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Author Topic: the good Punter???  (Read 3181 times)

Offline 8a8ylon


was searching for stuff online and came across this little story of an Ex WG and what she thinks of her clients when their came and paid her loads of money to fuck her...wont give anything away as I think most will alright know by now.  Anyway enjoy...PLZ read the comments as some made me laugh

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She has other articles aswell  which I haven't looked at but might at some point...

Offline AnthG

Nobody forced her to do the job.

She was probably happy enough when taking the money.

And if she wants to go down the route of her daft moral theories, heres one for her. Is taking money for a service you really did not wish to prove, is not possibly theft on her part.
Banned reason: To much drama, account closed
Banned by: Iloveoral


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She is just playing to a certain audience which will lap this shit up. If that was her experience then it's her problem I fail to see how she can claim to speak for all prossies anymore than a bloke can claim to speak for all punters.


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She was clearly in the wrong job. 


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Was she forced into it? If not she is full of shit.
I have never suggested escorting to anyone. I buy what is for sale, and I dont buy what I know to be illegal or not sold willingly. Why is the buyer the one in the wrong when she sold? Which came first, escorting or the punter? This punter came after escorts offered, freely.

If she cant morally deal with her escorting past, it doesnt mean punters are the evil. It means she was right to get out of the business.

Also, it is very gender specific. If they are playing the poor card, men can be just as poor. They just dont have escorting as an option. In fact, in most cultures he is expected to be the provider regardless. Funny how women press for the right to be in the military now...when there was conscription and during the great wars, colonial wars etc...somehow not so bothered not to be forced to fight the nazis or  be in the trenches. Have you heard of the period in the middle ages when women were protesting to take part in medieval military campaigns? nope.

First in the lifeboats? women and children. no complaints there then.
What are the worst war crimes? against women and children. against men? not so much. complaints about that categorisation? not so much.

But hey, if you have a cock its always your fault. The cock did it.

And naturally she is in pro women. If you are a man for your gender, you are a in anti women, not pro men.

And why do people always assume punters are ugly and or old and or have wives? Im young, and I am single.I am not ugly either. I punt as I work too hard for a relationship. And I still want sex. I am always respectful, but I do want sex. Should I rather have one night stands knowing the women want more? If a woman does it, shes liberated. As a man, if I do it, I am a player and a cunt for stringing the woman along. Maybe I should work less and not employ people in my business at my age. Im sure there are infinite jobs for my employees out there, and the state doesnt need my tax money?

And why is every punter in her piece male? What about the old sex tourist birds? Are they just fine because they are female? Or because they dont have a load, just sweaty fat cheese taco?

Either way, Im glad she is going to give financial alternatives to the WGs of the world, and will put food on their tables and roofs over their she must be doing since shes so anti punting. I guess AW will anounce it soon, since the WGs will all be getting good office jobs tomorrow, and escorting wont be allowed as per the moral judgement of Rachel Moron.

Offline wristjob

Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Put another way:

Nobody forced her to do the job.


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Come to think of it, isn't Rachel Moran that hysterical screaming Irish antichrist?  I hate extremist feminists who are self declared spokes people and moral bastions for all of womankind.  They can fuck off because they're just not. 

VCM has a more measured take here External Link/Members Only

Offline YouOnlyLiveOnce


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Rachel Moran is apparently a fraudster.

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Makes sense, she has a ready made audience who will not question her motives.


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And I thought gullible mumsnet users were non-existent


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I got bored reading it. What a load of.....I don't know what.

What did one comment say? 'Talented and insightful writing'. They've obviously never read any real talented or insightful writing. I've read more talented and insightful posts from Dani.

If any of it at all is true, like others have said, I bet she felt ok with it all when she was spending the money.


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OK, I think the following is the answer to the above bullshit article:

Most people don't do a job they LOVE or dreamt for when they were children. Not everyone can become a successful footballer, a doctor, a barrister, an academic, a scientist etc. Simply there aren't enough places for that. But there is a huge difference between (i)a person who does a certain job solely for money while completely hates it and impatiently awaiting for the “torture” to be finished and (ii)a person who although wouldn’t do it if he/she had better alternative choices he/she nonetheless doesn't dislike it and is fine doing it.

Whether you hate your job or don't dislike it has nothing to the job itself but with the conditions and the environment of your job. If you have a boss or colleagues that shout at you and humiliate you all the time you would hate your job. Same goes for prostitution. If all punters were violent then prostitutes would hate their job and perhaps stop doing this job. But the “good punters” are those who make the working conditions acceptable and even enjoyable.

Let me give an analogy. Jimmy didn't dream to become a red cab driver when he was a little boy. He dreamt being a black cab driver :lol:. But joking aside he is fine being a cab driver. He doesn't love doing this job but he doesn’t dislike it either. He doesn't jump up with joy but he is OK with his job. And he is OK with it as long as the vast majority of his passengers are good and sober people who will pay him in the end. He even enjoys having an interesting chat with them. But if anyone he had to carry was drunk, violent and at the end attempted to do a runner without paying him then surely he would hate doing this job.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2014, 08:01:36 pm by Jason »


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This is beyond contempt. it's insulting to women who have actually been raped and it's insulting to punters who may be many things but simply aren't mind readers


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I've talked about why they do it with many of my WG's, and it is always obviously the money first and foremost, but a significant number have admitted that not being in a relationship, they just crave being filled by a cock!

This without any prompting from me.


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This is the sort of argument which appeals to vegan social justice-types who are constantly wringing their hands about 'ethics' and 'social conscience'.   

Personally, I'll just eat meat and fuck WGs and not worry too much about that shit.


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I had to laugh.

If she hated it so much she would have wandered down the job center and signed on. Plus some one who hated it that much would not write about it...

Its just attention seeking, compliment fishing, ego stroking behaviour. I get that you cant be interested in every client but if you chose to do (and therefore enjoy) this job theres alway some perks.


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They may have a job in common, but each WG is different. If there are x number of WGs doing it of their free will and choice, I imagine there are more than x number of reasons for the choice of work/profession.

Offline Dani

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This is the type of woman who has ruined feminism. They have taken it from being about equality to the men are all a users. I fucking hate women like this who have the gall to think they speak for all of us. No this job is not glamorous and can be hard work but I do not feel I am being used or abused in anyway. I have control of my bookings as do many of us and I set what will and won't be allowed. I am not sure how she worked although it sounds like the streets but most if us are actually using the clients. After all the client pays us a large sum if money to only be allowed to do what we allow them to do. What we decide is ok for us. I am trying to see how that makes us used or abused as it sure as hell doesn't in my eyes
I had far more abuse when in nursing training than I ever have doing this job yet no fucking feminists are screaming about the abuse trainee nurses get (mainly from doctors not patients).
I don't normally swear unless something really pisses me off and this load of total fucking bollocks managed it. Stupid bitch needs to learn she only speaks for herself and not for all if us prossies. Being a prossie is not joining a club of victims its a life choice for some of us to fit around our family needs. Fucking useless waste of five minutes reading that shite


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I understand and know lots of girls who do it solely for the money but I would have thought a girl who thought it so humiliating and degrading- as she portrays in her 'letter' would be too mortified to have her face and name linked to it.


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Danni I completely agree, shes missed the point of feminism entirely

Offline 8a8ylon

Just reader some of the comments made it makes for strange reading...

Search for peter on 5 th may and the replies


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Just reader some of the comments made it makes for strange reading...

Search for peter on 5 th may and the replies

They clearly do not want an informed debate. Whatever some people may say about punters and UKP I'd say that most of us on here regard certain aspects of punting as sacrosanct - eg, sex between consenting adults with mutually acceptable boundaries.

Rochdull lad

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I've talked about why they do it with many of my WG's, and it is always obviously the money first and foremost, but a significant number have admitted that not being in a relationship, they just crave being filled by a cock!

This without any prompting from me.

When I began punting I was even more naive than I am now.  I thought it was great that the Parlours in and around Manchester had a supply of girls for me to shag.  It never crossed my mind that at least some of the women might actually enjoy being shagged!  D'oh! :rolleyes:


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Reading it very nearly made me feel bad. That was until I read the comments and saw what an obnoxious cunt she is. Now I think I'd happily book her just because I know she won't enjoy it, to punish her for being such a self righteous self absorbed little whore who takes no responsibility for her own actions
« Last Edit: May 28, 2014, 10:57:52 pm by Nhsi »


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I've talked about why they do it with many of my WG's, and it is always obviously the money first and foremost, but a significant number have admitted that not being in a relationship, they just crave being filled by a cock!

This without any prompting from me.
I never believe it when they say that. It's the money as far as I'm concerned. If they wanted cock they could go out every night and get some from somebody they find attractive, not sone random bloke they more than likely find a tad repulsive, which us probably often the case with a lot of us


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Reading it very nearly made me feel bad. That was I read the comments and saw what an obnoxious cunt she is. Now I think I'd happily book get just because I know she won't enjoy it, to punish her for being such a self righteous self absorbed little whore who takes no responsibility for her own actions

Give her a call, I'm sure she will be delighted to hear from you.

Offline CBPaul

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I couldn't read it all. Perhaps it's getting late or perhaps it's a pile of shite  :unknown:

Early on she poses the question how do you justify yourself. The answer to that is quite simple, I don't justify myself and don't feel the need to either.


