Sugar Babies

Author Topic: in the South West  (Read 73011 times)

Offline PunterSthompson

Is there anyone reading this who is active on in the South West?
If you are and would be happy to compare notes and chat about whats out there get in touch. I presume DM’s would be sensible.
I am searching in general areas of Exeter, Taunton, Yeovil and west Dorset.

Offline southcoastpunter

I use seeking but in the Bournemouth, Poole and Southampton area.  Some info in an existing/old thread:

(ps added afterwards - looking back at it, i see you have contributed to that thread)
« Last Edit: March 07, 2021, 02:38:57 pm by southcoastpunter »

Offline PunterSthompson

I have. Bournemouth is a bit further than I would like to travel. However I have met a few people on SA over there a few years back.
Unfortunately i have to travel to get any action unless its with 🐑 sheep!

Offline Prifessionallondinguy

Bristol is the only place I’ve been successful in the SW.   
I actually picked a girl up and driven her to a V festival for £50 plus a Owo cim
bj.... I paid her not the other way around.
I usually only hunt in London as it’s too close to where I reside.

Offline PunterSthompson

Again, Bristol is just a little to far. I can see lots of nice looking girls up there. I would lose 3 hours out of my day if I met someone there.

Offline Prifessionallondinguy

 :P when I was a student at uni,  on the notice board there were adverts for rooms in shared houses... with a row of phone numbers you could tear off.  Try putting up a flier in Bournemouth Uni.... fancy a shag for money... please call 07********2 for details... no fatties!

Seriously.... good luck...  it’s a bit barren here.  :hi:

Offline southcoastpunter

Seriously.... good luck...  it’s a bit barren here.  :hi:

where is "here"?

if you mean Bournemouth - i disagree (unless you mean just cheap sex only meets). I have two uni students on the go at the moment - aged 23 and 24 and £200 and £250 for overnights.

Offline apricotboss

Are they any good?? I was looking for quite a bit but no luck

Offline HawkG

I don’t have any useful info for the OP, but wanted to take the opportunity to recognise a top class choice of username.

Offline PunterSthompson

:P when I was a student at uni,  on the notice board there were adverts for rooms in shared houses... with a row of phone numbers you could tear off.  Try putting up a flier in Bournemouth Uni.... fancy a shag for money... please call 07********2 for details... no fatties!

Seriously.... good luck...  it’s a bit barren here.  :hi:

Tried that already. Ended up getting a sentence from the law

Offline PunterSthompson

I don’t have any useful info for the OP, but wanted to take the opportunity to recognise a top class choice of username.

I thank sir, for your kindness and well readness

Offline southcoastpunter

Are they any good?? I was looking for quite a bit but no luck

Well yes, i think so. They do it for me but what I like seems not to be what many/most guys on here like. I like slim/petite and a degree of "class" so i feel comfortable taking them anywhere (when we can), some good conversation and a nice person as well as being attractive and sexy. If you look at the "best tits" threads on here and like most of the pics posted and/or like big fake tits, you won't like the sort i go for.

Obviuosly in lockdown there are major restrictions on what we can do so it tends to be - i pick them up, we go to mine, have a few drinks, get a takeaway, have a few more drinks, have a joint shower, massage and play (both ways) get an awesome BJ then have great, unhurried, very enthusiastic sex. i don't do anal or any kinky stuff. One isn't a morning girl so no morning sex but the other is,  so another round of great bj and sex . Then give them breakfast and take them back.

I think that is pretty good - and by AW overnight rates, very good vfm.

With respect and you may not like me saying this but i don't think it is "luck". I am not good looking, rich (i am financially comfortable not rich) nor well endowed or fuck like a superstud. But i still do alright on SA. Maybe its because i am not looking for a quick cheap fuck but fully respect what the majority of ladies on SA think about themseves and what they want. most hate any suggestion / inference that they are in anyway a WG or providing paid for sex. Most want a degree of "wooing" and even "dating" but in all cases I have got what i wanted - which is a very pleasant evening and great sex. However, as been said before, it is very time consuming to chat on SA and weed out the ones who are pic sellers, online only or potential scammers. Maybe i am lucky in that i can put in the time and am single and can accommodate.

