Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Pimps in Soho  (Read 1636 times)

Offline CallumTT

I visit London semi-regularly and try to put up reviews for WGs there when I do.  But I don't know the overall scene that well. 

I was in the general Leicester Square/Soho area around 11PMish one night and a friendly pimp accosts me (as I come out of the very disappointing Platinum Lace lap dancing bar).  He was offering me "a free viewing" at some nearby place with plenty of girls, available for FS.  He was a good salesperson, friendly, and I didn't feel unsafe.  He made it sound like a bar, I'm fairly sure he said drinks were available, but when I pushed him on this, it sounded more like a room in a flat.
 He even offered to send one to my nearby hotel.  But in the end, I decided it sounded the sort of place where trafficked women would be, and I declined.

It didn't sound like Soho/walk up, but more of a line-up of women.  Anyone experienced this?  In hindsight, maybe I dodged a bullet and would have been mugged.

(And apologies if this has been gone over before)

Offline SamOmar

you did the right thing , do your own research and find something suitable according. never go with something touted to you on the street. could be a clip joint , could be worse
Banned reason: Undesirable, convicted sex trafficker / pimp
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Stevelondon

Sounds like the good/bad old days in Soho.

Definitely a swerve.

Offline char45

Not experienced it for many years but there did used to be this which was a brothel with line up, I'd had a few drinks and was interested enough to go but didn't fancy it and left.

I wouldn't do it now even if I thought it was genuine.

Offline MrMagik

Exactly the same happened to a friend and I whilst leaving Platinum Lace a few years ago. We took him up on the offer and he drove us to an apartment close by. In the living room area, there were a bunch of miserable looking Roms lounging around on sofas. We are told £150 for half an hour, so we walked. I probably wouldn't have gone with the pimp if I was alone.

Offline andy750

pretty certain when you go there you will see girls having a party with the promise of having full service with one. But you will be made to have drinks or whatever else for extortionate money, I mean thousands as they are relying on drunked up guys not fully aware of what they are doing. After paying once you will be asked for one more round before you get to go with the girl and before you know it you've paid hundreds if not thousands on a card with nothing in return.

Classic clip joint

Offline lillythesavage

Exactly the same happened to a friend and I whilst leaving Platinum Lace a few years ago. We took him up on the offer and he drove us to an apartment close by. In the living room area, there were a bunch of miserable looking Roms lounging around on sofas. We are told £150 for half an hour, so we walked. I probably wouldn't have gone with the pimp if I was alone.

You got into a car with a stranger outside a club?  2 up or not you had no idea where this was going. :unknown:

Offline l4at

Avoid touts at all costs. Luckily with the internet and UKP in particular, research is so easy to access that I have no need to take a chance on a tout.

I bet in the pre internet days, there would have been a lot of fellas falling victim to these types of scams.

Offline robzombie898

Avoid the pimps in Soho like plague. I along with a group of lads made the mistake once of going along with a pimp after a big night out in Soho. We were taken to a set of flats around Oxford Street where there were 8 maybe 10 WGs in a room. Mostly roms but a couple of Brazilians as well.

Got quoted £150 for 30 minutes. We all decided to walk but one of the lads was insisting on having some fun. The next thing we heard is that he ended up spending £1200 for 3 hours, most of which was for alcohol and coke which he didn’t consume.

Offline daddycool

I've had a similar experience long when I was on my home from a night out and cut through Soho to see who was still working in the walk-ups.

Approached by quite a friendly man/pimp, who promised to take me to a place nearby with WGs. I was also quoted £150, though didn't ask how long for as the sum was way more than I wanted to spend. I thanked him for his offer and left.

Though the entire exchange was amicable, I doubt it would've stayed that way the rest of the night if I had taken up the offer.

Offline Griffin75

As a young buck - ended up in a clip joint (can't have been more than 18 at the time i reckon) - when the bill came for a couple of drinks (expected to be maybe a tenner and actually ended up £100+) - i tried to do a runner - ended up getting chased and shirt getting rippled but got away.. Good decision and never go along with it.

Offline Justanotherman

Was walking through leicester square/china town sort of area a few years ago. I was somewhere between fairly well oiled and pretty damn pissed, after being in Ye Old Axe all evening.

Was approached by a woman who mentioned a similar prospect to the OPs, a line up of women drinks etc. She was skinny, twitchy, kinda bedraggled. On something I suspect. I asked where, and she started walking off expecting me to follow. I didn't intend to follow her and started walking off in the direction of my hotel.

Well, she turned around and started following me, screaming her head off, effing and blinding and causing a scene in front of the all the street drinkers. I carried on walking with her following, and she ran out of steam after a little while, but it was a worrying few moments for me as I had no idea whether it would escalate, or if some muscle would appear to help her out or what.

Its just a straight no thanks from me for any street approaches now.

Online sparkus

As I've said on here several times, there was one who was ubiquitous, African dude in bouncer attire who called himself Paul. Wouldn't take no for answer, would try to take your phone to put his number in (fuck that), would show you pics on his phone of the party girls etc. Even when smashed out of my brains at 2am I knew to swerve.

Online sparkus

TBF in the early 2000s we did allow an African illegal cab driver to take us to a ramshackle place in Soho above some boarded up cafe, it was teaming with dealers and hookers but we just bought a little off the dealers, enjoyed that and politely declined the chubby African hookers patrolling the room. There was no pressure whatsoever and we left on good terms when the first trains started. Afterwards we did curse ourselves for putting ourselves in what could have turned out to be well dodgy.