Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Kat_ Southampton  (Read 1497 times)

11 review(s) for Kat_ (9 positive, 0 neutral, 2 negative) [Indexed by Global_Punter]

Offline Blackhart

External Link/Members Only

Bit of a strange one. I'll give you a long version and the short version, as the booking itself never happened. I text her about a month ago asking for a booking 2 days in advance she says yes. Booking was for 12pm. On booking day i say I feel better please come, and even though the booking itself was scheduled for 12pm, and I had texted on the day at 10:13am, to confirm I'm still up for it, she doesn't respond until 11:45am only 15 mins before the booking was supposed to start. Thats my whole issue, as if she made other plans, fine but she needed to let me know much sooner than 15 mins before start time. I let her know this.

I send her a screenshot of the messages, confirming the meeting was supposed to start at 12pm, not at 10am like she seemed to think. And she ignores the screenshot, so I take that to mean it didn't send, as is common on my phone, as it always says "no subject" when trying to send/receive images through text. Not WhatsApp, but normal text messages. Which is what i use to contact escorts. So she ends up saying "hopefully another timex" which clearly means another time right? Well no because I suspected I was blacklisted as I text again just to make sure and nothing. So I was confused as she said another time but ignores texts. Why say another time if you blacklist someone? Surely leave them no doubt you don't want them to contact you?

So to clear up confusion, i decide to email to settle it forever and she replied, & yes she says my number was blocked, ok fine cool, but once again she seemed absolutely insistent that (in her mind) the booking was supposed to be at 10am again! Why?

Before that I wasn't going to do anything as I'd got my answer, I was just going to leave it, but yet again she still wouldn't admit her mistake and was having a go at me, and who knows what terrible things she might say to her escort buddies? So I thought I need to prove again it was at 12pm. But how to do that I wondered? I can't text her the screenshot proof, as it clearly didn't send (So I thought) I can't send it via WhatsApp, and in any case my number is blocked so I'm out on that front, I can't email it, as AW doesn't have to option as far as I know, so what to do? I end up sending it via link which was annoying. I literally copy and pasted the link of the screenshot proof, so she could too, finally proving to her once and for all, that yes it was meant to happen at 12pm and I didn't ask for a same day booking!! Thus you were wrong and sending me texts/emails having a go at me was also wrong.

Oh I was so happy when it said she'd read that email. Oh I was saying ha! Here's your proof. Big smiles all round. Oh that felt so good.

I blocked her number then. All done. However the plot thickens. Because I saw she'd e-mailed me again and it turns out, the original screenshot I sent via text actually did send! Which means she totally ignored it. Which means on the day this all happened the proof I sent her was received and ignored. And not only that, even if it didn't, she said she had the messages on her phone anyway! Which means she ignored it 3 times! Plus on the day this all happened I did say to resolve it, that I hope the screenshot I sent actually did send, and her reply that day didn't mention that part. Convenient eh?

So to summarise: I text her a booking time, she confirmed it, 2 days in advance, on the day itself she never got back until 15mins before even though I said I'm still up for it an hour and 45mins before booking time, which was my only issue at that time, she has a go at me somehow thinking the booking was supposed to be at 10am (nope) and also has a go for supposedly making a same day booking, which I didn't, doesn't believe me when I say that no the booking was meant to happen at 12pm, i send her proof of screenshot of texts proving it, she ignores it and has another go repeating herself, I mention that I hope the screenshot sent, she ignores that too, says hopefully another time, but really blacklists me, using words that don't indicate that at all, she ignores texts, which makes me confused I email to sort it out, she repeats her moaning, and again doesn't mention proof, I send it again, it turns out she had it all all along and was ignoring it and her mistake the whole time.

Forgot to say all of this could've been avoided if she'd just acknowledged the screenshot proof text and not said things like "hopefully another time x" when blacklisting someone and blocking there number. Like I have.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2021, 12:00:43 am by Blackhart »

Online ReginaldPerrin

Sorry but I'm fell asleep half way through.

Offline Blackhart

Sorry but I'm fell asleep half way through.
I don't blame you. It got waaaayy longer than I expected or intended. I must love hearing myself talk.

Offline contentguy

When you say:

External Link/Members Only

............................On booking day i say I feel better please come, and even though the booking itself was scheduled for 12pm......................

It sounds like you'd cancelled the meet but then wanted to go ahead with it?

Offline tictacs

Probably incapable of admitting she is wrong. I'd avoid personally and from her profile it sounds like a price hike is imminent.

Offline Waterhouse

When you say:

It sounds like you'd cancelled the meet but then wanted to go ahead with it?
Ditto.... I thought he same.  Reads to me as though OP messaged to say he wasn’t feeling well and maybe could not make the meet, but then after messaged back to say he felt better.  From there the scheduling seems to have gotten somewhat fuzzy and and messed up.

Looking at his other reviews, some of them seem to turn into a real drama. Makes me wonder what the common denominator could be?

Offline Blackhart

I wish the problem was me. Check out all my positives not all dramas. Wish it could all be like that. Hell I'd given Kat a positive review before. I saw many times since that positive review. This negative was the only time I've had trouble with her, hence the negative. If she had just acknowledged the screenshot the 1st time and admitted her mistake, all would've been fine and no negative would have been given. Also if she hadn't said another time when blocking my number she wouldn't have confused me. Why would you say that if your blocking someone?
« Last Edit: August 20, 2021, 11:20:19 am by Blackhart »

Offline contentguy

It's all a bit TLDR and incoherent for me.

I tried to follow it but:
- You appear to have cancelled the meet day before, then tried to uncancell 1 hr 45 minutes before the booking.
- She replied 1 hour 30 minutes after your uncancellation, though you don't mention that she thought the meeting was @ 10, until you start to reference the arguement about it.

She blocked you, you blocked her, you emailed each other.

I'm not sure this qualifies as a review, she didn't no show you if you'd cancelled and tried to re-book.

« Last Edit: August 20, 2021, 12:15:01 pm by contentguy »

Offline Blackhart

Sorry if you found my writing incoherent. I'm not the best writer by any means, but I did try to be as clear as I could. Which is why I summarized it. "- She replied 1 hour 30 minutes after your uncancellation, though you don't mention that she thought the meeting was @ 10, until you start to reference the arguement about it."

I thought I did mention she thought the meeting was supposed to be at 10 and no then I told her no it was scheduled for 12pm and sent her a screenshot as proof in a text. Which she ignored. I'm certain I did, as that and the fact she didn't respond until 15mins before was my whole issue. That's what started this.

That was the only issue until yesterday. Then yesterday I emailed because although she said hopefully another time, she had ignored texts after, which confused me, as that impiled blacklisting, so that's why e-mailed her to clear it all up. Then she replied once again ignoring the proof I sent her about being wrong. So I proved it once again. All she had to do was admit her mistake and not have a go.

Thats as clear as I can make it without typing the whole thing out again. Apologises for being unclear.

Offline lamboman

My head hurts,looks more like a misunderstanding that you've blown out of proportion.
Is English your primary language?
Banned reason: Shit stirrer and blocking moderator's PMs
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Blackhart

My head hurts,looks more like a misunderstanding that you've blown out of proportion.
Is English your primary language?
Yep indeed. Though I admit you'd not know it from reading. I must have some dyslexia. I cannot make it any clearer. The review and replies are the best i can do. I apologise again for my bad writing. But I won't explain any more than I already have.

« Last Edit: August 20, 2021, 01:04:21 pm by Blackhart »

Offline jj8989

It also reads to me you cancelled on meet day. And then tried to uncancel.

You also conveniently or purposely didn't write out what happened that morning of meet.

Either way you sound way too obsessed.

Offline contentguy

Just so we're clear, did you cancel the meeting and then try to re-schedule it?

The reason I ask:
You said: "On booking day i say I feel better please come".
Which suggests you'd previously said something like "please don't come, I'm not feeling well"

Offline advent2016

External Link/Members Only

Bit of a strange one. I'll give you a long version and the short version, as the booking itself never happened.   I've truncated the rest

I wish you'd read one of the guides
External Link/Members Only

I think the basic information should include

1. The link - most important and if it is transient maybe a screenshot and phone number

2. When it occured, Year and month. not actual day.

3. Approximate location , Town , County and was it discreet

4. communication - How did you make contact and was it easy

5. Price agreed / Price paid

6. A description of what occured limited to 5 paragraphs

7. Finally a would you return and why.

Offline Blackhart

It also reads to me you cancelled on meet day. And then tried to uncancel.

You also conveniently or purposely didn't write out what happened that morning of meet.

Either way you sound way too obsessed.
Nope didn't cancel on meet day, reassured I'm up for it on meet day, said I'd felt ill the previous night but see how i feel next day felt fine. Yes i forgot to attach image hope it shows as I'm attaching it now. Not obsessed. Meant to attach this image to original post. This was the proof. This the last thing I'm saying about this.

Hidden Image/Members Only
« Last Edit: August 20, 2021, 02:47:29 pm by Blackhart »

Offline contentguy

Nope didn't cancel on meet day, reassured I'm up for it on meet day, said I'd felt ill the previous night but see how i feel next day felt fine. Yes i forgot to attach image hope it shows as I'm attaching it now. Not obsessed. Meant to attach this image to original post. This was the proof. This the last thing I'm saying about this.

Hidden Image/Members Only

You're being cagey.

You told her the previous night that you were feeling unwell.

That sounds like a cancelation to me. 

But you didn't show that text.

Offline southcoastpunter

Op - we are having difficuly understanding /following you. Maybe she did too - and this is where any misunderstanding arose. Because that is what it sounds like to me!

It also sounds like you are going on and on to prove (to her) you were right and she was wrong -  you are forgetting women are never wrong! If you are waiting for her to admit that, you will be waiting a long time!

I suspect you have now blown all your chances with her - just move on!!