Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Sneaking out of the house late at night to punt  (Read 5459 times)

Offline Metalgear2018

Has anyone booked a punt last minute late at night after 10pm and sneaked out while your wife/girlfriend is at home?

I scroll through AW late at night and sometimes I just want to jump in my car a punt. Even more so when my partner is to tired for sex. The closest to me for a punt is 15 min drive.  But I need a good excuse to my partner to leave the house.

I was thinking of taking the dog for a walk as an excuse or saying I need to put petrol in the car because I have a busy day tomorrow.

Offline itk

Has anyone booked a punt last minute late at night after 10pm and sneaked out while your wife/girlfriend is at home?

I scroll through AW late at night and sometimes I just want to jump in my car a punt. Even more so when my partner is to tired for sex. The closest to me for a punt is 15 min drive.  But I need a good excuse to my partner to leave the house.

I was thinking of taking the dog for a walk as an excuse or saying I need to put petrol in the car because I have a busy day tomorrow.

Never done that, wouldn’t want to take the risk. Closest I’ve come is punting while on holiday and she was shopping, I nipped off up the road to spend €80 on something far better than a new pair of shoes

Online threechilliman

Never do anything out of the usual that might arose suspicion would be my advice.

Offline JontyR

15 minutes there, 15 minutes back, how long would be your preferred punt?

You need to start talking about a mate from work with a snooker table.


Has anyone booked a punt last minute late at night after 10pm and sneaked out while your wife/girlfriend is at home?

I scroll through AW late at night and sometimes I just want to jump in my car a punt. Even more so when my partner is to tired for sex. The closest to me for a punt is 15 min drive.  But I need a good excuse to my partner to leave the house.

I was thinking of taking the dog for a walk as an excuse or saying I need to put petrol in the car because I have a busy day tomorrow.
be careful mate, this is literally why my mother learned to drive

Offline sparkus

Loads of times with different OHs, only once came to grief as she couldn't understand why I needed to be out at 2am (and the punt was shit to boot).  We didn't last much longer than that anyway, were always arguing.

The last time OH was passed out drunk and a friend who'd came over was quite worse for wear and needed walking to station.  I then felt need to get on the train with him and managed to squeeze in a quick b2b massage not that far away.  She was still laid in clothes snoring when I got back.

Offline Metalgear2018

15 minutes there, 15 minutes back, how long would be your preferred punt?

You need to start talking about a mate from work with a snooker table.

30mins punt will do me

Offline sparkus

Where I used to live in East London there were tons of flat brothels and even the odd sauna.  The worst grief I came to was early in my punting career when I walked out of a brothel (it had a cage door and looked ropey as fuck), straight into the path of a mate who was on his way to the same place as me.  I'd just emptied myself into a Brazilian, was a bit dazed and he asked what I was doing in there.  On the spot all I could think of was 'drugs' and said it was somewhere you could go for a bit of sniff and he seemed to buy this but then said 'Go on, give us some'.  I gave a lame excuse about how I'd just had a quick hit in there rather than bought enough to share.  This was Hackney Road so otherwise quite believable!

Offline The Outsider

Has anyone booked a punt last minute late at night after 10pm and sneaked out while your wife/girlfriend is at home?

I scroll through AW late at night and sometimes I just want to jump in my car a punt. Even more so when my partner is to tired for sex. The closest to me for a punt is 15 min drive.  But I need a good excuse to my partner to leave the house.

I was thinking of taking the dog for a walk as an excuse or saying I need to put petrol in the car because I have a busy day tomorrow.

This is why online porn was invented - to stop you from doing something stupid like leaving the house for a punt at 2am.   ;)

Offline sparkus

This is why online porn was invented - to stop you from doing something stupid like leaving the house for a punt at 2am.   ;)

Late ones have been rare but when I first 'discovered' punting I'd often pop to a sauna at 6am or 7am to relieve hangover horn (having gone to sleep persuading myself I didn't need a drunken punt as I could do that), these were 24/7 operations in theory but I guarantee if you rang that bell at 6am you'd get one or two bleary eyed WGs who'd agree to it, with three others peering round the corner in skimpies thinking "Sad fucker".  I always wondered when the morning shift really started (apparently after 1am you'd get the odd pissed bloke staggering in but no real punters).

Offline Marmalade

How many p4ps do you actually know that work past 11pm? Not that many in a majority of places I think. 

Offline MrMatrix

Never do anything out of the usual that might arose suspicion would be my advice.
Way too risky IMO.  :thumbsdown:

Offline Jerk Chicken

Echo many of the other posts way too risky.

Can’t think of an excuse that will not arouse suspicion post 11pm so I could sneak out for a punt and roll back into bed circa 12:30am.

Plus even with a post punt shower I would be simply to paranoid if there is any other “evidence” on me that I have failed to notice in my rush to get back home.

« Last Edit: December 06, 2020, 08:03:55 am by Jerk Chicken »
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Offline abc--123

This is the exact reason I only get to punt once maybe twice a year if I'm lucky. It's not worth the risk of getting caught and I have no good excuse to be out of the house for that long.

I wait until she isn't around and then go punt.

Offline CanOfRedBull

Surely if you are that desperate for a punt wouldn’t it just be easier to split up wit the other half  :unknown:

Offline Payyourwaymate

Has anyone booked a punt last minute late at night after 10pm and sneaked out while your wife/girlfriend is at home?

I scroll through AW late at night and sometimes I just want to jump in my car a punt. Even more so when my partner is to tired for sex. The closest to me for a punt is 15 min drive.  But I need a good excuse to my partner to leave the house.

I was thinking of taking the dog for a walk as an excuse or saying I need to put petrol in the car because I have a busy day tomorrow.

It's a lose-lose situation however you look at it. If you normally don't go out in the middle of the night any excuse will immediately arouse suspicion. If you go and have a great punt and come back all happy and giddy it will probably show and you'll find yourself in an argument or interrogation. If you slipped up and smelt of perfume or seem a bit ruffled clothes wise or sudden marks on your're busted. If you come back from a shit punt, it will probably also show and once again you maybe subject to questioning. Worse still, with having a shit punt you have wasted your time and money on top of taking the risk of blowing your cover with your OH.

It's not worth it.

Offline Metalgear2018

Thanks for the advice guys. I will have a wank instead. less risky.

Offline sparkus

Surely if you are that desperate for a punt wouldn’t it just be easier to split up wit the other half  :unknown:

Or put your dick in her instead, if allowed.

Offline Redpunter

Wouldn’t run the risk my OH was a bloodhound in another life and would smell another woman off me at 20 yards.
Although I have punted on holiday in Spain while she took a bit of sun, I returned suitably covered in tanning lotion to mask any evidence.
Like most of the married men on here if my OH would even give me a hint of sex I wouldn’t have to sneak out to get it behind her back.
All my liaisons are preplanned with precision as I don’t want to go to my grave ball less.

Offline Jonestown

This is the exact reason I only get to punt once maybe twice a year if I'm lucky. It's not worth the risk of getting caught and I have no good excuse to be out of the house for that long.

I wait until she isn't around and then go punt.

Jesus, what a life, I feel for you mate, if you were a dog I'd get the RSPCA to come and rescue you.

Perhaps, to deserve this you have done something really monumentally bad in a former life ?

Offline Atlas1957

How many p4ps do you actually know that work past 11pm? Not that many in a majority of places I think.
I'm not saying they are any good but there are a bunch of parlours in Manchester that do nightshifts.  Sounds like London is similar.  I've got two negatives for one of these parlours and both meets were with the night shift.

Offline sparkus

I'm not saying they are any good but there are a bunch of parlours in Manchester that do nightshifts.  Sounds like London is similar.  I've got two negatives for one of these parlours and both meets were with the night shift.

The 24/7 saunas have all but disappeared from East London but there's still some AW/VS brothels which claim to operate 24/7, though when I rang the Gants Hill one up at 11.45pm they weren't very pleased (despite claiming 24/7 service).

Offline Malvolio

Not a fan of late-night punts - the risk of encountering dodgy characters is too high for me.  The latest time I'd go for a punt would be 7pm if it was after work - if it's not a working day I'd be looking to punt at lunchtime.

Offline sparkus

Not a fan of late-night punts - the risk of encountering dodgy characters is too high for me.  The latest time I'd go for a punt would be 7pm if it was after work - if it's not a working day I'd be looking to punt at lunchtime.

Most places open around 11 or midday, sometimes WGs don't start work until 2 or 3.  There's a rare number who do start at weird hours like 6am or offer 'way to work' specials from 8am, but not many.  Some regulars can offer this, even just for b2b, if they work from their own place.  I guess economically their hours reflect when they know trade is most likely though.

