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Author Topic: Secret Benefits as an Alternative to Seeking Arrangements  (Read 31717 times)

Offline Natwest

For years I managed to keep “Seeking Arrangements” going but got myself banned a few months ago. I was also on “What’s Your Price” and at the time of banning had just taken up a special offer buying a shed load of credits. Consequently I decided to reclaim from my credit card company and since that time, “Seeking” has thwarted every attempt by me to get back on. Clearly claiming the money back upset them an awful lot. Let’s face it, “Seeking” has got quite expensive over the years and whilst it is undoubtedly the best, you do have to tread increasingly carefully it seems to remain a member. So, I decided to try a couple of alternatives. I already wrote an article on my use of Tinder which is posted in Off Topic.

But I have now spent a bit of time on “Secret Benefits” and thought it might be useful to share my experience of that site and the relevant advantages and disadvantages.
My first subscription to “Secret Benefits”  set me back around £125 ($169) for 500 credits and finding my way on the site cost me financially enough that in the end it was not dissimilar to “Seeking Arrangements” in price. In other words, I used up all my credits in about 6 weeks. As to success, well I met three people in the first month. First was just a meet and greet. We drove around a bit, got on quite well but for all sorts of complicated reasons, I sensed she could have some troubling baggage attached to her and unless I could get her for a low PPM I wouldn’t take it any further. As it was I made her an offer, she declined it and I haven’t followed up. I then met another girl who came back to my place for £170. The sex was pretty good but her company was downright boring and as I had to drive 40 miles to pick her up, I didn’t go for a repeat. The third was very promising. We agreed to just do a meet and greet and she came back to my flat for a bite to eat. We ended up in a passionate embrace with me going down on her in the bedroom. She was hot enough that I managed some very respectable moves even though I hadn’t taken a little blue pill. I drove her home and we agreed to text to work something out financially. Unfortunately she was looking for £300 ppm and I wasn’t willing to go that high. So that was it.
Let me explain how the credit system works. It costs 10 credits to start a conversation. So every time you contact someone you are spending £2.50. I subsequently discovered that when an SB creates their profile they HAVE to have a private gallery as part of it. Often unlike “Seeking” this means that you aren’t going to find anything particularly saucy. To look at a private gallery costs the same as starting a conversation. They also try other ways to get you to spend your credits such as notification a message has been read. These can all be avoided. I have opened two private galleries and both were a waste of time. I now do not bother on any occasion.
The psychological problem of credits is that for every conversation that goes nowhere, it has a financial cost. And you can’t avoid feeling miffed. With “Seeking” you never think at the end of a bad day where you don’t get anywhere, that has cost me £3. And in fact the ability to contact hundreds of girls over a month and still not get anywhere somehow seems you have had more fun on “Seeking” even if you have no results. When my first lot of credits ran out I was really in two minds whether to renew. “Secret Benefits”, having seen my credits were low started to then offer me better deals. In the end I purchased 2000 credits for £210. So the cost now of starting a conversation was just over £1. I took this offer out on 9th June and have so far used 130 credits so the cost to me for 20 days has therefore been around £14.
There is a massive difference between customer support on “Secret Benefits” and “Seeking”. It is worth looking on Trust Pilot to see how they score against “Seeking” and indeed on other review sites. I have had credits refunded on several occasions and in the early days when I was finding my feet and getting nowhere I probably received back around 200 credits. You will be shocked at the quality and responsiveness of their customer support. It is excellent. The other big difference is message content. Whilst I am “Seeking” trained and therefore careful what I say, I have not even had a sniff of trouble even though some conversations have gone far beyond what I would have written on “Seeking”.
If you aren’t going to spend a fortune or can’t afford to spend a fortune on “Secret Benefits” you really need to be much stricter with contact and be very much re - active rather than pro – active as on “Seeking”. Not one conversation where I have spent credits to initiate it has got anywhere. So I never start a conversation, I wait to be approached. If I see someone has messaged me, before I spend the credits I check several things. Firstly are they in my area? I get loads from Manchester where I am 99% sure it will be a scam for me to send train fare, so I ignore. Secondly, are they showing as having visited my profile? If they have just “liked” me but not read, then they will show as having favorited me but not opened my profile. These I also ignore. Thirdly, do I like the look of the pictures and does their profile correspond with what I am looking for? If not, once more I delete the conversation. All I ever do pro-actively is “favourite” a profile that I would want to see. If she come back to me and starts a conversation, great. If not, she probably isn’t interested in me anyway. Again, I think the secret to “Secret Benefits” is do not make the first approach.
Ok, the pool around where I live, is a lot smaller than on “Seeking”. There are still scammers trying to get you to send money. However, reporting does lead to action and refund of credits. I know I have had months on “Seeking” that got nowhere but somehow lots of pointless activity with no results seems better value for money. It isn’t! but it seems that way. With Secret Benefits there is a lot of waiting around for something to happen.
As for writing your profile, again it requires a different approach. Mine is quite aggressive in stating all the things I am NOT looking for and making it clear that if an SB wants these sort of things do NOT contact me. It is all geared around trying very hard to not waste credits. One other quick thing that comes to mind is that the “Secret Benefits” site did go down for a while and unlike “Seeking” of course I had lost nothing as I still had my credits. I admit “Seeking” doesn’t go down as often as it used to but if it goes out for 24 hours, you don’t get a day added to your subscription.
If I had scored a hot 20 something on “Secret Benefits” and was having regular sexual PPM meets for £150 I would be absolutely singing its praises. I haven’t. But in all of last year and being subscribed for 4 months on “Seeking” I only made two good contacts, though one turned into a freebie and she is still emblazoned in my wank bank. With my credits remaining on “Secret Benefits, I can make another 187 conversations. Now I have become wise to the site and using it more carefully, I imagine I could make my credits last for around 6 months. That makes my cost £35 per month. Not trying to sell the site and there is nothing in it for me. But there are alternatives to “Seeking”. If I could get back on “Seeking”, would I ditch “Secret Benefits”? I certainly spend less time on “Secret Benefits” and the reason for that is as we all know, you have to work bloody hard on “Seeking” to get results, it’s a very low conversion rate. With “Secret Benefits” you are a bit like the spider with the web, you just sit and wait in the corner for someone to get trapped. Then it’s a case of successfully stopping them getting free and buzzing off!

One final thought and this is very much a positive for "Secret Benefits". Last year in my time on "Seeking" I did meet two very high quality SB's. I continued to see them over several months. However, I could not suspend my "Seeking" subscription, it just ticked away until it ran out. If I meet someone in the next few weeks on "Secret Benefits", my credits remain until such time I decide I want more variety or I want to ditch the SB and find another one. That is a distinct advantage, though I readily admit I still need to get into that position for it to be an advantage.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2022, 07:06:48 pm by 90125 »

Online standardpostage

Wow ! Longer than War And Peace  :)

Offline BN99

Thanks for those great review and tips on your experience. I had shyed away for SB but when my current seeking sub ends I may just give it a go. 

Online tynetunnel

Thanks for another useful insight into SA alternatives. Much appreciated and invaluable for anyone looking to maximise payback for minimum outlay on credits  :thumbsup:

Offline stampjones

Thanks for that mate - good information there  :drinks:

Offline Colston36

Wow ! Longer than War And Peace  :)

But very painstaking and complete. Though at my age I fear I would be dead before finding anything worthwhile. I tried seeking arrangement about four years ago, saw three women, ended up friends with two but no sex with either anymore

Offline SpaceRaiderDave

Thank you. That is a great review and analysis.

What it has done is confirm Secret benefits is not for me. I am not willing to pay more than £150 per meet which restricts the girls that might be interested so each month I take out a SA subscription I play a numbers game and fire out hundreds of copy/paste messages and from those I usually get 2 or 3 girls. This approach would cost a fortune on Secret Benefits
Banned reason: Previously banned member TinMan69
Banned by: 90125

Online southcoastpunter

yes a good read - and helpful to guys who might have been wondering about signing up. Good sharing of info!

might give it a go as an alternative to SA.

Offline lillythesavage

Very good and detailed view of both, neither of which I would try again, I feel they have had their best days and are being taken over by scammers, chancers and pros which you spend too much time weeding out.

The credit return is good customer service, but annoying and time consuming to do, and if the site was managed properly and members vetted should not be happening as often as it does. How many cannot be bothered to complain? they are the ones that make it worthwhile for the site to allow dubious ads, like AW etc, money talks and there is less money in running things as well as they could.

Do they remove posts when you claim your credits back?

Offline PunterNumber69

Isn't it just easier paying an hourly fee?

Offline adenmc4

A very interesting read, thanks for doing it. I have always passed on SA because of the up-fronts subs but the SB model and your tips have convinced me to give SB a go.

Offline lillythesavage

Isn't it just easier paying an hourly fee?

Of course it is, reading recent posts though even that is becoming more difficult with ghosting, kept waiting, poor comms etc. No where near as much fun or the meets as satisfying, horses for courses. Little time restriction is a major plus.

Offline Home Alone

Isn't it just easier paying an hourly fee?
Certainly for those of us in our mid-70s who couldn't imagine ever being a Sugar Grandad! :crazy:

Offline lillythesavage

Certainly for those of us in our mid-70s who couldn't imagine ever being a Sugar Grandad! :crazy:

4 times a legal age teen makes you a sugar great grandad :D. And you would be surprised how many would get off on that. I have been refused on age grounds lol. Not old enough.

Offline Home Alone

Lol'd @ that, lts. I keep forgetting how old I am these days - it's me age, you know! ;)

I used the Grandad analogy when I started punting 17 years ago; thanks for reminding me I need to update it!!

Offline tantric talents

Very useful analysis. Thanks for sharing  :hi:

Offline ik8133

Great post Natwest, thanks for sharing your experiences.  I have been on SB a fair bit myself and like the pace of it compared to Seeking, you can just contact a couple of girls at at time, so messaging doesn't have to be so frantic as it can be on Seeking.  My situation doesn't allow me a lot of freedom, but last year I did manage four social meets with one of them turning into a proper meeting.

I think SB has changed a bit recently in regards to messages, has anybody else found that?  Every new girl that joined I used to get a message from at some stage, whether it was when the newly joined, which was probably genuine, or maybe a week later, which I had suspicions of may have been a bot.  However recently, I very rarely get any messages at all, not sure why this is. I don't have ant credits at the moment, so I haven't been sending any out myself either. 

Another thing I have my suspicions of, is that a great many girls seem to log on every day, but I'm not sure if that actually do.  Maybe I'm just being a bit paranoid thinking that SB want you to believe that the sight is busier than it actually is?       

Offline lillythesavage

Lol'd @ that, lts. I keep forgetting how old I am these days - it's me age, you know! ;)

I used the Grandad analogy when I started punting 17 years ago; thanks for reminding me I need to update it!!

Lol, just skip the meet and greet bollocks, taking a young bird to a restaurant might be an ego boost, but all those looking are thinking " Nonce" and plying her with wine bubbles and cocktails in the hope of dropping her draws is borderline slipping a Mickey Finn.

To me that is all the wrong way round, meet pay fuck, get a modicum of trust and get to know her, then if you want an ego boost and an alcohol fueled Hotel bunk up at least it is mutually agreed first. Nothing like stopping the too stubborn stare than her sticking her tongue down your throat and grabbing your bollocks, first meet in a restaurant with a young stranger does not appeal at all.

If she will not fuck you stone cold sober, she really does not want to fuck you at all, that meet and greet bollocks must have been thought of by a man :lol:

Offline willie loman

Lol, just skip the meet and greet bollocks, taking a young bird to a restaurant might be an ego boost, but all those looking are thinking " Nonce" and plying her with wine bubbles and cocktails in the hope of dropping her draws is borderline slipping a Mickey Finn.

To me that is all the wrong way round, meet pay fuck, get a modicum of trust and get to know her, then if you want an ego boost and an alcohol fueled Hotel bunk up at least it is mutually agreed first. Nothing like stopping the too stubborn stare than her sticking her tongue down your throat and grabbing your bollocks, first meet in a restaurant with a young stranger does not appeal at all.

If she will not fuck you stone cold sober, she really does not want to fuck you at all, that meet and greet bollocks must have been thought of by a man :lol:

in case you havent noticed anything in the last 30 years, british girls like getting drunk, and dont need to be plied with anything, its one of the positive things about british life, the drunken bacchanalia  that takes place every week end in britain. There is just no equivalent in mainland europe. britain is one of the few countries in the world, where much of the adult population goes out every week end, and anticipates random copulation with an absolute stranger, our slang reflects this reality, beer goggles, walk of shame, one night stand etc

Offline NightKid

With “Secret Benefits” you are a bit like the spider with the web, you just sit and wait in the corner for someone to get trapped. Then it’s a case of successfully stopping them getting free and buzzing off!

Great post Mr NatWest. Relative to the quote above, my approach to Seeking is similar in that I hardly ever message first and try to attract potentials from the strength of my profile - as such, my question is are you able to roughly view the contents of message on Secret Benefits like you would a WhatsApp notification prior to spending credits on the conversation?
« Last Edit: June 30, 2021, 04:33:15 am by NightKid »

Offline Natwest

Great post Mr NatWest. Relative to the quote above, my approach to Seeking is similar in that I hardly ever message first and try to attract potentials from the strength of my profile - as such, my question is are you able to roughly view the contents of message on Secret Benefits like you would a WhatsApp notification prior to spending credits on the conversation?

No they thought of that! You can't see anything at all until you press the button and spend the credits. So I do try very hard to filter out and not answer any girl that doesn't fit my criteria or isn't looking for the same. It's really hard sometimes especially when an incredibly hot girl clearly states she is looking for platonic and I clearly state I am not. Did she look at my pictures and think she can't wait to get my clothes off? I try very hard to be realistic and think that she probably hasn't read my profile.

Offline Natwest

Very good and detailed view of both, neither of which I would try again, I feel they have had their best days and are being taken over by scammers, chancers and pros which you spend too much time weeding out.

The credit return is good customer service, but annoying and time consuming to do, and if the site was managed properly and members vetted should not be happening as often as it does. How many cannot be bothered to complain? they are the ones that make it worthwhile for the site to allow dubious ads, like AW etc, money talks and there is less money in running things as well as they could.

Do they remove posts when you claim your credits back?

Once you report someone you can't see their profile much like SA. But they usually come back to you with an email to say they have refunded your credits. You also lose the thread and therefore can't see who you reported. I always therefore make sure I only have one claim on the go at a time. If I have a few to report I wait until the credits are refunded before claiming on the next one. The fact I have wasted money on a potential scammer always encourages me to claim and 99% of my claims have resulted in a refund. Where they haven't refunded, they will enter into dialogue and it is through that I have been awarded extra credits. The Customer Support is so overwhelmingly different (in a good way) to SA it almost hard to believe they are in the same game.

Offline cooltomtom

Thanks NatWest, :thumbsup:
Really well thought out article. Not looked at SB, but want to try SA, but so far failed in working out to pay for it anonymously. I'll admit to not being very savvy, and would have paid via a fictional paypal account I set up years ago (but that option has now gone on SA). I'm forever glad I had my other paypal account as my ''name'' on it as leaked during the Ashley Maddison hack. So if I my wife checked my name (its not a common name) I would have been in trouble using a CC in my real name, and she would have looked!! If anyone knows how to sign up for SA anonymously PLEASE tell me.
I still am on Ashley Maddison, but the last 18 months have a very very poor return. The pay per message is just like Natwest describes for SB  bar getting messages (collect messages) from members, as most of the time they state they haven't sent them! I now ignore those and have in my profile, ''wink at me if you like what you see and I'll write back'' - thats worked 100% so far.

Offline Natwest

Thanks to everyone who has shown their appreciation. It's almost a month since I bought my last lot of credits and a couple of observations to add. Firstly this month has cost me approx £16 which is the cost of using 150 credits. I have one good strong contender to come out of it so far.

Secondly, I had some unexpected bills this month that wiped me out financially so really had to curtail my SD/SB activity. This certainly has been an advantage with "Secret Benefits" as it hasn't really cost me anything whereas had I been on "Seeking Arrangements", I would have had to sit and watch my subscription tick away. I still haven't been able to deliver the killer arrangement that puts this site above "Seeking" but I am enjoying it and there is a steady flow of quality new members.

All in all it continues to be a positive experience and also I have claimed back two lots of credits this month all politely dealt with by Customer Services.

Offline Cunning Punt

Thanks for taking the time to write the detailed analysis as there are a lot of us looking for an alternative to Seeking.

Perhaps a quick summary to bring it all together would help and sorry if I missed this:
Have you only met those 3 girls via SB (or if not, how many where you 'sealed the deal' and what was the ppm)? How long have you been on SB now and how much would you say you've spent in total and how much of that have you been refunded in all?

Offline Natwest

Thanks for taking the time to write the detailed analysis as there are a lot of us looking for an alternative to Seeking.

Perhaps a quick summary to bring it all together would help and sorry if I missed this:
Have you only met those 3 girls via SB (or if not, how many where you 'sealed the deal' and what was the ppm)? How long have you been on SB now and how much would you say you've spent in total and how much of that have you been refunded in all?

I have so far met three girls for meet and greet, one progressed to a bit of groping but unfortunately when we messaged later in the week she wanted more for PPM than I wanted to pay. One I have agreed to meet for £100 but so far nothing has been arranged. I must admit due to a temporary financial crisis where a lot of bills hit me in one go, I have had to curtail and not push particularly for meets which as I have mentioned is an advantage of the credit based system of "Secret Benefits".

My first purchase of credits worked out at a similar cost to "Seeking" but this last month has cost me around £16 in credits. It is tough sometimes - I had a message this morning from someone who might have been worth a quick shag over the weekend but I didn't find her hugely attractive and she was a smoker. She might have been saying "I'll fuck you for free" but in the end decided not to pay to read her message.

I have been on "Secret Benefits", now for about 3 months. Now I have the hang of it, it is costing me substantially less than "Seeking" and it is both an advantage and disadvantage that there are less girls on there than on "Seeking". I can't honestly say it is better than "Seeking" but it has the potential to be better. It is far more relaxed I think than "Seeking" and certainly it is less hypocritical. I am always careful with what I say but I haven't had any trouble so far and have found Customer Services pretty responsive.

Offline Cunning Punt

I have so far met three girls for meet and greet, one progressed to a bit of groping but unfortunately when we messaged later in the week she wanted more for PPM than I wanted to pay. One I have agreed to meet for £100 but so far nothing has been arranged. I must admit due to a temporary financial crisis where a lot of bills hit me in one go, I have had to curtail and not push particularly for meets which as I have mentioned is an advantage of the credit based system of "Secret Benefits".

My first purchase of credits worked out at a similar cost to "Seeking" but this last month has cost me around £16 in credits. It is tough sometimes - I had a message this morning from someone who might have been worth a quick shag over the weekend but I didn't find her hugely attractive and she was a smoker. She might have been saying "I'll fuck you for free" but in the end decided not to pay to read her message.

I have been on "Secret Benefits", now for about 3 months. Now I have the hang of it, it is costing me substantially less than "Seeking" and it is both an advantage and disadvantage that there are less girls on there than on "Seeking". I can't honestly say it is better than "Seeking" but it has the potential to be better. It is far more relaxed I think than "Seeking" and certainly it is less hypocritical. I am always careful with what I say but I haven't had any trouble so far and have found Customer Services pretty responsive.

Okay, you mentioned you'd seen a girl for 170 off Secret Benefits? So one girl for a reasonable ppm, a grope with another and a potential 100 meet with a 3rd that hasn't progressed yet? So not particularly much from 3 months for similar cost to SA, though I note you've been getting to grips with the site and not been in a position to be very active on there.

I'm sure a few of us would be interested in an update after a couple of months. Good luck.  :drinks:
« Last Edit: July 10, 2021, 02:06:56 pm by Cunning Punt »

Offline Natwest

Okay, you mentioned you'd seen a girl for 170 off Secret Benefits? So one girl for a reasonable ppm, a grope with another and a potential 100 meet with a 3rd that hasn't progressed yet? So not particularly much from 3 months for similar cost to SA, though I note you've been getting to grips with the site and not been in a position to be very active on there.

I'm sure a few of us would be interested in an update after a couple of months. Good luck.  :drinks:

Don't get me wrong, I am not suggesting this site is any better or worse than "Seeking" and in fact part of my putting the brakes on is also because a girl I met on "Seeking" a while back has re-appeared and not looking for remuneration so "Secret Benefits" is definitely on the back burner. However, having eased back and not gone so mad with my second subscription it isn't costing me very much and I am still a member.  The biggest advantage of a credits based system is not losing anything by stepping back and also should an arrangement work out, you can just stop and the credits remain. This time around it is costing me substantially less than "Seeking" but yes, still need to deliver that killer arrangement. However, as I said with "Seeking", for 4 months subscription last year, I only had two good arrangements of which one I have now started to see again and no money changes hands.

Offline Mr_Shins

In reality I'm looking for how SB would compare to WYP, as that has a similar model, and a lot of it is the expectation of what you do with the woman you are meeting. WYP is primarily intended to be a dating site where the man pays the woman a pre-agreed price for the first meeting.

That differs from a standard dating site where it is almost impossible to find a date at all. On WYP I had no difficulty getting dates.

It also uses a credit system, but you don't open a conversation until you've agreed the meetup fee, and if the meetup never happens, she doesn't get that fee. The cost to open a conversation can vary depending on what that fee is. 15 credits is common, which is about £5 but depends on what "offer" you took. You can de-activate your profile, then come back and your credits are still there. I find that extremely useful. Support are decent too and will refund credits if the conversation shows the woman made no attempt to arrange to meet, but if you gave them your private number it's too late, you can't get your credits back.

Secret Benefits sounds like a good alternative to Seeking, however for now I'm quite happy with WYP if I'm going to actually try and meet anyone new. As it is, I'm not currently looking to do so.

Offline Natwest

In reality I'm looking for how SB would compare to WYP, as that has a similar model, and a lot of it is the expectation of what you do with the woman you are meeting. WYP is primarily intended to be a dating site where the man pays the woman a pre-agreed price for the first meeting.

That differs from a standard dating site where it is almost impossible to find a date at all. On WYP I had no difficulty getting dates.

It also uses a credit system, but you don't open a conversation until you've agreed the meetup fee, and if the meetup never happens, she doesn't get that fee. The cost to open a conversation can vary depending on what that fee is. 15 credits is common, which is about £5 but depends on what "offer" you took. You can de-activate your profile, then come back and your credits are still there. I find that extremely useful. Support are decent too and will refund credits if the conversation shows the woman made no attempt to arrange to meet, but if you gave them your private number it's too late, you can't get your credits back.

Secret Benefits sounds like a good alternative to Seeking, however for now I'm quite happy with WYP if I'm going to actually try and meet anyone new. As it is, I'm not currently looking to do so.

Yes, just a word of caution. If you are on 'seeking' and get banned, they will also ban you from 'WYP'. I had just taken advantage of a very good offer on 'WYP' when I got banned from 'seeking' and I ended up going back to my credit card company to claim it back .

Having said that, i did meet someone from 'WYP' and saw them several times. We never did the date thing, she just came back to my place each time and it was pretty good sex.

Offline Mr_Shins


Yes, just a word of caution. If you are on 'seeking' and get banned, they will also ban you from 'WYP'. I had just taken advantage of a very good offer on 'WYP' when I got banned from 'seeking' and I ended up going back to my credit card company to claim it back .

Having said that, i did meet someone from 'WYP' and saw them several times. We never did the date thing, she just came back to my place each time and it was pretty good sex.

I've heard about people getting banned from WYP for something they did on Seeking. I don't intend to ever pay for Seeking again, so I guess that won't ever happen to me. If I got banned from WYP it would be due to something I did on that site.

When she came back for sex, did you pay her each time, and how did the rate compare to that of an escort? In some ways, what "benefit" did you have over simply paying an escort for sex?

Offline Natwest

I've heard about people getting banned from WYP for something they did on Seeking. I don't intend to ever pay for Seeking again, so I guess that won't ever happen to me. If I got banned from WYP it would be due to something I did on that site.

When she came back for sex, did you pay her each time, and how did the rate compare to that of an escort? In some ways, what "benefit" did you have over simply paying an escort for sex?

She was usually with me for several hours and we used to mess around on the drive to my flat as well. I only gave her £100 which was the figure we agreed at the beginning. I stopped seeing escorts quite some time ago when I discovered sites like these. Far more fun and no real time limits.

Offline lillythesavage


Yes, just a word of caution. If you are on 'seeking' and get banned, they will also ban you from 'WYP'. I had just taken advantage of a very good offer on 'WYP' when I got banned from 'seeking' and I ended up going back to my credit card company to claim it back .

Having said that, i did meet someone from 'WYP' and saw them several times. We never did the date thing, she just came back to my place each time and it was pretty good sex.

The power of the internet to track you, not heard of WYP and the model as described here is a strange one, paying for a " first date" then it being expected to lapse after that. I would think anyone willing to be paid for a "date" is using it for financial reasons in the long run.

Having said that I have had a couple of good longish term casual and open " relationships"  with women I met on a paid sex basis, seriously considering doing so again after a meet at the weekend and the way things have gone since, of course that decision is not only mine :D

Having read all the threads on subscription sites, tried them in the past, and seeing the mixed success posters have, of course some of that is based on ability to communicate ,create interest and your wallet, I think the free personal ads are far more productive and there is far less scamming and pro vibes, just women with a will and a need to top up incomes in this very expensive country.

Offline Mr_Shins

I joined and created a profile. Had a look through a few profiles that came up. Nothing that exciting but some pretty women on there.

I think 4 of them have "liked" me but none of those have visited my profile. A different one visited the profile but didn't "like" me, and nobody has started a conversation. As yet I have bought no units.

I'm not expecting any success from this.

Offline lillythesavage

I joined and created a profile. Had a look through a few profiles that came up. Nothing that exciting but some pretty women on there.

I think 4 of them have "liked" me but none of those have visited my profile. A different one visited the profile but didn't "like" me, and nobody has started a conversation. As yet I have bought no units.

I'm not expecting any success from this.

I found the whole seeking process tedious, def. not keen on the meet and greet stuff, while I have no problem being seen out with much younger women I would like to get to know them first, plying with booze in the hope it open legs with a women you barely know does not appeal to me at all. Each to their own.

Offline Cunning Punt

I found the whole seeking process tedious, def. not keen on the meet and greet stuff, while I have no problem being seen out with much younger women I would like to get to know them first, plying with booze in the hope it open legs with a women you barely know does not appeal to me at all. Each to their own.

That sentence doesn't make sense.

Offline Mr_Shins

I found the whole seeking process tedious, def. not keen on the meet and greet stuff, while I have no problem being seen out with much younger women I would like to get to know them first, plying with booze in the hope it open legs with a women you barely know does not appeal to me at all. Each to their own.

There are a few reasons why one might do it. Assuming you're not looking for a wife or serious girlfriend but simply a part-time companion, I guess it depends on what you want to get out of it, and it might be more than just sex. When we're punters, sex isn't something we have any trouble in getting when we need it - it's something you can buy, just like most other things we need in life. There may, however, be other things you want from a female companion, including even just the "thrill of the pull".

Being "seen out with a much younger woman", most people don't care, and may guess it's your daughter anyway. How interesting is a much younger woman as company, I'm not sure really. There's one I've been seeing regularly for 5 years and we don't have anything in common really other than we both have children, and when we met we were both single parents.

Offline subsurface

I had never heard of seeking nor SB till I read these threads.  Signed up for SB beginning July and now have had meets with 2 ladies. I am not looking for model looks or 20 year olds  I'm 50 and wanted someone who in theory I could have met in a pub etc. As others say you need to watch your credits, I started with 100 and made both my connections within that amount.  I have since bought a few more but I'm busy enough with the 2 ladies I've got. Both are PPM  @ £150 a meet, with them hosting. One meet was 2hr and the other 3hrs. It's so different to the dreadful Roms and adult work coldness.  I chat to both on WhatsApp, and have struck up a rapport and building a friendship- always remembering its transactional. I think I struck gold early, the 200 credits I subsequently bought have mostly gone on conversations where they initiate , I respond and then it just goes cold. There do seem to be a lot of women who actually want a full relationship, which is puzzling to me given how its marketed ( to men anyway). Enough babbling. It's working for me ! Oh yes, both arrangements are set to be regular  so no more AW for me.

Offline Razpunt

I had never heard of seeking nor SB till I read these threads.  Signed up for SB beginning July and now have had meets with 2 ladies. I am not looking for model looks or 20 year olds  I'm 50 and wanted someone who in theory I could have met in a pub etc. As others say you need to watch your credits, I started with 100 and made both my connections within that amount.  I have since bought a few more but I'm busy enough with the 2 ladies I've got. Both are PPM  @ £150 a meet, with them hosting. One meet was 2hr and the other 3hrs. It's so different to the dreadful Roms and adult work coldness.  I chat to both on WhatsApp, and have struck up a rapport and building a friendship- always remembering its transactional. I think I struck gold early, the 200 credits I subsequently bought have mostly gone on conversations where they initiate , I respond and then it just goes cold. There do seem to be a lot of women who actually want a full relationship, which is puzzling to me given how its marketed ( to men anyway). Enough babbling. It's working for me ! Oh yes, both arrangements are set to be regular  so no more AW for me.

That is some great success!  :thumbsup: Any tips on how to vet through the SBs to filter out time wasters?

Offline lillythesavage

I had never heard of seeking nor SB till I read these threads.  Signed up for SB beginning July and now have had meets with 2 ladies. I am not looking for model looks or 20 year olds  I'm 50 and wanted someone who in theory I could have met in a pub etc. As others say you need to watch your credits, I started with 100 and made both my connections within that amount.  I have since bought a few more but I'm busy enough with the 2 ladies I've got. Both are PPM  @ £150 a meet, with them hosting. One meet was 2hr and the other 3hrs. It's so different to the dreadful Roms and adult work coldness.  I chat to both on WhatsApp, and have struck up a rapport and building a friendship- always remembering its transactional. I think I struck gold early, the 200 credits I subsequently bought have mostly gone on conversations where they initiate , I respond and then it just goes cold. There do seem to be a lot of women who actually want a full relationship, which is puzzling to me given how its marketed ( to men anyway). Enough babbling. It's working for me ! Oh yes, both arrangements are set to be regular  so no more AW for me.

Well done, other media is the future of punting, AW is dying a slow and painful death, those hoping for a re birth are hoping in vain, those willing and able to sell sex, particularly new Brits, do not want it to be a career and all the hassles that come with it, not least plastering themselves over AW and open to the stalker and weirdo culture. They are more selective and have jobs.

More than 1 has said they do not want relationships and get their fix of intimacy this way, pay the bills and can afford treats. More than 1 has said it is a turn on, feeding a whore fantasy. Both mean you are likely to have a better time than from AW.

In answer to the above question re vetting, there is no answer, you have to chat and go with your gut, no one can do it for you.

Offline leedsfella

I recently deactivated my SA acct and thought I'd give Secret a go.

Chatted to a couple of ladies who then went radio silent on me and was recently chatting to a single parent nurse who needed help with bills, she seemed nice so took it to WhatsApp where she says one guy paid £400 to take her to dinner and then didn't follow through with the arrangement due to family issues so I thought it best not to string her along if she's expecting £400 to go for dinner so respectfully told if that's what she's expecting then no point continuing chatting as that's out league to see if she was flexible and it seems she wasn't.....who the feck is paying £400 to take someone to dinner and spoiling it for us mere mortals 😂

Still have credits so will see how it pans out

Offline Cunning Punt

I recently deactivated my SA acct and thought I'd give Secret a go.

Chatted to a couple of ladies who then went radio silent on me and was recently chatting to a single parent nurse who needed help with bills, she seemed nice so took it to WhatsApp where she says one guy paid £400 to take her to dinner and then didn't follow through with the arrangement due to family issues so I thought it best not to string her along if she's expecting £400 to go for dinner so respectfully told if that's what she's expecting then no point continuing chatting as that's out league to see if she was flexible and it seems she wasn't.....who the feck is paying £400 to take someone to dinner and spoiling it for us mere mortals 😂

Probably no-one because I suspect it's a pile of bollocks.

Offline lillythesavage

Probably no-one because I suspect it's a pile of bollocks.

I am not so sure it is, though I would hope sex was involved after dinner :D, reading through the seeking threads I am feel some get more of a buzz from being seen out with a younger good looking woman than actually fucking them in private. Maybe the seducing into bed is part of the experience they are looking for too.

Offline Mr Sinister

Well done, other media is the future of punting, AW is dying a slow and painful death, those hoping for a re birth are hoping in vain, those willing and able to sell sex,

I don't think AW and the likes will die just this yet it is still the most easiest and convenient way to gain access to sex.
So it is always going to have that in its favour plus being able to see different and specific type of girls. Right now there are alternatives to the traditional punting routes as seen with SB, its a vastly different experience to normal punting, better VFM too.

Offline Cunning Punt

I am not so sure it is, though I would hope sex was involved after dinner :D,

Well it wouldn't be involved, that's the point.

A small number of lonely old guys may pay a girl a bit for a platonic date but £400? Nah. She's pulling your plonker but only in the metaphorical way, and that ain't going to change, so best forget about her. Plus 400 is around double the cost of an intimate meet anyway.

« Last Edit: July 27, 2021, 10:26:29 am by Cunning Punt »

Offline lillythesavage

I don't think AW and the likes will die just this yet it is still the most easiest and convenient way to gain access to sex.
So it is always going to have that in its favour plus being able to see different and specific type of girls. Right now there are alternatives to the traditional punting routes as seen with SB, its a vastly different experience to normal punting, better VFM too.

Die might be the extreme and just a description of the current state, it will survive, but numbers are well down on pre pandemic, as are review numbers over the last few weeks, anyone else noticed that, holiday season maybe?

You cannot help reading the moans of the decline on Aw or the lack of new Brits coming through, compounded by less imports, I just think Brits just do not want to go there and that is feeding the rise in other ways of punting.

Being all over C4 as feeding the trafficking trade is not going to make it any more popular either.

Offline Mr Sinister

Well it wouldn't be involved, that's the point.

A small number of lonely old guys may pay a girl a bit for a platonic date but £400? Nah. She's pulling your plonker but only in the metaphorical way, and that ain't going to change, so best forget about her. Plus 400 is around double the cost of an intimate meet anyway.

There are simps out there who will pay silly prices and give girls gift for non sexual dates, some don't even meet up. There are guys who have made it to this stage but are too afraid of being rejected so just the simple interaction with the girl is enough for them with no need to take it further.

Me on the other hand I ain't shelling out money without getting my dick wet.

Offline lillythesavage

There are simps out there who will pay silly prices and give girls gift for non sexual dates, some don't even meet up. There are guys who have made it to this stage but are too afraid of being rejected so just the simple interaction with the girl is enough for them with no need to take it further.

Me on the other hand I ain't shelling out money without getting my dick wet.

We agree on a lot of points lol, even if sometimes it is only saliva :D

Convinced the going out with a younger pretty woman is the buzz for some, the look at me factor, why they like the meet and greet stuff too. Each to their own but not for me.

Offline leedsfella

Well it wouldn't be involved, that's the point.

A small number of lonely old guys may pay a girl a bit for a platonic date but £400? Nah. She's pulling your plonker but only in the metaphorical way, and that ain't going to change, so best forget about her. Plus 400 is around double the cost of an intimate meet anyway.

The thing made me laugh she said she was looking for some fun, frolics and help paying the bills.....she never mentioned her mortgage needed paying or she's got bills coming out of her arse to think about charging £400 for a dinner meeting, and she looked alright, not a stunner and even described herself as a plain Jane....for £400 I want Cindy Crawford 😂

Her loss and I'm not worried in the slightest it's the illusions of grandeur that cracks me up.

Offline Mr_Shins

One to warn you about who was called "dress4u", got to get her details on whatsapp and her "I was seeing someone who paid me £300 a date but went abroad" got a reply of my previous arrangement being for less and her saying "that would be ok" after which she asked me to pay an urgent bill without meeting, and when I declined, said I was "tight fisted" and blocked me on whatsapp.

Of course we know it was probably a scam and she had no intention to ever meet, certainly not at the new "agreed" lower rate, just take money for things, and probably does the same with loads of guys.

I've connected better with 2 older women on the site but I'm not paying huge PPM prices for someone my own age, I don't mind taking them out on a date and paying for it, but that would really be it with such a woman.

Lots of messages from pretty females with no more than a "hi" who then don't respond if you unlock and reply back, making you wonder if there are fake accounts on there that get you to open the message to take your credits.