Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: How about a reviews section dedicated to sugar babies?  (Read 2615 times)

Offline jkrieg

I'm considering dabbling in some sugar baby action... but without the green light from reviews on here it feels like shooting in the dark.

Would it make sense to have a section for reviews of girls on here? Or does it not really fit with the sugar baby dynamic?

Online southcoastpunter

As a regular user of SA, my personal view is .....i am dead against this idea. whilst there are some (a minority) of ladies on SA directly selling sex, in my experience most ladies there hate the idea that they are providing paid for sex and they do not consider themselves as SP. Already a number of (particularly new) ladies on SA have told me that they are leaving because they are being treated like WG on the site. This idea would imo just speed up this happening even more and potentially destroy what SA currently is (as imperfect as it is)

There already is some discussion on regional boards where warning can be given against scammers etc and of course members can exchange info ny PM.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2021, 08:01:41 pm by southcoastpunter »

Offline scutty brown

There is a  section already, the private/secret SA thread that proved such a PITA to administer that OldAdmin put a block on new members accessing it. I don't see much chance of the current management reversing that decision.
I've forgotten exactly how it worked, but basically would-be joiners had to be paid-up members of SA, and then send a coded message to OldAdmin proving their ID. He'd then grant access to the thread.
It was all about keeping the thread secure to avoid outing the girls, and for the small numbers involved seemed to have been a lot of work. OldAdmin seemed to regret doing it

My personal view was that the thread should have been shut down, with all SA discussions in the open - forcing the "sugarbabes" to accept the reality of fucking for money - but whenever I've said it I've been shouted down by the SA afficionados
« Last Edit: April 10, 2021, 08:29:37 pm by scutty brown »

Offline Stevelondon

As a regular user of SA, my personal view is .....i am dead against this idea. whilst there are some (a minority) of ladies on SA directly selling sex, in my experience most ladies there hate the idea that they are providing paid for sex and they do not consider themselves as SP. Already a number of (particularly new) ladies on SA have told me that they are leaving because they are being treated like WG on the site. This idea would imo just speed up this happening even more and potentially destroy what SA currently is (as imperfect as it is)

There already is some discussion on regional boards where warning can be given against scammers etc and of course members can exchange info ny PM.

I’m not a user of SA or anything similar so can’t really speak of the site.
A fetish mate of mine from another forum uses it though and he would kind of agree with the above. The young woman he met on SA would definitely not want to be reviewed ( yes I’ve met her socially) but yet there relationship is definitely a monetary exchange one.
So yes I can see some women not wanting to think of themselves as WG’s....... but what are they then.

To be frank I think it’s doing a disservice to honest WG’s by saying something like that.

You can call yourself a sugar baby and not an escort. But your still taking cash in exchange for sex.
Even if it’s like the case of my fetish mate and his lady. Primarily a cuckold set up........ it’s still sex.
Even if he ain’t getting any  :D

I’m getting off the point here I know.

Offline pa5151

As a regular user of SA, my personal view is .....i am dead against this idea. whilst there are some (a minority) of ladies on SA directly selling sex, in my experience most ladies there hate the idea that they are providing paid for sex

If they hate the idea they should stop doing it then  :lol:

Offline martini2429

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I'm considering dabbling in some sugar baby action... but without the green light from reviews on here it feels like shooting in the dark.

Would it make sense to have a section for reviews of girls on here? Or does it not really fit with the sugar baby dynamic?

I have previously said that reviews of women from Seeking is a bad idea, I know that someone not so long ago did one, reporting scammers, thieves, flakes etc should continue to be posted on regional boards and should be enough, but if the census is a resounding Yes then go ahead post your reviews, a lot of people will choose not to, I said previously that posting details of non sex workers on here would be a bad idea and I still think that


Offline jkrieg

I may have the wrong impression of what a sugar baby is then...

I always saw them as a more personal, more regular escort where you tend to have longer meets... but still trading sex for money, just in a slightly less professional setting.

Are there people out there paying sugar babies just for their time without sex? Surely they are still "Sex Workers"?

