Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Typically how often do you punt?  (Read 1962 times)

Offline SALIBA

How many times a week do you punt?

I've had quite a few in quite a short space of time recently. I was just trying to squeeze some in before gyms open again. I'll probably go down to say once a month then.
But I'm just wondering how many times a week / month / year even? some of you guys punt?
« Last Edit: April 18, 2021, 10:39:48 am by SALIBA »

Online alabama1

How many times a week do you punt?

I've had quite a few in quite a short space of time recently. I was just trying to squeeze some in before gyms open again. I'll probably go down to say once a month then.
But I'm just wondering how many times a week / month / year even? some of you guys punt?

You seem a bit naive to put your marker down as "how many times a week". I would guess for the majority of punters it would be zero.

Offline SALIBA

You seem a bit naive to put your marker down as "how many times a week". I would guess for the majority of punters it would be zero.

Sorry I'm still half a sleep. I've edited the title

Offline SeriousLee

Most I have done in a week was I believe 4 or 5 one hour punts. That anomaly of a week aside, I usually do it once or twice a month now but for 2 hours each session.

Offline PunterNumber69

Most I've done is 4 in a week.

Standard for me for a while was 3 one hour bookings a week.

Now, I seem to have lost my mojo. I'm still too concerned about COVID19 to start again and I'm so out of practice that I'd last 30 seconds. I think I might go back to once a week

Online alabama1

Having said that, i did have 5 punts in one week a couple of years ago as an absolute one off. One was here, the other four in Spain. Actually it was 5 in 6 days ! :wacko:
Pre-covid probably averaged one every 10 days, which isn't far off one a week ! lol Only two this year at present, unfortunately.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2021, 11:29:43 am by alabama1 »

Offline Simon_9000

Before Covid I was punting about once every 3 months so much less than others by the looks of it. However I too have lost my mojo and haven't seen a WG in well over a year.  :dash:

Offline The0neAnd0nly

I remember I did 3 punts in one afternoon one pay day.... a normal full service sandwiched between two 1 hour long massages with B2B/HE... thought I was the dogs bollox that day!  :D

Used to be once or twice a month but after covid think it will be once in 2 or 3 months. Been in more civvie relationships the last 2 years so only been having massages with b2b/HE recently.

Offline Adoniron

In normal times maybe twice a month. It has occasionally been as often as once a week but never for more than a few weeks at a time. Very rarely have I punted more than once a week

Offline BJrimmer

Around once every 6 weeks for me at the moment.

In ideal world where money was flowing I’d punt 2-3 times a week if I could.

Offline GorillaWarfare

I was usually once a month pre-pandemic. I don't know what I'm going to be now we're allowed out to a degree. Although I am thinking about going for a cheap something soon and then something bigger in May, but that's not set in stone.

Offline lillythesavage

Whenever the mood takes and I can find a suitable women, not so keen on AW etc these days, sometimes you have to take them when available from other sources and be a little spontaneous.

Online Coriniumstud

Shit paying Job so just Twice a month

Online David1970

One every 2 weeks but if nothing takes my fancy I don’t punt until I see someone I want to see.

Offline justalad

Once, maybe twice a month.

Quality over quantity for me.

Offline semaphore

Before covid it was once a week for me. Can't wait for my second jab so I can get back to it

Offline Bikerman

Every couple months for me when wife out for day or away for weekend.. plus usually limit to £70 from spare cash.. not punted now since a b2b in october
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Offline stevedave

It used to be 2 or 3 times per month.

Covid and general lack of being arsed has resulted in probably once every 3 months  :(

Offline Maltese

Once, sometimes twice a week, but it's street girls I'm after.

Online alabama1

It used to be 2 or 3 times per month.

Covid and general lack of being arsed has resulted in probably once every 3 months  :(

I think everyone is feeling like this, lethargic !

Offline Thermal

Once, maybe twice a year! It's not always easy to put the funds together and find someone who I want to visit. I'm hoping I can pint around July time, but it's looking more likely to be later in the year. It's why I've only got the one review. Covid kind of wrote last year off for me.

Online hendrix

Whenever I want sex. Could be everyday, could be nothing for several months.

Offline JPin

Only just started punting a couple months ago so think I'm in that eager beaver stage as I've been seeing 2-3 a week the last month or so.

Online Stevelondon

I've always been erratic.
Once a week sometimes then maybe a break of a month or two before restarting at once a week. Two in one day a couple of times.
I would hate to work out my average over the last 30 years or so.

Online willie loman

Offline nbarnes

I stick to 2 x 30 mins a month or I do 1 hr a month.

I could defo do more and I can afford more, but I don't want to spend all my spare cash on punting.

Online willie loman

I stick to 2 x 30 mins a month or I do 1 hr a month.

I could defo do more and I can afford more, but I don't want to spend all my spare cash on punting.

i can relate to that, as no doubt others feel the same, but if you are single, is there any point in leaving money?

Offline Trotter671

Once, maybe twice a month.

Quality over quantity for me.

+1 - Same for me really. I'd much rather wait if I know it's a lass I find really attractive and I know I'm in for a good time.

Offline rockharders

im attached so I don't punt often, but usually 1-2 times a month.

Offline twotight

about once a month on average I also try to keep a price limit of 75 and 85 if they are really hot a least for the first time

Offline Buenos2006

Once a week on average. Not a deliberate schedule, just seems to be the frequency of the urge!

Went 3 months without at the beginning of the pandemic and seemed easy so thought maybe I would give up this habit or punt less frequently following that break. But no! Resumed last summer and urge as strong as ever. Back to weekly.

Offline Podger

I tend to go anything up to a year between punts thrn cram 4 or 5 into a month.

Offline Herts_Outcaller

As often as i can get away from the house for a few hours with without raising suspicion from the other half...around 3 times a month.

Offline victor989

About once every 2 months. This equates to about 1/9th per week.

Online Atrueyorkie

Once or twice a week but it’s mainly urge based.

Offline Anadin

Used to be 2 or 3 times a month now I'm lucky if it's once every other month.

Offline Dave33ws6

Usually once a week on average

Offline Home Alone

Twice a month for me. I try never to exceed my punting budget, although as lockdown is eased, some of the money I haven't spent on other things in the last 12 months might get, erm, 'reallocated'. ;)

Online alabama1

Twice a month for me. I try never to exceed my punting budget, although as lockdown is eased, some of the money I haven't spent on other things in the last 12 months might get, erm, 'reallocated'. ;)

Non essentials like food and council tax you mean ?  :D

Offline luv2kiss54

Pre covid whenever i had a day off work i would always think about organising a punt if i had the money and it got a bit of a habit. However, like others have said having gone without for a good while and although i have the funds and had one jab cant really be bothered. Also having looked through the profiles on AW very few take my interest once you rule out the fake pictures, roms, the many brazilians and over priced english girls.

Offline bossanova

The most I've done is 2 punts in 2 days

Presently 0 punts a year

Generally I'd say I punt 3 times a year max

Offline the fitter

Its not the top of my agenda, as I have to split my disposable income, between 2 or 3 nights with my mates, and following my team, at the weekends, but in normal times at least twice a month, but have done a lot more, especially if I'm not doing well in the civvy world.  :lol:

Offline JR99

Once in the first year (after many years off), twice the second year, the four times the third, and eight times in the fourth year. Last year was down to six times, but this last month has been weekly. I am going to have to apply the brakes, but I don't much want to!

Offline Longshot

I try to stick to once a month but this year has only been 1 AW booking and 1 Fab hookup

Offline Maak

2 punts a year, moved in with girlfriend, so I dont punt as much as my single days

Offline JAYZ

It was on average once every three or four months, but since lock down only twice in the last year.

Offline teef

Probably about 7 or 8 times a year pre COVID. I’m attached so it’s really hard to get away, I need to find the other half a hobby like coal mining or space exploration ...

Offline geostorm1

When gyms closed then it was a rare occurrence. Gyms reopened then I have an excuse to be out of the house and I do it far more.

Offline mike63

About 20 hours a year, sometimes 1 hour but mostly 2 hour appointments. So it averages out at once a month. The consequence of old age and a small pension.