Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Worst thing that has ever happened to you whilst punting?  (Read 52827 times)

Offline Watts.E.Dunn

Turned up at room 305 of Premier Inn then woman was in room 305 of Holiday Inn next door, that was fun.

Well a few years ago i used to punt a bit in London at that the well know den of Initquities Chelsea Cloisters. It a huge apartment block in Sloane Avenue called "The Ten floors of whores".

Marched past the concierge on duty, up in the lift and up to the flat number i was texted. Quite a attractive girl answered the door didnt look like the one on the agency website.

Thought damm bait and switch but couldnt be arsed to call the agency etc. So paid her for an hour and had a bloody good time:)

In the meantime had a text from the agency stating that the number they sent was wring they'd given me the worong flat!.

Never did find out who she worked for but would have really liked to have seen her again!
« Last Edit: February 20, 2021, 10:44:35 pm by Watts.E.Dunn »

Offline Bustydusty

Got told not to knock just walk in - walked straight into her neighbour’s house :dash:

Offline Lewboy

Turned up at room 305 of Premier Inn then woman was in room 305 of Holiday Inn next door, that was fun.

Well a few years ago i used to punt a bit in London at that the well know den of Initquities Chelsea Cloisters. It a huge apartment block in Sloane Avenue called "The Ten floors of whores".

Marched past the concierge on duty, up in the lift and up to the flat number i was texted. Quite a attractive girl answered the door didnt look like the one on the agency website.

Thought damm bait and switch but couldnt be arsed to call the agency etc. So paid her for an hour and had a bloody good time:)

In the meantime had a text from the agency stating that the number they sent was wring they'd given me the worong flat!.

Never did find out who she worked for but would have really liked to have seen her again!

This is actually incredible hahaha.

Offline Ronaldjones89

Early days of punting... new at the time. Made the vivastreet mistake not the girl in the pics. She was a fat romanian... trapped in the room so we proceeded. Gave me a blowjob couldn't get hard wasn't attracted at all or turned on... in disgust.

Doggy couldn't even do due to her size... also smelt. She goes 'I should have taken a shower'
« Last Edit: February 20, 2021, 11:42:07 pm by Ronaldjones89 »

Offline Steved43

Police knocked on the apartment door while I was in the middle of knocking one out over the girls tits. I had doubts when I walked in as the place were dirty and she sent her friend to get some cash out to give me change then the police knock and eventually she let them in. They wanted her for something not related to the punting and fortunately let me leave without taking any details.
Wasn’t the first time I had been to a working girls house and it was dirty, sometimes you get a feeling about a place and nowadays I will walk away but never did in the early days

Offline Omadon2001

A few years ago I booked a SP who was staying in an Apartment. He English wasn't the best.

When I got there I text her and she phoned me to tell me where to go. I got lost. I had no idea where she meant. To make matters worse, the letting agency was across the road and I was conscious of the fact that i was walking around their apartments looking lost.

Eventually I understood that I need to go through the door. Up the stairs and first door in the right.

I got there and knocked. A woman answered and told me to come in. She was playing with a toddler - which I thought was strange.  Was she the receptionist or the hooker?

After standing there for what seemed like ages I asked her "where do you want me".
She said "the meter is over there"

She thought I was the electrician who she had been expecting!

Is got the wrong apartment.

I made my excuses and left. I didn't bother with the punt. I just couldn't wait to get out of there

Offline Bopcrown

Chinese incall -Was actualy getting a suprisingly enthusiastic BJ, not the usual, dick in mouth and not much else.

Let rip a massive fart, She started took a deep sniff, said "You loud" and carried on.

Offline Thephoenix

Chinese incall -Was actualy getting a suprisingly enthusiastic BJ, not the usual, dick in mouth and not much else.

Let rip a massive fart, She started took a deep sniff, said "You loud" and carried on.

That really did make me lol. :lol:

Offline Mike66

Was in the car once in a nice quiet place banging away when I noticed a man and woman peering through the window watching us

Same thing again another time and I wound the window down to tell them to piss off and this time it was the police! They told me to go home and next time pick girls up from by where I lived, I thought he was joking but he was serious and I couldn’t get home quick enough.

Once banging a really fit sp and in the heat of the moment I asked her to scratch my back hard, when we finished her fingers were covered in blood! She’d quite literally tore my back to shreds and I couldn’t lie down or sit properly for about a week.

Went for an incall in a rough part of Liverpool and when I went in she led me to the living room and introduced me to 3 fellas sitting there! They all said hello and she ushered me upstairs and I was thinking I should just go but she was rather persuasive and said they were just mates staying with her (I was a bit green around the gills back then) it was obviously a drug den so I banged her up the bum as quickly as possible and finished, on the way out the guys said goodbye to me!

My ex constantly questioned me about affairs and cheating which I’ve never done to any partner, nor do I punt when in a relationship...apart from this....she was doing my head in and it was only a few days before we split, I dropped her off to do some shopping and went and got a car meet and splashed my load everywhere in her car, all over the sp’s tits and the car seats and trim and it was a lot lol. I never cleaned it up and like I say a few days later we split and I found out she’d been seeing someone else, so in a way I got revenge.

Offline Mike66

Turned up at room 305 of Premier Inn then woman was in room 305 of Holiday Inn next door, that was fun.

That happened to me in Cambridge, the sp said she was at the Premier Inn so I went there and waited in reception to get in, I even had to blag the receptionist that I was waiting for a work colleague when he asked if I needed help. She then rang me asking where I was and to come up, after explaining she told me she wasn’t in the Premier Inn but the Travelodge next door, at which point I said there wasn’t a Travelodge next door, there was but I wasn’t even in the right Premier Inn never mind the right hotel, I was actually on the other side of Cambridge... I have to say when I did finally get there she was one of the best shags I’ve ever had

Offline mdiver1

Got attacked by a prossie. I've left her a review.

I went to Romanian incall with two girls there. As I got in they asked me to choose. Whilst deliberating there was a knock on the door, another punter walked in. We were both stood there thinking wtf is going on. They asked him which one. At this I picked the fitter one and followed her upstairs.

Another Romanian incall. I went to the house and quickly went inside. It was on a main road. The girl was fit but completely zoned out. High on something strong. I wanted to leg it, trying to think of an excuse I looked around the empty living room. She said to go upstairs so I followed. When I got to the bedroom I asked to use the bathroom. At this I walked straight downstairs to get out. When I got to the living room there was now a man laying on the sofa. He looked at me, I looked directly at him and walked out. She was definitely trafficked, the poor girl. Reminded me of the Liam neeson movie 'Taken'. I felt really bad for her as she seemed like a nice person who had ended up in a bad situation. Very polite in her attitude.

Got jizz in my eye. It was my own jizz.

Went for a rub and tug. They made me take my shoes off in the hallway. After finishing, I was in the hallway tying my laces when another punter who'd just finished walked out of another room to put his shoes on. He looked at me got nervous and went back into the room :lol: :lol:
« Last Edit: February 23, 2021, 03:03:49 am by mdiver1 »

Offline bestbrest

Got   caught  out  in  Riga    !  No  surprise  there ....

  I arrived  on a cold  January  afternoon  to  -25 C  and  snow  from  Liverpool  ,  Ryanair  to make   a quarterly   visit  to   21  year  old   p/t  girlfriend  Lina   (  who  was average  but  extremely nice   and  quite an achievement  for  a  45  year  old  pauper   )  .....     

went  downstairs  into  an  underground  cavern / soho-type  club.....   almost  empty  .....  and  had   a  drink  or  two ...  refreshed .... and  was then  approached  by  a  very attractive  Russsian  blonde  ,  who  offered full  service  for   60  Lat  (E 65)   and  after  buying her   a drink  (10  Lat)  ,  I handed  her   the 60  Lat ......

So far  so  good . But   when  we  got in  the  massage room  at the  back  ,  she  gave  me  5  minutes  masssage  and  then  dragged   me    back into  the  bar  ....  where  an  extortionate  bill  for  £170  awaited  me . It  was pure  blackmail and  fraud  , as the  printed  menu  showed  something  quite  else  ,  more like  £30

I  waited  and  waited ... refusing   to  pay  until the  bill  was  corrected   . I  eventually   just ran   ., and attempted  to  exit  the  premises whilst  leaving   behind  the  £30  I  owed  .
I was  then  beaten  and  pulled  violently back  down the  stairs   by 2 concealed  thugs .  I  sat  down  and then  called the police  , who  arrived  after  30  minutes .  I  made  an  allegation of  asault  and showed  the  bruises  and pointed to  cctv  camera s.

To  cut  a long story  short ,  the  police  sergeant  wanted to  arrest me  and charge  me  with assault , drunken  disorderly  and  using  cocaine ...  explaining that  I  would  be  locked  up   for  a few  days before  being allowed  consular  access.

Nonethelesss ,  I  argued  it  out  with  him , threatened  hm  with the  British  consul  and promised to  go  over  his  head  with my allegation of  assault . Eventually ,   three  burly policemen simply   picked  me  up ,  and  carried  me  300  metres to  the  nearest  cashpoint   in  Doms Laukums  and  then  sergeant  demanded   my   card  and  PIN ...

  I  ended up withdrawing £250   and  trying to  laugh  it  all off  when  the  sergeant  explained  that  they actually   really  did  need the  money   for  building  work on their  dacha  as  well  as a  boat they  wanted  to  buy   ......(  slavic black  humour )  . And then kindly  offered me  a ride  back  to  the hotel ...

When I recounted  a  highly  sanitised  version  of  this  to  the  hotel  receptionist  ,  she  insisted  on  showing me  where the  anti-corruption  office  was  on  Valdemara  , and  that  I MUST  make   a complaint ,  as Latvia  had just acceded  to   the  EU  and  is  NOT   a third  world  shit-hole .... that Riga  was getting  a bad  reputation  and that  this  could  eventually   ruin  their  booming  tourist  industry .

 Thus followed  a very bizarre ,   surreal  interview  with  a  uniformed  and very  pretty  anti-corruption officer , in  alternating   Russian  and  English  ....  still haunts  me  to  this day  !

 Oh  for  Paradise  Lost  of the  European  Union   ! 

Banned reason: Previously banned litovsk and posting bollocks again.
Banned by: daviemac


1 - In my Kiev hotel room, after doing the deed, I jumped in the shower as the WG was just about to leave. Being very careful to take my wallet into the bathroom with me.
Next morning, bright & early for the flight, I realised with mounting horror, that the stupid bitch had stolen my uniform cap & jacket from my wardrobe! So very embarrassed trying to explain that one to the (knowing, wink, wink) crew in the lobby :blush:

2 - In Kuala Lumpur - after no success finding 'the right' WG to take back to my room at the usual haunts (beach club etc) I received a reply from a lady on Viber or we-chat (cant remember) and, after several messages back & forth, establishing cost, services, pictures of her etc, she arrived at my door. Stunning looking 'lady' who, to keep this short, turned out to not be a lady at all  :vomit: as I discovered whilst actually in bed with her/him/he/she - fortunately, nothing had actually happened between us but, for the 1st time in many years, I actually lost my cool & stupidly got really angry, based on the fact that he/she had plenty of time to tell me he was TS - I was raging, took the money off the side & demanded he leave immediately - could have turned nasty but fortunately, didn't - cheeky fucker even requested some money for her/his time :thumbsdown:
I was still raging so I said "fuck off now or I'll call security" & he/she left without any more drama.
Well, you hear of it happening to other people but, WTF, I can't believe it happened to me :dash:

« Last Edit: February 23, 2021, 08:43:35 am by FLYING BLUE »

Offline notcalledchris

That would of made me want to smash the life out of her, or face fuck her out of existence.

I had a Hungarian tell me she hated black guys, I said “but I’m black” she said “you not black, baby” When I nutted in her mouth, she said your cum taste horrible, I just cracked up.

But I can see how you would of lost your wood.

Some E. Europeans and Russians may regard "black", in a negative, racist sense rather than just a skin colour, as referring to Roma Gypsies, rather than African-origin people.  They have a different history to the UK, France, US, Netherlands, Belgium.  Without being involved in the Atlantic slave trade, their racial prejudices, and the language of racial prejudice, found different targets. 

Offline simping

and I thought losing my keys was bad enough, some of these replies man. im dead!  :lol:

Offline rockharders

1)getting physically grabbed and stopped by hotel management on my way out after a punt in said hotel.

2)worst punt ever with a minger that smelt of a dead corpse.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2021, 04:05:40 pm by rockharders »

Online Silencio

Mid-way through the punt the WG went to a cupboard and got out a jar of leeches so she could "cure" my insect bite. I wish I was joking.

Offline Ed8472

A girl tried the “Badger trap” on me once. I should be clear I’ve punted for over 20 years and normally I research very carefully (not least by reading sites like this 👍) and this was the only time something like this had happened to me - so with care it never needs to happen.

But this time I’d made contact with a girl on SA (so couldn’t check for reviews etc) and she was keen to meet quickly and offered to meet at her place later the same day. This would set off alarm bells now and I now have an iron rule with SA to meet somewhere public for a get to know you chat as the first contact but this was before I leant that lesson so you are.

So I arrived at the house and was shown up to the bedroom, she took the money and popped out to “get a glass of water”. I was taking off my shoes when a guy walks in the bedroom saying he’s her cousin and what’s going on? I was gobsmacked but quickly worked out what was going on and put my shoes back on and made ready to make a sharp exit. As I was leaving the room I realised she’d left the money on the side so I swiped it back - the guy started to complain but fortunately he was definitely on the weedy side and not intimidating so I got out of there pronto. Without going into the detail it was definitely a scam, they just weren’t very good at it!

Overall it could have been a lot worse, if she’d taken the money with her I’d have had no chance of getting it back, so it falls into the “could have been a lot worse” category!

Offline localyokel

Years ago saw a WG in a brothel in Rochester - decent punt - then afterwards she couldn’t unlock the handcuffs she’d put on me. One of the Most anxious ten minutes of my life until she managed it..

Offline StingRay

Years ago saw a WG in a brothel in Rochester - decent punt - then afterwards she couldn’t unlock the handcuffs she’d put on me. One of the Most anxious ten minutes of my life until she managed it..

The thought of this really scares me, I could never even do tie & tease, let alone with handcuffs, even if it was with a regular that I had known forever. I originally read this as "wouldn't" rather than "couldn't" (unlock) but still scares the shit out of me!!

Everyone to their own though, just gives me the willies!  :thumbsdown:
« Last Edit: February 24, 2021, 03:59:39 pm by StingRay »

Offline alabama1

Unwittingly knocked a scab off my knee once and bled all over the wg's white sheets. Looked like a scene from some horror film. She was great about it though, bless her. Feel like i should mention her personally as my way of an apology for her not throwing a strop. :D

Offline emraw

In a late night parlour once sat in the waiting area with one of my dad's best mates. Wasn't that bad he just started chatting to me like we were in a pub

Offline twotight

In a late night parlour once sat in the waiting area with one of my dad's best mates. Wasn't that bad he just started chatting to me like we were in a pub

could of been worse

Online SirSpank-a-Lot

I was visiting a SP when her teenage son arrives home early from work.  It's a small flat and I'm in the bedroom.  You have to go through the lounge/kitchen to get to the front door where my shoes are.

SP says pretend you are a plumber looking at my dodgy boiler.

Surreal but, whilst I was putting my shoes back on, I did manage to come up with something about getting a quote over to her.

The son sat on the sofa drinking a coke.

Offline bigboy96

Halfway through a massage I suddenly wanted a pee. Off I go to the toilet at the end of the corridor. On way back I opened the door, and heard a scream! I was a door too soon! From what I very briefly saw, it was all ok. She was massaging his back.  I quickly said sorry, walked into the right room to find the girl with her hand over her mouth trying not too laugh too loudly!

Offline Buttons

About 12 years ago booked a last min session around 9pm in Lincoln. Was out that way for work. Just wanted a shag so fired off loads of AW messages saying “are you free” etc.

Got an answer back, SP looked ok, maybe 7.5 out of 10, and the price was good. Good reviews so I went for it. Post code sent, jumped in the car and ended up on a nice modern non descriptive housing development not too far from the city centre. Not rough at all, but not high end. Parked, texted for the house number, and then for some reason I couldn’t find the exact house. It’s dark and the street lights aren’t great. Spend 5 mins trying to work out which one was the right place when another text arrives saying “are you coming?”. So took a guess, knowing I was about right, walked up the path and rang the door bell.

Nice enough bloke opens the door, could see the tv on in the lounge down the corridor. Probably some drama or documentary etc. “Yes” he says

“Oh hi, I’m here to see Laura”. (Can’t remember her name, so Laura will do for the purpose of the story).

Being polite to me he says “Who?”.

“Laura” I answer. “I have a booking with her”. At this point I’m working on the assumption this is Laura’s partner home from a day at work, had his tea and he’s crashed out in front of the TV with Laura waiting upstairs for me in sexy knickers, stockings etc. I’ve been in this sort of situation before and it doesn’t bother me. In fact quite sexy thinking I’m fucking some blokes wife whilst he’s downstairs watching TV. As long as he’s cool with it and not about to burst in demand the money and I get out. So I’m feeling confident when I tell him I have a booking with Laura.

Still being polite he answer “Sorry, there’s no Laura here”.

Like a muppet, and beginning to think I’ve been messed around and won’t be getting a shag that evening, I say “She’s just sent me the postcode”. Why the fuck didn’t I just say sorry, walk away and call Laura?

Polite guy confirms I have the right postcode.

I say “and I texted to say I’m here and she sent me the house number just now”. Fuck knows what I was thinking by this point. Maybe that I was passing some elaborate test to enter the house and fuck his missis, that I was about to hear “You are worthy, come in my friend, you have won the right to have sex with Laura”.

Polite guy again “What’s the house number?”

“24” (I don’t actually recall, but 24 will do).

Polite guy “That’s next door mate” and starts to close the door.

Ha ha, I am a muppet.

As I start to walk back down the path, polite guy opens the door again “Tell Lisa (obviously her real name) to get her house number sign replaced, you are the 4th bloke this week who’s knocked on the wrong door”. Door starts to close again as polite guy calls out “Have fun, she’s a goer is that one”. Ha ha, wanted the pavement to open up and swallow me.

Went to knock on the right door. Laura answers laughing. “I was watching you through the window. Dave (another made up name) won’t mind, but he’s a wind up artist. I must get my sign sorted out”  :lol:

Had a good punt. Managed two pops in an hour. First whilst I was fucking her, second cim. Didn’t see her again, can’t remember her name, not entirely my kind of woman, but had a fun fuck for an hour at a decent price. Not bad for a spur of the moment booking. Couple of years later her profile disappeared.

If anyone remembers a short to medium height blonde, short hair, late 40’s maybe early 50’s, not fat but with a slightly curvy figure, worked from home, a nice enough newish build terrace house on an estate north east side of Lincoln, not too far from the A46, going back 12 years or thereabouts, maybe you met Dave as well  :lol:
« Last Edit: February 28, 2021, 06:17:29 pm by Buttons »

Offline Watts.E.Dunn

As I start to walk back down the path, polite guy opens the door again “Tell Lisa (obviously her real name) to get her house number sign replaced, you are the 4th bloke this week who’s knocked on the wrong door”. Door starts to close again as polite guy calls out “Have fun, she’s a goer is that one”. Ha ha, wanted the pavement to open up and swallow me.

LIke it:) One thing i have done witrh some sucess is to ask her to switch the bedroom lights on and off a few times, that has often indicated where to knock to start 'a knockin!!

Offline Generalstockinghead

Saw Olivia at Cherry's lounge in Stoke a good few years ago and she was a dirty little bitch those days and had me on all 4s licking my arsehole spotlessly clean and wanking me hard at the same time.  Bagged up and fucked her till I filled the bag, all great.

Ahhh why is the bag full of blood? Fuck that's not good.

Got my self out of there quick and home for a shower, inspecting the little general and found my banjo string had snapped, no doubt when I was getting some aggressive hand action.  One sore prick later and an interesting conversation with the other half about zip related accident and a few weeks off the nest for me.

Offline Metalgear2018

I was with some escort and she lost a dildo up my bum. i spent literally about an hour trying to get it out and she didn't do much, apart from get some heavy pliers. Yeah, that's nimble enough to cause enough no harm to my rectum and colon....
she didn't even call a taxi for me to take to the A&E. luckily I got it out, but then she caused an action and didn't give a shit. and I was a regular but apparently she got tired of me. whatever, there are plenty of other people to visit now.

This can't be true.

Offline Home Alone

As I start to walk back down the path, polite guy opens the door again “Tell Lisa (obviously her real name) to get her house number sign replaced, you are the 4th bloke this week who’s knocked on the wrong door”. Door starts to close again as polite guy calls out “Have fun, she’s a goer is that one”. Ha ha, wanted the pavement to open up and swallow me.

LIke it:) One thing i have done witrh some sucess is to ask her to switch the bedroom lights on and off a few times, that has often indicated where to knock to start 'a knockin!!

Perhaps not so discreet/effective in daytime??

Offline Watts.E.Dunn

Offline Home Alone

In that case, "Whatever works for you, . . ."

Offline Rick2468

I don't think I've had any shocking experiences. Worst thing I can think of was going to a meet at a hotel and getting a text with the room number and that it is on the 8th floor. I call the lift and can tell from the display that the lift stops at floor 8. The lift then arrives and a guy walks out and looks at me, I go into the lift and he looks over his shoulder at me. It's pretty obvious he is the WGs boyfriend or pimp. He wasn't an intimidating looking guy but just felt that making eye contact with him was a bit unnerving.

Another time I travelled to meet a WG, she gave me details of the nearest station. I then called her when I got there and she had only just returned to London from Brazil. She have me an address, I knocked on the door and a woman answered and said "hi!". I could tell it was the wrong address so I just said "sorry wrong address". I then called the WG and she said she didn't know the address and she was looking out the window and describing landmarks she could see. I did still try and find her but it was obvious fairly quickly I was not going to find her so I aborted. The woman was called Bruna I think and she looked fucking fit and had good reviews so I was gutted not to see her. Her location was really awkward for me to get to as well and involved 3 different tube lines.

On a different punt the WG gets a phone call from the previous punter. On his way out he took the wrong turn and ended up in the communal garden area and couldn't get out. The WG had to ask one of the other ladies to go and help him out and then she pointed at me and said "When you leave make sure you go through the left door and not the right!" and was clearly stressed but she composed herself fairly quickly so the punt was not ruined.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2021, 09:57:21 am by Rick2468 »

Offline Rick2468

Ah the lady who I couldn't find the address for wasn't called Bruna she was DIVASEXY4U. She looked a cracker.;id=10889

Offline Bandasun

I found a punt with one of the handful of agencies in the East Midlands. I had booked a room at one of the chain hotels: can't remember which one (doesn't matter).

There were only a couple of agencies and I booked one of their best-reviewed girls. Then sat and waited. The scheduled time approached and I got the 'I'm delayed' message. This then went on for the next two hours. I had written-off the meet. Then she appeared at the door; clearly stoned and off her trolley. Being the moral gent I am, I stuck right in. But she was also very vocal, in a hotel with walls like a Kyoto Tea House.

So, session done, and hungry, I suggested dinner together. She said yes. So we set off to the restaurant. As we left the room, the room next door left too - two senior ladies who clearly had listened to everything. My 'companion' was blissfully unaware - still three sheets - and still fekkin loud. But the two senior ladies gave me daggers.

Taught me a lesson: if they arrive late, drunk/stoned and loud - ditch them.

Offline Straightsix

I have been robbed on at least 3 noteworthy occasions. One of which I reviewed.

I met a SP who seemed a bit displaced and the booking communication was sporadic. When I entered her hotel room this lady was stunning in a classy barbie doll playboy way. Way too good-looking. She wore lingerie which looked very expensive, I'm no expert but it was top notch. She seemed awkward so I approached her, dropped to my knees and had an obligatory sniff of her pussy before sticking my tongue in. I parted her lips and noticed a bright red tinge. 'Im not going there' i thought.
Durex on, I lay her on her back and started shafting away. She brought her knees together restricting penetration, I also noticed I was losing sensation. I asked "are you OK?" She replied "yes". It was then I looked down and saw blood all over my cock. She must of noticed the shock on my face and said "I've just finished my period" . Unsure of how to proceed considering its a tad late for a refund brawl I reinserted, lay down on top of her so I couldn't see and continued to pursue the objective. I could hear squelching and squirting. I managed to ejaculate with a functional climax.
I got up and there was blood everywhere, all over her expensive underwear, the towel, the bedsheets and my groin, inner thighs. This was more like the beginning of her period rather than the end.
I don't have an issue fucking during menstruation. A warning would of been most welcome however.
I still cannot unsee the moment I looked down and saw the blood all over my nether region, her expensive natural coloured stockings and porcelain skin. Although a trivial matter the memory of the instant shock still disturbs me. I really thought my bell end had detached.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2021, 12:05:07 pm by Straightsix »
Banned reason: Warned before but doesn’t seem to learn
Banned by: Kev40ish

Offline sparkus

Other than the usual balking at poor or unfortunate hygiene incidents:

- as I reviewed on here before, the time I fired jizz into the eye of a reluctant/inept newbie masseuse, who ran screaming into the shop reception
- when I had teeth straighteners in and caught a small flap of skin on the wire while giving RO and being face-fucked, she didn't seem to notice but I was very aware I was now attached to her and one false move could end up hurting her, fortunately a flick of the tongue managed to extract it

Offline sparkus

I was visiting a SP when her teenage son arrives home early from work.  It's a small flat and I'm in the bedroom.  You have to go through the lounge/kitchen to get to the front door where my shoes are.

SP says pretend you are a plumber looking at my dodgy boiler.

Surreal but, whilst I was putting my shoes back on, I did manage to come up with something about getting a quote over to her.

The son sat on the sofa drinking a coke.

Had several incidents with offspring of WGs, ranging from good (I stayed ages and played PS4 with him) through to weird (he followed me from the house after I walked).  Both WGs were African.

Offline willie loman

 had a good few interuptions, and girls hopping off, to talk to their teenage son, fedex man, police at the door, step mum calling through letter box, this goes with the territory when you punt on council estates, once when doing 69, an egg cup full of liquid leaked into my  mouth, it tasted and smelt off, it appears the girl had had a long soak in the bath before my arrival, it was bath water.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2021, 09:14:03 pm by willie loman »

Offline JonnyJ

Two incidents both related; banged a girl from HoD in MK and she was on her period, blood everywhere and freaked me the fuck out. Second time was aboard and had a girl in my room all night, everything going well, more a GF than a working girl. We were drinking and partying and at around 3 am she decided to sit on my face for ages. No biggie as I like that a lot. Deed done and we both fall asleep, Wake up the next morning and it looked like I’d been in a knife fight. Dried blood all over my face and chest and on the pillows and sheets. Was a difficult conversation with the maids, but we laughed a lot about it..not. Spent the day getting wasted in the local bars with her so she didnt feel too bad. Good times  :D
« Last Edit: March 01, 2021, 10:25:50 pm by JonnyJ »

Offline sparkus

Only once removed dick from WG to find red streaks on condom :vomit:

Had enough issues with civvies from my teens onwards putting a hopeful hand down a crotch to find an unreported warm and sticky mass :dash:

Offline Watts.E.Dunn

Yes had a new civvie when i was younger she was a real goer really was, one night her room was dark money in the meter ran out so we were at it like werbits she was very wet..

In the morning well as you can imagine looked like a WW1 battlefield.

Her take on it?

Yeah, i get really carried away when i'm on!!

As regards WG's aren't they all on the pill to reduce the monthy bleed?  Can't say the last time there was any sign of having the decorators in!...
« Last Edit: March 01, 2021, 11:15:07 pm by Watts.E.Dunn »

Offline Tender.french.kiss

Two issues (similar to some already reported):

My first punt ever, many years ago. During a long business trip abroad. Was a bit surprised by the MO there. Called an agency, ask for a girl to come. They send you 2 girls by taxi and you pick the one you prefer right in the middle of the street in front of everybody. Felt very awkward. But my little fella was running the show so I picked up a stunning young girl in her very early 20s. She did not speak a work of English and I knew nothing of hers apart from Da Niet and Spassiba. After a drink some google translate small talk, we're into the action. After mutual oral I end up pounding that beauty real hard in mish with her knees spread and up. Feeling incredible. I guess she's enjoying it too as her torso is all blushing and her breathing is erratic. The feeling is great, did not remember that it was so good with rubber on. I want to enjoy the view and look down. The condom had been destroyed. That's why the sensations were so good. The girl freaks out, goes in the bathroom for nearly 10 minutes. She looked so health conscious and clean (already had a shower before we started) that I was not too worried. By the time she's back in the room I had covered my little man with some rubber bought in the UK before the trip ad we went back to business for the rest of my hour.
Luckily that 'cattle market' selection of the girls in the street and that mechanical incident did not put me off punting.

a few years later.
A nice looking EE girl I had found on VS and vetted by phone. Turned out obviously looking different from the pictures on her profile, but nice and very gentle and accommodating nevertheless. After a bit of BJ, and a nice RO to get her properly in the mood the meeting focused on our pre-agreed program: drill her ass in as many positions as possible. Mish, doggy, RCG. We were well into it when suddenly huge bangs on the door. Like someone trying to break into. What's going on? I am a bit apprehensive. The girl looks apologetic, leaves the bedroom and close the door behind her. I feel a bit trapped. At least I am glad that the very few belongings I had (phone and keys) were with me in the bedroom and not left in the flat entrance (will always keep with me. Take them to the bathroom if I have a shower). A minute or two later she's back. Managed to fence off the Sergei. She's still nice and willing and surprisingly I have not lost too much wood so we resume the exploration of her chocolate starfish in squatting CG and prone bone.

Looking at it in hindsight I was quite lucky it was not an attempted robbery or whatever other unpleasant experience. Realised I had been quite lucky. Never really found out why the Sergei was interfering right in the middle of her earning the dough. Felt sorry for that girl who was really trying to do her best but was also apparently used to these unwanted interruptions. Opened my eyes a bit more on the fact some girls are not fully independent. Have since upped my due diligence and selection criteria to try to minimise the risk of similar things happening again. But in that hobby of ours I guess you'll never be 200% safe. But I guess that the slight possibility of a risk, the novelty and excitement of fucking a new girl each time are strong motivations to carry on despite the risks
« Last Edit: March 02, 2021, 10:07:12 am by Tender.french.kiss »

Offline simping

Had several incidents with offspring of WGs, ranging from good (I stayed ages and played PS4 with him) through to weird (he followed me from the house after I walked).  Both WGs were African.

I had a SP son open the door for me when I arrived at the house, thought I had the wrong door! Turned around and gave her a call only to be told to make my way back at that house, this time she opened and rushed me straight upstairs...ruined the moment, my head was elsewhere and couldn't get it up. Left after 20mins into an hour punt and told her to keep the money as I felt bad?

Offline antsz

I haven't punted for a while and had a little bit of nerve's beforehand but nothing bad.  As it was a morning appointment I just had a banana and a can of red bull on the drive down.
 I'm not naming the WG I saw as it will be obvious who I am if she's on here, but whilst kissing a massive burp came out of no where  :lol:
 I didn't know what to do apart from say sorry and laugh.... She didn't laugh.
 After this it was a bit of a struggle and ended up being an ok punt instead of a good punt.
Never had this problem in civvy life  or punting before. :hi:

Offline TotalRecall

This happened pre-punt; I was in Birmingham for work for a few days in 2018 and aranged to meet with a girl who was working out of a block of flats in a council estate. I misread the flat number when she texted me the address as 4b or something like that, so made my way to the flat, knocked on the door and was greeted by some woman in her mid 50's. I stood at the front door all confused for a moment and after a second I asked for Rachel (I think that was the name), and the lady just rolled her eyes at me and told me "you want 4d" before slamming the door in my face.

Told "Rachel" of my mistake once I made it to her flat and she just laughed it off and said it was fine as her neighbours knew what she did.

Online daviemac

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I haven't punted for a while and had a little bit of nerve's beforehand but nothing bad.  As it was a morning appointment I just had a banana and a can of red bull on the drive down.
 I'm not naming the WG I saw as it will be obvious who I am if she's on here, but whilst kissing a massive burp came out of no where  :lol:
 I didn't know what to do apart from say sorry and laugh.... She didn't laugh.
 After this it was a bit of a struggle and ended up being an ok punt instead of a good punt.
Never had this problem in civvy life  or punting before. :hi:
I've merged this with the existing thread on the subject.

Offline antsz

I've merged this with the existing thread on the subject.
cheers Davie

Offline YoungerStill

Failed getting hard £150 down the drain  :dash:

Offline Ihateaero

I occasionally have girls come to my house - it turns me on massively. My favourite at the time came and we had an amazing session in the spare room. All was fine - i tidied up as I always do, but didn’t check the pillows too carefully. My Mrs occasionally sleeps in the spare room if I’m snoring, but it was a few days later, and I chose the spare room as I had an early start the next day. As I’m getting into bed, I see a fair few long jet black hairs from the wg I’d banged a few days previously. My wife has long blonde hair..
My game was nearly up!!! That still shits me up when I think of that one!