Offline lillythesavage

I have previously said that reviews of women from Seeking is a bad idea, I know that someone not so long ago did one, reporting scammers, thieves, flakes etc should continue to be posted on regional boards and should be enough, but if the census is a resounding Yes then go ahead post your reviews, a lot of people will choose not to, I said previously that posting details of non sex workers on here would be a bad idea and I still think that


Non sex workers?  Does not matter how or where you find them, they are taking money for sex, not all but most, the ones that do are sex workers whatever way you look at it.
The problem with reviews though is there is no advertised contact details so they are pretty useless and pointless to most, policing would be a nightmare for mods, correcting all the details that get posted and should not and no doubt good ones will be in demand and probably increase prices from increased interest.

Posting any details, like someone has tonight about a 500 weekender is going to have loads searching for her even though the profile was not posted. Posting about scammers etc is fine, posting anything about a girl you are interested in or meeting could well be shooting yourself in the foot, unless you have had your fill or become bored with her.

Offline scutty brown

If they fuck for cash they're sex workers and the sooner they understand that, the better.
All SA does is enable a pretence in which pretty average women overestimate their marketability and value - causing inflation of prossie prices.
It's in our interests to discredit or destroy the SA business model: doing so would reduce prices. Reviewing SA punts would be a good start.

Offline jkrieg

If they fuck for cash they're sex workers and the sooner they understand that, the better.
All SA does is enable a pretence in which pretty average women overestimate their marketability and value - causing inflation of prossie prices.
It's in our interests to discredit or destroy the SA business model: doing so would reduce prices. Reviewing SA punts would be a good start.

Thats kinda my point... They want to have it both ways where they aren't labelled as hookers... but are accepting money for sex  :wackogirl:

Personally I think it makes sense to review them the same way we review WG's... but I can see why some might think otherwise based on some of the replies.

Offline lillythesavage

I may have the wrong impression of what a sugar baby is then...

I always saw them as a more personal, more regular escort where you tend to have longer meets... but still trading sex for money, just in a slightly less professional setting.

Are there people out there paying sugar babies just for their time without sex? Surely they are still "Sex Workers"?

I am meeting one tomorrow for a non paid no sex meet, but I have already paid her for sex and will do again.

Offline jkrieg

I am meeting one tomorrow for a non paid no sex meet, but I have already paid her for sex and will do again.

Is it common to have unpaid meetups with your sugar baby?

Offline lillythesavage

If they fuck for cash they're sex workers and the sooner they understand that, the better.
All SA does is enable a pretence in which pretty average women overestimate their marketability and value - causing inflation of prossie prices.
It's in our interests to discredit or destroy the SA business model: doing so would reduce prices. Reviewing SA punts would be a good start.

I think the opposite would happen reviewing SA punts, the good would be in demand and increase prices further, the same way AW hookers increase prices with extra demand from a run of good reviews.
It would probably increase the numbers paying subscriptions too, if there were lots of good reviews. At the moment I find the non Aw etc. market better VFM in the long run and enjoy the more social aspect of it.
Sex workers is what they are, except the very few who do not charge, but meets are not usually restricted to 30, 60, or 90 minutes and there is not the time pressure on getting what you want while looking at your watch. Once you actually get them to meet it is mostly far more satisfying and far less hit and miss.

Offline lillythesavage

Is it common to have unpaid meetups with your sugar baby?

Not common, but it does happen if you get on well, this particular one will not meet for sex other than at the agreed arrangement, not greedy at all, though I am sure she has more than one arrangement.
If a very cute 26 year old is happy to meet socially for a snog fest and lunch in the park or car, at the moment with restrictions, with a grumpy old man then I am not going to turn it down.
That is what I mean by the social aspect in my previous post, all Aw hookers are interested in is the money, time and getting you out before the next one arrives, you agree a ppm and it often can be for hours or overnight if you get on well. The chats in between meets brighten up dull evenings too.

Online southcoastpunter

I think the opposite would happen reviewing SA punts, the good would be in demand and increase prices further, the same way AW hookers increase prices with extra demand from a run of good reviews.
It would probably increase the numbers paying subscriptions too, if there were lots of good reviews. 

