Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Is the sauna scene dying and what happened to their reviews?  (Read 14845 times)

Offline Matrix

Edinburgh had such a thriving sauna scene for years. They were a goldmine of convenience and talent. I used to frequent them several times a week for over a decade but the slide started about 15 years ago and the police action a decade ago didn't help things. Some were left to ruin while others were always badly run.

Are there so few folk using them now that we can only manage half a dozen review this year or is it a discretion issue?

I'd love them to get back to their former glory but I don't see the sana model being viable for much longer, if it even still is.

Are they still viable and why do others think we get so few reviews on them, these days?

The previous 2 years easily being explained by covid but not this year.

I should add, I'm partly to blame as I haven't reviewed one in 2 years and haven't returned since they reopened after covid 

Lack of information on them keeps me from returning and probably a few others.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2022, 12:40:01 pm by Matrix »

Offline Matrix

Are we slowing heading towards the "Glasgow model"?

Offline maxxblue

Are we slowing heading towards the "Glasgow model"?

What do you mean by the 'Glasgow model' please, Matrix?

Offline oddson1970

What do you mean by the 'Glasgow model' please, Matrix?
there are no saunas / parlours in glasgow any more

Offline Matrix

What do you mean by the 'Glasgow model' please, Matrix?

What Oddson said.

They had quite a few through there until the late 90's I think?

We had a taste of their "model" through here, 10 years ago, when they amalgamated the Scottish police forces into 1 Glasgow centric force.

It seems to be going the same way here, if not indirectly and perhaps a result of a few others factors.
I do believe the clown in charge is or soon will be running the MET.

Offline Joe Tortolano

Can’t really add much to why the sauna scene appears to be dying as only been twice I believe. Once before Covid and once after, and it’s a set up that’s not for me. I find it a bit of an anachronism. I don’t like that you go in blind and it’s luck of the draw as to who is working and available etc, but appreciate that’s part of the appeal.

I’ve said before, but appear to be in a minority, that I don’t know why they don’t move with the times and have a basic functional website. Quick profile, some pictures. Enough to know what you’re getting but like AW can still keep the girls privacy and no full face pics if they don’t want to show their face. Then a simple AW like green light as to who is working/turned up that day. Too difficult to update availability in real time but knowing who is at least working that day would perhaps entice me as could phone on the day and ask if x was free for whatever time I was looking for.

Offline Matrix

Can’t really add much to why the sauna scene appears to be dying as only been twice I believe. Once before Covid and once after, and it’s a set up that’s not for me. I find it a bit of an anachronism. I don’t like that you go in blind and it’s luck of the draw as to who is working and available etc, but appreciate that’s part of the appeal.

I’ve said before, but appear to be in a minority, that I don’t know why they don’t move with the times and have a basic functional website. Quick profile, some pictures. Enough to know what you’re getting but like AW can still keep the girls privacy and no full face pics if they don’t want to show their face. Then a simple AW like green light as to who is working/turned up that day. Too difficult to update availability in real time but knowing who is at least working that day would perhaps entice me as could phone on the day and ask if x was free for whatever time I was looking for.

I'd agree with that being a good idea, Joe. They are very last millennium, when it comes to the internet.   

Offline maxxblue

Offline Largs43

I used to put up sauna reviews, almost entirely Scorpio & the Newtown.

But I haven't visited them much recently, although I would if I could.

But when I was a frequent flyer, I'd tend to choose a girl I'd been with before, and had probably reviewed before.
I didn't tend to review a girl more than once, unless something had changed in her service.

Why there are generally fewer sauna reviews here now, I don't know... Maybe fewer punters are joining here?

I'd be sorry to see them all close; they're a great Plan B if an Adultwork girl lets you down or if you can't commit to making a booking with one.

Online VolapUK

I used to put up sauna reviews

But I haven't visited them much recently, although I would if I could.

But when I was a frequent flyer, I'd tend to choose a girl I'd been with before, and had probably reviewed before.
I didn't tend to review a girl more than once, unless something had changed in her service.

