Sugar Babies

Author Topic: How to stop seeing escorts for good?  (Read 10272 times)

Offline Payyourwaymate

When you're stuck in a problem like this, the best advice comes from those who know you the most, like your close family.
A problem shared often resolves itself. Chat with your wife and daughter, explain that you've realised that punting prossies isn't for you and it costs too much money, and ask for their help in stopping. I'm sure that if you're wholly truthful they'll  find a way to end your confusion.

 :lol: :lol: :lol:

Online mr.bluesky

When you're stuck in a problem like this, the best advice comes from those who know you the most, like your close family.
A problem shared often resolves itself. Chat with your wife and daughter, explain that you've realised that punting prossies isn't for you and it costs too much money, and ask for their help in stopping. I'm sure that if you're wholly truthful they'll  find a way to end your confusion.

Good advice Scutty  :D all his money will be going towards his divorce lawyer so he won't be able to afford a punt.

Online Thephoenix

When you're stuck in a problem like this, the best advice comes from those who know you the most, like your close family.
A problem shared often resolves itself. Chat with your wife and daughter, explain that you've realised that punting prossies isn't for you and it costs too much money, and ask for their help in stopping. I'm sure that if you're wholly truthful they'll  find a way to end your confusion.

Excellent advice!
.......Also arrange a meeting with your family priest.
They're often well versed in matters of a sexual nature.
........Or ask advice about joining a monastery. I believe the foods good!
That could be an option when your divorce comes through.

Offline itk

You are probably all thinking "Just don't go on adultwork and text them anymore dickhead" , but I always end up going back, browsing the whole southeast and London for a quickie, sending out texts to multiple wgs to try and arrange something, then I end up having a lacklustre time feeling very empty inside, maybe I am expecting too much from seeing strangers for sex. I saw a wg that I had visited quite a few times over the past few years and even that didn't satisfy me. I need to stop this now.

Is there anyone else that has felt similar? Is there any software I could use to block sites like adultwork so I can never go back or is it all just down to your own willpower?

Just stay focused. I’ve now gone 9 months without punting, which is the longest I’ve gone for over 25 years. I just got fed up with the wasted time and money with crap punts and even regulars became boring to me. I’ve continued to stay on here, but I’ve barely looked on AW, even when I do I’m not remotely interested in punting.  Partly it’s down to there being hardly any  punts that interest me, but the main reason is I’ve just lost all interest in punting. Looking back I think I was just punting to keep up with a punting mate of mine who was punting twice a week every week.  To be honest, I doubt I’ll punt again, unless Lolly Badcock decides to sell herself in Norwich. 

Offline itk

When you're stuck in a problem like this, the best advice comes from those who know you the most, like your close family.
A problem shared often resolves itself. Chat with your wife and daughter, explain that you've realised that punting prossies isn't for you and it costs too much money, and ask for their help in stopping. I'm sure that if you're wholly truthful they'll  find a way to end your confusion.


Offline ZeroCount

SAA- sex addicts anonymous

Do they do group therapy sessions with mixed groups? I definitely think my problem could be helped by talking with some like-minded people.  :blush:

Offline doyouforgetit

Do they do group therapy sessions with mixed groups? I definitely think my problem could be helped by talking with some like-minded people.  :blush:

They are not really therapy per se. It's more a fellowship of mentors who take you through a programme.

Offline Home Alone

You are probably all thinking "Just don't go on adultwork and text them anymore dickhead" , but I always end up going back, browsing the whole southeast and London for a quickie, sending out texts to multiple wgs to try and arrange something, then I end up having a lacklustre time feeling very empty inside, maybe I am expecting too much from seeing strangers for sex. I saw a wg that I had visited quite a few times over the past few years and even that didn't satisfy me. I need to stop this now.

Is there anyone else that has felt similar? Is there any software I could use to block sites like adultwork so I can never go back or is it all just down to your own willpower?

I've found that growing old helps!!  ;)  :D  :lol:

I'm now nearer 80 than 70, and have begun to feel my age and was finding it increasingly difficult to get hard, even with Sildenafil. Also, with one or two very occasional exceptions to 'tick' a Service I really wanted, I'd really only been seeing one lass - once a month - for certainly the last six or seven years. We've become friends; and after one of our 4-hour Sunday afternoon sessions, I said something fluffy like, "I never thought this day would dawn, but I think I'd rather be your friend than your client."

She knew what I meant - it was bloody hard work for both of us for me to get satisfactorily hard - so we agreed that I'd never have another session like the ones we'd had 8 - 10 years ago, but wasn't able to manage any more. We're still in regular contact with each other and are on the phone two or three times a week but I've not had any properly enjoyable sex since that Sunday afternoon. And to be honest, even that wasn't anything worthy of posting a review!

Like I say, I really am beginning to feel old and frail. I've moved into semi-sheltered accommodation - I can imagine what the company who run the accommodation would have to say if "women of the night" started visiting me! - and I'm getting my own flat ready to put on the market.

I'm just hoping my general health holds out; I've still some ambitions left, mainly to do with travel. The discussions I'd had with one of the "mates I've never met" on here, involving a punting holiday once the pandemic was over, possibly in Kyiv :scare:, may have been hit on the head; but there are still places to go and people to see.

But I still pop back on here very occasionally to see how you all are. I know there are certain honourable members - and their members! - who are older than me and still punting; but this is my answer to Llanfair571's initial post.

Offline Punterperson1971

I've found that growing old helps!!  ;)  :D  :lol:

I'm now nearer 80 than 70, and have begun to feel my age and was finding it increasingly difficult to get hard, even with Sildenafil. Also, with one or two very occasional exceptions to 'tick' a Service I really wanted, I'd really only been seeing one lass - once a month - for certainly the last six or seven years. We've become friends; and after one of our 4-hour Sunday afternoon sessions, I said something fluffy like, "I never thought this day would dawn, but I think I'd rather be your friend than your client."

She knew what I meant - it was bloody hard work for both of us for me to get satisfactorily hard - so we agreed that I'd never have another session like the ones we'd had 8 - 10 years ago, but wasn't able to manage any more. We're still in regular contact with each other and are on the phone two or three times a week but I've not had any properly enjoyable sex since that Sunday afternoon. And to be honest, even that wasn't anything worthy of posting a review!

Like I say, I really am beginning to feel old and frail. I've moved into semi-sheltered accommodation - I can imagine what the company who run the accommodation would have to say if "women of the night" started visiting me! - and I'm getting my own flat ready to put on the market.

I'm just hoping my general health holds out; I've still some ambitions left, mainly to do with travel. The discussions I'd had with one of the "mates I've never met" on here, involving a punting holiday once the pandemic was over, possibly in Kyiv :scare:, may have been hit on the head; but there are still places to go and people to see.

But I still pop back on here very occasionally to see how you all are. I know there are certain honourable members - and their members! - who are older than me and still punting; but this is my answer to Llanfair571's initial post.
I wish you all the best we’ve all got old age to come and I hope I’m like you when I get to 80 and I really hope you get that holiday you desire  :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :drinks: :drinks:

Offline BarneyBubbles

I think punting can become, if not an adddiction, then a hard to break habit.  For some people it's great and they're clear about why they do it, but for others I suspect it fulfills other desires than simply sex... intimacy, validation, power etc.  It's the same reason that people get into routines and habits that leave them unfulfilled and disappointed afterwards (eating disorders spring to mind... sometimes we eat crap we know we shouldnt because it makes us feel good in the short-term)
It's hard to step away from this strong pulls and you might need to seek help if you've really decided that it's time to stop.

Offline WelshClipper

I've found that growing old helps!!  ;)  :D  :lol:

I'm now nearer 80 than 70, and have begun to feel my age and was finding it increasingly difficult to get hard, even with Sildenafil. Also, with one or two very occasional exceptions to 'tick' a Service I really wanted, I'd really only been seeing one lass - once a month - for certainly the last six or seven years. We've become friends; and after one of our 4-hour Sunday afternoon sessions, I said something fluffy like, "I never thought this day would dawn, but I think I'd rather be your friend than your client."

She knew what I meant - it was bloody hard work for both of us for me to get satisfactorily hard - so we agreed that I'd never have another session like the ones we'd had 8 - 10 years ago, but wasn't able to manage any more. We're still in regular contact with each other and are on the phone two or three times a week but I've not had any properly enjoyable sex since that Sunday afternoon. And to be honest, even that wasn't anything worthy of posting a review!

Like I say, I really am beginning to feel old and frail. I've moved into semi-sheltered accommodation - I can imagine what the company who run the accommodation would have to say if "women of the night" started visiting me! - and I'm getting my own flat ready to put on the market.

I'm just hoping my general health holds out; I've still some ambitions left, mainly to do with travel. The discussions I'd had with one of the "mates I've never met" on here, involving a punting holiday once the pandemic was over, possibly in Kyiv :scare:, may have been hit on the head; but there are still places to go and people to see.

But I still pop back on here very occasionally to see how you all are. I know there are certain honourable members - and their members! - who are older than me and still punting; but this is my answer to Llanfair571's initial post.

Great to see you are still alive and kicking buddy. I am about ten years behind you in age but I always imagined my next ten years will see me trail off slowly. I am already a lot more pernickety than I was when I started 8 years ago.

I have chatted to you here and on EH and I think UKE and you were always a voice of reason. Good luck with the move and yes I will be checking in here as well when I ‘retire’, probably until the day I shed this mortal coil.  :hi:

Online Thephoenix

I've found that growing old helps!!  ;)  :D  :lol:

I'm now nearer 80 than 70, and have begun to feel my age and was finding it increasingly difficult to get hard, even with Sildenafil. Also, with one or two very occasional exceptions to 'tick' a Service I really wanted, I'd really only been seeing one lass - once a month - for certainly the last six or seven years. We've become friends; and after one of our 4-hour Sunday afternoon sessions, I said something fluffy like, "I never thought this day would dawn, but I think I'd rather be your friend than your client."

She knew what I meant - it was bloody hard work for both of us for me to get satisfactorily hard - so we agreed that I'd never have another session like the ones we'd had 8 - 10 years ago, but wasn't able to manage any more. We're still in regular contact with each other and are on the phone two or three times a week but I've not had any properly enjoyable sex since that Sunday afternoon. And to be honest, even that wasn't anything worthy of posting a review!

Like I say, I really am beginning to feel old and frail. I've moved into semi-sheltered accommodation - I can imagine what the company who run the accommodation would have to say if "women of the night" started visiting me! - and I'm getting my own flat ready to put on the market.

I'm just hoping my general health holds out; I've still some ambitions left, mainly to do with travel. The discussions I'd had with one of the "mates I've never met" on here, involving a punting holiday once the pandemic was over, possibly in Kyiv :scare:, may have been hit on the head; but there are still places to go and people to see.

But I still pop back on here very occasionally to see how you all are. I know there are certain honourable members - and their members! - who are older than me and still punting; but this is my answer to Llanfair571's initial post.

 Hello old chum.

Good to hear your still ticking over.
I was concerned we might have heard the last from you.

I'm a few years older and understand exactly how you feel.
I'm living in similar accommodation and diagnosed as moderately frail, whatever that means.

As the years go by, I've decided to 'retire' from Punting more often  :(
but then think, maybe one last time.
The problem is I'm getting worried that I might peg it in Fifi's massage parlour. :scare:

I hope you're still able to do some traveling.
Maybe back to Australia?
Unfortunately if you're like me, even long haul flights can be a problem.

I hope you can continue to pop in here occasionally.
We always enjoy your contributions.

« Last Edit: May 13, 2022, 08:51:58 am by Thephoenix »

Offline Fuzzyduck

I've found that growing old helps!!  ;)  :D  :lol:

Good to hear from you HA. I somewhat fear the day when I just can't be bothered any longer but I know that when I get there, that I'll be fine with it. I don't know how you are, but I find that sex with the same person excites me less and less over time. Perhaps a new experience (maybe abroad somewhere) might rekindle some yearning down below.

Offline Doc Holliday

Good to hear from you again HA  :hi:

Offline MrMatrix

I think punting can become, if not an adddiction, then a hard to break habit.  For some people it's great and they're clear about why they do it, but for others I suspect it fulfills other desires than simply sex... intimacy, validation, power etc.  It's the same reason that people get into routines and habits that leave them unfulfilled and disappointed afterwards (eating disorders spring to mind... sometimes we eat crap we know we shouldnt because it makes us feel good in the short-term)
It's hard to step away from this strong pulls and you might need to seek help if you've really decided that it's time to stop.
Good to see you back Homealone. I'm 10 years behind you and until last week hadnt punted for 4 months. I'd lost interest tbh and phoning a random SP was a ball ache as they all seem to be Roms or Brazilian. I actually thought I was on the brink of packing it all up. Then a window of opportunity arose and I thought I should have a punt. But as BarneyB says is it an addiction, is it habit, perhaps it is. For me I just like the interaction and lying next to some fit naked burd who is giving me that personal time that I really do enjoy. I love the intimacy foreplay gives rather than the fuck itself. My last 4 punts Ive walked away feeling good, so I guess there's life in the old dog yet. As things stand, I probably wont stop seeing escorts :hi:
Actually I would really like a regular, some one I can feel totally comfortable with tbh. So I can understand what you say Homealone. :hi:

Offline Home Alone

Thanks for those kind words, MrMatrix.

I agree with what you say about BarneyB's post; punting can be very habit-forming. Reading ukpunting's also habit-forming, imo! :scare: I kinda promised myself a week last Saturday that I'd just have a quick look and see how many contributors from my era on here were still posting. And here I am back in the old routine of checking - and contributing to - threads on here.

I've even been on AW, looking at SPs in my neck of the woods and comparing/contrasting Reviews - on AW & here - on some SPs who both tickle my fancy and have a reasonable price structure.

In my case, it's madness; because, with my sensible head on: i) I know: I'd be spending money I promised myself I'd save [my friends know I'm essentially frugal!]; ii) if I made a booking, once I set off for the meeting, I almost certainly not be able to get there without hiring a taxi [I've not driven since I took early retirement 15 years ago]; and iii) even with Tadalafil, I'd probably be unable to "do the deed" when I got to the SP's! :(

So this is me, with a firmer purpose than I had a week last Saturday, telling myself to accept that I'm 76 and act like my - never-punted - contemporaries! At least, I've got memories they'll never have! ;)  :thumbsup:  :D

Offline WelshClipper

“At least I’ve got memories they’ll never have”

Never a truer word spoken “thumbsup”

Online Atrueyorkie

“At least I’ve got memories they’ll never have”

Never a truer word spoken “thumbsup”

Interesting topic and interesting reply above.

Starting with the quote it’s true, there are memories that I will always think back on and be like damn that was nice. Also an SP I’ve seen who I’m like wow, and I’m extremely hard to please. I feel it just bypasses the civvy life of having to talk, go places etc, just fast forwards to sex.

Would I have still done these things I’ve done in punts if I went straight civvy? Yes, it may just be a little longer but this just fast tracked it.

To the originally question. You need self control. It’s a habit. Possibly to “some” an addiction. Imo to overcome a habit or addiction you have to replace it with something else, preferably a healthy addiction/habit I.e joining a club or picking up a hobby.

If you just stop and don’t do anything you might even get withdrawals, leaving it void is not a good move.

Everyone gets horny and I think punting once you get used to it is a quick fix, you know where to go, you know what to expect (intel), and you can even filter by your preference. It’s a haven. To give up what some may seem as the holy grail is hard.

Plus your brain (I’m not a doctor) is gonna have a hard time letting go, that straight feeling of if I need a release I can just go here. You’re gonna need to re-train it.

Simply put it’s gonna take re-conditioning, replace it with another healthy habit, that’s my personal take on it.

Online Thephoenix

Thanks for those kind words, MrMatrix.

I agree with what you say about BarneyB's post; punting can be very habit-forming. Reading ukpunting's also habit-forming, imo! :scare: I kinda promised myself a week last Saturday that I'd just have a quick look and see how many contributors from my era on here were still posting. And here I am back in the old routine of checking - and contributing to - threads on here.

I've even been on AW, looking at SPs in my neck of the woods and comparing/contrasting Reviews - on AW & here - on some SPs who both tickle my fancy and have a reasonable price structure.

In my case, it's madness; because, with my sensible head on: i) I know: I'd be spending money I promised myself I'd save [my friends know I'm essentially frugal!]; ii) if I made a booking, once I set off for the meeting, I almost certainly not be able to get there without hiring a taxi [I've not driven since I took early retirement 15 years ago]; and iii) even with Tadalafil, I'd probably be unable to "do the deed" when I got to the SP's! :(

So this is me, with a firmer purpose than I had a week last Saturday, telling myself to accept that I'm 76 and act like my - never-punted - contemporaries! At least, I've got memories they'll never have! ;)  :thumbsup:  :D

Yes H.A.
It's memories and mammories.
As you said earlier, at 81 I'm findind more and more it's a case of my mind making appointments that my body can't keep.

