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Author Topic: Self Medication  (Read 858 times)

Offline S.X. MacHine

It began with vague itch/discomfort in the upper part of my urethra, which then did not go away. So, having foregone carnal pleasures for a couple of weeks, I consulted the excellent NHS website, one of the few functioning parts of the health service. Matching my symptoms to the various diseases offered, I concluded that I had non gonococcal urethritis, for which the standard cure is Doxycycline.
How to access this antibiotic; clap clinic or family doctor? The latter option meant sending a message on a website to presumed cyber doctor somewhere. With a picture. Too bashful to be sending dick pics at my age, I decided to self medicate without a swab and analysis, on a ‘what the heck’ basis.
So, for around a fiver, doctor fox supplied a week’s course of doxycycline 100 mg. Three days into the course, which I shall complete, I am symptom free.
I guess I was fortunate, so I’m not meaning to recommend others to act as I did. It’s just that my course of action seemed easier than accessing the health service.

Offline lillythesavage

There is no requirement to send pictures, just an option that has helped me on a couple times get a very quick appointment and therefore treatment.
The message goes to your GP practice and I can not understand why people are so against discussing things with them, it is what they are there for and heard it all before.

You got lucky, but could have got it wrong, been in discomfort for longer and taken drugs you did not need, the GUM clinic would have been my first point of call, they will see you quickly if you have symptoms, and have def seen far worse before.

Offline lamboman

Self medication will be on the rise no doubt as so many people struggle to access the 3 day week hard working NHS GPs.
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Offline S.X. MacHine

There is no requirement to send pictures, just an option that has helped me on a couple times get a very quick appointment and therefore treatment.
The message goes to your GP practice and I can not understand why people are so against discussing things with them, it is what they are there for and heard it all before.

You got lucky, but could have got it wrong, been in discomfort for longer and taken drugs you did not need, the GUM clinic would have been my first point of call, they will see you quickly if you have symptoms, and have def seen far worse before.

I think you are right. It could have gone either way but, as you say, I got lucky. Anyhow,  I saved a bit by abstaining from punting.

Offline Watts.E.Dunn

Doxy, the antibotic of choice for the calp and like diseases bacteria based STI's..:)

Online Doc Holliday

So you lied on the Dr Fox Medical questionnaire and said you had a positive chlamydia test?

Offline Vic69

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If self medicating with doxycycline please make sure you read the information leaflet.....don't take it before bed/laying down (you will get a nasty bout of gastritis), don't take with anything containing zinc, take with a full glass of water, doxycycline make you more sensitive to sunlight....there are loads of other things you need to watch with doxycycline, it can be a nasty drug if not taken properly.  The best thing to do is get a proper diagnosis from a dr or clinic, but I do get why people use online doctors these days, but be very cautious if you do.

Offline Watts.E.Dunn

If self medicating with doxycycline please make sure you read the information leaflet.....don't take it before bed/laying down (you will get a nasty bout of gastritis), don't take with anything containing zinc, take with a full glass of water, doxycycline make you more sensitive to sunlight....there are loads of other things you need to watch with doxycycline, it can be a nasty drug if not taken properly.  The best thing to do is get a proper diagnosis from a dr or clinic, but I do get why people use online doctors these days, but be very cautious if you do.

Good advice from the wise woman, but i can tell you it causes less of the runs, a very common antibotice side effect!, than many others!