Sugar Babies

Author Topic: MaddoxP, previously StaceyNiceSummer  (Read 1859 times)

Offline Alitis

I post this here as MaddoxP tours around the country.

When I saw MaddoxP's profile, I knew that it looked familiar but it took me a while to make the connection.
It is StaceyNiceSummer, my top entry in the never-managed-to-see list.

Has anyone met her in her new identity? I sent her a couple of texts but she did not respond.
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« Last Edit: May 10, 2021, 11:35:53 pm by Alitis »

Online Stevelondon

No reply to my messages either.

No matter. I have my memories.

Offline StingRay

Same here, very good memories from a number of years back. I've added her to my Hot List and see that she moves around quite a lot - I will try to make a booking, and report, if she turns up near me. I'm still a little confused as to how nationality has changed to Brit.

Offline themaserman

Good memories for me too of Stacey a few years back in Wimbledon, this is obviously just
a scammer trying to get a few quid from her private gallery.

Online Stevelondon

Good memories for me too of Stacey a few years back in Wimbledon, this is obviously just
a scammer trying to get a few quid from her private gallery.

The thought struck my mind.

Offline StingRay

The thought struck my mind.

and mine too, but I'm hoping not as I would really like to see her again.

Despite their business "ethics" I know that it's not easy to falsify nationality on AW but changing names and pics is easy.

Offline Malvolio

Good memories for me too of Stacey a few years back in Wimbledon, this is obviously just
a scammer trying to get a few quid from her private gallery.

Not sure about that - I've looked at the main photo on the profile.  If you click on it you get a very large and detailed face pic, and to me that looks like Stacey with five years worth of aging from when I last saw her.

It could be a scam, but if so the scammer has got access to recent photos of Stacey.

Offline Crackpot11

It’s a fake profile which has been doing the rounds. Looks like someone has stolen her pics and used it. There are a lot of these type around. Some are very convincing, all have prominent face pics and even videos but they all have one thing in common, zero feedback. Regardless of what you think of AW feedback, O is a red flag. I wish AW would be more proactive in deleting these accounts. Scammers taking a few pounds on pics and videos but I’m sure it soon mounts up.

Online Stevelondon

It’s a fake profile which has been doing the rounds. Looks like someone has stolen her pics and used it. There are a lot of these type around. Some are very convincing, all have prominent face pics and even videos but they all have one thing in common, zero feedback. Regardless of what you think of AW feedback, O is a red flag. I wish AW would be more proactive in deleting these accounts. Scammers taking a few pounds on pics and videos but I’m sure it soon mounts up.

Absolutely correct. Fake profiles will definitely make somebody somewhere, money. As you say....maybe not much here, maybe a little bit more there. etc etc.
As long as AW management are making money from it too. I don't think they will be too bothered about it.

Yes they will delete them from time to time but as they appear again and again........they will always be a problem.

I think we can honestly say this is not who we think it is.

Offline Alitis

It seems that it is a scam, indeed.  I've called a couple of dozen times.

What I find disappointing is not the fact that I spent a couple of quid on the PG but that she has not come back.  She was the one single  SP I regret not seeing.

Online Stevelondon

It seems that it is a scam, indeed.  I've called a couple of dozen times.

What I find disappointing is not the fact that I spent a couple of quid on the PG but that she has not come back.  She was the one single  SP I regret not seeing.

She was so good. I mean really good.

Don’t you just hate it when somebody tells you that  :D

Offline StingRay

It seems odd that she switches the green light on quite frequently, which costs money, so this goes against a PG scam but then why do this if not accepting bookings?

Online Stevelondon

I don't know the cost of having the green light on. But she must have weighed up that against who might pay for the PG.

Offline Malcolm117

I have in the past gone, found a completely different to pictures sp given £20 for nothing and walked off

Online Stevelondon

Sent a AW message asking if she is for real.

Got this reply

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Offline mexicola

Clearly a scam profile, and part of a bigger muti-profile scam.

MaddoxP has now got 1 escorting feedback from MILFlover 2.

That 'punter' has also given 3 other feedbacks on the same day to two other girls in that same AW group, all who have very similar PG scam profiles.

AdultWorksFinestPerformers:Award Winning Members

However MILFlover2 has some interesting feedback, looks like they received 4 feedbacks as a SP in 2019

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« Last Edit: June 03, 2021, 09:30:33 am by mexicola »

Offline mexicola

Because I'm bored (!) I've just had a look further down the rabbit hole.

The other two profiles MILFLover2 has given feedback to

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Those profiles other feedback comes from 'punters' that have also only left feedback for girls from the same AW group.

Offline StingRay

Offline bops909

AW profile now gone!  :hi:

That's a result !

That profile (MaddoxP) was part of  a group on AW AdultWorksFinestPerformers:Award Winning Members all with a similar MO -

private galleries, movies, available today on and phone noes showing but never actually meeting anyone.

Let's hope we can get a few more of their profiles to switch themselves off !

This one

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has a story about why they hide their feedback when no-one has actually left them any feedback yet

FEEDBACK HIDDEN.. why, some guy repeatedly leaves booking at 2 am for 2.30 .. never gonna happen then leaves rude comments.. twat

Offline Joe112

Because I'm bored (!) I've just had a look further down the rabbit hole.

The other two profiles MILFLover2 has given feedback to

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External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only

Those profiles other feedback comes from 'punters' that have also only left feedback for girls from the same AW group.

so could be a fake one?