I even went for a time just booking legit massage, but the reality is I don't even enjoy legit massage now, and if unexpectedly HE is offered, without meds and cock ring it's like flogging a dead horse.

I agree that even visiting this site can be addictive.
I even changed my pw thinking it would deter me from returning, but then decided to have 2 'last' fbsm again and though I should really review, so that kind Mr Head gave me a new pw.

Age, frailty and SE of meds are the realities for me.
There are some good members who for a variety of reasons don't punt/review any more.
I hope this time I can accept I'm one of them. :drinks:

Offline Payyourwaymate

I've found that growing old helps!!  ;)  :D  :lol:

I'm now nearer 80 than 70, and have begun to feel my age and was finding it increasingly difficult to get hard, even with Sildenafil. Also, with one or two very occasional exceptions to 'tick' a Service I really wanted, I'd really only been seeing one lass - once a month - for certainly the last six or seven years. We've become friends; and after one of our 4-hour Sunday afternoon sessions, I said something fluffy like, "I never thought this day would dawn, but I think I'd rather be your friend than your client."

She knew what I meant - it was bloody hard work for both of us for me to get satisfactorily hard - so we agreed that I'd never have another session like the ones we'd had 8 - 10 years ago, but wasn't able to manage any more. We're still in regular contact with each other and are on the phone two or three times a week but I've not had any properly enjoyable sex since that Sunday afternoon. And to be honest, even that wasn't anything worthy of posting a review!

Like I say, I really am beginning to feel old and frail. I've moved into semi-sheltered accommodation - I can imagine what the company who run the accommodation would have to say if "women of the night" started visiting me! - and I'm getting my own flat ready to put on the market.

I'm just hoping my general health holds out; I've still some ambitions left, mainly to do with travel. The discussions I'd had with one of the "mates I've never met" on here, involving a punting holiday once the pandemic was over, possibly in Kyiv :scare:, may have been hit on the head; but there are still places to go and people to see.

But I still pop back on here very occasionally to see how you all are. I know there are certain honourable members - and their members! - who are older than me and still punting; but this is my answer to Llanfair571's initial post.

It's good to see you around again  :hi:.

Offline sparkus

There's a paradox of punting, but having the vast majority of reviews I've read on here probably suggest it's not shared by all.

My basic motivation to punt is access to women I would otherwise not get to sleep with, including by proxy women I just see around for which it would never happen.

I generally go for WGs/SPs whatever who are more 'civvy' like in appearance, I really do give a wide berth to OTT hookers with excessive pouts, make up etc.  I met one very GND WG and immediately went back to see her as she didn't remotely look like a WG (or act like one either, was very accommodating and got quite into it).

The general supply of WGs, in London at least now, is swollen with what you might call the tackier end of the market.  It's not really an experience which meets my objective.  I've always been drawn to FBSM as these women are, both in shops and indies, less WG-like in appearance.  Likewise I have chanced on the odd Latina who looks and provides a service more approaching what I am after and again tend to repeat.  I notice that 'mature' WGs are often sought out on here for precisely this reason.

As I say, the general supply now really is the tacky end of the market and not doing much for me.

Offline MrMatrix

Yes H.A.
It's memories and mammories.
As you said earlier, at 81 I'm findind more and more it's a case of my mind making appointments that my body can't keep.

I even went for a time just booking legit massage, but the reality is I don't even enjoy legit massage now, and if unexpectedly HE is offered, without meds and cock ring it's like flogging a dead horse.

I agree that even visiting this site can be addictive.
I even changed my pw thinking it would deter me from returning, but then decided to have 2 'last' fbsm again and though I should really review, so that kind Mr Head gave me a new pw.

Age, frailty and SE of meds are the realities for me.
There are some good members who for a variety of reasons don't punt/review any more.
I hope this time I can accept I'm one of them. :drinks:
I just home I'm still punting at 81 and I take my hat off to you :hi:
The oldest person here was HappyLad at 90 and he seems to have gone AWOL 18 months ago. I hope he's ok, but I suspect not.
Its great to think I have a few more years left at this hobby. Dont retire yet Phoenix :hi: