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Author Topic: Is escort booking a pain?  (Read 2386 times)

Offline Jacobkim

Hi guys! I am sorry if this has been discussed before. I have recently experienced that I have agreed to meet escort a certain time of the day. But when the time comes it dead silence from her side. It happened twice in last couple of days. I have experienced that escorts general don’t except booking request either . They like to deal through text massages. They like you to send your age . Ethnicity , how long do I want her for . If it is a 15 mins or half hr booking, they will just ignore it. Is this a usual thing with every one or is it just me.

Offline JontyR

I have recently experienced that I have agreed to meet escort a certain time of the day. But when the time comes it dead silence from her side. It happened twice in last couple of days.

If you have agreed a time and then they ghost you are entitled to (and should) leave  a review. Rule 4

I have experienced that escorts general don’t except booking request either . They like to deal through text massages. They like you to send your age . Ethnicity , how long do I want her for .

Do you mean adultwork booking request?

If it is a 15 mins or half hr booking, they will just ignore it. Is this a usual thing with every one or is it just me.

Can't comment as I don't generally go for the short booking lengths. Comms methods do vary from SP to SP. But, I find, they all think their method is the standard!  I think if you and the SP aren't able to have an effective communication across text / call / email then how good do you think the punt would be? Move on to the next one. 

Offline Keema

Hi guys! I am sorry if this has been discussed before. I have recently experienced that I have agreed to meet escort a certain time of the day. But when the time comes it dead silence from her side. It happened twice in last couple of days. I have experienced that escorts general don’t except booking request either . They like to deal through text massages. They like you to send your age . Ethnicity , how long do I want her for . If it is a 15 mins or half hr booking, they will just ignore it. Is this a usual thing with every one or is it just me.

Yes it's very often a pain especially with a girl you don't know. They'll have regs they know to turn up and they know what to expect from clients. The AW booking system's purpose is really now so you can leave a review - and be left a review, that also matters to some but not all SPs - apart from that I've nit seen any girl use it for bookings for a long time. Texts or WhatsApp are preferred - the reasons can be it keeps their control or in some cases that they're being controlled.  Once you are known to the girl other social media can be used but there are dangers.

On the sending your age ethnicity, that's been discussed often, but it's their decision. And unless you're in a soho walkup where tricks come by the minute - an hour's booking is easier to manage. 

The other pain perhaps for you is that a hour's booking is more expensive - I used to do 30min apps, but get far more out from an hour these days.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2022, 11:37:02 pm by Keema »

Offline dobob

Either post reviews as JontyR suggests or just give us the AW links (or whatever) to identify some of these offenders, so we can give some more focussed advice. Most W/Gs are not time-wasters, because it's their income they would be wasting. If you are picking lots of time-wasters, then there must be something about the W/Gs you are picking to explain it (e.g., drug habits).


Offline pewpewpew

With regards to booking requests, a lot of WGs don't respond to booking requests and just take bookings via phone or text. I personally never use AW booking requests and just call or text and if I get a reply great if not I try another girl

Offline dobob

With regards to booking requests, a lot of WGs don't respond to booking requests and just take bookings via phone or text. I personally never use AW booking requests and just call or text and if I get a reply great if not I try another girl
On the other hand, some WGs require a booking via AW in the first instance, maybe because they don't want to display their phone number on their profile. AW will let you do a search with a filter to select profiles that display a phone number, but only if you pay quite a high fee. For WGs who don't put their number on the profile, I have found that establishing contact via AW mail often leads to an exchange of phone numbers and the hoped for result without going through the AW booking system.


Offline Colston36

On the other hand, some WGs require a booking via AW in the first instance, maybe because they don't want to display their phone number on their profile. AW will let you do a search with a filter to select profiles that display a phone number, but only if you pay quite a high fee. For WGs who don't put their number on the profile, I have found that establishing contact via AW mail often leads to an exchange of phone numbers and the hoped for result without going through the AW booking system.


I must say looking back that I have rarely had no response. If you are clear about what you want and email politely in plain English you usually get a response. If the time is inconvenient - for example in the middle of the night - it may not be immediate, but you usually do.

Offline pantywetter

I think it is much harder than it used to be.  AW exchanges going to dead, no replies to messages, ghosting etc.  I think back in the early 2010s it was a bit more business like and reliable, at least in my stomping ground of zone 1.

It’s the main reason I use agencies now.  It hurts the wallet but it’s a fairly reliable way to ensure you don’t miss your opportunities.

Offline LLPunting

At the budget you've demonstrated so far girls are more likely to be interested in same-day bookings within a short time of the call if you're unknown to them i.e. something they think might be more likely to actually take place because a punter has the horn.
Bookings further in the future are more likely to be accepted and honoured for known/regular clients.

Girls may well not be perpetually logged in to AW, but even if they are getting notifications of bookings to their phone, the one thing more likely to be within reach than a condom, they will still prioritise calls and texts, again because that channel tends to be for those with more immediate intent.

As mentioned above (reputable) agencies are the ones to go for if you're booking in advance, especially at this sort of price point.  More exclusive, successful (And reputable) indies should be more inclined to honour bookings made in advance as they understand how to do good business.  Unknown over-priced "hotties" may well be just paid content scams and have little or no intent to get real with a punter.

Without seeing who you've been failing with/messed about by we can't tell you if there's anything else suspect about the girls you've chosen that you can change your search methods to avoid.

I make same day and advance bookings with mostly no hassle at all but then I have my expectations and contingencies set based on what I do/don't know about the SP.

Online southern punter

I must say looking back that I have rarely had no response. If you are clear about what you want and email politely in plain English you usually get a response.

I think I meet that standard, but I got no response more often than not on AW.  I put it down to having no feedback and caught in the vicious circle of no booking without feedback, no feedback without booking.  Perhaps OP is in the same boat.

Offline pewpewpew

I think I meet that standard, but I got no response more often than not on AW.  I put it down to having no feedback and caught in the vicious circle of no booking without feedback, no feedback without booking.  Perhaps OP is in the same boat.
I have 1 feedback from a few years ago and never had a problem booking girls that ask for positive feedback and AW bookings. I just sent a text or call as usual and never been asked about it. Some girls probably do take it more seriously but I think that some just put it on there to weed out the timewasters

Offline Atrueyorkie

I find that emails are almost useless when trying to book most, either they respond way too late or it doesn’t get read.

Personally my recommended approach is to text with a explicit time (I.e. I’d like to book for 5) and you can exclude the duration from your initial text and state that in person. That may increase your booking success there. It also gives you a cut off point, if you don’t hear from them within an x amount of time you can move of. It’s Russian roulette with a combination of casting your net.

I find calling is very iffy. Some don’t like it and some explicitly state on their profile to call. I personally like hearing a voice but each to their own. So if number is displayed I’d rather call first and then text if nothing via call.

I recommend text then call. Email is a waste of time the success rate for that imo is relatively low and as mentioned you don’t really do booking requests on AW unless they asked you to, your request will likely get ignored.

Offline theejaculator

I'm finding a number of (previously) genuine profiles are now parked and occasionally updated with pics ..suggesting they are just farming pg tips. Heck maybe the profile has been sold on by the wg who no longer works.

There is one wg I saw and enjoyed before lockdown and then the profile just went dormant...then other week it was up with the green available number on display this time...sent four emails over a period of 3 days it was greenlit...all still unread.
Same with another wg who was reviewed on here once, replies to emails but never seems to be working and when she did say she was working this week hasn't signed into her profile at all.

Offline lillythesavage

I'm finding a number of (previously) genuine profiles are now parked and occasionally updated with pics ..suggesting they are just farming pg tips. Heck maybe the profile has been sold on by the wg who no longer works.

There is one wg I saw and enjoyed before lockdown and then the profile just went dormant...then other week it was up with the green available number on display this time...sent four emails over a period of 3 days it was greenlit...all still unread.
Same with another wg who was reviewed on here once, replies to emails but never seems to be working and when she did say she was working this week hasn't signed into her profile at all.

Expand your search, I have noticed well reviewed and part time gems do not use the green light, some keep a number up, some want an email first and a green light search misses them.
Tried it once with a good result, thinking of getting back in the saddle and that is where I am looking, back to back green lighters hold no appeal.

Offline Gordy555

Not sure if it's just the AW escorts I choose to visit, but the last few months I don't get a reply via text or the email isn't read/replied to. Sure communications were better years ago.

Offline SamOmar

if the booking process is a hassle, requires deposit, difficult to receive a response or many criteria;

I don't bother and book someone else or use another agency even if the lady is exceptional.
Banned reason: Undesirable, convicted sex trafficker / pimp
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Joball87

I think whilst it can be so frustrating and annoying there is usually zero incentive for the better girls/agencies to invest more effort/resources to make the process more customer friendly - demand significantly and consistently exceeds supply. Conversely had some overly good and prompt comms (eg one of my VS reviews on here) which was the worst possible meeting. Then a few exceptions who are gems, cute_baby_slute22 is one of those I personally found great for booking and great service even though in massive demand. Net net though it's a P.I.T.A usually but all part of the experience.

Offline twotight

in my experiences ,short as it may be it tens to be independents WG that just do it for a bit of money and not the ones that do it as a career or full time that tend to be most disorganized and forgetful
with the 30min or 1 hour well I always go for 30min if I have not seen her before , after all how can I trust her to be any good

as for the reason I prefer bookings, some of us have quite busy schedules and can't always be bothered to go punting every other day or whenever some
WG feels like it

Offline Joball87

in my experiences ,short as it may be it tens to be independents WG that just do it for a bit of money and not the ones that do it as a career or full time that tend to be most disorganized and forgetful
with the 30min or 1 hour well I always go for 30min if I have not seen her before , after all how can I trust her to be any good

as for the reason I prefer bookings, some of us have quite busy schedules and can't always be bothered to go punting every other day or whenever some
WG feels like it

This. If only I was retired or whatever.

Offline Maak

Escorts usually prefer longer bookings, if a punter offers an hour booking,at the same time as your 15 mins booking, you getting radio silence.

I have had a WG cut down my 30 mins to 15 mins ( she offered a refund) because the punter after me was after a long session.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2022, 12:49:21 pm by Maak »

Offline FineWine69

To be honest there is no pattern to it with me, it's completely hit or miss whether I get a response to either emails or texts.

I've started going with a scatter gun approach and messaging 5 or 6 at the same time and just hoping one of them gets back. As for trying to see a specific wg from my HL, I've given up on that pretty much.

Edit to say, I'm a minimum 1 hour punter as well.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2022, 08:16:23 pm by FineWine69 »

Offline FineWine69

Just to add to the above- same situ today, pinging off texts left right and centre and barely getting any response, some I've seen before as well.

Offline TJHooker

It’s gotten worse over time.

I usually try to book a few days in advance.  Messages on AW get read with no response, sometimes just deleted without being read.

I normally send them a message stating time, date and if it’s an call/outcall.

Gotten to the point when I punt (less than I used to) I end up messaging 3/4 girls before getting a booking.

Those with numbers are just as bad, don’t answer so ping them a text and get nothing back in most cases.

Offline expeller

If they show a number it is always worthwhile seeing if they are on WhatsApp, or Telegram If they are they usually have a face pic there.

Offline RickB

Can be - that's why I sometimes prefer Parlour punts - no hassle trying to book just turn up and fuck.

Offline JonasG

Never book days in advance and never use the AW system/email and you'll be fine.

Just text/ring them first thing on the day you want to see them and all good. Escorts are never that busy that same day bookings will mean they can't fit you in.

99% of the time it's easy.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2022, 03:05:29 pm by JonasG »

Offline Dave33ws6

I prefer same day bookings, they can usually fit me in. Only done a couple of advance ones... one of those let me down and the other one nearly forgot the actual booking.