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Author Topic: New monitor/tv - Any recommendations from photogs/gamers/tv buffs apprec'd  (Read 180 times)

Offline LLPunting

Recognising that I've been spending a bit too much on the SPs I have to consider replacing my ageing monitor.

Anyone bought a new screen in the last 12 months (or also looking) got any recommends/avoids for something in the 24-30 inch diagonal market sub 250 quid (the more sub the better)? 

Thanks in advance  :hi:

Offline Markus

Dell & HP if you’re looking at computer screens.  I think Dell have a sale on at the moment (if not wait a month or two and another one will pop along)

Dell is the better of the two in my opinion but I’m not a serial gamer so you would need to ask others for opinions on that.

Offline einzwei23

As the previous post said, you cannot go wrong with Dell and HP. I personally have a Samsung 27in gaming monitor. 1440p @144hz.
If you're looking for gaming, it depends what kind of gaming you do.
1080p @240hz for competitive stuff
1440p @120hz+ for the perfect balance IMO
4K @60hz+ for the sightseeing games

As for sizes, again it depends what you prefer.
27in 1440p is the perfect balance IMO
anything 27in+ in 1080p or 1440p will lose a bit of quality because of lower pixel density

Offline Jimmy83

First, if its only intended to be used for your computer, don't get a TV.

Monitors have lower input lag, faster response times and higher refresh rates. To be honest though, unless you're playing some fast paced FPS games, you won't notice much of a difference. Some TVs however don't like being connected to a PC and vice versa, with the resolution usually being a pain to set up and sometimes looking slightly blurry or distorted.

Plus, you don't get the advantage of freesync. Freesync is a feature available on some monitors which makes your monitor refresh at the same rate as your graphics card. This provides a more "smooth" feel and games will look more "3D-ish" and it will feel as if your computer is running faster. There's also Gsync which is the "premium" version of freesync but most experts agree that the difference is minimal and not worth the extra cost.

Make sure the monitor is "Full HD" as that will provide at least 1080p of quality compared to "HD Ready" which maxes out at 720p

Size is also an issue. I know you said up to 30 inch but I've found with particularly large monitors, it's more than a little annoying since you can't focus on the whole screen at once. Best range would be between 23-27 inch.

Ideally, the monitor should also have a "Display Port". This is different to a HDMI or VGA port as its designed specifically for PC and provides higher refresh rates at higher resolutions.

Here's one that I've found and is actually £60 below your budget and is energy efficient as well. It has both Gsync and Freesync along with one HDMI port and one DisplayPort. It's also 144Hz which is actually superior to 4K when it comes to monitors.

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Online timsussex

always  found Dell Ultrasharp to be very good

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Offline Crazyoldhaag

As the others have stated, it depends what you're going to use the monitor for.
I use mine for occasional online fast pace first person shooter on PC, so the main consideration was the response time, refresh rate, and considering my age and deteriorating vision - size.
As I predominantly play one game that runs above 200fps on my PC, I went with a monitor that has 240Hz refresh rate and is 27" in size. My general understanding is that the closer the refresh rate rate is to your game fps the better feeling you have. I'm used to it now, but when I initially bought it, I felt a massive difference straight away from my old 75hz one.
 As far as brands go I don't think it's as important as the performance of it. Mine is a Samsung and for my needs it's perfect.
 I've just had a look on Laptops Direct and Overclockers, and you could possibly choose from about 6 for the price you're willing to pay. Even more choice if you go for 144Hz monitors.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2021, 07:52:06 am by Crazyoldhaag »

Offline LLPunting

Thanks chaps,  :drinks:
I am replacing a Dell.  The Ultrasharps were a bit pricey when I was considering them previously and they hand quality issues with edge bleed and tinting but tech advancing seems to have brought the price down nicely.
Need to confirm if TN vs IPS is still a thing, presuming OLED is too pricey but need to see.  Saw passing reports about improved colour spaces so also want to know more about that for "truer" photo presentation and also ease of calibration if factory settings aren't great.