I am not so sure that would happen. Whatever we think the ladies are, the important issue is what THEY think and as said earlier the majority hate any suggestion  that they are sex workers. If they start getting labelled as that, on other sites such , as UKP, more and more will leave SA. Then us guys will find it harder and harder to find good ladies on SA and therefore more of us will perhaps return to using AW more and the ladies on AW will find themselves in more demand push AW prices up!

And there are a number of non sexual meets. I have met and taken out 2 different ladies from SA a number of times to dinner just because i enjoyed their company. (non cash as well, just paid for dinner and the occasional gift etc).  I know there are also others guys who do the same.
For some/many guys on SA, its NOT JUST about sex.

Offline cotton

Aside from the whole are they or arnt they sex workers question which is a red herring, i would say for reviews to be useful they would require contact details , specifically contact details that were freely made available publicly by the girl in question.  This requirement would by default rule out (i imagine) the vast majority of SA girls as they seem to operate on a more private basis just forwarding their direct contact details onto a chosen few individuals.

Offline Pennine Rover

There is a basic difference between a SB and a escort. Escorts advertise sexual sessions for 30 mins, and hour etc and can have several clients per day. A SB will spend several hours with her SD which may or may not include sex. SBs generally only have one SD at a time, a few do move into escorting but the majority will have one SD who they see a few times a month. They are likely to be students, single girls in a profession or divorcees who want fun and company without a relationship. 
While escorts advertise openly on AW etc, SBs are on Seeking Arrangements and you can't contact them without paying the rather high joining fee.
It's the guy's choice what way he goes.  I moved to SB's about six years ago and while it is hard work initially, when you get a good girl it is so much better than an escort.

Offline filthy.john

Absolutely ridiculous idea.

SB's are not advertising a service at a fixed rate to all and sundry. They put themselves 'out there' but there's no expectation either way that you're going to get any sort of meeting let alone 'service' until it is agreed between the individuals.

Escorts, FBSMers and others advertising through mediums such as AW start with the premise that you're getting a service for a price. Like any seller of services, they have a right to refuse to provide a service but that's the starting point - 'I'm offering this service for this price'. Its a totally different concept with the SB arrangement.

As someone else has said whether SBs are sex workers or not is a red herring - its more nuanced and subtle than just saying they're sex workers.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2021, 10:44:01 am by filthy.john »

Offline Hobbit

This is a terrible idea. The great thing about Seeking is that it has a completely different feel to AW and the girls you can pick up there are much more civvy-like and has a good casual feel to it. Having a separate review section could destroy that and many girls may not join Seeking, as mentioned many don't see themselves as prostitutes even though most of them are having sex for money.

Online daviemac

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I'm considering dabbling in some sugar baby action... but without the green light from reviews on here it feels like shooting in the dark.

Would it make sense to have a section for reviews of girls on here? Or does it not really fit with the sugar baby dynamic?
My personal opinion is, how many Seeking threads do you want? there's one closed and one open in the main discussion section plus following this from OldAdmin -
You should create a thread in the regional boards and post your scam warnings and / or your experiences and / or invite members to share your recommendations via PM facility.
There's one in every region, plus a dedicated category.

Offline Payyourwaymate

I don't think it would go well. The SA girls operate in the area of cognitive dissonance where they are not sex workers even though they sell sex. If you start reviewing them the same way as sex workers and some of them get word of it, it will just lead to one big mess for all parties involved. I can imagine guys approaching SA girls with the "review" in hand like "you did this for him and not for me  :angry:", or some whiteknights trying to get brownie points like "look what this guy said about you..." the SA girls have forums aswell so it would get round quickly, next thing you know you will have lurkers on this site who could distinguish who is who by what is said. There are already WGs that lurk here or are actively here, there are probably women from mumsnet that lurk here and on top of it adding the possibility of SA girls lurking here aswell to watch out for "reviews"? I could not imagine trying to manage that.

Offline filthy.john

I don't think it would go well. The SA girls operate in the area of cognitive dissonance where they are not sex workers even though they sell sex. If you start reviewing them the same way as sex workers and some of them get word of it, it will just lead to one big mess for all parties involved. I can imagine guys approaching SA girls with the "review" in hand like "you did this for him and not for me  :angry:", or some whiteknights trying to get brownie points like "look what this guy said about you..." the SA girls have forums aswell so it would get round quickly, next thing you know you will have lurkers on this site who could distinguish who is who by what is said. There are already WGs that lurk here or are actively here, there are probably women from mumsnet that lurk here and on top of it adding the possibility of SA girls lurking here aswell to watch out for "reviews"? I could not imagine trying to manage that.

This is news to me?

Offline jkrieg

Aye I can see why it wouldn't work i suppose.

I guess what we have outing scammers makes more sense.

Offline lillythesavage

I don't think it would go well. The SA girls operate in the area of cognitive dissonance where they are not sex workers even though they sell sex. If you start reviewing them the same way as sex workers and some of them get word of it, it will just lead to one big mess for all parties involved. I can imagine guys approaching SA girls with the "review" in hand like "you did this for him and not for me  :angry:", or some whiteknights trying to get brownie points like "look what this guy said about you..." the SA girls have forums aswell so it would get round quickly, next thing you know you will have lurkers on this site who could distinguish who is who by what is said. There are already WGs that lurk here or are actively here, there are probably women from mumsnet that lurk here and on top of it adding the possibility of SA girls lurking here aswell to watch out for "reviews"? I could not imagine trying to manage that.

Goes back to my point that it would be a mare for mods to police.

Word gets round whether they have forums or not, white knights and the likes of Jerk Chicken see to that.

I really do not understand @Scutty brown and the outburst to destroy the business model or the idea that doing so would bring down prossie prices, it is a different market completely that some have the time, patience and charm to pursue and some have none of those or prefer to book, pay, fuck.

As I and others have said, there is a more social and relaxed aspect to this market, the meets are far more satisfying and for me there are several things that make me more comfortable.
No, pimp in most cases, no obvious drug use that I have come across, no extras which are on just about every AW profile these days, longer communication before a meet which helps decide if both think it will work, no conveyer belt bookings and I have never met one having a bad day, with a bad attitude, fucking during their period, double booked or ghosted or with bad hygiene.

The sex worker argument is a slam dunk, sell sex you are a sex worker, but this market is very different from the hourly whore market, comparing the two is chalk and cheese and how destroying one market will bring down prices in another I cannot comprehend.
Surely those using the destroyed market are going to move to the other, increase demand and market forces will increase prices, or do you think they will all rent flats or find a pimp and go full time on AW, simply not going to happen, a few will and do, most will not.

Offline scutty brown

This is a terrible idea. The great thing about Seeking is that it has a completely different feel to AW and the girls you can pick up there are much more civvy-like and has a good casual feel to it. Having a separate review section could destroy that and many girls may not join Seeking, as mentioned many don't see themselves as prostitutes even though most of them are having sex for money.

If it destroys Seeking,  then good.
Seeking is an inflationary influence on punting prices, most of us would be better off if it ceased to exist or became less active.
Of course it will never happen because the members who use Seeking have too much to lose. Too much like turkeys voting for christmas.

Offline londonroad

I am not so sure that would happen. Whatever we think the ladies are, the important issue is what THEY think and as said earlier the majority hate any suggestion  that they are sex workers. If they start getting labelled as that, on other sites such , as UKP, more and more will leave SA. Then us guys will find it harder and harder to find good ladies on SA and therefore more of us will perhaps return to using AW more and the ladies on AW will find themselves in more demand push AW prices up!

And there are a number of non sexual meets. I have met and taken out 2 different ladies from SA a number of times to dinner just because i enjoyed their company. (non cash as well, just paid for dinner and the occasional gift etc).  I know there are also others guys who do the same.
For some/many guys on SA, its NOT JUST about sex.

I agree with this. It is in our interests for the size of the SB pool to increase. Many of the SBs do not consider they are escorts and for some of them if they get treated as such they then just leave the Seeking site.

Offline scutty brown

maybe this needs merging into
certainly anyone new to the subject needs to read the old thread

Offline tynetunnel

I certainly won’t be reviewing anyone I have met from seeking. Not least because in the main, SA membership for the girls tends to be a transient thing. They don’t tend to stay members for years or even months, sometimes just weeks or days. So to review would be pointless in terms of providing useful intel for other UKP members, and would serve purely for purposes of ‘willy waving’ which the members of the closed SA thread will know is firmly discouraged by the current owner/admin of UKP.


Offline finn5555

I think reviewing SA girls publicly is not right.
Whilst many are pros a lot are genuine and that would fuck things up for us.

Clearly Scutty has an issue with SA whatever that may be god knows  :unknown:

Offline Payyourwaymate

This is news to me?

External Link/Members Only

Is the largest one. They give tips and talk about their sitautions. This is not limited to the UK. All it would take is for one UK member to mention the "review system" OP proposed, if the info got out on that forum and it would spread quickly. It Has both SDs and SBs but is more learning towards SBs.

Offline Whiteknight

I don't think it's a good idea to review SB on here, they are not sex workers or service providers.

Offline SamOmar

I'm considering dabbling in some sugar baby action... but without the green light from reviews on here it feels like shooting in the dark.

Would it make sense to have a section for reviews of girls on here? Or does it not really fit with the sugar baby dynamic?

When you dabble in sugar baby action consider that it is not the same as escorting. I may be sleeping with one SB and taking her out a couple of times a month whereas she may be extorting thousands from a fool that she just sends videos / pics to. Everyone's arrangement will be unique and therefore no point to review.
Banned reason: Undesirable, convicted sex trafficker / pimp
Banned by: daviemac

Offline SpaceRaiderDave

The sort of Sugar Baby I look for is typically in the 35 to 45 age range and is on the site as much for the sex as the money. I never go above £150 (inc hotel if needed) so to get them to agree to that price I have to charm them. I’ve met 20+ at this rate and two of them turned into fuck buddies who met for free. If I wrote a review of any of the ladies there would be two risks (1) They could identify me (2) They were swamped by enquiries which would spook them and they’d leave SA
Where reviews would be useful is to report negative experiences but I think that is already being done in the various SB threads.
Banned reason: Previously banned member TinMan69
Banned by: 90125

Offline Stevelondon

I don't think it's a good idea to review SB on here, they are not sex workers or service providers.

For you to say that. You would need to state clearly what a SB is and what exactly does she offer in exchange for the monetary compensation.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2021, 10:06:38 am by Stevelondon »

Offline Stevelondon

Starting a regional thread for those of us who like to treat likes who don't think there hookers but are "sugarbabies". 

This will make it easier for us who don't travel or are in the area and don't wanna search through the main seeking thread.

I know Sweeny said this in the regional discussion thread....BUT.

Can I just get this in my head.
I totally admit I know sweet FA about sites like seeking etc...or sugarbabies etc.

But do we really think women on seeking, who guys have relationships with (for money or presents)....are NOT hookers or WG's.

I think its more in the head of the guy, telling himself he is not with a hooker as it makes it more real.....whatever real is.

Offline tynetunnel

I totally admit I know sweet FA about sites like seeking etc...or sugarbabies etc.

Plainly evident  :hi:

Offline lillythesavage

I don't think it's a good idea to review SB on here, they are not sex workers or service providers.

What are they then?

There are the odd few that are in it for company and sex with no money being given, very few, most are having sex for money, selling their body to those that will pay, how on earth is that not sex work or providing a service for money?

It is a completely different experience from AW etc, but no different in terms of providing sex for money, money is the motivation for most.

Online southcoastpunter

 most are having sex for money, selling their body to those that will pay, how on earth is that not sex work or providing a service for money?

 money is the motivation for most.

If you are on SA, you must chat to and see very different ladies to me then. Most of the ladies I chat to and see are looking for experiences that maybe they wouldn't have in their normal life (eg a very nice/expensive restaurant or being taken to ...) Yes, they also appreciate some financaial assistance and/or gifts but that is not their main or only motivation.

