Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Risks of punting (not sexual health related)  (Read 6091 times)

Offline IAmNotFamous

This came to me when responding in another thread. This is the scenario:

You visit AW (delete history), you call a SP (punting phone) you arrange a meeting, you draw out cash, you visit the home at the appointed time, you undress, she undressed, you lie in bed, you wear a condom,  you switch positions so much so you can’t see anyone walking through the bedroom door, you came, you feel relaxed, you had a great time.

But have you ever considered the non sexual health risks?

Visiting a strangers home, not knowing who else is in the home, if something happened, no one knows where you are or where you’ve been, you take a shower - they could go through your pockets.

Or is that part of the risk of punting?

Offline stampjones

Its a risky game in many ways. You just have to decide which risks you’re willing to take and which you’re not. Nothing is risk free at the end of the day.

Online tp69

1) Seeing girls that are well reviewed here will negate most of that risk
2) The biggest risk is a TOFTT as there's always a chance of it being a scam. Still fairly unlikely to be anything too dangerous in the UK. Way bigger risks in other countries
3) My clothing/phone goes into the bathroom with me when showering
4) I always take my own bottle of water
5) I'll accept a drink from a reg, though mainly take drinks with if planning to have a couple

If you have a heart attack or something during the act, then your family probably finds out about your hobby.

Not for the feint hearted, but there are riskier pastimes.

Offline Thephoenix

Or is that part of the risk of punting?

In a word......yes!

In over 30 years of punting, it's never happened to me.
....although I was caught in a police raid once.

Offline weekendfun

I always take reasonable precautions, for instance I always take cash out in advance and take my bank cards out my wallet. Sometimes if I'm feeling a bit paranoid I'll take my clothes with me to the shower to get dressed, basically never leave your belongings in a different room. I'd say part of this hobby is being able to put a reasonable amount of trust in a stranger. Consider the fact that a lot of escorts rely on repeat business and good reviews, for the most part it is within their best interest to keep their clients happy and not rip them off. It's a bit like gambling in that you should never play with what you aren't willing to lose, sometimes it may be worthwhile to go for a risky punt, but in most cases your best off steering clear. Always check feedback, check for reviews here, and if that fails reverse image search photos on their profile (I've caught out a few adverts that use images from twitter thirst traps or lesser known pornstars).

Offline senordingdongs

Read a comedians autobiography in which he said he negated the risk of the WG going though his wallet by making her clap hands while he was taking a shower :lol:

Offline tynetunnel

As others have said, it’s about risk mitigation. I take my driving licence and all non essential cards out of my wallet, leaving one debit card (my own personal sole account) in case of emergencies. I only carry one spare £10 note. I use a punting phone number. I park away from the location where my car cannot be seen from the premises.

Offline The Owl

The biggest risk from punting was, for me, seeing it as a stop gap between dating only to find that it made dating far harder. Punting opened my eyes to the investment/reward aspect of dating. I've become a lot more demanding in what I want from a girlfriend because I know that £120 paid directly to the right kind of prostitute can get me a lot of good sex and closeness (sort of li e affection but with a dose of reality) whilst £120 spent on a girlfriend is 2 meals out dating with no guarantee of anything better than a snog good night if you've even got that far. Add to that the general apathy to affection and intimacy that enters relationships whilst the expenditure remains, and it's easy to see why I view escorts as the better option compared to some woman who expects you to take her out at your expense whilst sheight just be looking for a free meal or someone to increase her long term financial stability. The amount of married punters in sexless relationships doesn't help me change my mind on this.

Online Thecunninglinguist

In a word......yes!

In over 30 years of punting, it's never happened to me.
....although I was caught in a police raid once.

I bet Robert Peel gave you a right telling off? :lol:

Offline Bikerboy

This came to me when responding in another thread. This is the scenario:

You visit AW (delete history), you call a SP (punting phone) you arrange a meeting, you draw out cash, you visit the home at the appointed time, you undress, she undressed, you lie in bed, you wear a condom,  you switch positions so much so you can’t see anyone walking through the bedroom door, you came, you feel relaxed, you had a great time.

But have you ever considered the non sexual health risks?

