Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: How to get out of a session  (Read 2192 times)

Offline smilealltheway

Guys need some help just can’t seem to say no get to a punt and obviously I know the pictures are to good to be true however the other body parts have other ideas, and when you are there I am just not turned on by the other person and think I have been totally scammed and can’t think of a proper excuse and really nervous to just walk out, what do you guys do and how can I improve?


"Sorry, I simply can't go through with this, and I'm really sorry to have wasted your time"

I've done that before when I have felt bad for the lady.

"Nope, sorry, this isn't right at all" - when I've been taken for a ride

Have the courage of your convictions

Offline winkywanky

Guys need some help just can’t seem to say no get to a punt and obviously I know the pictures are to good to be true however the other body parts have other ideas, and when you are there I am just not turned on by the other person and think I have been totally scammed and can’t think of a proper excuse and really nervous to just walk out, what do you guys do and how can I improve?

You could always tell them you suddenly realised there's a humongous pandemic going on, and that you'd suddenly developed a social conscience?

Offline OakTree

I'm afraid you're just going to have to grow a pair. If you're not happy at what now beholds you once she's opened that door then just think about the wedge of money you're about to hand over and just say to yourself


About turn and head back to the car.

Offline Adoniron

You need to walk away when you're on the doorstep. Once you're inside its much more difficult.

Offline Yankee41

It would depend on the level of deception i felt has been dealt.  Sometimes i leave on good terms and even give them some money for my error in judgement others times i make sure they know they fucked up. 
My most memorable one was a bait and switch in woking.  I assumed it was the maid taking me but when we got to the room she stayed and said she was the girls replacement.  I tried to leave politely but she locked the door until i paid her.  That was a mistake on her part that she quickly realized.  I wasnt locked in with her, she was locked in with me.  Once she figured that out with a little persuation she opened the door and ran.  I just casually walked out.

Offline Thephoenix

I'm not as brave as some on here, but  'Oh sorry!... I've just realised I've left my wallet in the car', works just as well.

Offline cueball

For me, once I've entered, I've decided to go ahead.

The walk decision takes place on the doorstep.

Offline RAJEC

Just ask for an absolute shocker of an extra that she will likely say no to. As soon as she says no, you’ve got your marching orders  :cool:

Offline xyfek

You can always say you left your wallet in the car :D

Offline Watts.E.Dunn


"Sorry but i couldnt find a local cash machine that worked,  do you know where i might find one as i'm new to this area"

Offline OakTree

For me, once I've entered, I've decided to go ahead.

The walk decision takes place on the doorstep.

Exactly. You know as soon as the door opens. Once you're in, you're in.

Offline oap69

Feel your wallet. say you forgot to go to the cash machine, ask where the nearest one is and walk out.
It's worked for me in the past when I've been to a place that's either filthy or don't like the look of the WG.

Offline hungrypunt

Soon as youve done it once, you ll be fine.

Offline Jonestown

Just start coughing, you'll be shown the door in a flash.

Offline Londonpunter30

Don’t forget to come on here afterwards and post a review, or no wait that seems to be something you’ve forgotten after every punt

Online daviemac

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Don’t forget to come on here afterwards and post a review, or no wait that seems to be something you’ve forgotten after every punt
Who is that aimed at? every poster on this thread has reviews to their name.   :unknown:

Offline Jimmyredcab

You can always say you left your wallet in the car :D

I must have done that 40 times in a 40 year period, never had a problem even though they realise what you are doing.  :hi:

Offline Londonpunter30

Who is that aimed at? every poster on this thread has reviews to their name.   :unknown:

Too early in the morning, I misread 10 as 0.  Apologies to the OP

Offline Hobbit

Guys need some help just can’t seem to say no get to a punt and obviously I know the pictures are to good to be true however the other body parts have other ideas, and when you are there I am just not turned on by the other person and think I have been totally scammed and can’t think of a proper excuse and really nervous to just walk out, what do you guys do and how can I improve?

Just say "shit! I've left my wallet in my car. Let me go and get it". And then not come back. If you don't, and end up going through with it then you will need a cold shower when you get home. I remember seeing a 60+ hooker a few years ago who said she was in her late 30's, early 40's. I didn't walk and it was horrible. I'm scared from that forever as the sex was crap and I shagged a granny.  :scare:

Offline CrazyStone

Just say "shit! I've left my wallet in my car. Let me go and get it". And then not come back. If you don't, and end up going through with it then you will need a cold shower when you get home. I remember seeing a 60+ hooker a few years ago who said she was in her late 30's, early 40's. I didn't walk and it was horrible. I'm scared from that forever as the sex was crap and I shagged a granny.  :scare:

Just think of it as being like Wayne Rooney, Premier League legend and self-perceived punting icon  :lol:

Offline Brumish

Take a miniature bottle of your favourite tipple. Once you know you've been duped, drink the contents and think of Israel. Every hole is a goal  :drinks:

Offline Gordon Bennett

Guys need some help just can’t seem to say no get to a punt and obviously I know the pictures are to good to be true however the other body parts have other ideas, and when you are there I am just not turned on by the other person and think I have been totally scammed and can’t think of a proper excuse and really nervous to just walk out, what do you guys do and how can I improve?

I can't argue with above advice about walking but do you think you might have a bigger problem that involves uncontrolled impulsive punting without performing the necessary "due diligence" beforehand.

Slow down, count to 10 and put a bit more thought/planning into who you book. Booking willy-nilly on a whim and then walking wastes your time AND it wastes her time too - it's pretty shabby all round.

The biggest thing to accept is sometimes there just isn't a decent lady available. On these occasions do not lower your standards, just have a wank.

Offline luv2kiss54

Exactly. You know as soon as the door opens. Once you're in, you're in.

The trouble with this is they usually hide behind the door so you dont get a good look until your inside.

Offline HornyHemel

Early on in my punting career I was too naive and/or scared to walk out, but soon learned after a number of piss poor punts. 

If i am seeing a new WG, I always confirm the services that I am after and walk if she says that she doesn't offer the required service.   If it's a case of not finding her hot enough, either be honest or say you left something in your car etc, it's far easier than getting down to action then realising that she doesn't float your boat etc and trying to plead for a refund....  :scare:

Offline smilealltheway

Thank you all for some great advice

Offline Londonpunter30

Guess it depends if you are just dealing wit the SP , or suspect there is a Sergei onsite.  If you are worried about safety that affects how you turn the girl down.

Offline Mkhelen

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I'm having second thoughts I can't go through with it I really do love my wife  :wackogirl:

Just say no thank you and turn round and leave

Offline smiths

For me, once I've entered, I've decided to go ahead.

The walk decision takes place on the doorstep.

Its the main way it occurs with me, but I have walked many times from inside the WGs place, most often having not paid but on occasion after paying and being told fuck off you cunt when I asked for my money back. :rolleyes:

Offline smiths

Guys need some help just can’t seem to say no get to a punt and obviously I know the pictures are to good to be true however the other body parts have other ideas, and when you are there I am just not turned on by the other person and think I have been totally scammed and can’t think of a proper excuse and really nervous to just walk out, what do you guys do and how can I improve?

I always punt knowing I have a plan B option and so its clear I do not mean I double book. I know if I walk from plan A I can ring a regular and she will be able to see me usually straight away, at most in a couple of hours.

I just walk I don't care what the WG may think, I walk due to being lied to, the WG having a bad attitude before I have paid her. Rarely do I walk as I don't fancy the WG, I have a very strong stomach which I see as a positive nowadays.

Offline lillythesavage

I always punt knowing I have a plan B option and so its clear I do not mean I double book. I know if I walk from plan A I can ring a regular and she will be able to see me usually straight away, at most in a couple of hours.

I just walk I don't care what the WG may think, I walk due to being lied to, the WG having a bad attitude before I have paid her. Rarely do I walk as I don't fancy the WG, I have a very strong stomach which I see as a positive nowadays.

If the goods are not as advertised or not something you can live with you have every right to walk, you would not buy anything else that was not as described or did not work for you.

Offline twotight

You could always tell them you suddenly realised there's a humongous pandemic going on, and that you'd suddenly developed a social conscience?

More like a pandemic of WG that don't show a accurate or up to date picture  :mad:

all you have to say is "NO" after all they have already wasted your time so don't let them wasted your money to

Offline spartacusf

I'm a polite chap, and I think come across as genuine.  I don't duck it, I say 'sorry, you're not the kind of girl I was expecting'.  Even inside the room.  No-one has ever had a problem with that and given me grief, but I avoid the dodgy end of the market. 

Offline Trotter671

I'm a polite chap, and I think come across as genuine.  I don't duck it, I say 'sorry, you're not the kind of girl I was expecting'.  Even inside the room.  No-one has ever had a problem with that and given me grief, but I avoid the dodgy end of the market.

That's how I approach it if it's a B&S. Mind you there was one lass a ages ago who was good looking (not the girl in the pics though!) - was more interested in her phone than speaking to me when I got in the door. I told her exactly that and said I was leaving and off I went.

Offline Gordon Bennett

I always punt knowing I have a plan B option and so its clear I do not mean I double book. I know if I walk from plan A I can ring a regular and she will be able to see me usually straight away, at most in a couple of hours.

I just walk I don't care what the WG may think, I walk due to being lied to, the WG having a bad attitude before I have paid her. Rarely do I walk as I don't fancy the WG, I have a very strong stomach which I see as a positive nowadays.

Fair enough. OP seems to infer it's not an isolated thing though. In that context I'm simply saying he might need to look at his method of picking them.

Offline silverspoon

When a WG opened her door looking 20 yrs older than stated, I asked, is your daughter In?,she told me to fuck off and slammed the door!

Offline Alanroy

I used the "wallet in the car trick" when I was greener and less confident about punting. Now if I'm in any doubt before I arrive (eg. if the ad was on VS) I leave their advert open on my phone, and if when the pictures turn out to be a bunch of shite, take the phone out and let them know this is who I was expecting. Thankfully only had to do this twice. And one of those times I stayed anyway...

Otherwise, honesty wins - sorry, I was looking forward to this service / girl / outfit / whatever.

Offline Coriniumstud

I’ve walked once as it was b+s and that was before I entered the premises

Offline winkywanky

When a WG opened her door looking 20 yrs older than stated, I asked, is your daughter In?,she told me to fuck off and slammed the door!

 :lol:  :lol:

Offline twotight

Offline Bonker

Some punters on here would have asked if her mother was in.

Offline Shel1234

Pretend you misread the 1hr price.

Pretend you’re short by like £40

Tell her you’re going down the road to get the rest of the money out, then just don’t return.


Offline Stiltskin

Pretend you misread the 1hr price.

Pretend you’re short by like £40

Tell her you’re going down the road to get the rest of the money out, then just don’t return.


I tried that once and unintentionally got a £20 discount, she just said she'd take what I had.
It was a walkup, so she wasn't expecting me to return.

Offline Sheraton

I've walked a few times and usually say something like, "sorry, I can't do this.  I'm really sorry".  The WG usually gives a look of pity.  Each time I have walked it has been because the WG is not what I had envisaged or I've had a bad vibe.

Offline Doc Holliday

To my shame out of many many hundreds of potential occasions, I have only ever walked twice (both for very complex reasons)

If she had a pulse .....

The 'wallet' excuse is, as we know, very well known by SP's.

The other problem with 'walking' is in terms of AW feedback. If labelled a time waster it may cause future problems.

Offline Mr Sinister

I tried that once and unintentionally got a £20 discount, she just said she'd take what I had.
It was a walkup, so she wasn't expecting me to return.
I used to make excuses like this or make bizzare requests. Soon as they say no, walk. But also got a discount once off some fat ugly prossie who begged me to stay as I was walking out so I went ahead with it. Turned out to be a decent punt through, she gave a good service and let me CIM.

Now I just tell it like its is and walk, if a wg doesn't stack up, provide a certain service or whatever I walk. Always better to have the money still in your wallet for another day than wasting it on a shit punt.

Offline Brumish

Some punters on here would have asked if her mother was in.

By some you mean HP

Offline Haruki

I can't argue with above advice about walking but do you think you might have a bigger problem that involves uncontrolled impulsive punting without performing the necessary "due diligence" beforehand.

Slow down, count to 10 and put a bit more thought/planning into who you book. Booking willy-nilly on a whim and then walking wastes your time AND it wastes her time too - it's pretty shabby all round.

The biggest thing to accept is sometimes there just isn't a decent lady available. On these occasions do not lower your standards, just have a wank.

Agree with this.  I have only walked once when I was victim to a very obvious bait and switch.  I do as much homework as I can before booking a new lass so mostly avoid these situations

Offline Bonker

By some you mean HP
I wasn't casting aspersions at anyone. Some punters prefer older WGs, I got no problem with that. HP is a stand up guy and I enjoy his posts.

Offline Brumish

I wasn't casting aspersions at anyone. Some punters prefer older WGs, I got no problem with that. HP is a stand up guy and I enjoy his posts.

Absolutely  :drinks: