Sugar Babies

Author Topic: how much does an average agency escort in london make p/m?  (Read 3432 times)

Offline finn5555

15-20k a month is achievable easily. 

Bit of a pipe dream really, most make a fraction of that a month.

Offline Makka124

Bit of a pipe dream really, most make a fraction of that a month.

Agree, people forget the girls being on periods, health checks and other shit in there life too
Guessing what they make is the same as walking down the street looking at bloke who wears a suit and saying he’s a white collar worker earn £100k a year and he could be unemployed but likes to wear smart clothing from his dole money

Offline RMwonderer

there must be a few unknowns in the agency setup.  say 10 russian girls turn up in London, and use agency D.  they're placed in same flats in areas around Kensington.

does the agency own the flats or rent long term from some dodgy landlord?  they may whip 30% from the girls.  who knows what overheads they incur other than phone and website?

girls may take 50k for a few years until the next year's fresh intake arrive.   the majority will spunk their earnings on expensive holidays living the high life.  some may get lucky and bag a oil baron.

slight change subject, anyone watch 'inside Dubai playground of the rich'.  there's one "model" that's been out there living in luxury since winning a beauty contest.  me thinks she been doing some other type of work and monies will run out, then end up in blighty  :dash:

Interesting observation. One girl I spoke to (ayesha -neutral) said she was part time and the agency created her aw profile. She has no control on it. Her agency took 50% so she started working independently through viva street. Aw also charge differently to viva street

Offline RMwonderer

TBH I think most do pay at least some taxes.

If you live in this country, it is very hard not to declare any form of income at all. the odds of getting caught are very high. Anti-money laundering checks have become tougher and tougher over the years. The smart ones understand that they need to declare at least some income; maybe they don't declare all of it, but with covid it's become harder and harder to spend cash - many places accept only cards.

Maybe if you really do this occasionally, as some kind of part time gig, it's different; or if you tour the UK from abroad. But if you regularly live here it's different.
It's hard to regulate tax on this.

Online NotThe

They have to sign NDAs from what I was told at that level of punting if the guy is Millions upwards cash level wise or has "social status" that could lead to some issues if exposed.

NDAs are really a deterrent: I will scare you into keeping your mouth shut because if you don't I will threaten to bankrupt you. But this only works with someone who is sensible and who has enough to lose. It doesn't work with someone who is batshit crazy and / or doesn't have anything to lose. Once someone who is batshit crazy and / or doesn't have anything to lose tells everyone that Mr CEO has been hiring escorts for year, the damage is done. Mr CEO likely loses his job and can forget getting another CEO job elsewhere.

Not to mention that there will still be many situations when a WG will be asked to justify payments into her account (the bank running anti money laundering checks, the taxman, etc). When Weinstein bought a woman's silence with an NDA, one of the provisions was that she had to contact the law firm before answering any questions from the taxman about those funds.

Anyway, what do I know, I am no CEO, I don't have squillions in my account, nor an army of lawyers to protect my 'reputation'.

Agree, people forget the girls being on periods, health checks and other shit in there life too

Yes, it's a bit like when people say that cafes charge extortionate money because the shop buys coffee for peanuts then charges £££ for a latte. They forget all the extra that comes with it, rent salaries etc. I haven't met many cafe owners with Ferraris! Or when someone says that tradesmen must be minted because they charge £££ for one day of work - yes but the work isn't constant, they have their expenses, etc.

Offline Payyourwaymate

NDAs are really a deterrent: I will scare you into keeping your mouth shut because if you don't I will threaten to bankrupt you. But this only works with someone who is sensible and who has enough to lose. It doesn't work with someone who is batshit crazy and / or doesn't have anything to lose. Once someone who is batshit crazy and / or doesn't have anything to lose tells everyone that Mr CEO has been hiring escorts for year, the damage is done. Mr CEO likely loses his job and can forget getting another CEO job elsewhere.

Not to mention that there will still be many situations when a WG will be asked to justify payments into her account (the bank running anti money laundering checks, the taxman, etc). When Weinstein bought a woman's silence with an NDA, one of the provisions was that she had to contact the law firm before answering any questions from the taxman about those funds.

Anyway, what do I know, I am no CEO, I don't have squillions in my account, nor an army of lawyers to protect my 'reputation'.

Yes, it's a bit like when people say that cafes charge extortionate money because the shop buys coffee for peanuts then charges £££ for a latte. They forget all the extra that comes with it, rent salaries etc. I haven't met many cafe owners with Ferraris! Or when someone says that tradesmen must be minted because they charge £££ for one day of work - yes but the work isn't constant, they have their expenses, etc.

I agree.

Offline Payyourwaymate

15-20k a month is achievable easily. 

Not at AW and Mid agency level it is not. This is only possible for legit models and "insta famous" women that sell sex going on "Image trips" and sourced privately. Even top end london agencies the women there that are charging £600 - £1000... How many bookings do you reckon they get a week? Plus how reliable are they even really to follow through with the bookings? Do you reckon they have the dedication to be consistent with meets to be able to make that much after the agency takes their cut? I doubt it.

Men with real £££££ that are prepared to spend on sex are not as common as the average punter like us lol. That's why women of that elk move like vultures around rich men, because they know if they let the opportunity slip they may never get another chance  :lol:.

Offline bfdgees56

The really high-end WGs, those charging £500+ an hour, really offer a different service to what is reviewed on this site. Many of those do overnights, long dates, weekends if not weeks away. If you look at their sites and profiles, they post pictures of being flown first class (not business, first) to exotic destinations, luxury dinners in Michelin star restaurants, weekends driving along the countryside on cars that wouldn't be out of place in a Top Gear episode, etc. I can understand that, if a punter has millions, spending thousands like this is nothing; what I do not understand is the risk of EAS (if you regularly book a WG for long weekends away you are no longer looking for an escort but for something else) and the privacy risks: those who do that probably bay by bank transfer, take WGs to their properties, so reveal their names and lots of details. This is a huge risk. But horses for courses.

Many of the guys that do this with a WG are either single or divorced.  Successful in business, often traveling, they don't have time for a fulltime partner but want a "companion" for business social functions or weekends away etc.  They have no attachments to anyone so no chance of EAS.

Around 30 years ago in a senior sales role, I used to regularly book a high end girl, 28 year old, professionally qualified, as a "companion" for a major business client, who was single.  He was in a major buying role and could spend a million a year with my company.  He liked the girl, we wanted to keep him happy.  She charged £500 for an o'night even then, paid by cheque after submitting invoices for "marketing services" to the knowing plc I worked for.  When I asked her why she did this work when she obviously had a high paying professional career, she replied it was her side line.  She already owned a beautiful Central London flat, paid for, worth £300k then; God knows what it would be worth 30 years on.  She was out of my league, never even got a "freebie" for the business I put her way; I often wonder where she is today.       

Offline JackSaint

Not at AW and Mid agency level it is not. This is only possible for legit models and "insta famous" women that sell sex going on "Image trips" and sourced privately. Even top end london agencies the women there that are charging £600 - £1000... How many bookings do you reckon they get a week? Plus how reliable are they even really to follow through with the bookings? Do you reckon they have the dedication to be consistent with meets to be able to make that much after the agency takes their cut? I doubt it.

Men with real £££££ that are prepared to spend on sex are not as common as the average punter like us lol. That's why women of that elk move like vultures around rich men, because they know if they let the opportunity slip they may never get another chance  :lol:.

I've stayed away from this thread so far because I don't really give a fuck but have to challenge this which is categorically wrong. I know a couple of popular London AW £200/£250/hour girls who limit themselves to 5 x punters per day x 5 days, even if they take a whole week of when the plumbers are in thats over 15 grand a month, 75+ cocks mind, although plenty of regulars.

Online hendrix

I've stayed away from this thread so far because I don't really give a fuck but have to challenge this which is categorically wrong. I know a couple of popular London AW £200/£250/hour girls who limit themselves to 5 x punters per day x 5 days, even if they take a whole week of when the plumbers are in thats over 15 grand a month, 75+ cocks mind, although plenty of regulars.


Offline Payyourwaymate

I've stayed away from this thread so far because I don't really give a fuck but have to challenge this which is categorically wrong. I know a couple of popular London AW £200/£250/hour girls who limit themselves to 5 x punters per day x 5 days, even if they take a whole week of when the plumbers are in thats over 15 grand a month, 75+ cocks mind, although plenty of regulars.

So you reckon long term they can do this then without burning out or illness? Can maintain this for months on end? I am not talking about having 1 super month of 15K. I'm talking consistent income. That is not realistic, that's a couple SP that you know. I'm talking the general population of AW girls and agency girls on average, not the exception.

Offline finn5555

I've stayed away from this thread so far because I don't really give a fuck but have to challenge this which is categorically wrong. I know a couple of popular London AW £200/£250/hour girls who limit themselves to 5 x punters per day x 5 days, even if they take a whole week of when the plumbers are in thats over 15 grand a month, 75+ cocks mind, although plenty of regulars.

Burn out guaranteed

Offline Payyourwaymate

Burn out guaranteed

The amount of sheer will required to pull that off. By the time they are done they will spend a significant amount of the money earned on treating themselves for all the hard work they have done and shit they went through, it will completely defeat the purpose of doing it in the first place. It's just not realistic for most, certainly not long term to allow a six figure yearly income.

Offline JackSaint

So you reckon long term they can do this then without burning out or illness? Can maintain this for months on end? I am not talking about having 1 super month of 15K. I'm talking consistent income. That is not realistic, that's a couple SP that you know. I'm talking the general population of AW girls and agency girls on average, not the exception.

You said "not at AW or mid agency level" that's pretty categorical. The answer is yes, it is realistic, for sure, there are plenty of girls who can consistently earn at those levels, some in stints, three to six months, break then go again, lots of hookers in London making six figure annual incomes. Read Topkat's review from yesterday as an example, punters are queueing up to see Caroline and Macy at £800 for the duo and "guys are fucking stupid", lots of us are, ruled by cock. Think of the physical demands, I know I could fuck 5 girls a day 5 days a week, easy.

Offline JackSaint

The amount of sheer will required to pull that off. By the time they are done they will spend a significant amount of the money earned on treating themselves for all the hard work they have done and shit they went through, it will completely defeat the purpose of doing it in the first place. It's just not realistic for most, certainly not long term to allow a six figure yearly income.

How do you know how a whore thinks? You don't. Can they not have ambitions, property to pay for, long term goals?

Offline JackSaint

Burn out guaranteed

Think you'd be very surprised, it's definitely doable, not that rare and if managed can go on a good while.

Offline Payyourwaymate

You said "not at AW or mid agency level" that's pretty categorical. The answer is yes, it is realistic, for sure, there are plenty of girls who can consistently earn at those levels, some in stints, three to six months, break then go again, lots of hookers in London making six figure annual incomes. Read Topkat's review from yesterday as an example, punters are queueing up to see Caroline and Macy at £800 for the duo and "guys are fucking stupid", lots of us are, ruled by cock. Think of the physical demands, I know I could fuck 5 girls a day 5 days a week, easy.

I respectfully disagree. Sure there are a few SPs making six figures, but not at that level, not without serious sacrafice. Even for normal 1% earners they do not maintain such earning potential for 5 years how much more selling sex where burnout, poor financial literacy and other problems are common. I put all the information on an off topic thread regarding 1% earners. SPs are not part of that group.

Having one super year means nothing if a couple years after that they are on 0. It's life time earnings that matter. For every one of you that has the cash to spend, there's probs at least 100 that do not and haggle and spend less. There's not enough punters like you to go around for many SPs to earn such amounts. Look at the stats of the populations earnings, just where will the money come from for all SPs to have such potential for high earnings?

Offline JackSaint

I respectfully disagree. Sure there are a few SPs making six figures, but not at that level, not without serious sacrafice. Even for normal 1% earners they do not maintain such earning potential for 5 years how much more selling sex where burnout, poor financial literacy and other problems are common. I put all the information on an off topic thread regarding 1% earners. SPs are not part of that group.

Having one super year means nothing if a couple years after that they are on 0. It's life time earnings that matter. For every one of you that has the cash to spend, there's probs at least 100 that do not and haggle and spend less. There's not enough punters like you to go around for many SPs to earn such amounts. Look at the stats of the populations earnings, just where will the money come from for all SPs to have such potential for high earnings?

I'm not interested in an argument, you made a strong statement which was wrong, I corrected it. Truth be know. neither of us know the full breakdown of hooker earnings but what I do know, for sure, is that plenty in London earn six figures, regularly, and appear to manage any issues because they stay on the scene for years. I'm speaking from experience, not heresay, I sometimes talk to the girls I see and I'm buying mid range, I'm nowhere near a high roller, there are plenty of punters like me and plenty at £500+ and a whole range at numbers that would blow your mind if you regularly buy 30 minutes for £70. That's my last word.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2022, 04:22:58 pm by JackSaint »

Offline Payyourwaymate

I'm not interested in an argument, you made a strong statement which was wrong, I corrected it. Truth be know. neither of us know the full breakdown of hooker earnings but what I do know, for sure, is that plenty in London earn six figures, regularly, and appear to manage any issues because they stay on the scene for years. I'm speaking from experience, not heresay, I sometimes talk to the girls I see and I'm buying mid range, I'm nowhere near a high roller, there are plenty of punters like me and plenty at £500+ and a whole range at numbers that would blow your mind if you regularly buy 30 minutes for £70. That's my last word.

I'm not arguing with you, this is a discussion. If you cannot participate without getting flustered, don't bother in the first place. You clearly are not aware of populations earnings in the UK to think there are enough punters to bankroll a significant number of SPs to earn six figures to believe that this is normal on average or realistic for an SP to hope for. Technically, you are a high roller as well. You can't possibly live in such a bubble where you believe your spend is normal and common behaviour based on your sample size of booking SPs do you? Sigh, I wonder sometimes. 

Online NotThe

You don't need millions of Londoners to be "high rollers" who earn ££££££ to justify the existence of many WGs charging £500+.
The latest ONS data estimates 1.2 million Londoners living in households with a gross income > £100k.

External Link/Members Only

Probably £100k is still not enough to fritter away £££ on super expensive escorts.

Maybe you need to earn £200k? That would be ca. £10k net of taxes per month.

I have no idea how many of those 1.2 million are males earning >£200k, but, even if it is only 10% (just pulling numbers out of thin air), it's still 120,000 people.

And this is without counting the super high flyers who visit London often, maybe even have a house here, but don't count as residents. Ever seen the moving vans when Arabs move into their Mayfair or Knightsbridge properties just for the summer, then move out again?

Offline jamiekinkxxx

This is a pointless finger in the air exercise.

Anyone who is trying to either put a figure down is just speculating and guessing. No one will know all the parameters. Every escort will be different in the way they work. It just cannot even be guessed to any degree of certainity!

As a few people have said:

Where are they working in London
What are they charging p/h
Are they independent or via agency (I know the Q was agency but what about the other channels?)
What nationality are they
Are the fulltime or part-time

But most importantly what is average???  :unknown:... agency prices vary so much, from cheap agencies to really high-end, to agencies that are not even agencies in the traditional sense and then everything inbetween.

Put it like this.

There will be many an ecsort that thinks it is a professional paved with gold. Some will make ALOT other will either make little or just piss it against the wall. Pretty much like any profession... all of ours I would imagine.... some people are successful at what they do and make alot of money... others are not so good and make a little and soem of us who make alot will just piss it up against the wall (certainly in our early careers... which will be echo's by escorts too IMHO!  :D)

« Last Edit: February 07, 2022, 05:30:01 pm by jamiekinkxxx »

Offline Payyourwaymate

You don't need millions of Londoners to be "high rollers" who earn ££££££ to justify the existence of many WGs charging £500+.
The latest ONS data estimates 1.2 million Londoners living in households with a gross income > £100k.

External Link/Members Only

Probably £100k is still not enough to fritter away £££ on super expensive escorts.

Maybe you need to earn £200k? That would be ca. £10k net of taxes per month.

I have no idea how many of those 1.2 million are males earning >£200k, but, even if it is only 10% (just pulling numbers out of thin air), it's still 120,000 people.

And this is without counting the super high flyers who visit London often, maybe even have a house here, but don't count as residents. Ever seen the moving vans when Arabs move into their Mayfair or Knightsbridge properties just for the summer, then move out again?

Thank you for providing stats. However, this is not my point that I am trying to get across though that it is impossible for an SP to earn six figures, I have never stated that.

My point is that there is likely not enough men at the earning level who punt in comparison to the probable population of SPs to sustain enough SPs to allow them to consistently earn six figures that we can be in a situation that people now are saying it is possible like there is not tranches of earning levels for SPs along with everyone else depending on what niche, area, lookwise and service they provide etc. It makes no sense to look at a small group of SPs earning that much or demonstrating the capacity to be able to earn that much and suddenly turn around and say it is possible in general. That's like looking at another group of for example footballers and say yes, getting six figures weekly is the norm, like say there are not lower level leagues where footballers are not getting 6 or 5 figures weekly. Those SPs making six figures are Champions League level pussy sellers. This is what is being ignorned. An average looking woman you see on AW is not getting that providing plain services, she'll have to go niche, look a particular way or increase footfall with marketing to even have a chance of cracking that amount, it will have to be in London too as that is where the money is.

For those that charge at a particular price which can allow for the potential to earn such an amount, they look a particular way, offer a niche service, are located in a particular area. For the average looking AW girl or Agency girl at £200-250, can people really turn around and say if she really tries hard enough she can consistently earn six figures that this can now be seen as a standard base level?

This is my point, it's possible. However, not to the extent that we can pass a solid conclusion that a woman deciding to be an SP can believe there is a strong possibility they can see themselves in a strong position to earn 100K plus year in year out that it makes sense as a line of work in the UK. This excludes those doing it as a short stint and starting businesses or buying property in their home country where Pound Sterling allows more bang for their buck per say in terms of purchasing power and cash flow compared to their home currency.   

One thing I would say is this, if it really was so easy for SPs to earn so much, why are they so reliant on regular customers then? There's plenty men flush with cash coming in to sample and to sustain their income right?
« Last Edit: February 07, 2022, 05:36:18 pm by Payyourwaymate »

Offline jamiekinkxxx

What I do know though from my 20+ years on the scene is that:

There are many an escort (I could name 5 straight away that I am still in contact with) who came into the industry and had an exit plan

These girls were good at their trade, VERY Good in fact and although at the higher end of the LDN market were not in the £10,000 an overnight league. They were bright and knew about finance and how to work in the industry for a few years (some 5-10 years) and then get out and be set-up for life.

That could be by financial indpendence or having a vocation that could be maintained by investments supplementing it. Note none of the 5 that I know married a punter, although I am sure that is another way they can be set up for life.

Offline jamiekinkxxx

For the average looking AW girl or Agency girl at £200-250, can people really turn around and say if she really tries hard enough she can consistently earn six figures that this can now be seen as a standard base level?

errrr YES

I am not trying to work out how much an average girl earns, as per my point above it is a pointless exercise as there are too many individual parameters and unknowns. Plus what is average?

BUT I did want to retort about how hard it is for a girl to consistently earn over £100k a year

Just do the basic maths...

A conservative look you could say a girl working at £250ph working 3 hours a day (which could even be just one punter), 5 days a week (hey will all want some R&R during the week, 3 weeks a month (they have a cycle when it is hard to work) and 10 months in the year (they want holidays and will have sickness = £112,500 a year
« Last Edit: February 07, 2022, 05:55:55 pm by jamiekinkxxx »

Offline bonapati

Thank you for providing stats. However, this is not my point that I am trying to get across though that it is impossible for an SP to earn six figures, I have never stated that.

My point is that there is likely not enough men at the earning level who punt in comparison to the probable population of SPs to sustain enough SPs to allow them to consistently earn six figures that we can be in a situation that people now are saying it is possible like there is not tranches of earning levels for SPs along with everyone else depending on what niche, area, lookwise and service they provide etc. It makes no sense to look at a small group of SPs earning that much or demonstrating the capacity to be able to earn that much and suddenly turn around and say it is possible in general. That's like looking at another group of for example footballers and say yes, getting six figures weekly is the norm, like say there are not lower level leagues where footballers are not getting 6 or 5 figures weekly. Those SPs making six figures are Champions League level pussy sellers. This is what is being ignorned. An average looking woman you see on AW is not getting that providing plain services, she'll have to go niche, look a particular way or increase footfall with marketing to even have a chance of cracking that amount, it will have to be in London too as that is where the money is.

For those that charge at a particular price which can allow for the potential to earn such an amount, they look a particular way, offer a niche service, are located in a particular area. For the average looking AW girl or Agency girl at £200-250, can people really turn around and say if she really tries hard enough she can consistently earn six figures that this can now be seen as a standard base level?

This is my point, it's possible. However, not to the extent that we can pass a solid conclusion that a woman deciding to be an SP can believe there is a strong possibility they can see themselves in a strong position to earn 100K plus year in year out that it makes sense as a line of work in the UK. This excludes those doing it as a short stint and starting businesses or buying property in their home country where Pound Sterling allows more bang for their buck per say in terms of purchasing power and cash flow compared to their home currency.   

One thing I would say is this, if it really was so easy for SPs to earn so much, why are they so reliant on regular customers then? There's plenty men flush with cash coming in to sample and to sustain their income right?

Unfortunately, it seems like you are looking at it from your “tiny window” point of view.
Because a hooker is selling on AW or at 200 is not the point. A hooker earning 600 ph may have to wait days for that right client. You also might be seriously underestimating salaries and bonuses paid on the square mile. You will find out that in a lot of cases the base starts at 150 -180k plus bonus, travel etc. this means lots of punters can easily spend 2k month without feeling the pinch - if they wanted to.

If only some of us had 2 dicks 😂 I’d be working the every day of the week.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2022, 05:59:05 pm by bonapati »

Offline bonapati

I'm not interested in an argument, you made a strong statement which was wrong, I corrected it. Truth be know. neither of us know the full breakdown of hooker earnings but what I do know, for sure, is that plenty in London earn six figures, regularly, and appear to manage any issues because they stay on the scene for years. I'm speaking from experience, not heresay, I sometimes talk to the girls I see and I'm buying mid range, I'm nowhere near a high roller, there are plenty of punters like me and plenty at £500+ and a whole range at numbers that would blow your mind if you regularly buy 30 minutes for £70. That's my last word.

As clearly articulated ☝️

Offline Payyourwaymate

What I do know though from my 20+ years on the scene is that:

There are many an escort (I could name 5 straight away that I am still in contact with) who came into the industry and had an exit plan

These girls were good at their trade, VERY Good in fact and although at the higher end of the LDN market were not in the £10,000 an overnight league. They were bright and knew about finance and how to work in the industry for a few years (some 5-10 years) and then get out and be set-up for life.

That could be by financial indpendence or having a vocation that could be maintained by investments supplementing it. Note none of the 5 that I know married a punter, although I am sure that is another way they can be set up for life.

20 years ago is before?

How was the job market 20 years ago? Much easier then right? I am talking about now.

Offline Payyourwaymate

Unfortunately, it seems like you are looking at it from your “tiny window” point of view.
Because a hooker is selling on AW or at 200 is not the point. A hooker earning 600 ph may have to wait days for that right client. You also might be seriously underestimating salaries and bonuses paid on the square mile. You will find out that in a lot of cases the base starts at 150 -180k plus bonus, travel etc. this means lots of punters can easily spend 2k month without feeling the pinch - if they wanted to.

If only some of us had 2 dicks 😂 I’d be working the every day of the week.

Please, don't try to be patronising. How can you imagine there are plenty of punters able to spend this, are none of you privy to the populations average finances?

This small population of high earners is not the norm, and it is not enough justification to say it's possible for a standard AW or agency to have hopes they can earn such amounts because of that variable of a small group of punters sustaining a lucky amount of SPs to make that much.

Offline Payyourwaymate

errrr YES

I am not trying to work out how much an average girl earns, as per my point above it is a pointless exercise as there are too many individual parameters and unknowns. Plus what is average?

BUT I did want to retort about how hard it is for a girl to consistently earn over £100k a year

Just do the basic maths...

A conservative look you could say a girl working at £250ph working 3 hours a day (which could even be just one punter), 5 days a week (hey will all want some R&R during the week, 3 weeks a month (they have a cycle when it is hard to work) and 10 months in the year (they want holidays and will have sickness = £112,500 a year

Not realistic in my eyes my good sir. If it was that easy why are we not seeing many success stories, why is the general perception that SPs do not make alot of money or become financially independent?

Offline JackSaint

Not realistic in my eyes my good sir. If it was that easy why are we not seeing many success stories, why is the general perception that SPs do not make alot of money or become financially independent?

I said I wouldn't comment any more but this has forced me, what do you expect the successful girls to do, publish their stories in the fucking Sun?

Offline Payyourwaymate

I said I wouldn't comment any more but this has forced me, what do you expect the successful girls to do, publish their stories in the fucking Sun?

Why are you swearing? I am having a civil discussion and you are getting emotional?

Look, if you're having a long day take it easy but don't try to piss me off.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2022, 06:21:10 pm by Payyourwaymate »

Offline JackSaint

Why are you swearing? I am having a civil discussion and you are getting emotional?

Not emotional, the comment was ridiculous, my response reflected my thoughts. This is definitely my last comment on this thread because you are taking on the world from a position that you won't change, won't listen to anyone else's perspective and taking a beating from all sides. Happy calculating.

Offline Payyourwaymate

Not emotional, the comment was ridiculous, my response reflected my thoughts. This is definitely my last comment on this thread because you are taking on the world from a position that you won't change, won't listen to anyone else's perspective and taking a beating from all sides. Happy calculating.

No one has fully demonstrated or broken down how anything I have said is incorrect. Providing short anecdotes is not enough to prove my points wrong from a holistic point of view, this is why I have not changed my mind. If I called you a narrow minded bigot who's out of touch with the real world is that ok? Since that reflected my thoughts of your post but I did not say that out of respect. Don't be stupid.

Offline JackSaint

No one has fully demonstrated or broken down how anything I have said is incorrect. Providing short anecdotes is not enough to prove my points wrong from a holistic point of view, this is why I have not changed my mind. If I called you a narrow minded bigot who's out of touch with the real world is that ok? Since that reflected my thoughts of your post but I did not say that out of respect. Don't be stupid.

Mate, some may question where the most narrow minded, bigoted comments came from as you've made sweeping and totally unfounded statements whilst disagreeing with every poster who made a point that didn't agree with yours, many with a much wider range of experience and time in the game, you can call me what you want, my thoughts aren't publishable under site rules and might include swearing which would offend delicate readers :D :lol: :D :lol:

Offline Payyourwaymate

Mate, some may question where the most narrow minded, bigoted comments came from as you've made sweeping and totally unfounded statements whilst disagreeing with every poster who made a point that didn't agree with yours, many with a much wider range of experience and time in the game, you can call me what you want, my thoughts aren't publishable under site rules and might include swearing which would offend delicate readers :D :lol: :D :lol:

Break down everything I have said where what I have said does not make any sense. I have explained in full my points and justifications behind my reasoning. You are using a small sample size to justify an extrapolation that it is easier than it really is for a regular SP to make 6 figures consisently which is what I am disputing. Why are site rules coming under this?

If it was so easy why were you concerned about reviewing that Diva girl who was worried about making money when she came?

Lets dig out that post shall we?

She told me it might be a short visit, she was worried about how much business she'd get, I hope she gained traction from our reviews and earned a tidy sum to take back home, a top girl.

Would she had needed reviews if it was so easy to make money then?
« Last Edit: February 07, 2022, 07:07:04 pm by Payyourwaymate »

Offline JackSaint

Break down everything I have said where what I have said does not make any sense. I have explained in full my points and justifications behind my reasoning. You are using a small sample size to justify an extrapolation that it is easier than it really is for a regular SP to make 6 figures consisently which is what I am disputing. Why are site rules coming under this?

If it was so easy why were you concerned about reviewing that Diva girl who was worried about making money when she came?

Lets dig out that post shall we?

Would she had needed reviews if it was so easy to make money then?

Definitely my final comment now, you say no regular SP can make six figures consistently (note the spelling), many have disagreed with you, which is fine but you keep spouting with no justification because let's be honest here, you don't have a clue. The Diva girl, on her last visit was concerned about the pandemic's impact on business, on her previous trip she made shedloads of dough, her doubts were probably unfounded. This has now become tedious, going round in circles, becoming passively aggressive and wierdly stalky digging out comments from old reviews is frankly pathetic. We don't agree on this subject, let's leave it there.

Offline Payyourwaymate

Definitely my final comment now, you say no regular SP can make six figures consistently (note the spelling), many have disagreed with you, which is fine but you keep spouting with no justification because let's be honest here, you don't have a clue. The Diva girl, on her last visit was concerned about the pandemic's impact on business, on her previous trip she made shedloads of dough, her doubts were probably unfounded. This has now become tedious, going round in circles, becoming passively aggressive and wierdly stalky digging out comments from old reviews is frankly pathetic. We don't agree on this subject, let's leave it there.

No, no, no don't run away now. You have not addressed that you reviewed positively to boost her income?

I thought it's easy for SPs to make money right? Don't be a bitch now.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2022, 07:46:16 pm by Payyourwaymate »

Offline JackSaint

No, no, no don't run away now. You have not addressed that you reviewed positively to boost her income?

I thought it's easy for SPs to make money right? Don't be a bitch now.

No need for name calling.

She is a good girl, well reviewed on here, I reviewed her in the spirit of the site, not to boost her income, don't start going down that accusatory path.

For the final time, to get it into your thick skull, SPs, particularly in London can and do make six figures a year, consistently, but not selling their fanny for seventy quid in tooting Bec.

I'm out of this thread.

Offline Payyourwaymate

No need for name calling.

She is a good girl, well reviewed on here, I reviewed her in the spirit of the site, not to boost her income, don't start going down that accusatory path.

For the final time, to get it into your thick skull, SPs, particularly in London can and do make six figures a year, consistently, but not selling their fanny for seventy quid in tooting Bec.

I'm out of this thread.

 :lol: are you in your feelings now? I have stated it is possible for SPs to make 6 figures. Just not like everyone is saying it is. I guess you did not take time to read my points did you to see I explained fully what I said right?

So now what? In spirit of the site you say? The quote I posted is clearly not in spirit of the site but for her no? How many other girls have you done that for?

It's hard playing a fine balancing act of reviewing for the sake of your ego, helping SPs incomes and helping punters too right?

Offline puntingpumping1920

I've stayed away from this thread so far because I don't really give a fuck but have to challenge this which is categorically wrong. I know a couple of popular London AW £200/£250/hour girls who limit themselves to 5 x punters per day x 5 days, even if they take a whole week of when the plumbers are in thats over 15 grand a month, 75+ cocks mind, although plenty of regulars.

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Banned reason: Mr £500k go and buy some fucking manners
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline puntingpumping1920

Did your bro/other account ask you to wade in?

You will need to ask my other account
Banned reason: Mr £500k go and buy some fucking manners
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline puntingpumping1920

I've stayed away from this thread so far because I don't really give a fuck but have to challenge this which is categorically wrong. I know a couple of popular London AW £200/£250/hour girls who limit themselves to 5 x punters per day x 5 days, even if they take a whole week of when the plumbers are in thats over 15 grand a month, 75+ cocks mind, although plenty of regulars.

Pure bullshit
Banned reason: Mr £500k go and buy some fucking manners
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline JackSaint

You will need to ask my other account

One thing both you and your alter ego have in common is that you both make this place unpleasant for many, you should be proud.

Offline puntingpumping1920

One thing both you and your alter ego have in common is that you both make this place unpleasant for many, you should be proud.

I agree with my alter ego too
Stop Capping
Banned reason: Mr £500k go and buy some fucking manners
Banned by: Iloveoral

Online daviemac

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I said I wouldn't comment any more but this has forced me, what do you expect the successful girls to do, publish their stories in the fucking Sun?
I don't know why you are carrying this on, here you have replied to Payyourwaymate's post when he wasn't even talking to you, he was responding to a point someone else made. Just agree to disagree with him.

These threads always end the same way and to be honest I don't know why people bother with them. Look at the facts, unless you are the pimp and with the escort 24 hours a day you have no idea about what they earn, there's to many unknown factors.

Only they know how often they want to work, how many punters per shift they want to see, how many punters they actually see which could be less than they want and how much of their fee is taken up with expenses.

There's a whole world of difference between earning potential and actual earnings.  Why should a punter be bothered anyway.   :unknown:

Offline Payyourwaymate

One thing both you and your alter ego have in common is that you both make this place unpleasant for many, you should be proud.

You fucking female. How many times do I have to tell you to not drag me into your shit with PP1920. What the hell is wrong with you?

Do you know how many members I have looked out for and try to help just because I care about helping in general? Don't ever try and make unsubstantiated claims because I had a disagreement with you. Don't come on some bitch shit. I tried to be civil as possible but I can't be arsed anymore. Stop being a fucking pussy and say what you want to me directly, not come with some "oh you and your alter ego nonsense". Me and PP1920 are not related. Get this into your stupid head, Jesus Christ. 

Offline myothernameis

I'm talking about a £300 p/m escort with Diva who is reasonably popular. Net of agency fees etc. Obviously will vary quite a bit from one escort to another but just trying to get a rough idea.

By my calculations:
- assume 3 x 1 hr bookings a day
- so £900 per day
- assume work 5 days a week so £4,500 p/w
- £18,000 per month
- Assume agency fees of 30% so escort income is £12,600 p/m
- Assume rent of £2,500

So something like £10,000 p/m once rent is taken into account? Sound right?

You have left out the accountants fee, especially if the escort is earning £18,000 per month.   If the escort was earning £18,000, she would draw the attention of inland revenue, who then look at her finances now and in the past

Income for the year would be around £200,000, and tax on this would be around £75,000

Offline bonapati

You fucking female. How many times do I have to tell you to not drag me into your shit with PP1920. What the hell is wrong with you?

Do you know how many members I have looked out for and try to help just because I care about helping in general? Don't ever try and make unsubstantiated claims because I had a disagreement with you. Don't come on some bitch shit. I tried to be civil as possible but I can't be arsed anymore. Stop being a fucking pussy and say what you want to me directly, not come with some "oh you and your alter ego nonsense". Me and PP1920 are not related. Get this into your stupid head, Jesus Christ.

Hidden Image/Members Only

Are you denying him?