Visiting a strangers home, not knowing who else is in the home, if something happened, no one knows where you are or where you’ve been, you take a shower - they could go through your pockets.

Or is that part of the risk of punting?

Life is risky, not living life is far riskier.
If you over think instead of taking sensible precautions maybe you aren’t suited to punting.

Offline Prifessionallondinguy

I’ve switched between seeking and AW depending on how much emotional connection I want.
When I feel claustrophobic with a SB I’ll take a wee break and just see escorts.

However at no time have I not done positions like 69 just so I could keep an eye on the entrances  …. (no pun intended)  ….  :lol: someone’s been reading too much Ian Fleming  :D

Online Watts.E.Dunn

Going to a punt its me myself and I, thats most of whats needed! plus car keys right ammount to pay the girl with, and possibly tho rarely punting phone and thats it, nothing else.

Offline Thephoenix

I bet Robert Peel gave you a right telling off? :lol:

It was in one of the old sauna/massage joints years ago.
I sat in the sauna cabin and told Mr Plod I was just there for the sauna.

The look on his face was a picture, as it was freezing cold, and the sauna hadn't worked for years. :D

Offline the fitter

I think one of the biggest risks for men in a relationship, is taking the car, your at risk from cameras in bus lanes, speed cameras, parking tickets, and should you have a bump, all that would take some explaining, why you were there. And be careful when you do park up, your number is exposed to nosey neighbors. Much safer on public transport.

Offline stewpid

The biggest risk from punting was, for me, seeing it as a stop gap between dating only to find that it made dating far harder. Punting opened my eyes to the investment/reward aspect of dating. I've become a lot more demanding in what I want from a girlfriend because I know that £120 paid directly to the right kind of prostitute can get me a lot of good sex and closeness (sort of li e affection but with a dose of reality) whilst £120 spent on a girlfriend is 2 meals out dating with no guarantee of anything better than a snog good night if you've even got that far. Add to that the general apathy to affection and intimacy that enters relationships whilst the expenditure remains, and it's easy to see why I view escorts as the better option compared to some woman who expects you to take her out at your expense whilst sheight just be looking for a free meal or someone to increase her long term financial stability. The amount of married punters in sexless relationships doesn't help me change my mind on this.

Agree with this. I originally started punting to build up sexual experience and confidence before diving back into dating. But once I got into it I never really bothered with dating again. However this has left me open to EAS on occasion which is always a major risk of this hobby.  :(

Offline bristolnick

I try do all the following

1) I have a separate punting wallet for when i see a WG
2) Always park a few streets away
3) I try not shower after and go have one when i get home. I will shower at someone place that i've used a few times
4) Made sure i can't be traced on my phone on social media sites after a Twitter scare when people i know popped up as suggested people to follow on Twitter.
5) I make sure my clothes are folded so easy to put on if need to leave quick.

Had a few early scares during my first punting era and made a list of things to do.

Offline tynetunnel

I think one of the biggest risks for men in a relationship, is taking the car, your at risk from cameras in bus lanes, speed cameras, parking tickets, and should you have a bump, all that would take some explaining, why you were there. And be careful when you do park up, your number is exposed to nosey neighbors. Much safer on public transport.

This is true. I switch between SA and punting as my mood/funds/interests permits and these two incidents both happened while on my way to SA meets but could have just as easily happened while out on a punt

1. Speed camera nab! I expected I might have been caught, and kept a very close eye on the post. It came and I went on a speed awareness course to avoid the fine. The location of the actual speed camera was somewhere that I had no excuse to be, luckily ‘er indoors believed the fake location i stated I was in

2. Summer 2021 and I was heading to a meet and my alibi took me to one location, but in reality I was on a different major road on my way to an entire other town. I was on a dual carriageway and as I approached an exit (not the one I wanted) saw that just ahead on the dual carriageway, all the traffic was queued at a standstill. I knew that if I turned off, i could take an alternate route and hopefully not be late for the meet. So, last few seconds, impulsively I turned off, it was a split second thing.

