Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Are WG's feeling the pinch?  (Read 24418 times)

Offline hamchang

Went to see a Thai SP today in Swindon. I reviewed her last week so not going to do another one. I was her first punted since Saturday morning. I was quite amazed by that. Anyone else heard similar stories or comments? If the money isn't there they will pack it in I assume. Might be a good thing for the punter with prices becoming more competitive, and a return the "all in" prices and away with these long list of extras.

Who knows?

Offline a1000punts

pack it in and do what instead?
Banned reason: Abusive, troll like posts.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Jayj

Not the ones I’ve visited recently, they are all as busy as ever.

Offline rickyponting

pack it in and do what instead?


Lost count of the number of Thais I have met who do it because they can't or won't do anything else.

Usually get over here with much older husband who snuff it,so Thai massage it is.

Online mr.bluesky

Went to see a Thai SP today in Swindon. I reviewed her last week so not going to do another one. I was her first punted since Saturday morning. I was quite amazed by that. Anyone else heard similar stories or comments? If the money isn't there they will pack it in I assume. Might be a good thing for the punter with prices becoming more competitive, and a return the "all in" prices and away with these long list of extras.

Who knows?

No they just keep putting their prices up hoping to recuperate lost earnings but they can't see that it just drives even more punters away  :unknown:

Online Colston36

Went to see a Thai SP today in Swindon. I reviewed her last week so not going to do another one. I was her first punted since Saturday morning. I was quite amazed by that. Anyone else heard similar stories or comments? If the money isn't there they will pack it in I assume. Might be a good thing for the punter with prices becoming more competitive, and a return the "all in" prices and away with these long list of extras.

Who knows?

I wager the same thing applies to whoring as anything else; the Pareto principle states 80% of the money goes to 20% 20% of providers. I applies to every market though the % ages vary (I think i read that 80% of gin is consumed by 2% of boozers.)

Offline Whiteknight

Not in Brighton, all the good ones are busy, hard to get a same day booking  :diablo:

Online Coriniumstud

No,Swindon’s had an influx of Rom’s charging £120/hour and offering bb :dash:

Offline chadpitt

No they just keep putting their prices up hoping to recuperate lost earnings but they can't see that it just drives even more punters away  :unknown:

Their stupidity knows no bounds. But then they try "clever" tactics like bumping their shorter rates but keeping their hourly rates, you can the same. But then trying to rush clients out early in and 1 cum policies in an hour.

This industry is more supply driven than demand and leaving the EU has destroyed supply.

Offline s0whatsnew?

I wager the same thing applies to whoring as anything else; the Pareto principle states 80% of the money goes to 20% 20% of providers. I applies to every market though the % ages vary (I think i read that 80% of gin is consumed by 2% of boozers.)

There was an interesting piece on 'Moneybox' R4 earlier on the legalization of MaryJane in California.  The assumption had been that the underground dealers would be driven out of business.  In fact the tax rates on the legits is so high that the illegits can massively undercut the legits.  So the illegits can now raise their prices, put on smart suits and shopfronts and pretend to be legal, complete with fake tax certificates !! 

I can see the sex industry here going the same way.  Most WG's from the far east/EE have their rates set by their Sergei's who operate along ruthless ultra-capitalist lines.  How things might evolve remains to be seen.

Offline Pennine Rover

It must be tough for those who tour.  Very few hotels under £100, many £150 plus the cost of fuel.

Offline adamza

I've definitely reduced the frequency of my punting this year. I hope more fellow punters are doing the same, hopefully we can apply some downward pressure on the average cost of a punt as it has become pretty ridiculous. I've heard of WGs saying that they have had to increase prices due to cost of living - which is absolute horse shit as they were already earning enormous amounts of money (per hour worked).

I'm not sure when it became normal for WGs to charge in excess of £90phh/£160ph, and I'm convinced that WGs would actually earn money with more reasonable price points (£70hh/£120h)...hopefully the market will correct itself...

Offline Dipper

I've definitely reduced the frequency of my punting this year. I hope more fellow punters are doing the same, hopefully we can apply some downward pressure on the average cost of a punt as it has become pretty ridiculous. I've heard of WGs saying that they have had to increase prices due to cost of living - which is absolute horse shit as they were already earning enormous amounts of money (per hour worked).

I'm not sure when it became normal for WGs to charge in excess of £90phh/£160ph, and I'm convinced that WGs would actually earn money with more reasonable price points (£70hh/£120h)...hopefully the market will correct itself...

Agree with this, I’ve also cut back and am far more selective than I used to be since even below par WG’s are asking stunner type prices.

This and of course the good folk of UKP are saving me pots of cash to use on better punts.

Offline andyitc

Many of the Thai girls who tour are in the country on visas. This makes it hard for them to get UK bank accounts or to rent accommodation.

 There are landlords who are willing to rent to them on a weekly basis and that is usually about £400.

These are often premises that are rented out by Thai girls who have UK passports from a landlord and then sub let to the touring girls.

This is of course paid in cash.

That is now increasing to about £500 because of increasing costs in the UK economy.

The girls are being squeezed from both sides. Their costs are increasing by about 20% whilst the amount of disposable income that men have is massively reduced.

 A lot of them are getting desperate now as they are not always earning enough to pay the rent each week.

It's easy to be critical about the price rises that are happening but its isn't always greed on the part of the girls although I appreciate that can sometimes be the case

Offline Bum Lovin Criminal

I know one girl in Leeds has to pay £175 a day for her 'place of work'.that's just a one bed Beeston!.. :scare:

Offline southcoastpunter

the OPs question was "are WGs feeling the pinch?"

The above couple of posts may explain why they could well be.

Are prices coming down because of it?.......i see no evidence of it and the vast majority of comments on here (wider UKP and not just this thread) are more about prices continuing to increase.

Are prices likely to come down in the future?........personally i don't think so. History shows they haven't in the past during tough economic times and we are dealing with WG's logic and not simple supply and demand economic theories so i am sticking to my thoughts of "not likely to see much in the way of price reductions". I hope i am wrong!!

Offline Jayjay1

Depends on the WG, I seen some on my list put up prices and some has dropped them and some even increased their service with no price hike.

WG just like ppl with regular jobs when it comes to wage increase, if your good at what you do and have secure clients you can afford to increase prices and not worry.

Offline lamboman

I know one girl in Leeds has to pay £175 a day for her 'place of work'.that's just a one bed Beeston!.. :scare:

Well she's plain stupid there's no accounting for that.
Banned reason: Shit stirrer and blocking moderator's PMs
Banned by: daviemac

Offline FiveKnuckles

post punt chat with a girl.  asked her how business was with the CoL crisis and got some half truths;

- she tours so has a few clients a day.  Just got back from hols and dropped prices for some fast cash.  Says she didn't use to offer 15min meets and actually doesn't mind them as the money is good.
- says she pays £160 for the room per day and hope to make a small profit.  No way she pays £160 for daily room at that location.  £60-100 max IMO else she'd be better of with a chain hotel in a better location.
- pays £10 per day in fees.

definitely over stating the expenses to justify the rates. 

Online Mr Sinister

WG just like ppl with regular jobs when it comes to wage increase, if your good at what you do and have secure clients you can afford to increase prices and not worry.

I would say people who own businesses, I know a some business owners who have recently increased their rates and seen no drop in client numbers. If you provide a good business with value people will not mind paying the increase.

WG who are young, attractive, provide a good service and has a steady client base can do this or those who have a USP. But when I see old out of shape or some average looking minger increasing their prices I can only laugh, they will be the ones feeling the pinch.

Right now is a good time to be very selective on who you part your cash with.

Offline willie loman

 dont imagine many tourers in edinburgh stay in hotels, but 2 girls booking an airbnb is common enough, and makes the tour affordable, as has been observed good girls always do well, and i truly  doubt whether the average punter is feeling the squeeze, cost of living is a problem in the main for young people with kids.

Offline lamboman

  cost of living is a problem in the main for young people with kids.

Really?I think you'll find the middle class is getting squeezed pretty hard.
Banned reason: Shit stirrer and blocking moderator's PMs
Banned by: daviemac

Offline willie loman

Really?I think you'll find the middle class is getting squeezed pretty hard.

those with kids yes, but few punters have young kids, thats my hunch, the ones i see in sauna lounges dont have that profile.

Offline Tomcat

Everyone is feeling the pinch, these girls need our trade it's their bread and butter the cost of renting a room house hotel all gone up, sooner or later I hope they realise less punters and to tempt them back is to reduce the price, disposable income tight for some punters including me.

Offline Tomcat

No,Swindon’s had an influx of Rom’s charging £120/hour and offering bb :dash:

Bloody rip off merchant's, I hope there pussy dries up like their cash.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2022, 08:51:40 pm by Tomcat »

Offline Gmoney77

the OPs question was "are WGs feeling the pinch?"

The above couple of posts may explain why they could well be.

Are prices coming down because of it?.......i see no evidence of it and the vast majority of comments on here (wider UKP and not just this thread) are more about prices continuing to increase.

Are prices likely to come down in the future?........personally i don't think so. History shows they haven't in the past during tough economic times and we are dealing with WG's logic and not simple supply and demand economic theories so i am sticking to my thoughts of "not likely to see much in the way of price reductions". I hope i am wrong!!

Historically vices such as drugs, alcohol, cigarettes and prostitution thrives in recessions. The theory is that as everything else goes to shit people look for escapism and immediate “highs”. Obviously in the sex industry it’s predominantly men as the consumers, who may lose their house, job or otherwise see aspects of their life curtailed and unable to progress in life. How many men are more likely to punt when the missus is giving them more of a hard time as a result of life being less comfortable for example?

Offline estats

I've contributed a lot on these sort of threads since the turn of the year.

I was talking long about inflation and market bubbles before it was even on most peoples radar.

As history shows us, inflation isn't spotted as a problem until it is with us, and by then it is too late due to the lagging indicators we use.

If you think it is bad now, wait until later in the year. It will get much worse, before it gets better. And I'm still not convinced it will return to target in 2023 or early 2024, so we have another 18 months of inflation in the system.

Remember the bank of englands fairytale remains interest rates of around 2% will resolve 11% inflation, no recession and by 2023 all will be well with the world.

The nightmare scenario would be us being in a recession with very high inflation, I'm talking stagflation on a scale not witnessed before in most peoples lifetime.

It is obvious a lot of assets are in bubbles and will crash (many already have started). It is also obvious (or should be), anyone in a discretionary spend environment will see their business hit hard. I suspect the reality of this will start to become apparent in the next earnings season.

In the escorting world I thought we would see a bubble in prices around this spring into summer, but we would see declining prices in absolute terms (let alone real terms) as we move into winter. The only thing holding prices up is a lack of supply, like a lot of sectors, but I suspect we will see an increase in supply in the next few months which will see prices drop. I've seen no evidence to make me think this won't be the case.

As always, the majority of people are too busy to look at a lot of this sort of data, so will be in complete shock when petrol is over £2.50 a litre and their energy bill is min £3.5k in a few months and they realise the interest rate on their mortgage as they come out of fixes will be thousands more a year.

I think it is almost certain we are in or will soon be in a wage-price spiral across sectors, and we will realise the misallocation of capital over the last decade is of such a scale, the economic pain to correct it will be damaging in ways we possibly don't even understand yet.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2022, 07:45:23 am by estats »

Offline estats

« Last Edit: July 14, 2022, 07:45:03 am by estats »

Offline chadpitt

I've contributed a lot on these sort of threads since the turn of the year.

I was talking long about inflation and market bubbles before it was even on most peoples radar.

As history shows us, inflation isn't spotted as a problem until it is with us, and by then it is too late due to the lagging indicators we use.

If you think it is bad now, wait until later in the year. It will get much worse, before it gets better. And I'm still not convinced it will return to target in 2023 or early 2024, so we have another 18 months of inflation in the system.

Remember the bank of englands fairytale remains interest rates of around 2% will resolve 11% inflation, no recession and by 2023 all will be well with the world.

The nightmare scenario would be us being in a recession with very high inflation, I'm talking stagflation on a scale not witnessed before in most peoples lifetime.

It is obvious a lot of assets are in bubbles and will crash (many already have started). It is also obvious (or should be), anyone in a discretionary spend environment will see their business hit hard. I suspect the reality of this will start to become apparent in the next earnings season.

In the escorting world I thought we would see a bubble in prices around this spring into summer, but we would see declining prices in absolute terms (let alone real terms) as we move into winter. The only thing holding prices up is a lack of supply, like a lot of sectors, but I suspect we will see an increase in supply in the next few months which will see prices drop. I've seen no evidence to make me think this won't be the case.

As always, the majority of people are too busy to look at a lot of this sort of data, so will be in complete shock when petrol is over £2.50 a litre and their energy bill is min £3.5k in a few months and they realise the interest rate on their mortgage as they come out of fixes will be thousands more a year.

I think it is almost certain we are in or will soon be in a wage-price spiral across sectors, and we will realise the misallocation of capital over the last decade is of such a scale, the economic pain to correct it will be damaging in ways we possibly don't even understand yet.

When it comes to economis you're right. But WG's are demented and egotistical. The market is supply senstivie, rather than demand sensitive. There's always going to be chumps who pay £100 per hh.

The supply problem won't sort itself because we've let the EU and there's no free movement of people. Native WGs aren't willing to do SW on the same level or prices as foreigners. So even if more natives do SW, they'll just charge stupid high prices and give crap services.

The only solution to the price problem is to re-open the borders and let the fit women in.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2022, 08:53:25 am by chadpitt »

Offline FiveKnuckles

The only solution to the price problem is to re-open the borders and let the fit women in.

lets all blame priti and her fat ass for the lack of hotties  :D

Offline chadpitt

lets all blame priti and her fat ass for the lack of hotties  :D

No blame Boris, Jacob and the rest of those turds.

Ali G was right.

External Link/Members Only

Offline simon07

Note sure how i ended up here:
External Link/Members Only

It seems like WGs are finding it slow.
Did they copy the UKP model as the site looks similar?

Offline Bum Lovin Criminal

No blame Boris, Jacob and the rest of those turds.

Ali G was right.

External Link/Members Only

Cheers for that Mr CP.

Absolutely PML.. :lol:  cheered up my Thursday.   That's one Government policy I can firmly support.. :thumbsup:

Offline pantywetter

I have noticed it’s much easier to get a booking, and the edge has definetly come off the prices at London agencies such as Diva and Babylon where I usually punt. 

Offline MysteryManNo.7

I'm wondering if the heatwave will affect them. I've certainly cut down the amount I punt, due to price increase not heat, but there's no way I would be up for a vigorous shag in this weather.,

You would have to be a fucking lunatic to want to shag on Sunday through Tuesday this week when it's due to be absolutely boiling!  :diablo:

Offline Vice Admiral

External Link/Members Only
It seems like WGs are finding it slow.

Very interesting.

I note, however, that this "Slow at the minute or just me?" thread on Saafe dates back to 29 October 2008 ... consists of  896 pages ... and has been read 1,694,049 times!

But then "Ain't business bad at the moment?" has always been a British grumble, like the weather.

However, as several of us have observed on other threads over the past couple of years, I do think that the oldest profession is now going through something of an existential crisis   Put simply, there are increasing numbers of men – though, demonstrably, not most members of this site – who are happy to limit their paid-for engagement with attractive young women to online flirting, photos, videos, web-cam and so on.

So, for a hard-up young woman with good looks, what's not to like?  You can make decent money without ever having to leave your bedroom or get your hands dirty.
My guess is that a significant number of the girls who advertise themselves on sites such as Seeking would, twenty years ago, have been plying their trade on Adult Work.  Meanwhile, in my part of the country anyway, AW is mainly populated by Romanians and Brazilians, and English girls who have been on the site for years – plus a bit of "young blood" charging outrageous prices.

You would think that the long-serving English girls on AW would be doing good business, since the choice is so poor compared to the old days.  If they're not, then one reason, as I have implied, may be that onanism is slowly taking over the world.

Perhaps it's Nature's way of trying to limit population growth? If so, it's a trend that needs to accelerate rapidly.

« Last Edit: July 16, 2022, 08:11:49 am by Vice Admiral »

Offline lillythesavage

Very interesting.

My guess is that a significant number of the girls who advertise themselves on sites such as Seeking would, twenty years ago, have been plying their trade on Adult Work.  Meanwhile, in my part of the country anyway, AW is mainly populated by Romanians and Brazilians, and English girls who have been on the site for years – plus a bit of "young blood" charging outrageous prices.

Just about every area has Romanians and Brazilians, but still we get the old blame Brexit posts :D, if it is so difficult to get in, how do they do it?

Better education and readily available employment also has a lot to do with it for young Brits, so does the costs involved in a location, the stigma attached by anti prostitution media, the risks of exposure now even deleted posts and pictures can be found, other reasons too.

For willing Young Brits, those paying for pics and video, seeking etc have become a far better option and they use them to get through education and to top up income, a full time career holds no appeal whatsoever nor does advertising themselves on the net on pro sites.

Read the seeking threads, they are demanding high fees and not inclined to budge, which means someone is paying it, my own experience last weekend confirmed it, if they can get a weeks wages in one night they are going to do it, rather than have an AW profile and all the hassles of it.

Offline Vice Admiral

Just about every area has Romanians and Brazilians, but still we get the old blame Brexit posts, if it is so difficult to get in, how do they do it?

Ten years ago, if my memory serves me right, most of the Romanian girls advertising on AW were in the 18-23 age range.   Now they are typically in their late twenties.

I'm no expert on post-Brexit immigration law, but my suspicion is that most of the Romanian girls currently here were probably in the UK – and "in the system" – before Brexit.

I've just done an "all-UK" AW search on Romanian girls.  With no age filter, the total was 1443.  With only those aged 18-23 included, the total was 324.  Less than a quarter.  And quite a few of those 324 have probably knocked a few years off their ages. 

Offline lillythesavage

Ten years ago, if my memory serves me right, most of the Romanian girls advertising on AW were in the 18-23 age range.   Now they are typically in their late twenties.

I'm no expert on post-Brexit immigration law, but my suspicion is that most of the Romanian girls currently here were probably in the UK – and "in the system" – before Brexit.

I've just done an "all-UK" AW search on Romanian girls.  With no age filter, the total was 1443.  With only those aged 18-23 included, the total was 324.  Less than a quarter.  And quite a few of those 324 have probably knocked a few years off their ages.

If that is the case there was nothing stopping Poles or anyone else doing exactly the same  :unknown:, but we had a pandemic that clearly has been forgotten about and sent a lot of people home, and some found it better at home or simply decided the hassle is not worth it or had enough cash to last a while.

Brexit was not the major cause in a drop in numbers.

Offline robsmith149

More Roms than ever on VS around here, maybe they're using that instead of AW as it's less verification hassle on there.

Online Alexmck

Some girls are on more multiple sites and new photos.

Trying to drum up interest?

Offline estats

When it comes to economis you're right. But WG's are demented and egotistical. The market is supply senstivie, rather than demand sensitive. There's always going to be chumps who pay £100 per hh.

The supply problem won't sort itself because we've let the EU and there's no free movement of people. Native WGs aren't willing to do SW on the same level or prices as foreigners. So even if more natives do SW, they'll just charge stupid high prices and give crap services.

The only solution to the price problem is to re-open the borders and let the fit women in.

We've long had this debate as you know chad! I'll summate my thinking;

1 - escorting has a very low barrier to entry versus the high margins on offer. That means supply side recovery could be much quicker than many would anticipate. Remember, Brexit was about creating global Britain, not closing borders. And I must comment, we are starting to see a lot of anecdotal evidence Brazilians coming over, for example. I do agree this is also a supply side issue, but I think recovery in supply in this market could and will be much quicker than other sectors.

2 - We take demand side. Many do not follow monetary policy closely, but essentially this sets demand in the economy. Here, the central bank has now 2 clear choices, neither are good for demand.

a - Central banks continue to tighten policy to tackle inflation, the cost of borrowing continues to increase and many people have reduced amounts of either equity or cash as that what they have will be required to fund the borrowing they have (i'm talking as many fixed rates mortgages end, etc). So, naturally, people have less to spend in the economy and ultimately central banks will tip the economy to recession.

b - Central banks pivot away from fighting inflation, to tackle an economy in recession. Only, inflation is left beyond target. Again, in real terms many people are much worse off as inflation erodes their income and the cost of very basic items in life outpace wage increases.

The point I'm making I see no way in which demand is sustained in either scenario a or b. Demand will fall over the next 12 months and more.

So even with stable supply and falling demand, prices in high margin businesses have to reduce.

In a scenario where supply increases (eg it's quite an easy industry anyone can sign-up for to earn extra cash fast due to the cost of living crisis), and demand reduces, then prices collapse in real terms.

These are economic realities no one will escape.

I believe there are always big whales in every market that sustain a limited number of prices among a limited number of people. However, a millionaire russian in london etc will not sustain an entire market.

My basic position has been the same since late winter. There is no way assests or discretionary spend items will sustain current levels of pricing. The choice in all these asset classes will be very clear, reduce your pricing or go out of business. simple. The reality will hit hard from the autumn.

Offline workinallweek

 Any sp touring can get into a premier inn or similar for around £50 to £100 a night (booked in advance ) in most areas .

 So at 120 an hour thats 30 mins a day working to cover expenses

At 120 an hour most sp will get bookings so say 3 a day

on a 3 day tour  thats £1080  for a £150 to £300  outlay  for 9 hours work   .

On another note  i have been contacted by sp's offering incalls hen they previously didnt  and offering longeroutcalls (my preference) when they refused before .
Banned reason: Offering glowing positive reviews for free bookings.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline workinallweek

 my earings depend on people spending money with me . so my spending is goverend like that as well

 my bills are increasing (both business and personal)  so my disposable income is reducing

 so my punting is reducing and the idea of risking punting funds on a new girl is going out of the window
Banned reason: Offering glowing positive reviews for free bookings.
Banned by: daviemac

Online Alexmck

 so my punting is reducing and the idea of risking punting funds on a new girl is going out of the window

Sounds familiar from the last downturn

Offline Roman77

The current financial climate doesn’t seem to be affecting NI. Touring SP’s mostly charging between £180-£200 per hour. Somebody must be paying as there’s no sign of any rates dropping.
I suppose it’s down to supply and demand but too expensive for my pocket.

Offline workinallweek

The current financial climate doesn’t seem to be affecting NI. Touring SP’s mostly charging between £180-£200 per hour. Somebody must be paying as there’s no sign of any rates dropping.
I suppose it’s down to supply and demand but too expensive for my pocket.

guess they are happy earning more per meeting but havent realised they earn less overall   who knows
Banned reason: Offering glowing positive reviews for free bookings.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline willie loman

i always laugh at these posts, as punters cite economic laws, and predict price drops as being inevitable, 15 years of serious punting, prices creep up, girls in general, enter the market, if they dont make any money, they leave the market,the next day, other girls turn up, a tiny minority might drop their prices, but ive never noticed, and am fairly vigilant about that sort of thing.the fact is there is never going to be a disruptor in commercial sex, like ryan air, we will always pay a bit more than we are happy to pay.

Offline chadpitt

We've long had this debate as you know chad! I'll summate my thinking;

1 - escorting has a very low barrier to entry versus the high margins on offer. That means supply side recovery could be much quicker than many would anticipate. Remember, Brexit was about creating global Britain, not closing borders. And I must comment, we are starting to see a lot of anecdotal evidence Brazilians coming over, for example. I do agree this is also a supply side issue, but I think recovery in supply in this market could and will be much quicker than other sectors.

2 - We take demand side. Many do not follow monetary policy closely, but essentially this sets demand in the economy. Here, the central bank has now 2 clear choices, neither are good for demand.

a - Central banks continue to tighten policy to tackle inflation, the cost of borrowing continues to increase and many people have reduced amounts of either equity or cash as that what they have will be required to fund the borrowing they have (i'm talking as many fixed rates mortgages end, etc). So, naturally, people have less to spend in the economy and ultimately central banks will tip the economy to recession.

b - Central banks pivot away from fighting inflation, to tackle an economy in recession. Only, inflation is left beyond target. Again, in real terms many people are much worse off as inflation erodes their income and the cost of very basic items in life outpace wage increases.

The point I'm making I see no way in which demand is sustained in either scenario a or b. Demand will fall over the next 12 months and more.

So even with stable supply and falling demand, prices in high margin businesses have to reduce.

In a scenario where supply increases (eg it's quite an easy industry anyone can sign-up for to earn extra cash fast due to the cost of living crisis), and demand reduces, then prices collapse in real terms.

These are economic realities no one will escape.

I believe there are always big whales in every market that sustain a limited number of prices among a limited number of people. However, a millionaire russian in london etc will not sustain an entire market.

My basic position has been the same since late winter. There is no way assests or discretionary spend items will sustain current levels of pricing. The choice in all these asset classes will be very clear, reduce your pricing or go out of business. simple. The reality will hit hard from the autumn.

1 - Escorting is low barrier, high margins. But also high risk! If you get found out, it could ruin your life. So even if it's easy to enter, not many people are willing to shag strangers for money. The so called Brazillians are probably Roms.

2 - The BoE have already said they want to create a new recession just to fight inflation. So yes less damand.

But! This is a big but! WG's are nonsensical! Even if they had fewer clients they will refuse to lower prices on principle. They attribute price to their own self worth and they only put prices up.

Even your point about people spending less, hasn't stopped business from raising prices because their prices have gone up. Even restaurants which are already low-margin are having to bump up prices.

There's already record food bank usage and many people don't even have £500 of savings. So where is the price falls or even supply increases.