Same here. And I'm currently in a relationship so I'm not punting at the moment.

Offline Massagetugga

I imagine covid hitting has been the biggest factor in killing off the Edinburgh sauna. Punters not punting and starting to stray to Indy’s. Girls and punters disappearing from them must have put the writing on the wall.

Crying shame though as they could be a good modern safe place for punters to punt and girls to work if the opposite of saunas being frowned upon and pushed out was the case. As mentioned above there could be good websites, reliable girls/rotas/booking, and likes of regular STD testing. It might have moved away from being value for money to something more costly (girls getting nearer Indy rates and the rest helping run a good premises). It may have been better for their survival if they had  been in a red light district rather than scattered around in residential areas where they don’t really blend in. For example if all were up around West Port beside the lap dancing pubs there might’ve been a higher chance of tolerance. Or maybe not, I don’t know!

When I was younger I favoured LSS but never really liked the set up not feeling very relaxed in the lounge, not knowing who might be there, and shitting getting seen going in/out too. I imagine they were regulars but I didn’t care for some of the cocky blokes around either. Some cocky sod chatting to the girl you wanted to choose was just a PITA. I certainly recall ending up with a girl I didn’t want on more than one occasion.

Offline wirehair

I was a regular in them for a good few years in the late 1980's/early 1990's but went less frequently when I moved out of the city into the "sticks". Scorpio, NTS and Blair St mainly but did try the one that was in Comely Bank once, and LSS once. Has some good experiences overall, but I guess things move on and I haven't been inside one for a good few years now as I'm not often in the city and if I am it's either to see an indy or to meet up with a girl from Seeking or for an occasion FBSM session.

Offline Nauticus

I used to enjoy visiting New Blythswood and St Enoch back in the day. Maybe twenty or so visits and only one bad punt from the lot. Especially good to have it as a last minute back up if an arranged meet let you down. Had a couple of good visits to Ambassador before it closed, but the two visits to Blair Street have really put me off the sauna option now.

Everywhere else I've ever been, the girls were chatty in the lounge beforehand. I once even delayed making my choice at New Blythswood because there was so much chatter over some (genuinely) interesting thing that had been on daytime tv. But sitting in silence at Blair Street with about 5 women staring at the wall and not saying a fucking word (and the tv on mute) was one of the most awkward couple of minutes I've ever experienced, and it was followed by what was, until a few weeks ago, the worst punt I've ever had. Nah, unless there's a bit of life in the lounge, I'm not putting myself through that again.

Totally agree that they should move with the times though. In fact, Both the Glasgow ones I've mentioned did have websites, and that was back in the very earliest days of the internet.

Offline Matrix

 :lol: My first ever punt was in the gentlemens club in comely bank place. It was fucking horrendous!  :bomb:

It seems the saunas are in a lack of feedback loop. The less folk that use them and report back feeds into less folk going back or giving them a try.

Doesn't sound like there's a lot left to offer when i hear the same girls names thatve been doing the rounds for over a decade.

Although, as I said, it's be great it they returned to the glory days of old.

Offline Hooples cat

Glasgow's got no saunas because the Council terminated all their Entertainment Licences and won't grant any more. So they all shut; maybe 15 years ago? (By the way, that shows you how old our French friend on the south side is.)

Edinburgh still tolerates them but on a different basis from before.

Previously, they granted them Entertainment Licences but when that came under pressure (because they were obviously brothels) they decided to not grant them Entertainment Licences any more. That was about 5 years or so ago.

But the crucial thing was, even though they were now officially unregulated and unlicensed, most of them (Scorpio, BSS. LSS and NTS) stayed open and those that then had the power to close them, Police Scotland, did nothing and still do nothing.

It begs the question, why don't saunas open in Glasgow if the precedent of unlicensed saunas exists in Edinburgh and we have the one police force? Police Scotland may say that there's been a tradition in Edinburgh, they know the operators and trust them not to have trafficked girls or drugs on the premises but couldn't guarantee that with newbies opening up in Glasgow. Who knows...

Saunas are much more poorly staffed now- both numbers and quality- and that quality reduction happened after they opened up again post Covid. I don't know why that happened though.

I'm in saunas less partly because my work patterns have changed but partly because of the quality issue. Having said that I did see Natalie in NTS about two months ago but didn't review. I'll stick one up when I get the time.

Offline Hooples cat

Also, being under the radar and unofficially tolerated means that the unspoken agreement is that they don't have in-your-face websites I would imagine.

But even if they had websites, they couldn't give a reliable indication of who was on most of the time- the "rota" would be out of date 5 minutes after publishing.

Offline Matrix

Also, being under the radar and unofficially tolerated means that the unspoken agreement is that they don't have in-your-face websites I would imagine.

But even if they had websites, they couldn't give a reliable indication of who was on most of the time- the "rota" would be out of date 5 minutes after publishing.

They could easily update availability, if they had the means.

I remember the Sauna on Dundas Street used to offer an outcall service. They had the occasional gem, although I was never actually in the place.

Offline centralguy

Been lurking for a while but not punted for even longer, staying an equal distance between Edinburgh and Glasgow back in a he day I frequented mainly LSS and Scorpio in Edinburgh and the sauna at park quadrant and the one along the road near kelvingrove although tried most, must admit license aside I thought saunas would make a come back as what I see on AW some are very expensive, and saunas now look cheap compared to them, need to get back to them lol

Offline Name Not Found

Been lurking for a while but not punted for even longer,

3 years lurking and even longer since you punted? Seriously, I'm wondering what you're doing on a punting forum  :unknown: Are you sure you're really into this?

Offline ScudberJizzbucket

I used to be a regular Edinburgh punter about 15 years ago, starting with London Street and then settling mostly on Scorpio.   It was a punter’s market back then with plenty of good shags to be had, and the girls would often “do the circuit” from sauna to sauna so there was plenty of variety.  It seems that I got to enjoy it just before the decline though - my last punt at Scorpio in 2012-ish (after a couple of year’s break) was pretty disappointing and  after that I never went back.

There was a beautiful blonde called Penny, a local girl, who I used to see at Scorpio.  If she was still around then I might be tempted back for old time’s sake, but I feel my sauna days are long since over.

Despite being Glaswegian, I only punted in a sauna here once, which was at New Blythswood not long  before they tore the place down.   It was many years ago but was pretty good as I recall - although I was paranoid that the place would get raided due to the less relaxed attitude of the Glesga polis compared to Embra.

It’s a shame.  I’d like to think saunas still have a part to play, but they appear to have been overtaken by technology, time and circumstances.

Offline centralguy

3 years lurking and even longer since you punted? Seriously, I'm wondering what you're doing on a punting forum  :unknown: Are you sure you're really into this?

Am I really into this! I have punted for over 25 years and tried almost every sauna multiple times, hundreds of punts, hit an unfortunate patch in my life and 2 years covid, there you have it, do I need to explain any more to meet approval to be here

Offline Jayf

Last time I was in a sauna was a few years ago and that was carols . Now, the opening times are unreliable. Plus the girls are a bit hit and miss. I always fancied trying Scorpio, but I don't like the idea of sitting in the lounge in a dressing gown. Plus I'm never sure whether it will be open or not.

Offline Name Not Found

Am I really into this! I have punted for over 25 years and tried almost every sauna multiple times, hundreds of punts, hit an unfortunate patch in my life and 2 years covid, there you have it, do I need to explain any more to meet approval to be here

I'm not questioning your experience because I know nothing about it, but that's because you have contributed nothing to the forum. Do you see the point yet? I'm sure everyone would welcome your contributions from your vast experience.    :thumbsup:

« Last Edit: May 24, 2022, 10:00:09 pm by Name Not Found »

Offline Kelvin Smyth

I've been a regular visitor to the Edinburgh saunas throughout the years (have posted a few reviews since I joined this forum) and as others have mentioned the quality does vary.

I've met the legendary Daisy (now retired) at Blair Street on many occasion, and she always delivered an excellent service.

My current favourite is Laura at New Town, where I'd never been before (until I read a review from her on here).

I get why people might not want to hang about the lounge area, but this can be avoided if you book the girl in advance, and head straight to the room.

Generally speaking the quality of the rooms are OK, which is not always the case if you seeing a girl of AW.

Price wise it's slightly cheaper than an independent, as an unrushed 45 minute session at Newtown costs £90 (venue and girl).

I'll also point out that we're not exactly overrun with quality independents in Edinburgh, for those who are dissing the saunas !


Offline Jayf

I have only been to carols  where you pay your money at the door then go to the lounge and pick a girl.  Is the rest of the saunas the same?  I tried scorpio once, and they gave me a towel at the door and told me to change before sitting in the lounge. Which always put me off of trying other saunas.  Is it still like that? Probably a daft question

Offline Matrix

I have only been to carols  where you pay your money at the door then go to the lounge and pick a girl.  Is the rest of the saunas the same?  I tried scorpio once, and they gave me a towel at the door and told me to change before sitting in the lounge. Which always put me off of trying other saunas.  Is it still like that? Probably a daft question

Aye, but you don't have to change. You can do it in the room after making a choice.

Always loved the big, fluffy, robes in LSS.

Offline biografo

well, I've never been to a sauna before... and never did try because I wasn't sure about the procedures and protocol. Someone needs to create a wiki article explaining  :D

Offline GlasgowMan

well, I've never been to a sauna before... and never did try because I wasn't sure about the procedures and protocol. Someone needs to create a wiki article explaining  :D

1. Pay at the door, 30/45/60 minutes, for the room. £25/£30,£35 ect...
2. Option: -
              a) Take a towel and a shower in the changing room and leave your clothes in the locker
              b) No locker, keep your clothes on and have a shower in the room (recommend)
3. Sit in the waiting room. Ask how many girls are working and when they will be available.
    You should wait as long as you like until you see all the girls.
    If a girl you want is booked for about 45 minutes or so, you can leave and come back in.
4. Pick a girl and go to the room.
5. Ask about extras, owo, cim ect..
6. Pay at the end.
7. if you have a problem then you can complain at the desk.

Banned reason: Not the site for you, bye
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline willie loman

1. Pay at the door, 30/45/60 minutes, for the room. £25/£30,£35 ect...
2. Option: -
              a) Take a towel and a shower in the changing room and leave your clothes in the locker
              b) No locker, keep your clothes on and have a shower in the room (recommend)
3. Sit in the waiting room. Ask how many girls are working and when they will be available.
    You should wait as long as you like until you see all the girls.
    If a girl you want is booked for about 45 minutes or so, you can leave and come back in.
4. Pick a girl and go to the room.
5. Ask about extras, owo, cim ect..
6. Pay at the end.
7. if you have a problem then you can complain at the desk.

you missed the bit about having to introduce yourself to everyone in the lounge.

Offline Jayf

Aye, but you don't have to change. You can do it in the room after making a choice.

Always loved the big, fluffy, robes in LSS.

If that's the case I might try Blair Street sauna. Better than some of my recent punts  :D

Offline Matrix

If that's the case I might try Blair Street sauna. Better than some of my recent punts  :D

It's a bonus going straight down there. Cramped waiting room with the atmosphere of a fucking morgue. Nice wee rooms though. Ironically LSS had the best atmosphere and I'm sure it used to be a funeral parlour. a Few girls claimed they'd had the "willies", in the newly opened wing.  Apparently suffered from the occasional visitation and haunting.   

