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Author Topic: Punting addiction  (Read 1635 times)

Offline Dan25085

Do you guys ever feel like punting would  be hard to quit?

I've had several "last punts" but always seem to migrate back whenever I've got the horn. Having a wank seems to only stop the urge for a few hours. I've never been addicted to anything else whether ot be cigs or drink, but I feel that this is a real addiction that's very hard to quit once started.

Anybody else feel addicted?

Offline Jayj

I suspect like a lot of things from exercise to eating to playing video games sex is probably addictive, not sure how you would define it in the same terms as say drugs, gambling or drink but I would guess if it became a dependency that resulted in say spending money you can’t afford, hiding or lying to access it, missing work, taking risks, cheating.

Frequency is difficult because one person’s twice a week is another persons twice a day I guess if you were a twice a week guy and now it’s twice a day then that’s a sign of addiction along with those other signs, the problem when your an addict is your the last person to acknowledge the problem those who often shout loudest about it being ok are those in most need of help.

I guess that some research into addiction definition might be a starter.

I’m a recovering alcoholic I’ve been sober for 8 years so I’ve got a reasonable understanding of addiction

Offline southcoastpunter

Do you guys ever feel like punting would  be hard to quit?

No, not hard. Impossible more like it! (and taking "punting" in its broadest sense to include SA etc)

perhaps if i had a (real life) serious relationship, was genuinely in love and was getting fantastic regular sex then maybe - hopefully "definitely yes"!

Offline willie loman

if you are getting sex elsewhere by all means retire, but if not keep punting, it is actually good for you, like swimming etc

Offline teddyking

Nothing wrong with a punting addiction 🤠🤠
As long as it’s affordable and doesn’t affect any relationships, then it shouldn’t be a problem
Compared to other addictions like drugs gambling etc, punting is actually a fun healthy addiction to have
Banned reason: Sarcastic twat of a troll
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Billy no mates

As an older member, I can say this, you do grow out of it, and get more fussy and choosey.

Offline Dan25085

Nothing wrong with a punting addiction 🤠🤠
As long as it’s affordable and doesn’t affect any relationships, then it shouldn’t be a problem
Compared to other addictions like drugs gambling etc, punting is actually a fun healthy addiction to have

I ask as I mat be entering into a new relationship and want everything to be honest. This is where it could become an issue...

Online itslavish

Offline lillythesavage

As an older member, I can say this, you do grow out of it, and get more fussy and choosey.

Getting fussy and choosy is not growing out of it, it is just slowing down, having more knowledge, wanting a different experience but it is not retiring completely.

Offline lillythesavage

I ask as I mat be entering into a new relationship and want everything to be honest. This is where it could become an issue...

It is probably not going to be a new relationship if you bring punting into it with your honesty, past, present or future.

Offline WAP

I ask as I mat be entering into a new relationship and want everything to be honest. This is where it could become an issue...

The first rule of punting is don’t talk about punting. Speaking from experience I don’t think that it’s a good idea at all to mention this to any new long term relationship prospect. The openness at the start of a relationship doesn’t last forever whereas the after effects of the potential for her insecurity, paranoia and suspicion will be timeless.

Offline Henchmanlet95

I'd say it's now became a lifestyle for me and I don't even punt that often, usually 1-3 times a month depending on how horny I am, who's available etc. But yeah there is an addiction factor involved even though I manage to keep it in check with my finances.

The most addicting part for me isn't even the sex itself tbh, it's the thrill/adrenaline rush of going to a WG's apartment knowing I'm gonna be getting my cock sucked and be balls deep within 5 mins of walking in. That moment when they text you the door number, you're going up them stairs then that make or break moment when you knock on the door. Heart literally starts racing with a huge mix of emotions. Excitement, nervousness, going into the unknown etc all crammed into one. it's hard to beat that sort of buzz.

Also browsing Adultwork and seeing a really fit girl and thinking to myself 'fuck me I HAVE to shag her!' I browse pretty much everyday even when I'm not planning a punt that week just for the sake of it.

I've noticed that since punting I generally can't be asked putting in the effort with pulling civvies most of the time especially when they mess you about as I could book an escort to empty my ball sack at a moments notice. I also tend to objectify attractive women alot more too, like I'll see a fit bird in public and in my head I'll put a price tag on how much I'd pay to shag them lol.

But yes once you open the pandora's box of punting it's very hard to completely stop, I couldn't imagine a life without shagging escorts now.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2021, 12:33:42 am by Henchmanlet95 »

Offline Herts_Outcaller

I feel like a functioning addict...

Of course I COULD stop, but I definitely don't want to, even though it may one day cause me and my other half to split up if she finds out

But I am able to take time off when necessary due to finances, injury, or pandemic

Offline Redpunter

Yes Im addicted I have a severe case of Yellow Fever (Thai Mad)  :D

Offline Milansky

I ask as I mat be entering into a new relationship and want everything to be honest. This is where it could become an issue...

I've seen it everywhere, from friends, to reddit to other forums. If you mention punting theres a 90% chance it's game over. Best to sweep this part of your history under the rug and forget about it if you are starting a new relationship. That's my plan.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2021, 08:14:25 am by Milansky »

Offline TV1089

For me it’s only due to lockdown that I’ve punted more than I usually do. During lockdown I couldn’t see anyone and saved up a bit of money so I can spend more than I usually do. When things get back to normal I think I won’t be as active.

Online B4bcock

OP,  in one of your previous posts you write of punting at the age of 19.  I don't know how old you are now, but if you are totally honest in your new relationship and confess to having been a punter since your teens there will almost certainly be "repurcussions" (to put it mildly).  At best, she will never trust you completely.

Offline Xtro

Addiction is manifested in any behavior that a person craves, finds temporary relief or pleasure in but suffers negative consequences as a result of, and yet has difficulty giving up. In brief: craving, relief, pleasure, suffering, impaired control. Note that this definition is not restricted to drugs but could encompass almost any human behavior, from sex to eating to shopping to gambling to extreme sports to TV to compulsive internet use: the list is endless.

Source - External Link/Members Only

Offline teddyking

I'd say it's now became a lifestyle for me and I don't even punt that often, usually 1-3 times a month depending on how horny I am, who's available etc. But yeah there is an addiction factor involved even though I manage to keep it in check with my finances.

The most addicting part for me isn't even the sex itself tbh, it's the thrill/adrenaline rush of going to a WG's apartment knowing I'm gonna be getting my cock sucked and be balls deep within 5 mins of walking in. That moment when they text you the door number, you're going up them stairs then that make or break moment when you knock on the door. Heart literally starts racing with a huge mix of emotions. Excitement, nervousness, going into the unknown etc all crammed into one. it's hard to beat that sort of buzz.

Also browsing Adultwork and seeing a really fit girl and thinking to myself 'fuck me I HAVE to shag her!' I browse pretty much everyday even when I'm not planning a punt that week just for the sake of it.

I've noticed that since punting I generally can't be asked putting in the effort with pulling civvies most of the time especially when they mess you about as I could book an escort to empty my ball sack at a moments notice. I also tend to objectify attractive women alot more too, like I'll see a fit bird in public and in my head I'll put a price tag on how much I'd pay to shag them lol.

But yes once you open the pandora's box of punting it's very hard to completely stop, I couldn't imagine a life without shagging escorts now.

Good read this. I used to do some super dumb shit in my first year punting in 2019 and TOFTT some of the sketchiest Vivastreet ads. Got myself in some fucked up situations but the thrill I got from it made me want to TOFTT even the following day. I did meet some absolute 10/10 hotties with risky TOFTTs but nowadays I’m more wiser , mainly because I realised how much mullahhh I was wasting 🤠🤠
Banned reason: Sarcastic twat of a troll
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Payyourwaymate

I think there is a thin line between it being an addiction and just having sex alot. Especially since men are kind of hard wired to want to "pro-create" with testestorone and what not. If other areas of your life are implicated due to your punting habits then I would say it's an addiction and you may have a problem. If not then I don't see the issue.

I think that having sex is just a part of life like eating and sleeping. I think due to society placing so much value around sex and showing contradicting perspectives around sex over time, eg: for women sex is empowering but at the same time a woman that has sex too much is a whore, or sex is sacred and is power....even to the extent that women can use sex as a weapon against men to gain leverage over them. Whilst for men they are perverts, players and predators etc. There are too many complicated, interwoven dynamics involved with views around sex to just see it as an addiction if you have too much via punting or an activity. Having sex seems to have many stigmas and taboos attached to it which can lead to misconceptions on how sexual activity is viewed in my opinion. I think having an active sex life contributes towards having an overall better quality of life. Just look at the men that do not have sex at all; absolutely miserable.

I don't think you are addicted, if you had other means to have sex apart from punting and you did not have to pay per say, would you still say you are addicted if you have not had sex for a while, got horny and had sex with a non-WG woman? I think somewhere subconciously, you may view punting as a potentially destructive habit due to the money which is spent that could be spent somewhere else on more "important" things, hence the way you feel about it, seeing it as an "addiction" in a negative light. Just my take on it  :hi:.

Online Colston36

Punting or not, sex is an incredibly powerful urge. Many years ago my parents' restaurant had diners one of whom had been in a Nazi concentration camp. The only thing my mother told me was that this person - I think it was a lady - said that even under such desperate circumstances people were having sex. How, I don't know. It's one of the many things in life I wish I had asked more about - but I was just a young teenager then.

Offline Malvolio

I can only see myself stopping punting if my libido wanes or I don't have the cash.

Therefore I probably am a punting addict, but it's not an addiction that does me physical or mental harm.  It actually does me good on both those fronts - I really did not enjoy the first lockdown and going without sex for around four months.

Online tynetunnel

Punting or not, sex is an incredibly powerful urge. Many years ago my parents' restaurant had diners one of whom had been in a Nazi concentration camp. The only thing my mother told me was that this person - I think it was a lady - said that even under such desperate circumstances people were having sex. How, I don't know. It's one of the many things in life I wish I had asked more about - but I was just a young teenager then.
That is rather though provoking. Circumstances don’t get any more extreme than that, and yet people still found the desire and even the energy. Thanks for sharing

Offline stevedave

It comes down to that old saying "once a punter, always a punter"... like any addict you know it is always there and always available.

It's probably not an addiction to punting, more of an addiction to sex with multiple different people.

Offline Home Alone

No, not hard. Impossible more like it! (and taking "punting" in its broadest sense to include SA etc)

perhaps if i had a (real life) serious relationship, was genuinely in love and was getting fantastic regular sex then maybe - hopefully "definitely yes"!

As one whose age - 75 - means that I'm unlikely to fancy a woman of my own age, +/-, for a serious relationship with "fantastic regular sex", my situation is that I'm happy to pay attractive intelligent women to provide me with that commodity. I  couldn't imagine going on SA, or any similar site, for a SB.

So, while I'm still compos mentis, I'll still be a punter.

Offline Captainhowdy666

Bought a nice shirt yesterday for £50 but still umm and aahhed about chucking £50 away on a shirt for a dogs age, yet I have no issue in spending £70-£100 emptying my nuts or getting fucked by a ladyboy whatsoever without a second thought.
Guess I’m addicted to punting

Offline workinallweek

 i enjoy 95% of my punts 

my last one involve 2 girls taking it in turn to suck me off and each other  exactly 20 mins after meeting them (review wil follow) and we discused adding a 3rd girl

next week i will be 200 miles away with a fit 25 year old  into leather and is sub (yes report will follow) and we are talking about a 3 sum .....

then its a photographic model to learn more about erotic picture taking  ...

considering a couple of months ago i was going to retire  i guess i am addicted .....
Banned reason: Offering glowing positive reviews for free bookings.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline JPin

I'd say it's now became a lifestyle for me and I don't even punt that often, usually 1-3 times a month depending on how horny I am, who's available etc. But yeah there is an addiction factor involved even though I manage to keep it in check with my finances.

The most addicting part for me isn't even the sex itself tbh, it's the thrill/adrenaline rush of going to a WG's apartment knowing I'm gonna be getting my cock sucked and be balls deep within 5 mins of walking in. That moment when they text you the door number, you're going up them stairs then that make or break moment when you knock on the door. Heart literally starts racing with a huge mix of emotions. Excitement, nervousness, going into the unknown etc all crammed into one. it's hard to beat that sort of buzz.

Also browsing Adultwork and seeing a really fit girl and thinking to myself 'fuck me I HAVE to shag her!' I browse pretty much everyday even when I'm not planning a punt that week just for the sake of it.

I've noticed that since punting I generally can't be asked putting in the effort with pulling civvies most of the time especially when they mess you about as I could book an escort to empty my ball sack at a moments notice. I also tend to objectify attractive women alot more too, like I'll see a fit bird in public and in my head I'll put a price tag on how much I'd pay to shag them lol.

But yes once you open the pandora's box of punting it's very hard to completely stop, I couldn't imagine a life without shagging escorts now.

I'm almost six months in now and this really resonates with me. I feel like I'm almost more "addicted" to AW and UKP than I am the actual act of punting.

Don't feel like it's having a negative effect on my life. On the contrary I feel empowered, rejuvenated and seem to be taking better care of myself (not that I didn't before, but I do seem to be that little bit more attentive when it comes to my physical appearance nowadays). It feels like a release and it's had a noticeably positive effect on my outlook. It's liberating and has given me the impetus to explore my sexuality/fantasies a bit more.

And I absolutely love being in the company of women.

The last few weeks I've averaged between 2 to 3 punts per week, most of those half hour bookings. I'm not sure addiction would be the best way to describe it, I'm just really enjoying myself.

If it ever impacts my life in a negative way, I'd like to think I'd be able to get a handle on it... Time will tell. For now, it's a lifestyle pursuit that's a hell of a lot of fun and I'm not about to quit anytime soon.

Online cunningman

I've averaged between 2 to 3 punts per week, most of those half hour bookings. I'm not sure addiction would be the best way to describe it, I'm just really enjoying myself.

£150-200 a week adds up.  Maybe you can afford it, but then the before tax amount is quite eye-watering.