Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Do you leave your wedding ring on or off when with a girl?  (Read 2408 times)

Offline Crockers

On or off (if applicable)?

I take mine off, as looking at it takes my mind elsewhere.

Offline cambsguy


I take nothing of value into a call other than punting phone and car keys. All ID and watches etc... stay in car.

Offline PaulRuff


Been told by a few girls that seeing what they assume to be a wedding ring on you will usually result in them having a low(er) opinion of a punter than they normally would have...and occasionally a lower quality of service is a result too.

Shouldn't make any difference IMHO, but that's what they have told me.

Online threechilliman

On. Take it off and it would be easy to forget to put it back on or worse, leave it behind. Never really understood the taking it off thing as it wouldn't even occur to me.

Offline The sperminator


Been told by a few girls that seeing what they assume to be a wedding ring on you will usually result in them having a low(er) opinion of a punter than they normally would have...and occasionally a lower quality of service is a result too.

Shouldn't make any difference IMHO, but that's what they have told me.

I have been asked if im married as I never wear a ring. I tell them i am, and that i am in a loveless marriage. They couldnt gove a toss and seem to give good service

Offline Paris69

I wear mine on a chain around my neck. Always have.
WG's couldn't care less tbh...... The nicer one's wont judge; the others see you as an ATM so don't care.
Banned reason: Idiot fantasist
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Online Fuzzyduck

Don't you guys have a mark on the finger where the ring normally is? I like to think that if I get married that I would knock this on the head, but I'm not naive enough to think I might have to face this dilemma sometime.

Offline Chazz

I wear two rings, one on either hand. An SP once asked me if I had two wives!

Offline PaulRuff

I have been asked if im married as I never wear a ring. I tell them i am, and that i am in a loveless marriage. They couldnt gove a toss and seem to give good service

As said, given their chosen profession and the fact they're being paid I find it hard to understand but when I've spent some time with girls on a long session or an impromptu overnight and the booze flows this sort of thing tends to surface during conversations.

Offline Wood2017

Speaking as an unmarried punter i have no ring to remove. Playing devils advocate though if a punter is solely removing it for fear of 'judgement' by the escort wouldn't she more than likely see the indent where the ring was when getting closer and more intimate anyway  :unknown:

Maybe i'm over thinking that or maybe the punters removing their rings are lol. It's anyones guess.

Edit - Fuzzyduck had already raised the same point i was thinking. Ignore me lol.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2021, 08:03:02 pm by Wood2017 »

Online mills_and_bhuna

I can't actually get mine off.
However I've never seen any evidence of a poor service due to wearing a ring.
The few times where I've had a subpar punt I pretty much assumed either they would be poor anyway or more likely thought I was too fucking ugly

Offline PaulRuff

Don't you guys have a mark on the finger where the ring normally is? I like to think that if I get married that I would knock this on the head, but I'm not naive enough to think I might have to face this dilemma sometime.

My wedding ring is fairly loose, so even though it's been there for 18 years there's no mark...also take it off when sunbathing here or abroad so no tell-tale tan line either...

Offline mgkerx

These are not potential girlfriends so I really don't care what they think wether I'm wearing a ring or not,However, my biggest fear would be removing the ring and then loosing it at the SP's flat Imagine trying to explain that way with the OH

Offline davxx

Don't you guys have a mark on the finger where the ring normally is? I like to think that if I get married that I would knock this on the head, but I'm not naive enough to think I might have to face this dilemma sometime.

During a punt a number of years ago the SP mentioned about the tell tale mark left on the finger by a ring, she could not care less as most of them are interested in the cash.... ;)

Offline Fac51

These are not potential girlfriends so I really don't care what they think wether I'm wearing a ring or not,However, my biggest fear would be removing the ring and then loosing it at the SP's flat Imagine trying to explain that way with the OH

Totally agree  :thumbsup:

Offline sparkus


Been told by a few girls that seeing what they assume to be a wedding ring on you will usually result in them having a low(er) opinion of a punter than they normally would have...and occasionally a lower quality of service is a result too.

Shouldn't make any difference IMHO, but that's what they have told me.

One said to me she thought all men were dumb and had too much money if they could punt, it later turned out she was married herself.

Offline centry


Been told by a few girls that seeing what they assume to be a wedding ring on you will usually result in them having a low(er) opinion of a punter than they normally would have...and occasionally a lower quality of service is a result too.

Shouldn't make any difference IMHO, but that's what they have told me.

I really really really doubt it. As if an actual whore's going to judge your life decisions, and not think about their own questionable one.

Offline Brumish

On. Everytime. Think some even get off on the fact that they're fucking a married guy. Most SBs (mainly students) are kinky fucks that will start conversations on wedlock whilst in the middle of snogging and sucking.

Offline Crockers

I like the idea of wearing a ring on a necklace.

Offline snaitram99

There have been previous threads on this - put wedding ring in search box.

Can only get mine off with difficulty and would leave an obvious mark, so no point. Occasionally commented on but just in conversation, not had disapproving comments. I'm not looking to marry the SP. May be useful to deflect some Thai ladies who I am told are sometimes looking to marry a Brit (although many seem to have done that already).

 Retired WG I used to see kept hers on.

Online Stevelondon


Been told by a few girls that seeing what they assume to be a wedding ring on you will usually result in them having a low(er) opinion of a punter than they normally would have...and occasionally a lower quality of service is a result too.

Shouldn't make any difference IMHO, but that's what they have told me.

What a load of bollocks.
As if a SP is going to care one way or the other if a punter is married, single, bi, widower or a Catholic priest for that matter.

Personally being unmarried. I always put on a wedding ring before a punt.
Because a few girls I have seen always give a reduced service to blokes they think are sad single types who can't get a fuck on civvie street.  :D
« Last Edit: March 23, 2021, 06:30:25 am by Stevelondon »

Offline Vic69

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Been told by a few girls that seeing what they assume to be a wedding ring on you will usually result in them having a low(er) opinion of a punter than they normally would have...and occasionally a lower quality of service is a result too.

Shouldn't make any difference IMHO, but that's what they have told me.

Speaking for myself (and I would imagine a lot of other WG) it doesn't make a blind bit of difference to my opinion or my service if you are married or not.

Online Fuzzyduck

Interesting to hear the discussion around what the SP thinks and whether that affects service or not. For me, it would be more about how I feel about wearing a ring and fucking someone else. I'm sure I would get over it. :D

I've been queried many times about my (lack of) marital status and figure it's part of the navigation you sometimes have to do when SPs try to psychoanalyze you. For some girls, they despise being a whore and despise men who see whores. The wedding ring is just the icing on the cake.

Offline alabama1

During a punt a number of years ago the SP mentioned about the tell tale mark left on the finger by a ring, she could not care less as most of them are interested in the cash.... ;)

I would substitute the word "most" with "all"

Offline Tongue in Cheeks

Always on because I don’t give a fuck, metaphorically of course because I do, what the WG thinks or says.

I have had a meet with one WG that is married, a swinger and her husband encourages her to go out and fuck whoever she wants. I just hope that if we meet again she doesn’t want her husband to join in.

Offline stevedave

I'm not married (thankfully  :lol:) but if I was, the ring would stay on.

I've seen too many shitty soap operas, movies etc where a fella playing away takes his wedding ring off and loses it  :scare:

Online RAJEC

I’m not married either, but if I was I wouldn’t wear it to or during a punt.

There’s too many risks with punting as it is (punting phone being one remedy). But if ever you crossed paths with a vicious sp, there’s nothing stopping them using your marital status as collateral in a potential ransom game.

I admit this is a far fetched and rather unlikely scenario, however in this game one must try and be prepared for almost anything.


Offline Whiteknight

Leave it on, wouldn't like to leave it behind.

It makes no difference to the SP anyway.

Offline JimmySW

I can't actually get mine off.
However I've never seen any evidence of a poor service due to wearing a ring.
The few times where I've had a subpar punt I pretty much assumed either they would be poor anyway or more likely thought I was too fucking ugly


Offline PaulRuff

I really really really doubt it. As if an actual whore's going to judge your life decisions, and not think about their own questionable one.

So, you're free to make a judgement on her choice but she's definitely not going to do the same to you... interesting... :rolleyes:


I leave mine on.
I've not taken it off for close to 20 years, even though I am single (widower) - I won't take it off for anybody.
It's a constant reminder of very happy times.

It has prompted several WGs to ask if I was married - my reply used to baffle them (deliberate) - "Married? - technically yes I suppose, however, I'm single" ;)

Offline sparkus

Some single women wear rings on that finger to 'deter' approaches from men.

Offline Doc Holliday

I like the idea of wearing a ring on a necklace.

Yes I did this for many years, as it avoided the need to constantly having to take it off when working and risk losing it. Now long retired I wear it on the finger all the time .. although it is a different ring to the first one. :)

Offline Lou2019

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Been told by a few girls that seeing what they assume to be a wedding ring on you will usually result in them having a low(er) opinion of a punter than they normally would have...and occasionally a lower quality of service is a result too.

Shouldn't make any difference IMHO, but that's what they have told me.

what a load of crap, IMHO

Offline Jonestown

I'd imagine most SPs can tell if a guy is married just by looking at him and maybe a few minutes conversation, a ring would just confirm their opinion.

Offline Rochelle

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Been told by a few girls that seeing what they assume to be a wedding ring on you will usually result in them having a low(er) opinion of a punter than they normally would have...and occasionally a lower quality of service is a result too.

Shouldn't make any difference IMHO, but that's what they have told me.
What? I've never heard that before. Sounds ridiculous, judgemental, and hypocritical. Even if they do judge, it shouldn't affect the service given.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2021, 12:40:15 pm by Rochelle »

Offline Rochelle

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I really really really doubt it. As if an actual whore's going to judge your life decisions, and not think about their own questionable one.
Not that I agree with them judging, but why can't they? They're not the ones cheating.
People judge people all the time, rightly or wrongly.

Criminals in jail judge paedophiles...just an example.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2021, 12:38:38 pm by Rochelle »

Offline Doc Holliday

Offline advent2016

Never worn a wedding ring regularly and only at home. Many work roles a wedding ring or jewellery was forbidden or foolhardy. Now I have a shrapnel wound on my left hand it's even more difficult. Good conversation starter though.

Offline Bebebelle

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I really really really doubt it. As if an actual whore's going to judge your life decisions, and not think about their own questionable one.

Well speaking as a “whore” I can definitely say that I don’t make any judgement on any client that walks through my door, in fact I presume they will be married as the vast majority are. It doesn’t bother me at all if he’s wearing a ring , he will get the same service as the guy who turns up who is single and not wearing a ring. We provide our services because there is a market there and we are happy to provide those services that the wives are refusing to do, often for years. So maybe you think my decision to do this as a job is “questionable” but if it wasn’t for women like me and all the other WG’s, you and many others on this site wouldn’t enjoy the benefits of sharing intimacy and hopefully great sex with a real women and not just your hand.

Offline centry

Not that I agree with them judging, but why can't they? They're not the ones cheating.
People judge people all the time, rightly or wrongly.

Criminals in jail judge paedophiles...just an example.

My reply was in context to someone saying that the Sex Provider in question will give lower service standards to a client that is found cheating, I view escorts as a little more open-minded than the average Karen walking down the street so I doubted this would happen.

"They're not the ones cheating"

Cheating is morally wrong by society's standards, but what of being an escort? By that standard, both the punter and the escort are in the wrong, but what you've just implied is that the punter is the greater of the two evils.

 :unknown: Not that I believe any of it is evil.

"Criminals in jail judge paedophiles...just an example"

Bad example, you've just compared your situation as an escort to mentally unstable convicts whom steal, murder, rape, and do other heinous activities.

Offline centry

Well speaking as a “whore” I can definitely say that I don’t make any judgement on any client that walks through my door, in fact I presume they will be married as the vast majority are. It doesn’t bother me at all if he’s wearing a ring , he will get the same service as the guy who turns up who is single and not wearing a ring. We provide our services because there is a market there and we are happy to provide those services that the wives are refusing to do, often for years. So maybe you think my decision to do this as a job is “questionable” but if it wasn’t for women like me and all the other WG’s, you and many others on this site wouldn’t enjoy the benefits of sharing intimacy and hopefully great sex with a real women and not just your hand.

You seem to have taken a real problem with the word "questionable", my point was to drive home the fact that I doubted there was any judgement going on at all as both parties are practically in the 'wrong' (at least by society's standards), one for being a cheating partner and the other for sharing intimacy in exchange for money.

I don't believe any of whom participate in the exchange are in the wrong either, but questionable yes, I often ask myself once or twice a year of why I'm participating in this bizarre world of paid-sex, and I extremely doubt that only the clients/punters ask themselves that question.

Offline Lou2019

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Well speaking as a “whore” I can definitely say that I don’t make any judgement on any client that walks through my door, in fact I presume they will be married as the vast majority are. It doesn’t bother me at all if he’s wearing a ring , he will get the same service as the guy who turns up who is single and not wearing a ring. We provide our services because there is a market there and we are happy to provide those services that the wives are refusing to do, often for years. So maybe you think my decision to do this as a job is “questionable” but if it wasn’t for women like me and all the other WG’s, you and many others on this site wouldn’t enjoy the benefits of sharing intimacy and hopefully great sex with a real women and not just your hand.

 :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Offline Lou2019

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Not that I agree with them judging, but why can't they? They're not the ones cheating.
People judge people all the time, rightly or wrongly.

Criminals in jail judge paedophiles...just an example.

not exactly a fair comparison is it, odd  :unknown:

Offline Tom1976

I have had sex with service providers wearing Wedding rings.

Horny AF....

Online Stevelondon

I have had sex with service providers wearing Wedding rings.

Horny AF....

Me too......I always give them a reduced service  :D

Offline Hobbit

It would be good if they could invent a wedding ring that turns into a cock ring. But it would need to be stretchable. That would solve the dilemma.  :D

Offline sparkus

I have had sex with service providers wearing Wedding rings.

Horny AF....

I've done it with WGs with pics of hubby up on the wall.

Offline Doc Holliday

It would be good if they could invent a wedding ring that turns into a cock ring. But it would need to be stretchable.

Yes ... when you take it off your cock you would need to be able to stretch it over your knuckle  :D

Offline PaulRuff

what a load of crap, IMHO

Since we've a SP referring to 'cheating' punters a couple of posts after yours I'd say it isn't really is it?