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Author Topic: Whats your punting budget per month?  (Read 2574 times)

Offline Payyourwaymate

One question is, how to budget? After seeing my bank account sputtering, I decided I would take out a lump sum of cash monthly, and would only use those funds for punting. This way I would have a physical limitation that would prevent me from overspending my allotted amount.

I'm not sure if what I will say will be of any assistance to you for help but for me personally regarding your issue, I had a stronger drive towards using the money else where. When I first started punting I was only punting once a month 15min P&D and I had the money back then to blow £££££. The only reason why I did not was because I stuck it all away in savings and investments. If there is no higher drive for the use of money it becomes a lot harder to rationalise not spending it... As I have noticed with the more spare ££££ I have around since I started to invest way less since I developed an income problem and not a savings/investing problem of flat out not earning enough money to move onto future money plans, it's hard convincing yourself to wank instead of punt when you know you can afford to pay with no problems, but it still has to be done. You have to channel your inner Scrooge McDuck....however, at the same time one has to think is it really worth it? One can really die at random. No point having X amount of money but no health to fully be able to use it as you mentioned. It's more so striking a delicate balance, a constant tight rope one must walk really. I suppose it really only gets solved by earning more than 75K-100K upwards with low lifestyle inflation in the UK or currency arbitrage by using £££££ to live in a cheaper country I guess in order to have access to unlimited sex without comprimising other aspects of ones living standards.

Offline crunchy_guy

Do you still have a civvie or free-regular? Otherwise, how'd you drop your punts to just a 3-4 per month?

Civvie moved to Europe and with travel restrictions, I haven't been able to get away often to see her.  We did spend a couple of weeks together in Dubai not too long ago.  Free reg I actually just saw tonight, great sex but I don't really enjoy spending time with her.  I only see her once a month when I have the urge to go raw.  I tell myself this is definetely the last time, but I keep returning.

Dropping punts has been a gradual process.  I don't have an intense sex drive, I value my money a lot more these days, and its quite difficult to get back into the mindset of paying for sex after having it free for a while.

Offline Joe Exotic

I still disagree. I live in Leeds and could *easily* spend £2k if I wanted to  :unknown:

Perhaps us tight Northerners just have a better concept of value  ;)

Can 100% guarantee, not as easily. Lol.

You’d have gone through every WG within 6 months max.
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Banned by: daviemac

Offline Joe Exotic

I'm not sure if what I will say will be of any assistance to you for help but for me personally regarding your issue, I had a stronger drive towards using the money else where. When I first started punting I was only punting once a month 15min P&D and I had the money back then to blow £££££. The only reason why I did not was because I stuck it all away in savings and investments. If there is no higher drive for the use of money it becomes a lot harder to rationalise not spending it... As I have noticed with the more spare ££££ I have around since I started to invest way less since I developed an income problem and not a savings/investing problem of flat out not earning enough money to move onto future money plans, it's hard convincing yourself to wank instead of punt when you know you can afford to pay with no problems, but it still has to be done. You have to channel your inner Scrooge McDuck....however, at the same time one has to think is it really worth it? One can really die at random. No point having X amount of money but no health to fully be able to use it as you mentioned. It's more so striking a delicate balance, a constant tight rope one must walk really. I suppose it really only gets solved by earning more than 75K-100K upwards with low lifestyle inflation in the UK or currency arbitrage by using £££££ to live in a cheaper country I guess in order to have access to unlimited sex without comprimising other aspects of ones living standards.

Very interesting perspective. Screams 21st century western adolescent conundrum.

We are in a bit of a rubber bubble here. Opposed to (for e.g) Dubai, no income tax but WG costs are sky high.  Or Philippines and SE Asia, where income is low, tax is modest, but sex is super cheap.

We’re in LDN where tax is high, earnings are modest, and WGs are relatively high.

Go figure.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2021, 08:35:52 am by Joe Exotic »
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Banned by: daviemac

Offline Joe Exotic

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Banned by: daviemac

Offline shagmore

Don't really have one, its basically when I see horney and want a fuck, I will go a month or so without seeing a WG, then the next month have 2 in a week, then be back for more the following week.
Also depends on work, and how busy I am.

Offline Nic Fit

No budget as such though I do have a pot of cash that is looking rather healthy.

Looking forward to restart my punting adventure pretty soon after a sudden pause.

Offline southcoastpunter

Can 100% guarantee, not as easily. Lol.

You’d have gone through every WG within 6 months max.

you are making the mistake of thinking that more available of WG's means its easier to spend money. Some guys do want a different girl each time but many don't - and are happy to revisit a WG if she provides an excellent time/service. so the fact the london has more WG's than elsewhere does not necessarily mean its easier to spend money in london than elsewhere.

Ok you can say "well that isn't really punting as such" but i find it very easy to spend £2k+ per month on SA, even during lockdown - and I am in the Bournemouth and southampton area.

Offline Payyourwaymate

Very interesting perspective. Screams 21st century western adolescent conundrum.

We are in a bit of a rubber bubble here. Opposed to (for e.g) Dubai, no income tax but WG costs are sky high.  Or Philippines and SE Asia, where income is low, tax is modest, but sex is super cheap.

We’re in LDN where tax is high, earnings are modest, and WGs are relatively high.

Go figure.

Not sure you know, to cut it down to the bare bones it's priorities and long term strategies. Either pay now and have a great sex life now in the moment and have less money later if the finances are not focused on, or slow down on the sex life and prioritise money first to be able to leverage the increased cash flow later. The balance is how fast can you increase your income, cash flow and still have access to sex with £££££, before life gets in the way lol. It's no different to living it up in your 20s spending everything and then 30s and 40s with bills and responsibilites, the cash flow and financial backing of saving and investing money for years is not there; so then if an individual lost their job or any emergency occurred then that person is absolutely fucked. It's discipline, sacrifice and balance...I think these factors applies to more areas than just paying for sex. It just so happens attaining the control and balance to deal with having easy access to sex is harder than saying oh I don't want to buy those clothes, jewellery, holidays etc.

That's my view on it anyway, if you or anyone has anyone else have different views please chime in. We are all here to learn to improve our punting lives lol.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2021, 08:10:41 pm by Payyourwaymate »

Offline Paris69

Not sure you know, to cut it down to the bare bones it's priorities and long term strategies. Either pay now and have a great sex life now in the moment and have less money later if the finances are not focused on, or slow down on the sex life and prioritise money first to be able to leverage the increased cash flow later. The balance is how fast can you increase your income, cash flow and still have access to sex with £££££, before life gets in the way lol. It's no different to living it up in your 20s spending everything and then 30s and 40s with bills and responsibilites, the cash flow and financial backing of saving and investing money for years is not there; so then if an individual lost their job or any emergency occurred then that person is absolutely fucked. It's discipline, sacrifice and balance...I think these factors applies to more areas than just paying for sex. It just so happens attaining the control and balance to deal with having easy access to sex is harder than saying oh I don't want to buy those clothes, jewellery, holidays etc.

That's my view on it anyway, if you or anyone has anyone else have different views please chime in. We are all here to learn to improve our punting lives lol.

This is so random..... It reads as, spend on WG's and be skint or cut back on WG's and have money to better manage your life.
I'm sure there are many on here who earn well, run businesses, and can easily achieve both.

Where did the £70-100k come from? Seems random....
If you earn £70k you're not exactly well off....... If you're on PAYE (i'm not, so this is a guesstimate) you come out with what, £4,500pm?
Thats bloody peanuts - especially if you have a mortgage/cars/SB's/G-F/family etc.....
Banned reason: Idiot fantasist
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Payyourwaymate

This is so random..... It reads as, spend on WG's and be skint or cut back on WG's and have money to better manage your life.
I'm sure there are many on here who earn well, run businesses, and can easily achieve both.

Where did the £70-100k come from? Seems random....
If you earn £70k you're not exactly well off....... If you're on PAYE (i'm not, so this is a guesstimate) you come out with what, £4,500pm?
Thats bloody peanuts - especially if you have a mortgage/cars/SB's/G-F/family etc.....

Of course there are men like that, but how many do you reckon? If that was the case for the majority of men then, a thread like this would not even exist as no one would need to say anything at all. Everyone would just get on with it no?

To be honest yes you are right to an extent, taking family men into account then your statement is correct for a "middle class" family man still looking to punt and have SBs ect then earning 70-100K is not enough. However, look at the stats to see how many people in the population actually hit those figures and come back and say that 70-100K per annum is peanuts. People are raising families on far less. Yes, in the grand scheme of things it is.  Perhaps to your scale it is peanuts and I understand aswell, I've come across people that lost 6 figs gambling and laugh about it so yes, it's all peanuts. However, to the average earner and those not earning those amounts it's not. I think if a single man with little expenses was earning that they could live a comfortable life to be honest but this is straying away from the topic so I'll stop.

My main point is that spending money on WGs is an expense, and that if people are unable to manage this expense it can impact other areas of their life just like overspending on other expenditures would. I'm not speaking for the baller punters; I'm speaking for the average punter looking to not overspend and impact other areas of their life because I understand the feeling looking at higher priced WGs and seeing other punters spend £££££ and talk about their escapades and wondering should I do the same and if I am missing out when I first started out and coming to terms that I must stick to the plan. Not every man is a high earning business man or high a earner and manages to acheive both with ease, low and middle earners also punt, some punt spending what they cannot afford, some perhaps punt and sacrifice in other areas, what reality are you seeing that makes you assume this is so easy to achieve? Perhaps for you it's easy and fair dos if so. I personally think it's more nuanced though, or I would have never posted in the first place.

Offline Taxidriver1111

I'm fairly new to punting, first punt was 01/20. Pre covid i spent about £600 per month, 1 punt per week 1-1.5 hours per meet. After first lockdown limited meets, only 1 or 2 punts a month. but would see the girl for longer, had a couple of 3 hour meets at £300 per meet. Haven't seen anybody since October so have a kitty built up and a hot list to get through. Reviews will follow.

Offline Imp8

£120 a month.  Two punts  @ £60.
Gets me by. I suppose I can afford more if I really  cut a few corners,but It does sound hypocritical of me if I'm telling my wife and kids to cut expenditure,whilst filling up snatch myself.

Offline Gordy555

About £150 a month most of the year, and £300 near my birthday and Xmas.

Offline Plan R

I usually punt twice a month. 2x £80 half hour punts = £160 
I don't think spending £160 a month scratching a lusty itch is that wise but, I'm pretty frugal in other respects, and you can't take it with you.

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