On the way back from the meet a while later, as I approached that same junction on my return journey (so from the opposite direction) the road ahead was closed and this time I have no choice but to leave the dual carriageway. As I approached the exit and took the slip road, I could see emergency vehicles everywhere. Probably 20 or so. It was by now dark, and the darkness was pierced by dozens of flashing blue lights. Like from a movie. The roundabout over the top of the dual carriageway was still open and my new route home meant I had to go around the roundabout, crossing the dual carriageway below, using the roundabout above. Below was a scene of carnage. Absolute nightmare scenario. 

I was shaken up by what I saw, plainly something terrible had occurred. Reading the news afterwards, it seemed that as I headed to meet the girl and took a last second decision to leave my planned route on the dual carriageway, around one minute later, as the traffic continued to slow and stop to join the queue, a lorry driver ploughed into the stationary traffic queue at 58 mph. Later it transpired he was using his phone to set up online dates and never saw the queue. His lorry took 330 feet from impact to stop. Three people died in that crash. I was literally there a minute or so before. Maybe that last second decision saved my life. Or at least being caught up in a major accident where i could have been injured, had my car damaged, or just been very very late home.

Any of which would have been a difficult convo at home as I should never have been there.  I look back on it and think how lucky I was that night. Three people were much less lucky. The lorry driver is serving a substantial jail term. After he was sentenced the video from his truck dash cam was made public. Literally you can see the exit slip I took as he ploughs into the traffic, and how close I’d have been to being fully involved. It was truly my lucky day

So be safe out there chaps

Offline Bikerboy

This is true. I switch between SA and punting as my mood/funds/interests permits and these two incidents both happened while on my way to SA meets but could have just as easily happened while out on a punt

1. Speed camera nab! I expected I might have been caught, and kept a very close eye on the post. It came and I went on a speed awareness course to avoid the fine. The location of the actual speed camera was somewhere that I had no excuse to be, luckily ‘er indoors believed the fake location i stated I was in

2. Summer 2021 and I was heading to a meet and my alibi took me to one location, but in reality I was on a different major road on my way to an entire other town. I was on a dual carriageway and as I approached an exit (not the one I wanted) saw that just ahead on the dual carriageway, all the traffic was queued at a standstill. I knew that if I turned off, i could take an alternate route and hopefully not be late for the meet. So, last few seconds, impulsively I turned off, it was a split second thing.

On the way back from the meet a while later, as I approached that same junction on my return journey (so from the opposite direction) the road ahead was closed and this time I have no choice but to leave the dual carriageway. As I approached the exit and took the slip road, I could see emergency vehicles everywhere. Probably 20 or so. It was by now dark, and the darkness was pierced by dozens of flashing blue lights. Like from a movie. The roundabout over the top of the dual carriageway was still open and my new route home meant I had to go around the roundabout, crossing the dual carriageway below, using the roundabout above. Below was a scene of carnage. Absolute nightmare scenario. 

I was shaken up by what I saw, plainly something terrible had occurred. Reading the news afterwards, it seemed that as I headed to meet the girl and took a last second decision to leave my planned route on the dual carriageway, around one minute later, as the traffic continued to slow and stop to join the queue, a lorry driver ploughed into the stationary traffic queue at 58 mph. Later it transpired he was using his phone to set up online dates and never saw the queue. His lorry took 330 feet from impact to stop. Three people died in that crash. I was literally there a minute or so before. Maybe that last second decision saved my life. Or at least being caught up in a major accident where i could have been injured, had my car damaged, or just been very very late home.

Any of which would have been a difficult convo at home as I should never have been there.  I look back on it and think how lucky I was that night. Three people were much less lucky. The lorry driver is serving a substantial jail term. After he was sentenced the video from his truck dash cam was made public. Literally you can see the exit slip I took as he ploughs into the traffic, and how close I’d have been to being fully involved. It was truly my lucky day

So be safe out there chaps

Yeah guess it depends how closely your partner monitors you.
Luckily not all of us are that closely ‘tagged’ and/or can make up places believably.
Funniest thing I heard was a guy on the way back from a m/m/m/f getting a puncture on the Mway- delay was 4 hours and ‘place’ was wrong. For those guys in your sit I guess that’s a fairly big issue.

Offline B4bcock

No matter how hard you try things can always go wrong.  I started this thread a few years ago and it got some interesting responses.

Offline bristolnick

No matter how hard you try things can always go wrong.  I started this thread a few years ago and it got some interesting responses.

I've had a broken bed in a hotel room!

Online Colston36

This came to me when responding in another thread. This is the scenario:

You visit AW (delete history), you call a SP (punting phone) you arrange a meeting, you draw out cash, you visit the home at the appointed time, you undress, she undressed, you lie in bed, you wear a condom,  you switch positions so much so you can’t see anyone walking through the bedroom door, you came, you feel relaxed, you had a great time.

But have you ever considered the non sexual health risks?

Visiting a strangers home, not knowing who else is in the home, if something happened, no one knows where you are or where you’ve been, you take a shower - they could go through your pockets.

Or is that part of the risk of punting?

In hundreds of visits nothing like that ever happened to me.

But I have been run over by a car, hit by a motor bike, in a train crash, been through the windscreen of a car that hit a pole, stabbed by two women, and hit with a plate by another who managed to sever an artery

Stick to punting, pal.

Offline jimbobted

Crossing the road to a hotel for a meeting with a WG in London about 5 years ago. I didn't spot a delivery rider on a bike. She just managed to screech to a stop before colliding with me.
She was Spanish, shook her head and sucked her teeth "oooh you one lucky guy!" (she was in her 20s, and yes, I would  :lol:).
If she hadn't managed to stop I'd have been horribly injured for sure. But the bigger problem would have been explaining to my wife how I came to be run over in London whilst I was in Cambridge for a work meeting...

Offline ppunterr

My biggest worry en route to any punt is possibly bumping into or being seen somewhere I shouldn't be by a friend/family member (or worse still, a friend or family member of the OH).

Offline IAmNotFamous

Thanks for All the responses.

I’ve been fortunate in life where nothing has happened to me. I had a close call once with a street worker on Caledonian Road. She gave me OWO but was going through through my pockets. We were. Out in the open. She was also the one who gave me a life long disease called herpes.

I don’t drive so walk to punts. I’ve been to punts close to where I live.

But I agree with what some has said. Forget the risk and enjoy the moment. We only have one life.

Offline bristolnick

In hundreds of visits nothing like that ever happened to me.

But I have been run over by a car, hit by a motor bike, in a train crash, been through the windscreen of a car that hit a pole, stabbed by two women, and hit with a plate by another who managed to sever an artery

Stick to punting, pal.

So nothing much has happened to you then Colston! You need to write an autobiography

Offline bristolnick

Thanks for All the responses.

I’ve been fortunate in life where nothing has happened to me. I had a close call once with a street worker on Caledonian Road. She gave me OWO but was going through through my pockets. We were. Out in the open. She was also the one who gave me a life long disease called herpes.

I don’t drive so walk to punts. I’ve been to punts close to where I live.

But I agree with what some has said. Forget the risk and enjoy the moment. We only have one life.

She was multi tasking there.

Online Munter84

Life is full of risks, best you can do is calculate those risks and mitigate them.

Hence I turn up to punts with an old, worthless burner phone, and a cheap wallet containing the exact amount of cash and a travel card (and nothing else). I don't bring an expensive watch, or designer clothes, or car keys, or anything to suggest I'd be worth mugging or extorting.

When getting changed I usually put the phone and wallet in a sock each, and then into each shoe, with my folded clothes on top.

If anything crazy happened... I'd like to think I could handle myself, without being overly macho; and besides unless they wanted my kidneys it would be a waste of their time trying to threaten me. I'm young(ish), fit(ish) and not particularly rich: I'm much more profitable as a repeat client, than as a one-off mugging.

I suppose the next legit massage I have, the masseuse could go Sharon Stone on me and stab me thirty seven times as I lay face down on the table, but that kind of paranoia isn't very productive!

Offline IAmNotFamous

Life is full of risks, best you can do is calculate those risks and mitigate them.