Most of them actively block any guy that directly offers them money for sex.

Offline smiths

I may have the wrong impression of what a sugar baby is then...

I always saw them as a more personal, more regular escort where you tend to have longer meets... but still trading sex for money, just in a slightly less professional setting.

Are there people out there paying sugar babies just for their time without sex? Surely they are still "Sex Workers"?

IF i am paying a woman for sex she is a WG irrespective of the set-up, these sugar babies can call themselves or view themselves as they wish to. IF they offer sex for cash its prostitution. As to reviews that's up to admin to decide as ever.

Offline Asurmen

I certainly won’t be reviewing anyone I have met from seeking. Not least because in the main, SA membership for the girls tends to be a transient thing. They don’t tend to stay members for years or even months, sometimes just weeks or days. So to review would be pointless in terms of providing useful intel for other UKP members, and would serve purely for purposes of ‘willy waving’ which the members of the closed SA thread will know is firmly discouraged by the current owner/admin of UKP.


I'm in agreement with this. Reviewing SB's just doesnt seem tight.

Offline Stevelondon

Plainly evident  :hi:

To you maybe.
I stand by what I say.

You might think she’s not a WG cos she wants a night out and maybe a present rather than straight up cash in her fist.
It’s only Symantecs and the way you look at it.

Offline Stevelondon

Ok here’s an experience.
Like I have said previously. I don’t use SA or anything similar.
Yonks back I put an ad on Craigslist. More if less asking if there were any women out there who liked being licked.
Long story short. Met this mid thirties single mum from south London.
We would go out did drinks, something to eat. Then maybe at hers or a hotel to shag.
Did I ever hand her a wad of cash for sex.
Did I pay for everything in our relationship.
Yes I fucking did. More than if I was honestly punting.

To me it was still a money in exchange for sex arrangement.

Maybe I should have told myself she was my sugar baby......... that would have made me feel a whole lot better  :D

Offline Atlas1957

I think the issue is the girls on the SB sites are regularly putting full face photos up on their profiles, making no mention of exchanging sex for money in the profile (they tend to do that in private communications) and are expecting the men involved to be discrete.

If you as a punter expect them to be as discrete as you, you are the worst kind of hypocrite if you post on an openly accessible/searchable forum and confirm that a girl in a profile is exchanging sex for money.

It is frustrating though. I'm not in the hidden thread and I think that is why I have given up on SA because I'm flying solo with no intel on scammers. I also get the impression that the punters in the hidden thread are happy at the idea of SA being less popular due to this issue/frustration because it thins down the serious punter pool a bit, so there is less competition for the good girls.

It seems like there is a real opportunity for someone to create a site where the rules of the old hidden thread are applied where real punters using the site can share discrete information on the girls using it without outing them to the world.

If you found out there was a forum for sugar babies where they link male SA profiles with camera footage face pictures (from front door cams) and they posted reviews of the sugar daddies they had seen, would you be happier to know it was at least a closed forum or would you be fine with it being easy to access and search with the face pictures stored on there for anyone to view?

Offline geostorm1

Definition of prostitution:

the practice or occupation of engaging in sexual activity with someone for payment

Just because it isn't cash doesn't change that fact.

I'm personally against SA simply because I don't think that sort of arrangement can work for married or taken guys. There is always a risk of the woman resorting to extortion and blackmail especially when she learns more about you as you "get to know each other" on your dinner date.

Same deal with Fabswingers and similar sites.. they all require you to put face pics on to get any luck on there, and that is just game over for many, except for the single pringles who have nothing to lose.

Offline DrGFreeman

Would it make sense to have a section for reviews of girls on here? Or does it not really fit with the sugar baby dynamic?

I think its a terrible idea that does not fit with the SB dynamic
Arrangements with SB vary wildly, and in my experience very rarely a simple exchange of cash for sex
Nor do SB openly offer sex - that conversation is always private and should stay so

I think the current system of regional boards that host links to profiles is as good as it can be on a public site
I lost access to the closed thread, but some form of restricted access to the regional threads would be good, but how this would be implemented I have no idea
« Last Edit: April 12, 2021, 01:40:49 pm by DrGFreeman »

Offline lillythesavage

If you are on SA, you must chat to and see very different ladies to me then. Most of the ladies I chat to and see are looking for experiences that maybe they wouldn't have in their normal life (eg a very nice/expensive restaurant or being taken to ...) Yes, they also appreciate some financaial assistance and/or gifts but that is not their main or only motivation.

Most of them actively block any guy that directly offers them money for sex.

As I said there are a few in it for sexual experience and do not want money, very few, if you are paying for expensive experiences for them and giving them gifts and money you are paying to have sex with them. She is selling her body for an " expensive" experience. Sex work in other words.

I probably do see different ones to you, everyone has a different dynamic, mine is not to spend loads on " experiences " in the hope of sex. To be honest taking much younger women to expensive hotels etc does not appeal at all. Seems more of a male ego thing IMHO.

I have not read anywhere on any SA thread where money has been refused, just complaints about the amount, though once, not through SA, asking about money nearly fucked up a very good meet.
A vast majority are have money as the first motivation when signing up, one way or another, if the illusion it is not works for you all well and good, my way works for me.

Online southcoastpunter

Ok here’s an experience.
Like I have said previously. I don’t use SA or anything similar.
Yonks back I put an ad on Craigslist. More if less asking if there were any women out there who liked being licked.
Long story short. Met this mid thirties single mum from south London.
We would go out did drinks, something to eat. Then maybe at hers or a hotel to shag.
Did I ever hand her a wad of cash for sex.
Did I pay for everything in our relationship.
Yes I fucking did. More than if I was honestly punting.

To me it was still a money in exchange for sex arrangement.

Maybe I should have told myself she was my sugar baby......... that would have made me feel a whole lot better  :D

In that case, you must consider that nearly all women at some stage in their lifes are selling sex. Most single women 18-40ish go out for a night out, get chatted up, the guy pays for drinks/meal etc and they ends up at his place or her place - often a typical night out by all accounts.  So lets call them all hookers or whores or whatever other word we like. Not a healthy view of women in my view.

lillythesavage  - it was only your comment that "most" ladies on SA.....that i disagreed with. I am all for "each to their own" so if SA is working for you, then great!

Offline tynetunnel

I don't think that sort of arrangement can work for married or taken guys

You’re entitled to your opinion  :thumbsup:

Offline jkrieg

In that case, you must consider that nearly all women at some stage in their lifes are selling sex. Most single women 18-40ish go out for a night out, get chatted up, the guy pays for drinks/meal etc and they ends up at his place or her place - often a typical night out by all accounts.  So lets call them all hookers or whores or whatever other word we like. Not a healthy view of women in my view.

lillythesavage  - it was only your comment that "most" ladies on SA.....that i disagreed with. I am all for "each to their own" so if SA is working for you, then great!

That's a bit different because they aren't advertising themselves for a service or demanding drinks. The guy does it to impress, not out of request.

Offline lillythesavage

In that case, you must consider that nearly all women at some stage in their lifes are selling sex. Most single women 18-40ish go out for a night out, get chatted up, the guy pays for drinks/meal etc and they ends up at his place or her place - often a typical night out by all accounts.  So lets call them all hookers or whores or whatever other word we like. Not a healthy view of women in my view.

lillythesavage  - it was only your comment that "most" ladies on SA.....that i disagreed with. I am all for "each to their own" so if SA is working for you, then great!

Fair enough on the most comment, agree to disagree on that one.

There is a big difference between dating and paying or meeting women on a night out though, they have not made a life decision to put themselves online to meet men for sex or experiences that have to be paid for. They have gone over that line and are using their bodies for gain full stop, made a decision to do just that and put themselves online in order to do that.

Some do it once and decide never again, others keep doing it and some venture on to full time whores, the reason for putting themselves out there is money in the first instance more often than not.
Whatever way you want to dress it up, and whatever way you pay, you are paying a woman for sex and it is little different from an Escort punt in that sense.