Offline Jayf

It's a bonus going straight down there. Cramped waiting room with the atmosphere of a fucking morgue. Nice wee rooms though. Ironically LSS had the best atmosphere and I'm sure it used to be a funeral parlour. a Few girls claimed they'd had the "willies", in the newly opened wing.  Apparently suffered from the occasional visitation and haunting.

That is a bonus. Cuts out any time wasters or the hassle of trying to get a booking . Only downside is you don't know who your getting. I don't mind getting haunted for the sake of a punt.

Offline foreverchanges

It's a bonus going straight down there. Cramped waiting room with the atmosphere of a fucking morgue. Nice wee rooms though. Ironically LSS had the best atmosphere and I'm sure it used to be a funeral parlour. a Few girls claimed they'd had the "willies", in the newly opened wing.  Apparently suffered from the occasional visitation and haunting.

Two of the old LSS legends ie Lisa and Kerry were always very reluctant to go into Rooms 6 and 7 when they first opened in 2002 stating there was something eerie about them. Normally I would have laughed at the suggestion it was haunted but seeing as how it was those two I decided to keep quiet. :scare: ;)

Offline Matrix

Two of the old LSS legends ie Lisa and Kerry were always very reluctant to go into Rooms 6 and 7 when they first opened in 2002 stating there was something eerie about them. Normally I would have laughed at the suggestion it was haunted but seeing as how it was those two I decided to keep quiet. :scare: ;)

Aye, the big 2, down the other side. I heard the occasional moan down there.

Offline Matrix

That's another one closed now.  :hi:

Online Scotty

I used to be a regular on the Edinburgh sauna scene. Usually BSS, LSS and NT were both too close to home for me. LSS is definately closed as I walk past it daily. I stopped visiting when COVID closed them and have not been back since.

I did call BSS to see who was working but I had heard of none of them so I left it. The way things are going with the closing of the lap dancing venues ect I guess the sauna days are numbered in Edinburgh.

It is sad as it was good when you knew a few of the girls and could have a bit of a chat in the lounge prior to the fun. If anyone has visited them recently please let the rest of us know and maybe we can save them yet.

Offline biografo

1. Pay at the door, 30/45/60 minutes, for the room. £25/£30,£35 ect...
2. Option: -
              a) Take a towel and a shower in the changing room and leave your clothes in the locker
              b) No locker, keep your clothes on and have a shower in the room (recommend)
3. Sit in the waiting room. Ask how many girls are working and when they will be available.
    You should wait as long as you like until you see all the girls.
    If a girl you want is booked for about 45 minutes or so, you can leave and come back in.
4. Pick a girl and go to the room.
5. Ask about extras, owo, cim ect..
6. Pay at the end.
7. if you have a problem then you can complain at the desk.


Offline Matrix

Offline willie loman

I used to be a regular on the Edinburgh sauna scene. Usually BSS, LSS and NT were both too close to home for me. LSS is definately closed as I walk past it daily. I stopped visiting when COVID closed them and have not been back since.

I did call BSS to see who was working but I had heard of none of them so I left it. The way things are going with the closing of the lap dancing venues ect I guess the sauna days are numbered in Edinburgh.

It is sad as it was good when you knew a few of the girls and could have a bit of a chat in the lounge prior to the fun. If anyone has visited them recently please let the rest of us know and maybe we can save them yet.

they dont need saved the new town and blair st are busy, fully shifted and you often have to wait for a slot, if you want a teenage girl from the third world , who doesnt know what country she is in , read matrixs reviews, thats who he likes giving a good pounding. i believe he is in his fifties.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2022, 07:15:41 pm by willie loman »

Offline Clattypats

i believe he is in his fifties.
That's out of order Imo, no one on here should be 2nd guessing members ages, unless said member states it themselves wullie  :(

Offline willie loman

That's out of order Imo, no one on here should be 2nd guessing members ages, unless said member states it themselves wullie  :(

on another thread he stated his classmates were abused by tam paton at parties , which was over 40 years ago, so i am not outing him, or second guessing anyone.

Offline Clattypats

on another thread he stated his classmates were abused by tam paton at parties , which was over 40 years ago, so i am not outing him, or second guessing anyone.
Well I didn't see that so fair play willie, but I've seen members on here give hints to approx ages, but I also don't cast it up further down the line tbh. I think it's poor form...

Offline Matrix

Well I didn't see that so fair play willie, but I've seen members on here give hints to approx ages, but I also don't cast it up further down the line tbh. I think it's poor form...

Just ignore him, he's no idea what he's slavering on about and has resorted to telling lies. So no fair play whatsoever. I had to get moderator approval to bump one of my old reviews and they were happy to help.

Hopefully he'll find something to do in all his newly acquired spare time.

Back on the subject; are there any girls worth seeing still working in the saunas or still the same old names?

Online daviemac

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they dont need saved the new town and blair st are busy, fully shifted and you often have to wait for a slot, if you want a teenage girl from the third world , who doesnt know what country she is in , read matrixs reviews, thats who he likes giving a good pounding. i believe he is in his fifties.
I don't know what you are implying here but suggesting another member seeks out teenage escorts who are quite possibly trafficked is bang out of order, as is second guessing his age.

If you have an issue with Matrix put him on ignore. 

Offline willie loman

I don't know what you are implying here but suggesting another member seeks out teenage escorts who are quite possibly trafficked is bang out of order, as is second guessing his age.

If you have an issue with Matrix put him on ignore.

ok will do, but rejoicing in police bullying service providers into retirement and girls losing their jobs, is also against the ethos of this site.

Offline Matrix

Once again, back on topic.

Does anyone have recommendations for girls that actually still work in BSS or NTS?

The only one I think I've seen from the current crop is Viviane. Fit, nice girl and a great bj but that was some time ago.

Offline longjohn63

I've had a couple of decent punts in NTS recently: Ellie and Laura, both reviewed. I gave up on BSS a while ago, as whenever I called there were only three girls working, none of whom I knew and all without reviews on here too. But if BSS is on the up and up then I'd be very happy to give it another go.

Offline Jabba the Slut

Sad to see Lss Scorpio close.
Scorpio was the only sauna I hadn't visited,so I can't say I will miss it.Lss was my go to sauna when I first started punting,some excellent punts there notably with Romanian Jackie.
As for the New Town and Blair Street,let's hope they both continue in years to come.
Visiting Edinburgh,whether it's for football, theatre,day,night out a sauna visit for me is a must.Must admit I have not been since Christmas last year and that was with the now departed Heidi.Will definitely be popping in soon and a review will be forthcoming,it's just finding the time and spare cash to do so.
I prefer the sauna scene to Aw as it's so easy just to pop in and get a girl although it seems it's a must now to phone ahead and book a girl of choice.
Vivienne now back at bss is the perfect example of this method.I hope to see a few more reviews on here as it's excellent info on the current working girls and saves time when choosing a girl, particularly when a good punter on here gives a review.

Offline willie loman

Sad to see Lss Scorpio close.
Scorpio was the only sauna I hadn't visited,so I can't say I will miss it.Lss was my go to sauna when I first started punting,some excellent punts there notably with Romanian Jackie.
As for the New Town and Blair Street,let's hope they both continue in years to come.
Visiting Edinburgh,whether it's for football, theatre,day,night out a sauna visit for me is a must.Must admit I have not been since Christmas last year and that was with the now departed Heidi.Will definitely be popping in soon and a review will be forthcoming,it's just finding the time and spare cash to do so.
I prefer the sauna scene to Aw as it's so easy just to pop in and get a girl although it seems it's a must now to phone ahead and book a girl of choice.
Vivienne now back at bss is the perfect example of this method.I hope to see a few more reviews on here as it's excellent info on the current working girls and saves time when choosing a girl, particularly when a good punter on here gives a review.

one aspect of scorpio, is that the beds were raised above the floor, so you could engage in oral sex kneeling on the floor, or shag when standing, useful when you were giving the girl "a good pounding".