Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: When to initiate plan b?  (Read 3180 times)

Offline threechilliman

Punt booked for tomorrow, made arrangements 10 days ago. No response to AW message yesterday or text this morning. How long do I give it?


Rochdull lad

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I think it depends as much as on whether Plan A has been a Regular or not, tcm.

If she hasn't been, I'd be inclined to start planning now; then send another text telling her that if she isn't going to reply, she's leaving you no option than to look elsewhere.

If she has and you want to keep her as a Regular, I'd begin planning; but send her a different text, maybe asking if everything's okay with her and is she still okay for tomorrow.  If no reply within, say, an hour, put Plan B into practice.

Offline threechilliman

First meet with her. Hasn't logged on to AW for a week....

Offline CBPaul

I'd be looking at plan b now. Hasn't logged on for a week - very bad sign.

Also depends on how high up your to do list she is and if she's a touring girl. Might be that she knew of her movements 10 days ago and intends to be back working today / tomorrow. That would require organisation skills though.

If she's high on your to do list leave the option open should she get back to you but arrange plan b.

Offline threechilliman

If she was touring, I'd expect her to have logged on to AW

Online Strawberry

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Have you agreed a time to confirm with each other?

Offline CBPaul

If she was touring, I'd expect her to have logged on to AW

Some touring girls have a habit of buggering off for a week or so, EE's go back to their country of origin and English ones work when they need a new handbag / pair of shoes etc. The ones I have seen and kept an eye on for further punts quite often remain dormant for a while and then log on, do their standard tour of host towns and then sod off again.

Either way, for me it's too close to the punting day and the chances of her getting in contact and arranging the punt must be minimal. Either time for plan b or put it on hold.

Offline smiths

Punt booked for tomorrow, made arrangements 10 days ago. No response to AW message yesterday or text this morning. How long do I give it?


Perhaps the WG is only working tomorrow so if the case you can only get a reply tomorrow morning. Doubtful though.

My plan B is a regular who i would ring and can usually fit me in on the day.

Offline threechilliman

Have you agreed a time to confirm with each other?

I said I'd contact her a day or two before to confirm services and arrangements. Her initial comms were excellent


Offline wristjob

How far do you have to travel? If you are going 50 miles then not much fun if she stands you up. Certainly if I was travelling any distance then I'd want a couple of phone numbers of alternatives in the area just in case.

If you aren't travelling far what's the prob. Same as above I'd probably get a couple of alternatives beforehand but if she's local and there's no comms then nothing lost really.

You'll probably find out in a week that her nan's dog died so she had to have that day off, but it's really really odd cos she was there all the days before and never got your email....

Offline threechilliman

Strange indeed as she let me have the postcode in the initial email exchange. Plan b will be looked at tonight, plan c is to 'punt another day'. Pity, as this is a good opportunity for me. We'll see...

Offline CBPaul

Strange indeed as she let me have the postcode in the initial email exchange. Plan b will be looked at tonight, plan c is to 'punt another day'. Pity, as this is a good opportunity for me. We'll see...

I know exactly what you mean about having a good opportunity. Very sensible for plan c to be punt another day, it's too common to have a convenient day for a punt only to presented with little choice or a succession of prossies who don't communicate. Knowing when to give up rather than picking the best of a bad lot is the key.

Offline threechilliman

I know exactly what you mean about having a good opportunity. Very sensible for plan c to be punt another day, it's too common to have a convenient day for a punt only to presented with little choice or a succession of prossies who don't communicate. Knowing when to give up rather than picking the best of a bad lot is the key.

Indeed it is the key. Got a couple of HL candidates plus one of RL's favourites to look at first. Don't want to waste this one

Online Strawberry

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I said I'd contact her a day or two before to confirm services and arrangements. Her initial comms were excellent


OK I'd class this as 'a day before'. I do really recommend having a definite time that you agree you'll contact each other by or at, that way both of you know where you stand and there's none of this day or 2 before.