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Here is a good (and funny) documentary about prostitution from the Penn&Teller Bullshit! show:
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Miss Summers x

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This is beyond contempt. it's insulting to women who have actually been raped and it's insulting to punters who may be many things but simply aren't mind readers

Totally agree with you here sir frank x

The media already portray working girls as abuse victims without someone like this making it out as "gentle rape"! Is it so hard to believe that a lot of girls actually enjoy being an escort, I certainly do, this silly woman gives us happy working girls a bad name x

Offline wristjob

I read somewhere a WG write that girls can get sex pretty much whenever they want and no way would some fit young girl choose to shag some fat, balding middle aged guy.

Fair comment but it's a job. You know, a job - where we go spend hours doing something we don't want, probably getting some kind of abuse, plenty of stress. That's not most people's first choice either (as Jason rightly points out). There are a lot of different ways of earning a living and I'm sure being a WG is the least offensive most flexible way for a lot of women. Maybe it's not what you would do for jollies, but doesnt mean it isn't preferable to any other way of earning a living.

Course the mad bint in the article was a street girl and that's probably a bit different. I think street girls are very much not the norm now, and it's usually indicative of a lot of other issues and mistakes with your live. I'd also pretty much guess very few people on here would go near a street girl.

Online threechilliman

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I couldn't read it all. Perhaps it's getting late or perhaps it's a pile of shite  :unknown:

Early on she poses the question how do you justify yourself. The answer to that is quite simple, I don't justify myself and don't feel the need to either.

I gave up after the first sentence


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Must have spent all her earnings on psychiatric fee's.   

Offline socks

The anti prostitution lobby it seems to me, is based purely on some hang up they have about sex. I think they fundamentally believe it's an aggressive act where a man is exerting his dominance over a woman. (On that basis women who seek to pay for it can't be bad like men who do the same.) But like other posters have said, I have no interest in meeting WG's who are in the trade through any greater level of coercion than any of use have for doing our jobs, ie because that's what we choose to do to make money. And on that basis whilst I respect this lobby's right to express their opinion, while that's all it is, I don't give a fuck and don't seek to justify my punting one little bit. For me it's no different to paying the mechanic to fix my car.

Offline Dani

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I read somewhere a WG write that girls can get sex pretty much whenever they want and no way would some fit young girl choose to shag some fat, balding middle aged guy.

Whilst it is true women can get sex whenever they want they choose to have sex with men they normally wouldn't because they then get paid for it.
It is the same for everyone they could easily do their job for free if they enjoy it but why would they when they know they can get paid to do it? 

Its that word that feminazis get stuck on and don't seem to understand choose or choice.  As they themselves don't really enjoy sex they have decided that no woman can enjoy it so therefor cannot make an informed choice.  The women who do must have been victims as children and don't know any other way or they must be so down trodden they assume sexual abuse is the same as love.  That is the excuses they throw up time and time again which is why women such as myself are never asked about our jobs.  we get ignored as we don't fit the stereotype.  Its why the BBC never speak to us when making programmes about the sex industry and why most programmes are made by people with preconceived misconceptions and again we get ignored as we don't fit what their agenda is.

**Also I do apologise for swearing last night.  I was not having a good day and reading that boiled my p*** to the point it was all I could do to not swear every other word. 
I suppose I get sick to death of being told what is and is not happening in my life and how I am too stupid to see I am being abused. 

I would love to be able to show them what really happens during a booking from initial phone call to end of booking.  They would soon realise the punters or clients don't really have much control at all and are normally the ones who are at risk of being robbed or scammed and that although it does happen it is very rare for it to happen to us prossies. 


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The assumption always seems to be that all sex workers are drug-dependent street walkers or trafficked.  Yet in my experience it's been students, single mums or other ladies who do not want to do a 9-5.

For example when my last regular recently finished AW, she invited me to use her (legit) services in her new day job for which she had recently qualified.  It's women like her, Dani et al that are not being represented.  Or, when they are - such as on a recent Newsnight debate - they are talked over/down to by academics who think they know better.


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I hate this debate. Yes some women who are in this job have been victims of sexual assault, it doesn't somehow negate our choices and consent. I know the difference between rape and consensual sex and I'm livid by her blasé comparison of sex work and 'gentle' rape or whatever bollocks.

I also do this job because I like having sex with loads of different men and I get a genuine kick out of being paid for it. It also works for me and my family situation. All you hear about in this debate is the glamour mode type or 'high class' hookers or trafficked and exploited women. Very rarely do you hear of normal every day women who just do this, well just 'cause. I could get a regular job but I don't want one. Women like Moran make out like I don't know what's best for myself and I'm being abused by all these nasty men.

She's a dick. End of!

Offline wristjob

I hate this debate. Yes some women who are in this job have been victims of sexual assault

Some women who work is Tescos are no doubt victims of sexual assault. Some women who work in banks, some business execs, actresses etc etc E bloody T bloody C.

Blame the assault, blame the people who did it but to say one must necessarily follow the other is just ridiculous - unless of course there is serious research and stats to back that up. Thought not.