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Author Topic: Anyone here NOT nervous on a punt?  (Read 5140 times)

Offline Jeff_withpetersen

The last three pro$$ies I've seen have all asked 'are you nervous' near the start of the booking, which I take to mean I am unusually nervous during punters. However I'd assume everyone is nervous to some degree but maybe that's just me projecting my own thoughts on this on to other folk but come on, think about what this is  - are there any people who totally aren't nervous at all? Does it go away with more experience?

Offline ForrestGump

I'm nervous when approaching a punt with a girl I've not been with before. Am typically much more relaxed when returning for 2nd or subsequent visits.

Offline alenski

i am 70years old go out twice a week and never feel nervous about seeing new girls.the only time i feel nervous is when time is passing and i cant find the flat .even when i started i felt quite comfortable i would say its just in your nature you worry too much


  • Guest
When I first started punting I was a bit nervous, but not very. Now I'm not nervous at all.

Offline smiths

The last three pro$$ies I've seen have all asked 'are you nervous' near the start of the booking, which I take to mean I am unusually nervous during punters. However I'd assume everyone is nervous to some degree but maybe that's just me projecting my own thoughts on this on to other folk but come on, think about what this is  - are there any people who totally aren't nervous at all? Does it go away with more experience?

Last time i was nervous punting was before my first party, shitting myself is a more apt description. Excited anticipation on the punt to come sums it up for me.


  • Guest
Just a touch nervous about what could go wrong, which doesn't last long thankfully so far, at the start of a punt.


  • Guest
It goes away if you go back to the same girl or the same location. That's why I don't tend to visit the same girl twice and like to find girls who are in areas slightly outside my comfort zone. Somewhere a bit dodgy-looking makes me even more nervous but I get a kick out of it, and it's really helped to build my confidence in normal life situations. Use that nervousness, that adrenalin and channel it into your punt. It's the reason I'm doing it.


  • Guest
Only if I have been stood up, and hanging about for nothing. then I wonder what the scam is, as well as feeling I wasted my time and my balls will go unattended to for another 24 hours.  Mainly I wonder what the scam is, and am annoyed.  When things go to plan, I am apprehensive until services confirmed in person at the start only.

Offline redjaguar

Similar to Forrstgump
First time / New girl -- really nervous , tongue tied etc

Seeing same girl on repeats means I am more relaxed right from the start.



  • Guest
With me it's sheer anticipation. Sometimes I almost feel nervous even just before seeing a regular. It's OK, I'd rather it that than i didn't care. Having played football for 13 years and been nervous every game until I touched the ball, punting's a breeze

Offline Jeff_withpetersen

Thanks for your responses guys - maybe I am just a little more nervous than the average person and therefore the average punter, so what I guess. At least they always ask if I'm nervous in a kind of reassuring, want to put me at ease kind of way rather than a 'haha what a wanker' way.

 Probably doesn't help that my last couple of punts I've turned up pretty much dead on time and only just made it - in future I'll give myself a 20 minute head start.

Offline Silver Birch

I usually feel more nervous negotiating hotel receptions or finding the right flat or locating a buzzer, without looking like a lost punter!!

Offline Mr Br1ghts1de

As your cliche ridden footballer would say, it's good to be gets the adrenalin pumping  :rolleyes:

Offline Boundless

My experience is probably typical of many guys.

I started with parlours and was so nervous I never even got in the door the first few times!
Then the first 20 or so with indies, I had sweating, dry mouth, wanting a piss/crap etc

It definitely fades as time goes on, the other day I had got ready and was driving to see a reg and I could very well have been going shopping. I didn't even think about the punt until she opened the door. this does have it's down side as the adrenalin is quite addictive I find. Still, it's a good incentive to push the boundaries, onward and upward!

Offline Malvolio

Your nerves ought to fade given time - however the anticipation should always be there.

Offline wristjob

When I first started punting I was a bit nervous, but not very. Now I'm not nervous at all.

I've had a few on and off spells of punting. I always find the first 2-3 when I come back get me a bit nervous - actually phoning up and booking more than the punt. After a couple it just goes.

Nervous before my first/only party (like smiths). I had to book on AW and fear of being blacklisted as a TW was the only thing that got me there. I know I'll be nervous before the next time I do one - course once you are in the room it's like falling off a log.


  • Guest
I usually feel more nervous negotiating hotel receptions or finding the right flat or locating a buzzer, without looking like a lost punter!!

That's where my nerves are too. As soon as I'm through the door all's good.

Offline SamLP

The only time I was nervous was when I tried a soho walk-up. I built up the encourage after an hour or so to go up one of the entrances not knowing what was going to happen. The maid who answered told me to try again in half an hour as the girl was busy. I couldn't pluck the courage to try again.

A few WG's asked me if I was nervous but a few times I had come in on a baking hot day into a room with no fan which made me sweat more than I already was. Other times I didn't undress as is customary with most EE WG's. I try to explain I like to take my time, feel her up and undress each other. Most of them can't understand that. It's undress and get on the bed and if you don't do that they think you're nervous.


  • Guest
Originally I used to feel nervous but it only takes a few times to get over it. Remember the girl could also be pretty nervous if she is seeing a client for the first time. If she feels you are nervous as well she might feel more awkward and this can be a bit inhibiting. 

Try acting confident and see what response you get. I think you will be pleasantly surprised at the results.

Also I love the anticipation and it is really a fun part of the event. This is why incalls are more exciting rather than watching TV waiting for the bell to ring. So nerves in the right place are part of the fun of the fair.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2014, 01:05:07 am by Sparquin »


  • Guest
I'd like to say that I get an adrenaline rush pretty much all the way through, not so much nervous per say but that's just me. I do get a bit nervous every time I try a new WG that I have not punted before/or have reports here as most AW reports are fluffy as hell.


  • Guest
I always feel kinda nervous before every punt, despite having done enough now that I've got no reason to. But I used to feel absolutely terrified when I first started punting, so it's definitely a lot better now! I don't think the nerves will ever go away entirely for me, but it's almost like they're part of the fun. When I feel nothing at all it's probably time to give up punting.


  • Guest
Im always nervous. And it's worse depending on how hot the girl is I turn into a blob talking to stunning girls. I tried a new tactic to psyche myself into a confident frame of my mind by repeating the mantra I'm confident cool and fun to get confident. It worked the other day pretty well.

It's good for the girl if I'm relaxed then she can too.

Offline NIK

I got to the stage where I was rarely nervous. However this loss of adrenaline before a punt meant it was less exciting. At one stage going for a punt every other weekend or so became as routine as going to work. The only times when I was consistently nervous were before outcalls to my home or an hotel. These always, understandably, made me anxious. However as I had less of them over the passing years, haven't had a home visit for ten years now, nerves became less frequent.

As I rarely punt now I would probably be a little more nervous again, especially if it was someone I hadn't seen before, but would never experience the nerves of a novice punter again.

Offline Paul31

I see my regular 2 or 3 times a month so not nervous. Even saw a new girl last week but didn't feel nervous either

Offline spz1234

Well today is my first punt in around a yeah I'm pretty nervous. As has been mentioned, trying to find somewhere you have never been before can add to this.

Offline herbie007

 I used to get nervous when I first started out, but that was back in the days of shagging street walkers when you didn’t really have a clue who you was picking up and if there were coppers about, but these days it’s unlikely that anything bad is going to happen when punting, especially if you do your research on UKP.

 IMO if anyone should get nervous it should be the WG’s.

Online threechilliman

I was a bag of nerves for the first 8 or 9, then I relaxed and found myself really 'up for it'. Yesterday I had a major nerves attack again (20th). Not helped by a woman trying to get into the apartments at the same time as me. 'Who are you after?' she enquired. Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrr........ Hotty Holly? I didn't say it, just said the apt number. She helpfully pointed me in the right direction!


  • Guest
What does fluffy on here mean ?


  • Guest
It goes away if you go back to the same girl or the same location. That's why I don't tend to visit the same girl twice and like to find girls who are in areas slightly outside my comfort zone. Somewhere a bit dodgy-looking makes me even more nervous but I get a kick out of it, and it's really helped to build my confidence in normal life situations. Use that nervousness, that adrenalin and channel it into your punt. It's the reason I'm doing it.


no mater how good the punt, I rarely go and see the same girl again (unless she happens to be plan F on a bad day)

different girls, situations, locations all add to the excitement of it...

the only real thing I'm nervous about it being caught by the police and ending up in court!

Offline Daffodil

When I started I would get more than a little nervous, but very rarely these days.

I find punting fun and exciting in the main.

Online threechilliman

Well today is my first punt in around a yeah I'm pretty nervous. As has been mentioned, trying to find somewhere you have never been before can add to this.

Enjoy yourself!



  • Guest
Parlours i used to be a nervous wreck, now disappointingly its like walking into the local shop except the shop keeper doesn't do extras (well I've never asked her) 
New indies I'm a little apprehensive but not massively nervous
Regulars, not at all.

Sadly punting seems to have lost a little bit of its thrill lately & maybe the lack of pre-punt anticipation is whats missing?


  • Guest

no mater how good the punt, I rarely go and see the same girl again (unless she happens to be plan F on a bad day)

different girls, situations, locations all add to the excitement of it...

the only real thing I'm nervous about it being caught by the police and ending up in court!

Why would you end up in court prostitution isn't illegal.

Offline Jeff_withpetersen

What does fluffy on here mean ?

 Liable to think all pro$$ies are saints, that the woman is always in the right, susceptible to getting emotionally attached/delusions of thinking a girl likes them personally and/or falling in 'love' with them.

Offline socks

I get nervous if I have to ring the girl to book, fuck knows why. I get nervous too if on ringing the bell she hasn't let me in within about 3 seconds. Standing on the doorstep waiting when anyone could walk past, or if it's the front door to flats, anyone could come in/go out, is a worry for me.


  • Guest
Liable to think all pro$$ies are saints, that the woman is always in the right, susceptible to getting emotionally attached/delusions of thinking a girl likes them personally and/or falling in 'love' with them.

I think thats me with two i've met.  :(

Online threechilliman

Parlours i used to be a nervous wreck, now disappointingly its like walking into the local shop except the shop keeper doesn't do extras (well I've never asked her) 
New indies I'm a little apprehensive but not massively nervous
Regulars, not at all.

Sadly punting seems to have lost a little bit of its thrill lately & maybe the lack of pre-punt anticipation is whats missing?

Don't punt for a bit Y. I hadn't had one in four weeks and I was a nervy fucker yesterday.

Strangely, parlours don't bother me at all. Getting my members number at Sandys was a piece of piss, came out and said 'did I really just do that?' When I went back a week later, had to wait a few minutes (for Suzi - gorgeous arse!) in a very busy reception, no nerves, nothing. Could have sat there all day. Weird.


Online threechilliman

I think thats me with two i've met.  :(

Try to remember that when they close the door, the first thing they do is check their phone to see who's next.....


Offline Thepacifist

The only time i get a bit nervous is when entering a hotel thinking they're gonna stop me. They never have though.


  • Guest
Why would you end up in court prostitution isn't illegal.

I am well aware of that, however it is still classed illegal if the prossie has been 'subjected to force' and even if I don't know it or realise it I am still breaking the law.

Also brothels are still illegal, and could be raided with me in it.

I have no idea how many girls are in the flats sometimes, and as I'm sure are aware, anything more than 2 is classed as a brothel in the eyes of the law.

Offline Tailpipe

I was so pissed most of the time it never entered my head to be nervous  :dance:

Offline HappyandLucky

Seeing a new girl can get the heart pumping, but in a great excitement way.  If I'm with a regular then not so much unless I have jazzed it up a bit and asked the lady in question to wear something special or we have exchanged a few smutty txts just prior to the booking.

If you mean really nervous  then nerves are maybe not so good.  If so try a pint followed by a creme de menthe chaser.  Will either kill or cure.


  • Guest
I have not punted in a while and before I stopped did so pretty regularly for a good few years, and by that point I had no nerves at all, had no problem requesting/asking about services on the phone and then anything else in person.
I had accepted that we both knew why I was there, and by being nervous or keeping my mouth shut I was only making the punt potentially worse for myself, I had reached a punting "Zen" with myself if you like.  :cool:

I am now looking into sorting out punt for the first time in ages, so I will find out if its like riding a bike (fnarr fnarr) or if I will turn into a nervous mess like I used to be when I first started a long long time ago.


  • Guest
If you mean really nervous  then nerves are maybe not so good.  If so try a pint followed by a creme de menthe chaser.  Will either kill or cure.

Jeez, I don't think I'd do that unless the girl was into her Roman Showers.  :vomit:


  • Guest
I am well aware of that, however it is still classed illegal if the prossie has been 'subjected to force' and even if I don't know it or realise it I am still breaking the law.

Also brothels are still illegal, and could be raided with me in it.

I have no idea how many girls are in the flats sometimes, and as I'm sure are aware, anything more than 2 is classed as a brothel in the eyes of the law.

Ah ok didn't realise that. Will bear that in mind I always am curious to find out who is in the other rooms, security or the 1 other girl that I'm always led to believe live there. I think I will use that as an excuse to see. Just say "hey i need to see how many girls are here so we're not engaged in something illegal." Only way to get a look in.

Offline smiths

I am well aware of that, however it is still classed illegal if the prossie has been 'subjected to force' and even if I don't know it or realise it I am still breaking the law.

Also brothels are still illegal, and could be raided with me in it.

I have no idea how many girls are in the flats sometimes, and as I'm sure are aware, anything more than 2 is classed as a brothel in the eyes of the law.

It doesnt have to be 2 or more WGs, just 1 per day BUT other WGs work out of the same premises at ANY other time makes a premises a brothel.

As to getting nicked, yes if its proved a WG has been coerced and/or is underage a punter could get nicked whether he knew or not. All we can do is use our best judgement as punters.


  • Guest
I don't get nervous on a punt.  Haven't for years.  But the day when I fail to get an enjoyable burst of adrenalin at the prospect of what is to come will be the day I give up punting.

Offline smiths

I don't get nervous on a punt.  Haven't for years.  But the day when I fail to get an enjoyable burst of adrenalin at the prospect of what is to come will be the day I give up punting.

Yes same here, it would no longer be worth the cost to me.


  • Guest
The first UK prossie I saw in May last year, I'd just come off a flight to Luton then taxi to the digs, drop-dead gorgeous Hungarian girl comes out, asks how long etc and expects money, reaching into my wallet my hands were literally going into spasms, inherent stinginess vs desire to fuck a beautiful girl got my wiring confused.

Offline Private Parts

I don't get nervous on a punt.  Haven't for years.  But the day when I fail to get an enjoyable burst of adrenalin at the prospect of what is to come will be the day I give up punting.
Have to admit that yesterday was the second time that burst of adrenalin failed to materialise, I am seriously questioning why I do it.
Apart from going through the motions I quite enjoyed the chat, so much so that we ran well overtime and without a care. Must be going soft in more ways than one.
Need to give it a rest