Offline Daffodil

I'd ditch her now. If she can't confirm within 24 hours of the punt then fuck her (or not, obviously). Might teach her to buck her ideas up in future, doubt it though  :rolleyes:

Offline Daffodil

OK I'd class this as 'a day before'. I do really recommend having a definite time that you agree you'll contact each other by or at, that way both of you know where you stand and there's none of this day or 2 before.

How specific do you want him to be? 18:49? A day or two is fair and he's upheld his end.

Offline threechilliman

I usually make arrangements with the wg well in advance and then end with saying I'll contact a day or two before to confirm mobile no's. I AW message the day before I'm going to text ie 2 days before, text the day before so we have mobile contact. I also text on the day to make sure its all systems go.


Online Strawberry

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How specific do you want him to be? 18:49? A day or two is fair and he's upheld his end.

Unfortunately yes, I've learned that being ambiguous can lead to being interpreted in different ways however my opinion is that it's up to her as an SP to be clear about this, and she hasn't thus leaving him in a no-man's land. Not good.


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My thoughts are that if the girl has a number up on their profile then they probably work day to day or may be a couple of days in advance, at the most.  They also probably get quite a lot of people asking whether they are free in 2 weeks time etc., and say yes to everything, knowing that most won't re contact them as the guy could have emailed / texted a dozen girls the same way. So it maybe she is busy and doesn't need to log on to AW or even respond to txts if your time already clashes with a booking. 

She could have the decency to txt and say so if she is booked up already but most don't seem to see customer service as important...I suppose you should really share the link so that other UKP members can be aware that there may be comms issues? 

Offline tantric talents

Do you want to share the link 3C ?
We could all email her for her number and see if she reads any?

Offline threechilliman

Panic over folks, she's messaged me. Still might have a plan b up my sleeve me thinks.


Offline threechilliman

Plans b,c,d,e,f,g,h..... etc prepared. Another text, no response and unless I'm completely certain she'll be there.......


Rochdull lad

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Kinnell, tcm; do you get the feeling she's playing you? :(


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Plans b,c,d,e,f,g,h..... etc prepared. Another text, no response and unless I'm completely certain she'll be there.......


When are you due to see her.

Offline threechilliman

Kinnell, tcm; do you get the feeling she's playing you? :(

Dunno what she's up to. Must have had a good weekend!! ;)


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I normally send a text confirmation the morning of the punt,  if she does not get back to you then I would be suspicious.

Offline threechilliman

I normally send a text confirmation the morning of the punt,  if she does not get back to you then I would be suspicious.

That's my normal method - always confirm on the day. If I get no response tomorrow morning, I'll call it off.. and make another call!

Rochdull lad

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Very wise, tcm; hope you get a satisfactory result, one way or the other. :hi:

Offline CBPaul

That's my normal method - always confirm on the day. If I get no response tomorrow morning, I'll call it off.. and make another call!

Sounds like the best plan. I take it she's managed to log on to AW now too.

Hope it all works out  :thumbsup:

Offline mattylondon

I think it depends as much as on whether Plan A has been a Regular or not, tcm.

I agree but still, there's little room for too much sentiment. They're still prostitutes and not your mates. Business is business but a couple of regulars of mine will receive a little leeway. People can cock things up by mistake, after all. It's not always somebody's fault.

I have favorable rates with those regulars, so this is really the only reason I make such allowances. Because visiting them is of benefit to me. Otherwise, I just ditch them as there are plenty of other options.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2014, 12:00:10 am by mattylondon »

Offline threechilliman

Plan a worked perfectly. Review will be posted in a few days


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Plan a worked perfectly. Review will be posted in a few days

Cool, glad it worked out for you. :hi:

Rochdull lad

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Hear, hear.  Isn't it great when a plan comes together?

And you've got

Plans b,c,d,e,f,g,h..... etc prepared.


at least 6 more plans up your sleeve! ;)  :yahoo:

Offline threechilliman

Hear, hear.  Isn't it great when a plan comes together?
And you've got

at least 6 more plans up your sleeve! ;)  :yahoo:

Two of which you're responsible for, R L  :drinks:

Rochdull lad

  • Guest
When you've put those two plans into practice, I look forward to PMs of thanks in respect of each, tcm! ;) :D :cool: