Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: STI testing in Cardiff  (Read 1726 times)


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I apologise if this has been covered elsewhere I have read a few threads on GUM clinics and STI testing but I have a few specific questions.

I had my first punt today and whilst it was brilliant and we used a condom including during oral do you think its necessary to go get tested and if so when. I am pretty sure I didn't catch anything the most high risk part was when she jerked me off onto her face at the end but I am in a committed relationship so think its only fair I get tested but not sure whether to go asap or wait a few weeks. Also has anyone used the GUM in Cardiff, do they no where it is and do you need to use your real name?

Offline Mikeh38

No offence but if your in a commited relationship then why did you risk seeing an escort ?

The chances are your ok but give it seven days and if you see or feel anything abnormal then go to the GUM clinic.

I'vr been to the one in Cardiff and thought they were poor with a stupid booking system, the one in Newport is much better

Offline Mikeh38

The Cardiff GUM clinic is in the Royal Infirmary Hospital bottom end of City Road


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Mikeh38 my other half is the love of my life unfortunately she had various experiences when she was younger that has left her with some understandable hangups when it come to sex, on top of that she has a chronic condition which means she has virtually no libido. We have been together years but the lack of sex was getting frustrating but wasn't something I would consider leaving her over, seeing a working girl seems like an uncomplicated way to remedy the situation.


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Mate you don't have to justify why you punt. I'd wager a bet that most of us are in some kind of relationship. Anyway I suspect you are worrying about nothing. Most WGs take their health very seriously. It sounds like the risks re minimal to you but if you are worried to get yourself checked and abstain with your lass until you get the results back.

It's probably post punt nerves and you are worrying needlessly. I've never picked up an STI punting. In future be careful - always use condoms for intercourse and do your homework when booking. For example, avoid girls who offer bareback etc etc. plenty of clinics around - just google them. They do provide a confidential service and they've seen it all before

Offline ledley

If im honest i go to the gum clinic about once a year but only because i perform safe sex and every 3 months i order a sti kit from 'test me' and u get gonarhea and chlamidya check for £30 all done in the post. But if u want a more thorough check they offer a full kit check but it costs £100 (so u r better off at clinic).

Offline HughJardon

no offence but couldnt this post go in off topic and not on a search for clunge advice, i take this sort of thing serious but time and place aye  :rolleyes:

Offline PuntingPete

no offence but couldnt this post go in off topic and not on a search for clunge advice, i take this sort of thing serious but time and place aye  :rolleyes:
Personally I think it's in the correct forum, if it was in OT it would fall so far down the page probably nobody from Wales would see it.

No offence like   :hi:


  • Guest
no offence but couldnt this post go in off topic and not on a search for clunge advice, i take this sort of thing serious but time and place aye  :rolleyes:

How is sexual health advice off topic on a sex forum?


  • Guest
Thanks for the advice SirFrank and Ledley.

no offence but couldnt this post go in off topic and not on a search for clunge advice, i take this sort of thing serious but time and place aye  :rolleyes:

And this seemed like the correct place to ask, I am sure some others will have similar questions!

Offline jawill

The clinic in the Royal Glamorgan hospital is much better than Cardiff.....