Offline Prifessionallondinguy

I agree ☝️ the long game tends to pay off as the girl becomes very appreciative over time. It’s about regular money, respectful behaviour and reliability.  I’m not Brad Pitt or Elon Musk but do alright too.

On another note it’s amazing how many have a birthday when you first message them!

Offline BogBog1

I was on SA regularly about 3 years ago... LOADS of success both in Bristol and London - all meets between £200-£250, all 'normal girls looking for a bit of extra cash' rather than 'obvious working girls using SA as an additional income stream'. I met (and fucked) some real stunners who were also friendly, smart girls who were genuinely cool to hang out with. I loved every minute of it and it meant I didn't punt any escorts throughout that whole time.

I rejoined a little while ago, but the choice was very limited due to semi-lockdown, so I didn't renew my profile, and won't do so until things open up properly again. It's just not worth it - there seemed to be very few genuine girls on there, and of those that are, even fewer were actually meeting in person. I imagine now, in full lockdown, it's even more like that.

Offline Danj89

Totally agree with Zak and soutcoast punter.

I started seeking in 2017 based in Swindon and I met some amazing sbs, never spent more than 200ppm plus train, food, booze on a overnight ppm.

Helps that I was single in my 20s back then and had my own flat, saves the cost of a hotel.

Normal range was 100 to 200ppm and had really good results with Bristol uni students and girls from Bath and chelthnam.

Once you weed our the girls with stripper/escort mentality, fakes, only fans girls and scammers there were some genuine hidden gems on there.

Also totally agree with it not being the same 2017/2018 the quality of girls was on another level, deffo gone downhill since the 2nd half of 2019, as girls joining are much more plain, nothing special girl next door types .

There is alot more more of a wooing aspect and your personality and ability to click with the girls and having a bit of banter plays a part. The feedback i did get from alot of girls on there was alot of the older men acted very entitled and creepy with filthy messages on seeking off the bat.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2021, 01:54:52 pm by Danj89 »

Offline PunterSthompson

I am getting the vibe that girls on there are being offered lots of cash by Walter Mitty types who never follow through and  are then ghosting them.
So they are getting an inflated idea of what they could earn and don’t realise they are being soun a line by a time waster

Offline southcoastpunter

yes, i agree there are some of those. The ladies suffer from scammers and time wasters as we guys do. I have heard stories of guys that offer large allowances to get a lady into bed, then he blocks her and she never hears anything more from him and never sees a penny! I have had a lady that was seeking c£5k per month. I politely told her "no way". she told me she had already been offered £3500 per month. I told her to take it quick before he changed his mind! never heard from her again!

At the moment, I agree it is much harder to find the gems amongst the scammers, pic sellers, online only and time wasters - but they are there!

Picking up on Danj89's last paragraph - i have heard something similar too from a number of ladies - one described it as they* seem to come across as saying "you have the pussy, i have the money, my money buys your pussy"!..... which, as said before, most ladies absolutely hate any suggestion like that.

(*i use the term "they" but i am not exactly a youngster myself!)
« Last Edit: March 09, 2021, 10:39:09 am by southcoastpunter »

Offline mikeg1600

Well after getting some good advice from southcoastpunter if found SA quite good. You have to be the effort in and weed out the fakes and picture / video sellers and the ones who ask for stupid amounts but overall had a good level of success. Ages ranged from 25 to 42, the 42 being ok for me being an older gent  :), and prices from £130 to £200 for a good period of time not the normal escort £150 for an hour meet. As i cannot accommodate the tricky thing has always been the meeting so limits who i can meet but still feel its been a good exercise. Not on at the moment as i assumed COVID would restrict meetings so not cost effective, one is still ok to meet but I'm being careful, but now i have had the jab......

Offline BogBog1

Yeah, the thing is that the more you browse profiles, the easier it becomes to get a sense for the genuine ones and weed out the fakes. In the beginning I was messaging literally every girl who vaguely fit my preferred type, and getting a really shit hit rate. By the end (before lockdown, when there was a lot more choice), I got really good at spotting the fakes, time wasters, princesses, instagrammers etc, so I was messaging way fewer girls but getting a much higher response rate.

As others have said, having a personality and a bit of banter goes a LONG way. It's easy to dismiss these girls as "every girl on there is an escort by default". That might be true to some extent - but the key is that the genuine girls don't see themselves that way AT ALL, so even the slightest hint that they are being seen as a fuckable commodity never gets you anywhere. Again, this is only true of the genuine 'gems'. Of course, the escorts on the site don't give a shit about all that stuff.

« Last Edit: March 11, 2021, 05:05:02 pm by zakkmorrison »

Offline patdavies

Just giving seeking benefits a try been honest that only looking for nsa and friendship dont know how that will work out for me though :crazy:

Offline Danj89

Let us know how you get on.
I'm not actively subbed on seeking atm but going through numbers I harvested earlier and one girl mentioned she was on it before moving to SA, so would be interested to know if there are other hidden gems on there.

Offline patdavies

I've only message back verified users but I get the impression it might not work out

Online londonroad

Is there anyone reading this who is active on in the South West?
If you are and would be happy to compare notes and chat about whats out there get in touch. I presume DM’s would be sensible.
I am searching in general areas of Exeter, Taunton, Yeovil and west Dorset.

I was looking in Devon/Cornwall in Summer 2019. It was really hard work and required a lot of effort to find any SBs that rocked my boat. Did eventually find one lass who I had a really good overnight with at a plush spa hotel. Tried to get a second meet a month later but by then she had gone back to her BF and deleted her profile.
I normally hunt for SBs in London and was expecting to find lower ppm in Devon and Cornwall - but in general that was not the case in my experience.
I looked again in summer 2020 when was in the West Country for a week but did find anything that appealed to me.

Offline PunterSthompson

I have been on for a week this time around. Was worried nothing was going to happen. I must have forgotten how much hard work it is to wade through the messages to weed out the online  only gang.
I am chatting with about 5 people. All seem genuine and have a £150 meet arranged next week.
There seem to be a lot of people in Exeter who seem genuine.

Offline southcoastpunter

Exeter is of course a Uni town. are they mainly uni students?

Uni students seem to be financially hard up, bored and willing to "stretch lockdown restrictions". I am doing well with the Bournemouth Uni students!

Offline anonymouse72

Some nice looking student types on there. The thought of a profile pic is off putting though. Do you guys post a face pic on your profile and who sees it, just the girl you contact?

Offline southcoastpunter

If you post a face pic in your "public" gallery then any lady on SA can see it.

An option is to post a body shot but no head in the public gallery and a face pic in your private gallery. You then only give access to your private gallery to the specific ladies you want to see it - they request access and you approve it or ignore. If you give access to your private gallary, you can withdraw the access at any time (but they could have taken a screen shot etc in the meantime)

Offline joninbristol

I was looking in Devon/Cornwall in Summer 2019. It was really hard work and required a lot of effort to find any SBs that rocked my boat. Did eventually find one lass who I had a really good overnight with at a plush spa hotel. Tried to get a second meet a month later but by then she had gone back to her BF and deleted her profile.
I normally hunt for SBs in London and was expecting to find lower ppm in Devon and Cornwall - but in general that was not the case in my experience.
I looked again in summer 2020 when was in the West Country for a week but did find anything that appealed to me.
TBH, outside of the two main uni' towns of Exeter and Plymouth, anything south west of Bristol is a desert. There's bugger all down there population wise, apart from when Londoners decamp there (completely missing the point that a single London borough has more medical care facilities than any one of the south west's entire counties...). It's a population void that includes two very large national parks.
You might be lucky if you're persistent and find someone in Weston, Taunton or Yeovil, but they're not uni towns.

Spend too long there and you'll just revert to grading the attractiveness of the sheep.  :wackogirl:

« Last Edit: March 13, 2021, 10:25:16 am by joninbristol »

Online londonroad

TBH, outside of the two main uni' towns of Exeter and Plymouth, anything south west of Bristol is a desert. There's bugger all down there population wise, apart from when Londoners decamp there (completely missing the point that a single London borough has more medical care facilities than any one of the south west's entire counties...). It's a population void that includes two very large national parks.
You might be lucky if you're persistent and find someone in Weston, Taunton or Yeovil, but they're not uni towns.

Spend too long there and you'll just revert to grading the attractiveness of the sheep.  :wackogirl:

Thanks for this - makes a lot of sense.

Offline PunterSthompson

Some nice looking student types on there. The thought of a profile pic is off putting though. Do you guys post a face pic on your profile and who sees it, just the girl you contact?
None are students. Or least telling me their not. Everyone seems to work in a cafe or pub and are on furlough. Apparently...🧐

And I don’t have a profile but I do allow people to see mine once I have chatted with them. And seen their picture.

Offline apricotboss

Gents do we have any other way to try SA to get some trial time without paying £100 for a month??

Offline apricotboss

And if I choose as you see on the picture can I cancel it after payment so I won't have auto renew

Hidden Image/Members Only
« Last Edit: March 14, 2021, 01:47:56 pm by apricotboss »

Offline anonymouse72

£100 a month with vat :scare:. I'll stick to escorts

Offline apricotboss

Other option is 199+vat per month  :manhater:

Offline southcoastpunter

And if I choose as you see on the picture can I cancel it after payment so I won't have auto renew

Hidden Image/Members Only

yes you can cancel auto-renew at any time (although I think the cancel function takes a couple of days to show so if you join and don't see the option immediately, don't panic)

£100 a month with vat :scare:. I'll stick to escorts

its horses for courses. Depends what you want. The sex and experience with a SA lady is , in my experience, very different and miles better in most cases than with a WG as well as usually a lot longer in duration. But as been said before, its is not cheap and if you punt at the more budget end and/or just have a half an hour, it probably won't be for you.

Offline Prifessionallondinguy

I usually only dip  my toe in.... in London... it’s vast and you kinda blend in.
I’ve however found an Asian student in my home town.

Meeting tomorrow for a quick coffee, she’s young, fun, smart and knows what she wants £.  A good figure, not skinny,  very nice and more importantly looking for cash for her studies. Has agree intercourse and I feel she’d do it on the first date but have agreed to pick her up, take her for coffee in the car and drop her back. I’d  post a photo but it’s not proper is it?

She’s been hard to pin down but has come around to my way of thinking. She’s even agreed to rock up in tights as she has nice legs.

Now I”l come clean.. I have a South Korean “friend” who I’ve seen for over 18 months in London so this will be good for pay per meet in my home town. Hopefully the end to escorts  but who knows!!

Offline apricotboss

Fingers crossed mate, shoot some pic later

Online Cunning Punt

Thanks to PunterS for starting the thread because there are active Seeking threads in London and W Mids but nothing in between.  :hi:

Given SW is a large area, hopefully it can be an active thread.

Online Cunning Punt

Not seen the girl but perhaps one of her many devotees can confirm if:

Missnormal, 30, Bristol
External Link/Members Only

is the popular but divisive Bristol-based escort Rebecca_GFE, previously known as GymFitBex and English Rebecca 121, and also formerly of this 'parish' until she was banished?
External Link/Members Only

« Last Edit: March 16, 2021, 08:51:41 pm by Cunning Punt »

Offline BogBog1

Not seen the girl but perhaps one of her many devotees can confirm if:

Missnormal, 30, Bristol
External Link/Members Only

is the popular but divisive Bristol-based escort Rebecca_GFE, previously known as GymFitBex and English Rebecca 121, and also formerly of this 'parish' until she was banished?
External Link/Members Only

I haven't seen her but I have to admit it looks VERY much like her from the pics.

Offline PunterSthompson

It’s definitely her pics. Are you wondering if its her using them cunning punt?

Offline PunterSthompson

Met my first SA lady if the season. A nice walk with a bright intelligent interesting women. Unfortunately she was using old pictures pre-lockdown. She has been hitting the cake hard during the last year.
I should have walked   :lol:
Onto the next one...

Online Cunning Punt

It’s definitely her pics. Are you wondering if its her using them cunning punt?

Not particularly, given that Rebecca has been on Seeking a few times previously. I recall she posted complaining SA didn't really work for her. Well, no dear, SA isn't intended for escorts. They probably won't get offered as much money as they do as a WG on AW and most guys go on SA to avoid escorts.
It is useful for SDs to know who they are, check their reviews and make their own decisions - hence why I posted. Some guys will take note and avoid her, while others will see that she has a reputation for providing a better GFE than the vast majority of escorts and approach her.

Offline joninbristol

Out of interest, has everyone who's cancelled an SA subscription had a positive experience with the process ?
I know some of these sites are intentionally bad at allowing you to cancel, then don't cancel when you tell them to, or insist on a letter in writing in one case (!). Basically hang on to renewal money for as long and as often as possible.

It seems from the reports in this thread that SA are more responsible and seem more genuine, and don't mess the consumers of their services around when they want to cancel.
Is this a correct perception, or has anyone had issues with them?

Offline southcoastpunter

I have ever only signed up with a card and not paypal or similar. Its on an auto-renewal basis (ie your card gets charged each month) unless you cancel the auto renewal.

Its very easy to do (just go to your profile "setting" and untick "auto renewal") and that is that. done! No probs.

Offline Danj89

Mine accidentaly auto renewed April 2020 and I messaged them on the day and they gave me the benefit of the doubt and refunded me.

Copy and paste text from them below
"Hi there,

Thank you for reaching out to us. It looks like you acknowledged the pop-up regarding our auto-renew policy when last upgrading your account. As per our Terms of Use, we generally do not provide refunds, but I was able to make an exception to this rule as a one-time courtesy. Your payment has been refunded at this time. You should see this credit within 5-10 business days.

Moving forward, all one-month membership purchases will result in auto-renewal. If you do not wish to take advantage of this service, you will need to cancel the subscription after each purchase. Canceling your subscription will not cancel the payment that has already processed and you will continue to be able to use the site for the 30 days paid for. Please feel free to reply back with any comments or suggestions as we are fully committed to improving the quality of Seeking. We hope to earn your business in the future!

Billing Specialist"

Offline PunterSthompson

I 3rd that. No issues with auto renewal. Its a question of un-checking the box.

Online sambrown

SA is this something normal girls rather then your typical wG use to have fun and earn £. I'm looking for someone in the Manchester London and Plymouth area might be a few girls you see or have seen. I like small petite girl. Thanks for any info adultwork just seems to have to many fake accounts these days

Offline Prifessionallondinguy

I couldn’t find anyone in Plymouth.  I’m a bit reluctant to favourite some as I live here at times... shitting on your doorstep and all that. The only one I really fancied was an Asian student in a bright yellow dress.  We’ve agreed to meet in London as I’m sure she studies there as is only home due to Covid.  I’ll post a review of sorts if and when I meet.  Exeter seems more vibrant.

Offline southcoastpunter

  I’ll post a review of sorts if and when I meet.

I would suggest caution on doing a review on here of someone on SA. Firstly not sure whether its allowed under UKP rules as she is not a WG or SP as such and secondly she and maybe SA could ban you if they ever found out. Don't know whether there is a ladies "beware of" list on SA but if so, you could find yourself on it.

Also a thought - in the last week i have had 2 ladies both new on SA (less than one week) tell me they are leaving as SA as its not the site they thought it was. I asked why and they said they its because have been treated very much as a WG by many guys on there and they are definitely not WG's! If you do a formal reviewe on here, you will be treating her like that. We need to do whatever we can to make sure SA does not become a second AW as some/many of the genuine ladies on there will leave.

However sharing info is a core benefit and requirement of membership here so the question is how can we best do that? No names or identifying info and perhaps by PM to those who are genuinely interested. Other ideas??