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Author Topic: When do you start your time from during punt?  (Read 2036 times)

Offline Bronson

I’m looking to book more regular one hour bookings or longer.

When do you start the clock from personally and how do you keep eye on the time without ruining the atmosphere of the punt?

Offline LLPunting

It's no point getting wound up about time before the punt.  Go into every one hoping to have a good time NOT "I must have 60 mins".   Your first checkpoint is the arrival, if she's not who you were expecting or giving you a good vibe then WALK.  ONLY proceed if you either don't care how she feels OR you can handle trying to charm and perhaps failing.  The SP may be responsible for how well she treats you (possibly influenced by how you behave) BUT YOU are responsible to yourself for continuing the experience.

Be clear about agreeing services but the key thing is confirming how many times you are allowed to cum.

If you've accepted the above then take your start time from when you hand over the cash; there's usually a chance to check your watch/phone when she ducks out to stash the cash or when you're undressing and placing your clothes.

Once underway the only reasons I become conscious of time is if she's time checking or wasting time.  Otherwise I'm there for the ride and enjoying whatever we get up to. 

Once you pop the first time, this is where a shitty SP may be looking to curtail, you'll have to navigate that situation per your inclination and how much or little time has elapsed.  If you've mis-timed your only pop and have considerable time left on the clock then that's on you.  Hopefully a good SP will be able to do something to entertain you further if that's what you want. 


Offline alabama1

I expect my time to start when she opens the door. And as for keeping an eye on the time, wear a watch. It's not rocket science.

Offline Analist

Majority of SPs are mercenary when it comes to time and will start the clock when you arrive. Some will use the booking time even if they're running late. If you have a shower, it usually comes out of your time.
Sometimes I have difficulty keeping track of how much time is left and simply ask, that does the trick. Many will tell you anyway when you're coming to the end.

Offline lamboman

I expect my time to start when she opens the door. And as for keeping an eye on the time, wear a watch. It's not rocket science.

Same for me.
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Online Colston36

I rarely give it a thought. What interests me is not time but pleasure

Offline alabama1

I rarely give it a thought. What interests me is not time but pleasure
You are paying in excess of £2 per minute and you rarely give it a thought, really ?

Offline lillythesavage

You are paying in excess of £2 per minute and you rarely give it a thought, really ?

What difference does it really make, if you are happy and spent before time, or you are getting no enjoyment at all, what is the point in hanging out the time?

Offline alabama1

What difference does it really make, if you are happy and spent before time, or you are getting no enjoyment at all, what is the point in hanging out the time?
I am not talking about ' hanging out the time', merely keeping track of it.

Offline lillythesavage

I am not talking about ' hanging out the time', merely keeping track of it.

For what though? I am sure they do, and if they are rushing and miserable you will not get any more joy by knowing the time, just a realisation you are getting mugged. Equally if you have got what you want, enjoyed your time, does it really matter if there is a little time on the clock or if it has gone over.

Offline lamboman

You are paying in excess of £2 per minute and you rarely give it a thought, really ?

Well Colston can afford it,so can I but I want value for what I've paid for.
Everyone's different.
Banned reason: Shit stirrer and blocking moderator's PMs
Banned by: daviemac

Offline JonasG

I rarely give it a thought. What interests me is not time but pleasure

Same, never been an issue for me.

But it's cos I always book 30 minutes and usually cum by about 25 minutes in, so I never have to worry about the time as I only have one round and I'm happy.

On the rare occasion I've struggled to cum, I think we've gone over 10 minutes without an issue.

From my experience WGs aren't THAT fussed if you go over by 5-10 minutes, but it's not often I do so I don't have a big history of times it's happened.

But there's been times I've cummed about 20 minutes in and I shoot off as I'm not interested in anything from the WG now.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2022, 12:59:24 pm by JonasG »

Offline HailWood

It's no point getting wound up about time before the punt.  Go into every one hoping to have a good time NOT "I must have 60 mins".   Your first checkpoint is the arrival, if she's not who you were expecting or giving you a good vibe then WALK.  ONLY proceed if you either don't care how she feels OR you can handle trying to charm and perhaps failing.  The SP may be responsible for how well she treats you (possibly influenced by how you behave) BUT YOU are responsible to yourself for continuing the experience.

Be clear about agreeing services but the key thing is confirming how many times you are allowed to cum.

If you've accepted the above then take your start time from when you hand over the cash; there's usually a chance to check your watch/phone when she ducks out to stash the cash or when you're undressing and placing your clothes.

Once underway the only reasons I become conscious of time is if she's time checking or wasting time.  Otherwise I'm there for the ride and enjoying whatever we get up to. 

Once you pop the first time, this is where a shitty SP may be looking to curtail, you'll have to navigate that situation per your inclination and how much or little time has elapsed.  If you've mis-timed your only pop and have considerable time left on the clock then that's on you.  Hopefully a good SP will be able to do something to entertain you further if that's what you want. 

This sums it up nicely for me.

Start and end of punt is defined by the SP. Not surprisingly those who don’t count my time in the shower before and wash up at the end (notwithstanding them joining me in the shower) are the ones who I see regularly.

Offline Thepacifist

I’m looking to book more regular one hour bookings or longer.

When do you start the clock from personally and how do you keep eye on the time without ruining the atmosphere of the punt?

I believe the time starts after I get out of the shower. I usually leave after the second pop.

Offline sensualencounter

This question has been done before (I think on uke / eh) and I can’t believe the number of sad tightwads who really expect shower time not included, any paperwork or a little chat not included AND expect a full 15 / 30 / 60 minutes of non stop sexual action.

A decent escort will manage the time well and you’ll leave with a smile on your face. It seems rather sad and petty to expect every single second to be taken up with action.

Of course on the flip side there are some escorts who string things out, waste time and try to get you out of the door early, which is just as bad.

Offline Waterhouse

I believe the time starts after I get out of the shower. I usually leave after the second pop.
Not always so. Some SPs will allow for shower time beforehand, but a lot include it in the overall booking time.

Offline signy

Not always so. Some SPs will allow for shower time beforehand, but a lot include it in the overall booking time.

True, but there is also an element of booking duration. Going for a 15 minute punt, and then spending 10 minutes in the shower is taking the piss, and I wouldn't blame an SP for laying down the law. OTOH, showering for a few minutes making sure you are properly clean in an hour or longer booking is within the variation of the expected duration, unless the SP is a real clockwatcher. Overall, I would rather waste a few minutes being clean and getting a good service, rather than having an SP deal with my sweaty body and her not being very keen on the meeting.

Offline Crockers

I'm a personal trainer. I only do two hour slots with my clients.

They are of all abilities. Some can stand two hour sessions, some only 45 mins.

Some are really late

Some are early but I ignore them by staying wherever I am where they can't see me until the time to start. That is my personal time.

Any questions/prep before the training session is included in the two hours.

I'm happy to answer any pre session questions they may have online, beforehand, as long as it doesn't turn into table tennis.

The lessons always finish after two hours. That is then my time.

Any client who tries to push that - they never have - will be dealt with professionally but firmly.

ALL my clients get charged the same rate.

I am paid for my time.

I expect any decent professional escort to have the same boundaries as I do in my work.

« Last Edit: August 08, 2022, 05:03:40 pm by Crockers »

Offline Stevelondon

Timing is different for different punts I suppose.

If I’m having an hours sensual massage (one pop edging thing)….  Then I want to cum pretty close to the hour so I can maybe shower if available etc.

Roleplays the same…….. one or two hours please.

Had punts where I’ve paid for the hour and because things just developed where I’ve popped after 40 minutes let’s say. Unless she wants me to hang around (if I like her)……… I just bugger off.

As others say. I’m that way inclined where I am not so much interested in the time as the service given in the timeframe.

BTW…… I have a watch 😂
« Last Edit: August 08, 2022, 10:19:17 pm by Stevelondon »

Offline Roman77

In my early days I was conscious of the time during a 30 min appointment. For me it started as soon as the door opened. This usually matched their service of in, out and go! I also felt there was a lack of hygiene during these appointments as no shower was offered.
Now in my advanced years I book an hour as it seems to me less rushed but long enough to enjoy myself without clock watching. I've met a few ladies over the years who've been friendly and told me the shower before and after wasn't included in my time. It made my time with the SP more enjoyable  although I rarely went over my time.

Offline Malvolio

It all depends on the WG, so doesn't really matter when you start your time from.  However, I have become a master of the 90-second shower.

Online Colston36

You are paying in excess of £2 per minute and you rarely give it a thought, really ?

Yes, really. I'm not a miserable actuary. What was that hilarious old TV show? "Never mind the quality, feel the length". I have one I saw today who I pay for an hour but we rarely spend less than 90 minutes - a lot of it just talking. On Wednesday I shall see another for an hour but I rarely spend more than 45 minutes. So fucking what? She makes me happy. Thy both do.

Offline Cheltclient

For me, if I book at 10am for an hour, I assume the booking will end at 11am. If the SP is ten minutes late, I expect 11:10am (I know, simple maths). I’ve always assumed shower and chit chat comes out of your time so I shower quickly and get things started quickly. Sometimes, if I really want to have a longer session, I’ll book 90 mins. Haven’t done that for a while though.

In the past, I have had girls run 15/20 mins late and then unexpectedly suggest at the end of the original hour, time is up, despite them being responsible for the delayed start time. For a while, I did have a habit of texting to make sure the full hour was available before heading up.

Offline Atrueyorkie

If everything flow was it should exactly when the appointed date is set.

I.e. 4pm, I expected it to end at 5pm if booked.

Only time I’d expect a shift is if I’m running late or the WG is. Then I’d adjust.

Offline Marmalade

There’s no rule. But I usually wear a watch. Prossie watches are unusual — the big hand seems determined to catch up with the little hand faster than mine. I often make a point of looking at mine and saying the time out loud followed by, ‘so we’ve got 30 until XX:xx’.

Sometimes they’re immovable. Another client booked in back to back; so it can be necessary to be very clear when the session started. Even so there’s the “time for coffee and a pie”. This is attempted by the prossie cheerily saying (10-15 mins before the end) “we’ve only got five minutes left”.

In such a situation, the gentlemanly thing to do of course, instead of yelling, “is it fuck!! :dash: but to go autopilot and check your watch and say gently kindly, as if addressing a child with half a brain, “It’s ok, we’ve got 15 minutes actually”  :P (big smile). If she repeats the retard phrase, just say the correct estimation again in a sweet voice while eyeballing the cunt, watch extended kindly. At this point, she may claim your watch is wrong, and since you’ve left your Rolex at home she might just win: but at least you tried.  :D

Offline chadpitt

The time starts as soon as my clothes are off.

Any other approach is just an excuse for time wasting.

Offline big-al93

Time starts when you enter the flat, unless it is a SP who insists all clients shower, if I turn up freshly showered and ready to go, I am happy enough to have another, but that should not be on my time. (would be different if I turned up dirty and had the choice of shower or go away, as that would be my fault)

Offline myothernameis

I’m looking to book more regular one hour bookings or longer.

When do you start the clock from personally and how do you keep eye on the time without ruining the atmosphere of the punt?

Guess it will also depend on the escort, and if she has any other booking on that day

So if you book escort for a 2 hr booking, to start at 13:00, so I would say, escort allows a extra 10 min's, so this booking will end around 15:10.

The next booking is scheduled for 15:45, so plenty of time for the escort to get ready

Offline Marmalade

The time starts as soon as my clothes are off.

Any other approach is just an excuse for time wasting.

A good reason to be wearing a minimum?

You’ll know the routine where she goes to put the money away, maybe saying, “I’ll just let you get ready” and then takes ages. Doesn’t happen too often but if it’s more than two minutes to stuff it in her cookie jar I’ll do a visible time check with her when she comes back. If she takes a shower as well, that’s taking the piss (unless she acknowledges the time starts afterwards).

Offline Mr Sinister

A good reason to be wearing a minimum?

You’ll know the routine where she goes to put the money away, maybe saying, “I’ll just let you get ready” and then takes ages. Doesn’t happen too often but if it’s more than two minutes to stuff it in her cookie jar I’ll do a visible time check with her when she comes back. If she takes a shower as well, that’s taking the piss (unless she acknowledges the time starts afterwards).


Punt starts when wg and I have stripped off I always do an audible time check before this happens to make the wg aware of time.

All of this time starts when you walk through the door business will lose you 20 minutes.

Offline Stevelondon

I’m with Colston on this one. Why should I worry about 5 or 10 minutes here and there. I have better things to be concerning myself with than that.

But as we are all different. There will be two pop punters out there who want to get the exact number of shag minutes out of their meet. 😂

If I’m short changed on time and it’s a poor punt I shall review it accordingly.
But I’ve had some great hourly punts that have worked out at 50 or so minutes. Am I going to sit there so I get my exact time.

Offline sensualencounter


Punt starts when wg and I have stripped off I always do an audible time check before this happens to make the wg aware of time.

All of this time starts when you walk through the door business will lose you 20 minutes.
20 minutes??  Wtf do you get up to? And if it takes you 20 minutes to get undressed and wash them you’re doing something seriously wrong and the escort really should make sure that comes out of your time.

Offline LLPunting

A good reason to be wearing a minimum?

You’ll know the routine where she goes to put the money away, maybe saying, “I’ll just let you get ready” and then takes ages. Doesn’t happen too often but if it’s more than two minutes to stuff it in her cookie jar I’ll do a visible time check with her when she comes back. If she takes a shower as well, that’s taking the piss (unless she acknowledges the time starts afterwards).

So you're the Mankini Punter!

Offline WelshClipper

I rarely give it a thought. What interests me is not time but pleasure

Me too.

At best I am in the company of a complete stranger and once I've done the business I am usually ready to leave. There is little else to say or do. If I am satisfied then the SP is welcome to my unused 5 or 10 minutes  :rolleyes:

Offline Punterperson1971

My last review in June this one
Don’t think it can be beaten it was 30 minute booking but ended up around 2/2.5 hours (give or take a few minutes)for about 5 mins of sex I was that turned on,all her fault

Offline Timkitchen

I’ve generally always shot off if I came and it’s a 30 min meet. In an hours meet I know I can cum twice so a bit of chat in between and then I know I’ll be around the 50 min mark once I’ve finished.

More recently had a couple of brilliant meets with the same SP, came about 30 mins into a 45 min meet and sat talking and cuddling after which was a really nice touch and was still offered a shower after I made the point of getting up to leave.