Hence I turn up to punts with an old, worthless burner phone, and a cheap wallet containing the exact amount of cash and a travel card (and nothing else). I don't bring an expensive watch, or designer clothes, or car keys, or anything to suggest I'd be worth mugging or extorting.

When getting changed I usually put the phone and wallet in a sock each, and then into each shoe, with my folded clothes on top.

If anything crazy happened... I'd like to think I could handle myself, without being overly macho; and besides unless they wanted my kidneys it would be a waste of their time trying to threaten me. I'm young(ish), fit(ish) and not particularly rich: I'm much more profitable as a repeat client, than as a one-off mugging.

I suppose the next legit massage I have, the masseuse could go Sharon Stone on me and stab me thirty seven times as I lay face down on the table, but that kind of paranoia isn't very productive!

Damn. That last paragraph. I never thought about that risk 🤣

Offline southcoastpunter

I suppose the next legit massage I have, the masseuse could go Sharon Stone on me and stab me thirty seven times as I lay face down on the table, but that kind of paranoia isn't very productive!

ah but what a way to go - if she looks liked SS did then and was doing to you what SS was doing to the guy in the film. And was it 37 times? You have a good memory or do you keep re-watching that part? lol. 

Offline pantywetter

One of the biggest risks is to your marriage or long term relationship.  It’s easy to get complacent, but get caught in the wrong lie, leave something open on your phone, or something as innocuous as a wrong text message and your life could come crashing down.  Marriage, kids, house swapped for living in a bed sit above a Kebab shop.  Maybe also a spurned woman would tell your family or boss.  There but for the grace of god go I. 

Something else I worry about is being accused of something by a WG and possibly blackmailed.  Friend of a friend is currently being accused of something and his life is in pieces even though he claims he was stupid but fundamentally innocent. 

We need to be so careful with cutting the paper and electronic trail, maintaining privacy and keeping out of trouble.  It’s quite a dangerous game to be playing.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2022, 02:53:54 pm by pantywetter »

Offline jimbobted

Something else I worry about is being accused of something by a WG and possibly blackmailed.  Friend of a friend is currently being accused of something and his life is in pieces even though he claims he was stupid but fundamentally innocent. 
This is something I get worried about from time to time. A false accusation would be game over, instantly.

Offline luv2kiss54

This is something I get worried about from time to time. A false accusation would be game over, instantly.

This sort of thing worries me more with Seeking than with escorts. Always need to keep your wits about you in this game.

Offline MysteryManNo.7

The biggest risk from punting was, for me, seeing it as a stop gap between dating only to find that it made dating far harder. Punting opened my eyes to the investment/reward aspect of dating. I've become a lot more demanding in what I want from a girlfriend because I know that £120 paid directly to the right kind of prostitute can get me a lot of good sex and closeness (sort of li e affection but with a dose of reality) whilst £120 spent on a girlfriend is 2 meals out dating with no guarantee of anything better than a snog good night if you've even got that far. Add to that the general apathy to affection and intimacy that enters relationships whilst the expenditure remains, and it's easy to see why I view escorts as the better option compared to some woman who expects you to take her out at your expense whilst sheight just be looking for a free meal or someone to increase her long term financial stability. The amount of married punters in sexless relationships doesn't help me change my mind on this.

Couldn't agree more with all you've said especially the last part about so many punters appearing to be married men stuck in sexless marriages. As a young man marriage today just seems like an entirely hostile venture unless you get very lucky with the woman you choose to wed. I'd like to meet a woman for a meaningful long term relationship but I don't think I'll ever stop punting and for now it affords me the physical release I need without any of the BS from 'civvie' women and allows me to focus more time on my other hobbies and improving myself.

Offline macman26

One of the really good excuses about been in a part of town to punt is: "found this item' on facebook market etc i was interested in buying, of course you went to look at and was 'facebook market' B/S....Just make sure you look for a few things facebook market beofore you punt on main computer/phone, to leave a trail.....    So if the shit happens you have a excuse to be there!! 
« Last Edit: November 19, 2022, 09:48:55 pm by macman26 »

Online mr.bluesky

So nothing much has happened to you then Colston! You need to write an autobiography

He needs to carry a "lucky rabbits foot" , horse shoe and four leaf clover on him at all times more like.  :D

Offline king tarzan

Everything via experience should go from a to z smoothly..
Any indication of anything off radar then I'm off home..
I'm not risking my physical safety for anyone

Simpletto signor 🙌🙌🙌
Banned reason: Misogynist who gets free bookings from agencies for pos reviews.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Tomcat

In a word......yes!

