Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Hook up  (Read 909 times)

Offline martypoos

I wish AW would automatically ban any new ads with the words “hook up”  :angry: I’ve never seen so many new profiles that are so clearly fake scammers  :mad:
Banned reason: Boundary pusher
Banned by: Kev40ish

Offline Proton

I wish AW would automatically ban any new ads with the words “hook up”  :angry: I’ve never seen so many new profiles that are so clearly fake scammers  :mad:
Thanks.... I will take your advise on board and be aware next time on AW :diablo:

Offline Straightsix

Never report fake profiles.  Damn Nigerians are behind hook ups. If they learn how to fool us well be continually fighting them.
Banned reason: Warned before but doesn’t seem to learn
Banned by: Kev40ish

Offline Corus Boy

Never report fake profiles.  Damn Nigerians are behind hook ups. If they learn how to fool us well be continually fighting them.


Hook Up is like a red flag, maybe look at the picture as it is usually nice eye candy, double check the Bareback is offered?  Another confirmation, and move on.

Probably quicker than reading this post.

Offline extraa

Hook Up and 'whatsup' instead of whatsapp. Can't even spell right. Sick of the profiles that keep popping up. I keep my saved search clean and add any profiles I don't want to visit to my blacklist. Must add about 5-8 profiles a week recently  :angry:

Offline extraa

Anyone else getting sick and tired of all these fake profiles? Must have blacklisted about 10-12 every day this week so far. All the same profiles. I don't understand what they are meant to be achieving, surely no one is stupid enough to fall for their private gallery/money scams? :dash:

Offline Your Chef

The ones I am seeing and ignoring have several common denominators.

No private gallery.
When you click on rates nothing shows.
Similar spiel in the description.
An email address for contact.

And I agree, 10 to 12 profiles a week around South Wales.