Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Are we likely to see a huge influx of beautiful Ukrainian wgs in the UK soon?  (Read 3663 times)

Offline Berbatov82

Asking for a friend!  :D

Offline Adoniron

Offline Berbatov82

What a crass somment.
I do apologise for any offence caused. I will refrain from making such crass somments in future  :)

Online scutty brown

Given that "Berbatov" is a primarily Russian name your question comes across as rather sick taste

Offline Berbatov82

Given that "Berbatov" is a primarily Russian name your question comes across as rather sick taste
I'm sure your not that stupid to suggest that I recently chose that name to mock anyone. It was inspired by Dimitar Berbatov the ex Tottenham and Man utd footballer who is BULGARIAN fyi. My original question although a little premature and insensitive, was based on the fact that major global political events have a correlation and direct impact on  immigration. It's a valid question to ask on a punting forum.

Online scutty brown

He may be Bulgarian, the name origin is Russian, which makes your comment ill-advised

Then look at the question itself and think about what you're actually asking
To paraphrase: "can we expect an influx of moneyless refugees who we can fuck for peanuts"

Offline Berbatov82

He may be Bulgarian, the name origin is Russian, which makes your comment ill-advised

Then look at the question itself and think about what you're actually asking
To paraphrase: "can we expect an influx of moneyless refugees who we can fuck for peanuts"
I never mentioned pricing tbf, I expect them to start at least at £120.00 ph which seems to be the going rate these days. I've never paid 'peanuts' for a punt ever, have you?. I've always paid many times than what I earn an hour. I'm not in a position to go to Ukraine and fight their cause but as a punter, if I can help them out financially by punting them, I'm more than happy to do so (within reason)

Offline wakefieldlad13

I'm sure your not that stupid to suggest that I recently chose that name to mock anyone. It was inspired by Dimitar Berbatov the ex Tottenham and Man utd footballer who is BULGARIAN fyi. My original question although a little premature and insensitive, was based on the fact that major global political events have a correlation and direct impact on  immigration. It's a valid question to ask on a punting forum.

Whilst my Bulgarian footballer of choice would be Hristo Stoichkov, i can without doubt see the class of Dimitar Berbatov, and he as won the Bulgarian player of the year more than any other

Having Ukrainian and Russian family and friends, I personally do not take any offence at Berbatov's question, infact, i quite welcome it, as my own thoughts were leading me to think it quite likely that we get an influx of other eastern Europeans pretending to be Ukrainian's, in an attempt to get sympathetic customers

We ridicule members for not contributing but then ridicule members for contributing, none of us are perfect, i mean FFS, we are on a site discussing our activities when paying for pussy
Maybe being a little less judgemental would encourage more members to get involved in more topics, if we dont like a topic, dont comment on it, im sure Admin would jump on it if something was really out of hand

Offline Berbatov82

Whilst my Bulgarian footballer of choice would be Hristo Stoichkov, i can without doubt see the class of Dimitar Berbatov, and he as won the Bulgarian player of the year more than any other

Having Ukrainian and Russian family and friends, I personally do not take any offence at Berbatov's question, infact, i quite welcome it, as my own thoughts were leading me to think it quite likely that we get an influx of other eastern Europeans pretending to be Ukrainian's, in an attempt to get sympathetic customers

We ridicule members for not contributing but then ridicule members for contributing, none of us are perfect, i mean FFS, we are on a site discussing our activities when paying for pussy
Maybe being a little less judgemental would encourage more members to get involved in more topics, if we dont like a topic, dont comment on it, im sure Admin would jump on it if something was really out of hand

Offline TomTank

Whilst my Bulgarian footballer of choice would be Hristo Stoichkov, i can without doubt see the class of Dimitar Berbatov, and he as won the Bulgarian player of the year more than any other

Having Ukrainian and Russian family and friends, I personally do not take any offence at Berbatov's question, infact, i quite welcome it, as my own thoughts were leading me to think it quite likely that we get an influx of other eastern Europeans pretending to be Ukrainian's, in an attempt to get sympathetic customers

We ridicule members for not contributing but then ridicule members for contributing, none of us are perfect, i mean FFS, we are on a site discussing our activities when paying for pussy
Maybe being a little less judgemental would encourage more members to get involved in more topics, if we dont like a topic, dont comment on it, im sure Admin would jump on it if something was really out of hand

Good post.
I fear we lose a lot of potentially good posters, because people jump down their throat early on.
Then, if they don't leave, they get goaded into getting themselves banned.

Offline Berbatov82

Who'd have thought that Putin would help punting!!  :D :lol:

Offline tp69

My original question although a little premature and insensitive, was based on the fact that major global political events have a correlation and direct impact on  immigration.

That would've prob helped in the original question to make it sound less insensitive.

An awful situation, likely the largest displacement of people in history, that will profoundly affect a number of countries in terms of immigration. Who knows how it ends at this point, one can just hope Putin comes to his senses before entirely ruining both countries, and others.

Offline camshaft72uk

Whilst my Bulgarian footballer of choice would be Hristo Stoichkov, i can without doubt see the class of Dimitar Berbatov, and he as won the Bulgarian player of the year more than any other

Having Ukrainian and Russian family and friends, I personally do not take any offence at Berbatov's question, infact, i quite welcome it, as my own thoughts were leading me to think it quite likely that we get an influx of other eastern Europeans pretending to be Ukrainian's, in an attempt to get sympathetic customers

We ridicule members for not contributing but then ridicule members for contributing, none of us are perfect, i mean FFS, we are on a site discussing our activities when paying for pussy
Maybe being a little less judgemental would encourage more members to get involved in more topics, if we dont like a topic, dont comment on it, im sure Admin would jump on it if something was really out of hand


Offline dpicardsalvage

I am sure this will be great comfort to them

Offline yorkieyorkie

Offline sheffielder

Online Charlie Chalk

Not sure what’s worse - the OP’s creation of a ridiculous and tasteless thread, his sarcastic and hollow apology or the support from some members who ought to know better.

Offline Mutinyonthecounty

Who'd have thought that Putin would help punting!!  :D :lol:

Not something to joke about my friend. Especially when set against the significant humanitarian crises the whole world now has to face, not to mention the many thousands of people who have or will be be killed and the many more who will be made homeless and mourning the loss of family. Not really something to find humour in.

Offline filthy.john

I'll join the chorus: crass as fuck!

Online Colston36

He may be Bulgarian, the name origin is Russian, which makes your comment ill-advised

Then look at the question itself and think about what you're actually asking
To paraphrase: "can we expect an influx of moneyless refugees who we can fuck for peanuts"

I have spent time in all the old Eastern Bloc countries. Bulgarian is closely related to East Slavic languages like Ukrainian, Belarusian, and Russian, so the criticism about name origin is unfair.

Prostitution has long been extremely common in all those countries.  An excellent book "The long song of 1000 Tchaikovsky Street" is brilliant about what's happened since 1908 - not least in the sex industry. 

Online Aji81

Asking for a friend!  :D

There are credible reports of all manner of war crimes taking place in Ukraine. Large scale bombing of civilian areas including children’s hospitals. Rape and execution of Ukrainian women in their homes.

Members like you who think it is amusing to even contemplate how this tragedy might benefit you give the rest of us a bad name. Shockingly ignorant. Worthy of a ban IMHO.

Offline stevedave

I'm guessing this thread hasn't gone quite the way the OP imagined  :rolleyes:

Definite own goal here.

Offline STEVO 69

I think it had the desired result he wanted, as he is is obviously just seeking perverse attention.  A very sad individual. :thumbsdown:

Offline Berbatov82

I'm guessing this thread hasn't gone quite the way the OP imagined  :rolleyes:

Definite own goal here.
I will make this last comment on this question of mine, and that will be that, because I've been a ukp member long enough and I'm shrewd enough to know that I'll be provoked to the point that I get banned and I'm already seeing evidence of that provocation in the short time that my op has been up. Although it would be hypocritical for me to complain as the op was designed to be just that 'provocative'. Simply put, I was just bored when I asked the question and just wanted to put the cat amongst the pigeons to see if anyone would bite and clearly a lot of you have. I will stand by the assertion that Although premature and insensitive, it a valid question to ask on such a forum as this. I may not have shown this before but believe me, I am full of genuine sympathy for the people of Ukraine and feel that Putin needs to taken out at all costs. Let me tell you guys as well, I have seen many, many post on ukp that have offended me, but I've always let things slide and never got involved. If I Simply don't like what some one has poster, I don't comment on it. It's that simple. Sadly a lot of you took the bait and then some. Ironically, this little 'social experiment' raises a lot of questions about freedom of speech which is exactly what the Russian government is trying to suppress. Btw, admin feel free to delete the thread if it helps.

Offline GingerNuts

I will make this last comment on this question of mine, and that will be that, because I've been a ukp member long enough and I'm shrewd enough to know that I'll be provoked to the point that I get banned and I'm already seeing evidence of that provocation in the short time that my op has been up. Although it would be hypocritical for me to complain as the op was designed to be just that 'provocative'. Simply put, I was just bored when I asked the question and just wanted to put the cat amongst the pigeons to see if anyone would bite and clearly a lot of you have. I will stand by the assertion that Although premature and insensitive, it a valid question to ask on such a forum as this. I may not have shown this before but believe me, I am full of genuine sympathy for the people of Ukraine and feel that Putin needs to taken out at all costs. Let me tell you guys as well, I have seen many, many post on ukp that have offended me, but I've always let things slide and never got involved. If I Simply don't like what some one has poster, I don't comment on it. It's that simple. Sadly a lot of you took the bait and then some. Ironically, this little 'social experiment' raises a lot of questions about freedom of speech which is exactly what the Russian government is trying to suppress. Btw, admin feel free to delete the thread if it helps.

You've just identified yourself as a troll.

Online Aji81

I will make this last comment on this question of mine, and that will be that, because I've been a ukp member long enough and I'm shrewd enough to know that I'll be provoked to the point that I get banned and I'm already seeing evidence of that provocation in the short time that my op has been up. Although it would be hypocritical for me to complain as the op was designed to be just that 'provocative'. Simply put, I was just bored when I asked the question and just wanted to put the cat amongst the pigeons to see if anyone would bite and clearly a lot of you have. I will stand by the assertion that Although premature and insensitive, it a valid question to ask on such a forum as this. I may not have shown this before but believe me, I am full of genuine sympathy for the people of Ukraine and feel that Putin needs to taken out at all costs. Let me tell you guys as well, I have seen many, many post on ukp that have offended me, but I've always let things slide and never got involved. If I Simply don't like what some one has poster, I don't comment on it. It's that simple. Sadly a lot of you took the bait and then some. Ironically, this little 'social experiment' raises a lot of questions about freedom of speech which is exactly what the Russian government is trying to suppress. Btw, admin feel free to delete the thread if it helps.

Yes, poor you. You’re definitely the victim here. Just surprised you didn’t say people were trying to ‘cancel’ you. To echo what Stevo 69 said, you must be a very sad individual if you think coming on here and trolling will get you the attention you are so desperately lacking.

Offline Berbatov82

I wasn't seeking attention. Will you guys stop staying that?. I Simply asked a question that I knew would be controversial but genuinely wanted to know people's thoughts on. If I'd asked the same question around a year or two from now, i doubt much would have been made of it. I'm certainly not claiming to be a victim, certainly not. I'll stick to reviews in future.

Online Charlie Chalk

I will make this last comment on this question of mine, and that will be that, because I've been a ukp member long enough and I'm shrewd enough to know that I'll be provoked to the point that I get banned and I'm already seeing evidence of that provocation in the short time that my op has been up. Although it would be hypocritical for me to complain as the op was designed to be just that 'provocative'. Simply put, I was just bored when I asked the question and just wanted to put the cat amongst the pigeons to see if anyone would bite and clearly a lot of you have. I will stand by the assertion that Although premature and insensitive, it a valid question to ask on such a forum as this. I may not have shown this before but believe me, I am full of genuine sympathy for the people of Ukraine and feel that Putin needs to taken out at all costs. Let me tell you guys as well, I have seen many, many post on ukp that have offended me, but I've always let things slide and never got involved. If I Simply don't like what some one has poster, I don't comment on it. It's that simple. Sadly a lot of you took the bait and then some. Ironically, this little 'social experiment' raises a lot of questions about freedom of speech which is exactly what the Russian government is trying to suppress. Btw, admin feel free to delete the thread if it helps.

Ah, so here we have the “victim” card and the “free speech” card both being played. You misjudged the room totally, you aren’t even man enough to admit you acted like a twat and you end up asking for the thread to be deleted when you know fine that almost never happens on here - and nor should it in this case since we all need to have a reminder of the kind of low-life you are in the future.

Online Charlie Chalk

I wasn't seeking attention. Will you guys stop staying that?. I Simply asked a question that I knew would be controversial but genuinely wanted to know people's thoughts on.
You said previously it was a “social experiment” to see how many you would catch?
Which post is correct and which is fabrication? You’re tying yourself up in knots.

Online Aji81

I never mentioned pricing tbf, I expect them to start at least at £120.00 ph which seems to be the going rate these days. I've never paid 'peanuts' for a punt ever, have you?. I've always paid many times than what I earn an hour. I'm not in a position to go to Ukraine and fight their cause but as a punter, if I can help them out financially by punting them, I'm more than happy to do so (within reason)

I had you all wrong. You’re not a victim, you’re a hero. So selfless of you to offer to punt with desperate refugees fleeing a war...within reason of course. Don’t want to pay over the odds when you’re dealing with desperate people, right? Maybe even try and negotiate yourself a ‘hero’ discount.

Pathetic, attention-seeking, tiny so-called man.

Offline Mutinyonthecounty

I will make this last comment on this question of mine, and that will be that, because I've been a ukp member long enough and I'm shrewd enough to know that I'll be provoked to the point that I get banned and I'm already seeing evidence of that provocation in the short time that my op has been up. Although it would be hypocritical for me to complain as the op was designed to be just that 'provocative'. Simply put, I was just bored when I asked the question and just wanted to put the cat amongst the pigeons to see if anyone would bite and clearly a lot of you have. I will stand by the assertion that Although premature and insensitive, it a valid question to ask on such a forum as this. I may not have shown this before but believe me, I am full of genuine sympathy for the people of Ukraine and feel that Putin needs to taken out at all costs. Let me tell you guys as well, I have seen many, many post on ukp that have offended me, but I've always let things slide and never got involved. If I Simply don't like what some one has poster, I don't comment on it. It's that simple. Sadly a lot of you took the bait and then some. Ironically, this little 'social experiment' raises a lot of questions about freedom of speech which is exactly what the Russian government is trying to suppress. Btw, admin feel free to delete the thread if it helps.

Social experiment and freedom of speech ?

Voicing disagreement does not violate the right to free speech; it exercises it.

No one has stopped you saying what you said or removed it. But everyone has the right to challenge it and disagree if they want to.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2022, 03:48:58 pm by Mutinyonthecounty »

Offline ISTS2005

Who'd have thought that Putin would help punting!!  :D :lol:
The original post made me think the OP was a cock. This post confirmed it.

Offline Ali Katt

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Offline ash569

The answer to the original question is yes! for those of you who are offended by the question should question why they punt , most ladies are economic migrants and some are from desperate backgrounds from developing countries and a some are from war torn countries although they claim they are from different countries, so lets not get on a high horse, as we all know most girls come a poor background and Ukraine is no different, most escorts in Dubai, Turkey and Qatar are from the ukraine!!! will there be an influx of escorts of Ukrainian origin ? of course ! punters rely on beautiful women from poor countries.
the question is perfect reasonable question to ask, but it seems the woke/snowflake squad are offended......

Offline tp69

The answer to the original question is yes! for those of you who are offended by the question should question why they punt , most ladies are economic migrants and some are from desperate backgrounds from developing countries and a some are from war torn countries although they claim they are from different countries, so lets not get on a high horse, as we all know most girls come a poor background and Ukraine is no different, most escorts in Dubai, Turkey and Qatar are from the ukraine!!! will there be an influx of escorts of Ukrainian origin ? of course ! punters rely on beautiful women from poor countries.
the question is perfect reasonable question to ask, but it seems the woke/snowflake squad are offended......

OP's comment was out of order, though I would hope it was at least meant as humour, albeit in poor taste. Your defense of it is appalling, think it through.

Offline yorkieyorkie

The answer to the original question is yes! for those of you who are offended by the question should question why they punt , most ladies are economic migrants and some are from desperate backgrounds from developing countries and a some are from war torn countries although they claim they are from different countries, so lets not get on a high horse, as we all know most girls come a poor background and Ukraine is no different, most escorts in Dubai, Turkey and Qatar are from the ukraine!!! will there be an influx of escorts of Ukrainian origin ? of course ! punters rely on beautiful women from poor countries.
the question is perfect reasonable question to ask, but it seems the woke/snowflake squad are offended......

« Last Edit: March 17, 2022, 07:46:03 pm by yorkieyorkie »

Online Aji81

The answer to the original question is yes! for those of you who are offended by the question should question why they punt , most ladies are economic migrants and some are from desperate backgrounds from developing countries and a some are from war torn countries although they claim they are from different countries, so lets not get on a high horse, as we all know most girls come a poor background and Ukraine is no different, most escorts in Dubai, Turkey and Qatar are from the ukraine!!! will there be an influx of escorts of Ukrainian origin ? of course ! punters rely on beautiful women from poor countries.
the question is perfect reasonable question to ask, but it seems the woke/snowflake squad are offended......

All the old hits coming out. ‘Snowflake squad’, ‘woke’, ‘cancelled’.

It’s ‘reasonable’ to wonder how you can benefit from a conflict? Not just this conflict but women seeking refuge from conflicts all over the world?

Something tells me a check on your hard drive would be of great interest to the Old Bill.

Offline ash569

 :D :D :D :D :D :D

I am guessing when you boys are punting you complete a background check before you get your rocks off!!!!!!!!!

Online scutty brown

The answer to the original question is yes! for those of you who are offended by the question should question why they punt , most ladies are economic migrants and some are from desperate backgrounds from developing countries and a some are from war torn countries although they claim they are from different countries, so lets not get on a high horse, as we all know most girls come a poor background and Ukraine is no different, most escorts in Dubai, Turkey and Qatar are from the ukraine!!! will there be an influx of escorts of Ukrainian origin ? of course ! punters rely on beautiful women from poor countries.
the question is perfect reasonable question to ask, but it seems the woke/snowflake squad are offended......

read the link I posted in #32
The trafficking gangs are already trying to trap these women - and you seem to welcome it.

Offline tp69

:D :D :D :D :D :D

I am guessing when you boys are punting you complete a background check before you get your rocks off!!!!!!!!!

If you can't see that the 2 have nothing to do with each other, and that your reasoning is entirely flawed, then there's little benefit in continuing. Good luck.

Online Aji81

:D :D :D :D :D :D

I am guessing when you boys are punting you complete a background check before you get your rocks off!!!!!!!!!

I do actually, yes. I make sure I’m not seeing anyone who might be underage or trafficked, but that sounds like a demographic that you’d be very interested in.

Offline ash569

read the link I posted in #32
The trafficking gangs are already trying to trap these women - and you seem to welcome it.

So all your punts have been with non traffick girls... and you know this how??  your checks must be very more stringent than The border force agency.....

I live in the real world, clearly you live in cloud cuckoo land

Offline ash569

I do actually, yes. I make sure I’m not seeing anyone who might be underage or trafficked, but that sounds like a demographic that you’d be very interested in.

So how do you check if the girls are being trafficked, oh let me guess , you ask them  :D you are a clown

Offline yorkieyorkie

So all your punts have been with non traffick girls... and you know this how??  your checks must be very more stringent than The border force agency.....

I live in the real world, clearly you live in cloud cuckoo land

Dude you sound like an imbecile!

Offline ash569

Dude you sound like an imbecile!

Dude I might sound like one to you, but you actually are one.... :D :D :D :D :D :D   yorkie yorkie does a background check on all girls before a punt, I am guessing you spend more holding your dick than punting while reading the guardian :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Online Charlie Chalk

The answer to the original question is yes! for those of you who are offended by the question should question why they punt , most ladies are economic migrants and some are from desperate backgrounds from developing countries and a some are from war torn countries although they claim they are from different countries, so lets not get on a high horse, as we all know most girls come a poor background and Ukraine is no different, most escorts in Dubai, Turkey and Qatar are from the ukraine!!! will there be an influx of escorts of Ukrainian origin ? of course ! punters rely on beautiful women from poor countries.
the question is perfect reasonable question to ask, but it seems the woke/snowflake squad are offended......
The question may have been valid had it been asked in a serious manner, with some concern for the girls who may or will be forced into becoming sex workers. Instead, the OP asked it in a jocular manner obviously hoping for a nudge-nudge, wink wink response and completely misreading the room as a result. Worse still, he doubled down on his comments and was given a holiday by the mods which he has hopefully used to grow up a bit.

The fact that you are backing him up and finding some humour in this situation shows you are either as silly and immature as he is or are simply trolling. You have certainly been of extremely limited benefit to the forum in your 14 months of membership so far - try contributing something worthwhile before you start arguing with other more established and valuable members.

Offline Mutinyonthecounty

So how do you check if the girls are being trafficked, oh let me guess , you ask them  :D you are a clown

This might come as a surprise to you my friend, but most experienced and decent punters on this forum find the concept of fucking underage kids, abusing trafficked sex workers and taking advantage of female migrants vile and repulsive.

You might also believe that participating in those activities are all fair game in your sick world my friend, but it is hardly something to come on here bragging about and attempting to defend what is an inappropriate subject to find humour in.

Perhaps you ought to focus your time on making a few decent contributions and notching up a few informative reviews, as opposed to humiliating yourself, looking like a cock and generally tarnishing your credibility and reputation before you’ve even started.

Just saying like....
« Last Edit: March 17, 2022, 10:31:16 pm by Mutinyonthecounty »

Offline ISTS2005

The answer to the original question is yes! for those of you who are offended by the question should question why they punt , most ladies are economic migrants and some are from desperate backgrounds from developing countries and a some are from war torn countries although they claim they are from different countries, so lets not get on a high horse, as we all know most girls come a poor background and Ukraine is no different, most escorts in Dubai, Turkey and Qatar are from the ukraine!!! will there be an influx of escorts of Ukrainian origin ? of course ! punters rely on beautiful women from poor countries.
the question is perfect reasonable question to ask, but it seems the woke/snowflake squad are offended......

Firstly, many of us have morals about punting potential refugees FFS, thats a far cry from economic migrants. There's a reason I dont go anywhere near anyone who looks like they are working in such conditions.
Most of the Ukrainian escorts in Dubai are there because they can make a fucking fortune not because they are refugees from a vile attack on a nation, a fucking war FFS.
Trust me I'm far from a snowflake, or woke, I just think your reply shows an incredible amount of ignorance and you're obviously fucking stupid aswell as the OP.