In over 30 years of punting, it's never happened to me.
....although I was caught in a police raid once.

Did you get nicked?

Online myothernameis

Went punting at local sauna, so in the cabin and have done the deed, so now leave

As I leave the cabin, there my young brother sitting on the couch, dont know who was more shocked me or him.

We didn't really speak about this, until one day, my brother asked me to recommend a girl

Offline Home Alone

One of the biggest risks is to your marriage or long term relationship. 

And that's as true, if not more so, of a "loveless marriage".

I'll never know if it was my innate RC upbringing or fear of the now-late "Mrs. Home Alone" screwing me financially  - the only way she was screwing me by then! - that made me postpone my first punt until just over 18 months after she'd pissed off with "my successor".

Offline king tarzan

If your mind is blocked with images of your female partner then don't go..
When I had my bird I couldn't give a shit..
I needed yummy hotness fitness under me.
She was also sexy but in late 40's.. the signs of age were there.. luckily she was still trim and sexy though
Banned reason: Misogynist who gets free bookings from agencies for pos reviews.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline king tarzan

If your mind is blocked with images of your female partner then don't go..
When I had my bird I couldn't give a shit..
I needed yummy hotness fitness under me the fresh variety
She was also sexy but in late 40's.. the signs of age were there.. luckily she was still trim and sexy though
Banned reason: Misogynist who gets free bookings from agencies for pos reviews.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline jimbobted

And that's as true, if not more so, of a "loveless marriage".

I'll never know if it was my innate RC upbringing or fear of the now-late "Mrs. Home Alone" screwing me financially  - the only way she was screwing me by then! - that made me postpone my first punt until just over 18 months after she'd pissed off with "my successor".
That's the only way my Mrs will screw me too. Unfortunately absolutely zero chance of her running away with another bloke. So I'm stuck with her it seems  :(

Offline boredtryst

Going to a punt its me myself and I, thats most of whats needed! plus car keys right ammount to pay the girl with, and possibly tho rarely punting phone and thats it, nothing else.

this is how I work,

I remember seeing one SP and another punter had left his bank card behind, tried her best to give it back to him but he didn't care. She let me see it, name and all.

If it had been in the hands of someone else, you never know what they could have done.

Offline boredtryst

Nicked for what  :unknown:

Reminds me of one time I was in Chinese B+S place, the girl turned out nice and I was ready and super horny but then there was a really loud knocking on the front door. It turned out to be the landlady of the flat, i could hear the conversation about when these girls were going to leave and they needed to get out of the flat, they shouldn't have visitors etc etc.

Suffice to say I didn't really want to finish the deed, got my money back once it went quiet and got out!

Offline Glasgow28

Biggest risk for me I feel is something happening to the car. If it gets damaged/in an accident somewhere where you shouldn't be. For that reason I prefer punts to be in the city centre where I would be for work anyway so can walk, or can get the subway to for example.
Also only take the amount of cash I need for the punt with me, don't take my watch off, belongings into the bathroom with me as I shower and keys/phone in my shoe once I take them off so I don't leave them behind and aren't visible.

Offline king tarzan

Biggest risk for me I feel is something happening to the car. If it gets damaged/in an accident somewhere where you shouldn't be. For that reason I prefer punts to be in the city centre where I would be for work anyway so can walk, or can get the subway to for example.
Also only take the amount of cash I need for the punt with me, don't take my watch off, belongings into the bathroom with me as I shower and keys/phone in my shoe once I take them off so I don't leave them behind and aren't visible.

I do similar
Banned reason: Misogynist who gets free bookings from agencies for pos reviews.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Tender.french.kiss

As I leave the cabin, there my young brother sitting on the couch, dont know who was more shocked me or him.
Did you ask for a 'Family saver' card?  ;) :D :lol: