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Author Topic: How many txts should one send out in order to get a reply?  (Read 1203 times)

Offline rioja

A booking I had made for today was cancelled (SP said she was ill) - but she did at least send me this info early in the day.

So I thought I'd try a few from my hotlist and sent about 5 txts out - only 2 came back within a couple of hours.

I also phoned a couple of agencies around 11 am that both went to answerphone.

Makes me wonder why bother advertise if comms so bad?

What do others do in similar circumstances?

Offline Moby Dick

Offline MLawro93

Have a wank instead.

Pretty much this. It saves you from having a shit punt.

Online Colston36

I normally only email once. If they don't reply I don't bother. But it rarely happens on the same day. I suspect I would do better if I persevered.

Offline Malvolio

If I'm after a booking on the day I'll phone up rather than send a text message.

Offline lillythesavage

If I'm after a booking on the day I'll phone up rather than send a text message.

Makes sense, after all, that is what the telephone was invented for.   :unknown:

Offline gray99999

A booking I had made for today was cancelled (SP said she was ill) - but she did at least send me this info early in the day.

So I thought I'd try a few from my hotlist and sent about 5 txts out - only 2 came back within a couple of hours.

I also phoned a couple of agencies around 11 am that both went to answerphone.

Makes me wonder why bother advertise if comms so bad?

What do others do in similar circumstances?

Depends on the circumstances : time of day, how much I actually want to punt, time of day/night or how quickly I want a booking

If i text first, and no reply after a while, then I'll text again and/or call if I can.
If I call first, and no reply after a while, I'll call again then text if no reply

If no reply after any of those, then I'll leave it. Some days girls will reply/answer straightaway. Some days you'll get no reply whatsoever

Offline heathen666

Tell me about it! Had a similar experience in Farnborough recently, I think the 8th girl I messaged finally replied!
« Last Edit: December 19, 2021, 11:18:55 pm by heathen666 »

Offline jm6d

As other has said, telephones are for calls. Other things make at least me creepy and uncertain. Texts with instructions on how to walk could come late or be hard to understand and once i came very uncertain to a meeting: If the person is adamant to text, how do i know that it is a woman and not a man?

Offline MrMatrix

Favourite thing with Romanians and tending with Russians this sort of thing.
I phone- no reply, after which I sometimes get a text and then things unfold from there. If I dont get a text I will text within 10 minutes and at that stage will consider plan B and C. Send texts off and hopefully one will reply. Ive seen me waste a couple of hours without result and then think I'll save me the money and chock one out.
Even if you get a reply you may have to deal with B&S or the services arent what is on their likes list. Its a fuckin lottery. Thats why its important to go with a well reviewed burd off UKP. Its why its important punters do reviews :hi: