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Author Topic: Peyronies disease  (Read 2942 times)

Offline Don Keydick

Sorry for the subject matter but any of you punters suffer with Peyronies disease, I am 66 years old punted for 40 plus years but stopped 18 months ago through embarrassment. I have no problems with erections or coming but when your dick looks like a boomerang no woman wants that in her, I guess massage with HE is fine and will work but I am really self concious of how I look erect I just wondered if any fellow punters also suffered this shit condition and had any advice, I am hoping its more common than I believe it to be

Offline alabama1

So approx. Two and a half years of punting on here then before you stopped ? :thumbsdown:

Offline Straightsix

Banned reason: Warned before but doesn’t seem to learn
Banned by: Kev40ish

Offline getalife

Sorry to hear of your problem, but hey, most SP’s are more interested in the content of your wallet than your underpants
Maybe you should have contributed under the pseudonym of “Ben t. Dick” rather than Don Keydick?
Best focus on getting the most out of the punt.
After all, you are not looking for a relationship, just a good time.

Offline teddyking

Maybe get an iron and use it to straighten your dick buddy , works every time 🤠
Banned reason: Sarcastic twat of a troll
Banned by: daviemac

Offline ScouserRod

Hi Don

I suffer from it-I used to mention it before meeting up as I was embarassed but now I just
get on with it and it is obvious when I am naked and erect.    No SP has ever been put off by it and quite a few seem to enjoy the
"bentness" of my dick !

As it can't be fixed -I would suggest you just get on with it and enjoy yourself !!

Offline theejaculator

Sorry to hear about your condition..maybe get a job as a cloakroom attendant....might help with the embarrassment issue?  :hi:

Offline hairymonster

Mine has a natural curve from all the years teenage wanking, never had any complaints.

Offline theejaculator

So approx. Two and a half years of punting on here then before you stopped ? :thumbsdown:

Oh yeah just noticed, just one UKP review in that 2 to 2.5 year period..what a contributor  :drinks:

Online mr.bluesky

When ever you watch porn films it seems to me most male porn stars have this condition especially American men. In fact it's hard ( excuse the pun) to find a porn star with a straight dick.  :unknown:

Offline shed

« Last Edit: July 29, 2021, 01:37:25 pm by shed »

Offline Lewis

Moved to here as question isn't region specific. (and PMd the OP to let him know)

Offline unclepokey

I don't believe I suffer from a disease as such but I have the shape of a downward pointing banana. This I can assure the reader is a fantastic  advantage for any woman who takes it doggy style as the front wall of her vagina gets truly well stimulated.

Offline Bonker

Mine isn't bent but shaped like a corkscrew. I can't shag anyone but I'm very popular at cheese and wine festivals.

Offline fredhiggins

Mine isn't bent but shaped like a corkscrew. I can't shag anyone but I'm very popular at cheese and wine festivals.

Offline spiralnotebook

If it’s bad you can get an operation on the NHS called a plication to straighten it out. Just  google Peyrones NHS there’s lots of info on there.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2021, 05:59:57 am by spiralnotebook »

Offline B4bcock

Mine isn't bent but shaped like a corkscrew. I can't shag anyone but I'm very popular at cheese and wine festivals.

Maybe you just need to find a girl with a left hand thread, Bonker.

Offline Duncy

Hi Don

Just seen your thread. Once you get through all the idiots who make stupid comments on here you may get some sound advice.
I'm in my late 60's and suffered from the same problem still do to a certain extent. I had corrective surgery about 20 years ago but it is still had a slight bend but have never had any problems with any SP. Once you get the idea that its a problem for them out of your own head you will be fine. I can assure you it won't be problem for them whether it be in their mouth or up their pussy.

Good Luck

Offline Ali Katt

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Offline stevedave

OP, you've punted for 40 years but only quit 18 months ago due to embarrassment? Surely you have had PD all this time, it isn't something that just develops overnight I don't think  :unknown: something doesn't quite add up here...

From what I understand it isn't that uncommon.

Offline roger_weekly

You probably hit the old mysterious G spot so they won't complain

Offline bukowski

OP, you've punted for 40 years but only quit 18 months ago due to embarrassment? Surely you have had PD all this time, it isn't something that just develops overnight I don't think  :unknown: something doesn't quite add up here...

From what I understand it isn't that uncommon.

he probably only developed it in the last couple of years
my understanding is that once it starts it lasts/progresses for a year to 18 months and then stops
leaving the sufferer with whatever level of change they had got to by then

Banned reason: No reviews in 5 years, refuses to explain when asked, fair enough
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline bukowski

Sorry for the subject matter but any of you punters suffer with Peyronies disease, I am 66 years old punted for 40 plus years but stopped 18 months ago through embarrassment. I have no problems with erections or coming but when your dick looks like a boomerang no woman wants that in her, I guess massage with HE is fine and will work but I am really self concious of how I look erect I just wondered if any fellow punters also suffered this shit condition and had any advice, I am hoping its more common than I believe it to be

Bill Clinton had it
didn't put Ms Lewinsky off
Banned reason: No reviews in 5 years, refuses to explain when asked, fair enough
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline Ali Katt

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Nothing wrong with having a boomerang dick.

Offline winkywanky

Sorry to hear about your condition..maybe get a job as a cloakroom attendant....might help with the embarrassment issue?  :hi:


Offline winkywanky

Mine isn't bent but shaped like a corkscrew. I can't shag anyone but I'm very popular at cheese and wine festivals.


Offline winkywanky

Maybe you just need to find a girl with a left hand thread, Bonker.

...and of course the correct pitch too.

I used to have a gf called Whitworth, we used to have a lot of fun on my old BSA  ;)

Offline winkywanky

I dropped her when she decided to go Metric though  :P.

Offline winkywanky

Won Keydick more like.

FFS  :lol:  :lol:

Imagine going on a gangbang with your Chinese mate, Wun Hung Lo? It would cause quite a sensation!

Offline winkywanky

Are you Australian?

Maybe fucking all those sheep did it?

I mean, some of those sheep stations are actually bigger than the whole of Wales. Such temptation could ruin a young boy  :blush:.

Offline winkywanky

Nothing wrong with having a boomerang dick.

Doesn't matter how far you put it in, it always comes back too  :thumbsup:.

Offline Bonker

Hi Don

Just seen your thread. Once you get through all the idiots who make stupid comments on here you may get some sound advice.
I'm in my late 60's and suffered from the same problem still do to a certain extent. I had corrective surgery about 20 years ago but it is still had a slight bend but have never had any problems with any SP. Once you get the idea that its a problem for them out of your own head you will be fine. I can assure you it won't be problem for them whether it be in their mouth or up their pussy.

Good Luck

Or, perhaps, we're not as gullible as you and have a sense of humour.

Offline spiralnotebook

“Surely you have had PD all this time, it isn't something that just develops overnight”

Unfortunately that’s exactly what does happen. The curvature can be as bad as to not be insertable into a cunt. It can develop as to restrict blood flow into a penis to an extent as in ‘bye bye’ to any erections regardless of blue pills. Surgery is the only certain solution.

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Offline conrod

When ever you watch porn films it seems to me most male porn stars have this condition especially American men. In fact it's hard ( excuse the pun) to find a porn star with a straight dick.  :unknown:

It is something that I have also noticed. As someone who is "straight", I assumed everybody else's was the same.  After watching the video links in the best porn section, the number of curved ones was a surprise.  It made me wonder it was a side effect from taking drugs or whatever but maybe it is down to the prevalence of Peyronies disease.

Offline fredhiggins

Curved bananas are now allowed since Brexit. Or something like that according to Boris Johnson.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2021, 09:07:16 pm by fredhiggins »

Offline Clitheroelad

Mine has a natural curve from all the years teenage wanking, never had any complaints.

Same here. Never had any comments.

Online scutty brown

Bill Clinton had it
didn't put Ms Lewinsky off

Wasn't it a bit of a chewy problem for her?

Offline bukowski

Banned reason: No reviews in 5 years, refuses to explain when asked, fair enough
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline SalfordSam

Afternoon Don. I think i have got this condition/disease too. My knob bends from just below the top of the head but really quite significantly. Only happened in the last year or so and i havent punted since it happened. Have only tried to have sex with the misses  a few times since and notnwith much success as im scared.of breaking it or summat. As you say, no issue getting it up or cumming and it doesnt hirt or anything but worried about the looks of it and if it will still function properly.
Also, bravo to the people making puns /jokes. Some good ones to be fair!  :cool:

Offline winkywanky

Afternoon Don. I think i have got this condition/disease too. My knob bends from just below the top of the head but really quite significantly. Only happened in the last year or so and i havent punted since it happened. Have only tried to have sex with the misses  a few times since and notnwith much success as im scared.of breaking it or summat. As you say, no issue getting it up or cumming and it doesnt hirt or anything but worried about the looks of it and if it will still function properly.
Also, bravo to the people making puns /jokes. Some good ones to be fair!  :cool:

Cannot believe you haven't been to see your GP about this?  :unknown:

Offline spiralnotebook

As I said earlier after being assessed the end result may be a procedure called a Plication which means a slice and stitch to correct the bend. Currently despite claims there are no other proven working treatments, corporal shockwave treatment and dodgy creams inclusive.

Offline Duncy

As I said earlier after being assessed the end result may be a procedure called a Plication which means a slice and stitch to correct the bend. 
Yes I agree had this done over 20 years ago now corrected it for a few years but is back again now but not as bad. Don't know how easy it is to get on the NHS as I had mine done privately.

Offline tantric talents

I think the jury’s out on non surgical interventions to mitigate this condition.
It looks like judicious use of a quality penis pump combined with jelquing exercises might well help though.
I found this
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Hope it helps  :unknown:
Ps it is really important to warm the skin tissue before using the pump and never extend beyond 5 min sessions if higher vacuums are used.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2021, 06:43:31 pm by tantric talents »