or x size just say I don't think so and walk away.  If photos are honest then you wouldn't be walking so she only has herself to blame.

Offline wristjob

I would have had no chance of walking early on in my punting career as I was so nervous.

Now, the question in my mind is always 'yes or no' which must be answered the moment the door opens. You know instantly. So far, no issues, but it means my words are prepared in advance.


Kind of sums me up. Had those disaster punts and one of the worst was my only outcall to my home - never repeated that experience.

I found one of the best things to help walking is picking EEs who are too good to be true. Got me into a mentality of expecting to walk before I knocked on the door, just made it seem so much easier. About 6 months ago I spent half an hour trying to find this EE girls flat from her dire directions and the only reason I persevered was so I could tell the dirty B&S scammer to eff off - turned out to be kosher, she was gorgeous and then I was stuck for words :)

As to the wallet excuse, really. They don't know who you are, best they should have a fake name and phone no so why do you give a crap. "You aren't the girl in the pictures, bye". Don't give them any eccuse to even pretend you are the timewaster.


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I've never walked away because I drive to punts in evenings typically and always go with the attitude of trying to have a good time whatever happens, I expect most profile photos to be flattering, and haven't been bait and switched on with anyone I found really unattractive so far thankfully. 

The key to walking for me would be having a rock solid plan B - walking would feel easy then because I don't have to stick around for crap service or an attitude problem or misleading pictures and I know I'll still have a good time with the plan B EE or parlour.

But about 3 times on the phone now I've just said `I'm sorry I'm not comfortable with this'.  Even in person, any WG has to respect that, and if they get angry it's their problem - you can then tell them they're not the girl in the pictures.

Offline CBPaul

You say:

"I left my wallet in the car"

Every WG knows that when a man says that, he won't be coming back.

I'd go along with that. I actually did leave the stash in the car once, running late and had hidden it away before leaving. Got to the hotel and when it came to opening the wallet to my horror I only had a fiver. When I returned with the money she'd got dressed and said I didn't think you were coming back.

Offline laidbackasiandude

Does anyone recall the time (pre-internet/broadband/mobile apps) when in Central London you had to rely on visiting phone
booths plastered with call girl cards, depicting pictures of page 3 type stunners, exotic models wearing alluring lingerie?
Actual reality in meeting these "stunners" for the most part was a real downer.

It was difficult at times to say no or walk away, and probably the most miserable sessions ever experienced by me were
around the mid-1990's as a consequence (sometimes there were exceptions though).

Later on during that time (1996 onwards) I developed a rather crude system as follows:

1.  "Penis hardener" on first sight   - Promising, go ahead but could still end up a poor session owing to a variety of factors.

2.   "Penis Shriveller" on first sight - ABORT. Make a polite excuse to leave without offending the WG, on occasions have left
                                                     a tenner for the inconvenience. Everyone's definition of attractiveness is purely subjective
                                                     ofcourse, but with a "penis shriveller" on first sight, even if the WG tries her best, it's just
                                                     not going for happen for me.

Offline HS4000Kestral

I'd go along with that. I actually did leave the stash in the car once, running late and had hidden it away before leaving. Got to the hotel and when it came to opening the wallet to my horror I only had a fiver. When I returned with the money she'd got dressed and said I didn't think you were coming back.

I always have a plan B [ if meeting a new WG ] - generally in Cardiff there are a few who you know will drop everything [ literally ] at a moments notice.

I usually warm the Plan B up first making sure they are working that day and giving them a "I'll call back as soon as I've worked out when I can make it "

Have occasionally had a shitty text later saying I've messed them around but usually it's ok.

As of now, I've never walked yet, but a couple of times wish I had.

I know all about that self-loathing Frank!

Offline blue80

Not sure if this counts.....

A few years ago I took a girl up on an offer of 2 hours for the price of 3 - she had a hotel booked and I had a few hours to kill before meeting up with some friends

Anyway 2 hours in; I had popped quite a few times and the poor chap was feeling the affects of a good session - she suggested a little break, I was in agreement and said I would pop down the hall to grab a few drinks - I dressed and left the hotel, jumped in a cab and headed into town to meet my waiting mates

The conversation had run dry and she was a bit on the boring side

She text asking where I was - don't think I even replied

Offline Thepacifist

I admit when i was young and in the Amsterdam RLD there was an occasion where she looked much better from outside then when i went in she was a lot older but i went with it anyway because at that time i felt too awkward to walk. Now, i would certainly walk if it was some bs B&S, a minger or size 20+ pretending to be 'curvy'.

Offline NIK

In the past I have laid back grinned and borne it more times than I care to remember.
In more recent times I haven't hesitated to walk.
However even as late as last year I didn't walk when I should have done.;topicseen#msg244878