Offline winkywanky

As Redpunter said earlier (and it's been discussed on UKP before), beware the sense of smell of your OH.

I think some of us are more tuned in to our sense of smell than others, but you can probably multiply that ten-fold with a woman, especially if she's already suspicious.

I'm one of those guys (in touch with my feminine side, who knows  :P) for whom the sense of smell is very important, a woman has to smell right to me (I'm talking underneath the perfume and other masking shit that modern woman covers herself with these days).

In the post-coital haze with my ex we would be nuzzling, and she would actually say you're sniffing me aren't you? We joked about it but I was, and so was she. Smell is our hidden sense, the one we ignore and forget about, but there's olefactory processing going on in your head, and especially a woman's head, without you even knowing, deep in the subconscious. For a woman, if things don't smell right her radar will be going off even without her thinking.

Offline stevedave

Are you for real OP? I mean, you have posted a phalanx of ridiculous questions in the past, but fuck sake. If you are genuinely sat next to your Mrs on the sofa (which I severely doubt) and scrolling through AW and want to go out and pay to fuck then a) you need help and b) get rid of the Mrs (or she will get rid of you).

Offline Mr Sinister

Not snuck out, but in a previous relationship that was coming to an end had a massive heated argument, went out to cool off, had a 1 hour punt plowed the wg to let off some steam then returned few hours later. Never really questioned where I was, just said I went out grabbed some food and chilled.

I wouldn't sneak out late at night to punt or fuck a side-piece it's just too risky and much hassle.

Offline unclepokey

I need my sleep and would never go out in the late hours.
Do what I do. Sleep in a separate room and enjoy a wank from time to time. Think of the dosh you'll save. Plus when you turn over in bed you can release the noisiest fart without disturbing the missus.

Offline Watts.E.Dunn

I suppose that being "On Call" a lot of the time has some advantages, being able to make off most anywhere in a 24 hour time frame with no questions asked:)..

Not that theres any 24/7 action around our way to speak of:(.

Offline winkywanky

You're the local male booty call then Watts?  :D

Offline Marmalade

It’s one of the pleasures of Berlin. Fancy a punt at 3am and there’s brothels open with a decent selection at a decent price and public transport to get there. How well that city spent its ill-gotten money to rebuild!

Offline Bertie_Dastard

Also, any decent excuses posted on here will be crossposted to mumsnet before you can say "D.I.V.O.R.C.E."

Offline southcoastpunter

To me, its quite simple Op.

Do you value your relationship with your partner - even a little bit? If you do, you will be pretty stupid to seriously think about that let alone actually do it!
If you don't and you really didn't mind her finding out and more than likely dump you and can live with the consquences of that....then go ahead!

Offline Marmalade

24hr supermarket visit then go for a drive to chill out.

Offline winkywanky

It’s one of the pleasures of Berlin. Fancy a punt at 3am and there’s brothels open with a decent selection at a decent price and public transport to get there. How well that city spent its ill-gotten money to rebuild!

I had no idea the Marshall Plan went that far  :wacko:

Offline Marmalade

I had no idea the Marshall Plan went that far  :wacko:

Well Berlin continues to be the best funded city in Germany. Not that we can lay it all at the feet of the Marshall Plan. It is however the envy of the rest of the country. To a visitor (avoiding any ‘orrible outskirts) it can seem almost too perfect.   :thumbsup:

Offline Mr Doodle

I snuck out twice at about midnight or so.. When OH falls asleep, nothing can wake her. We were staying at a mates place in Kent that had a 24 hr brothel nearby.. I had had a few to drink, OH was asleep (we were sleepng in different beds); I was horny as heck.. so I snuck out.. Was not a bad punt...  Second time was about a week later...

A long time ago, if I went to get takeaway without phoning, I would every-so-often pop in for a P&G at the local brothel.. When I would get home. I would be asked what took so long.. I had a good excuse lined up and it rarely aroused suspicion.

These days, I would have a greatr excuse for taking longer when getting take-away... though the town is too small not to get noticed by someone else.. so those daring days are over... for now.

Offline Watts.E.Dunn

To me, its quite simple Op.

Do you value your relationship with your partner - even a little bit? If you do, you will be pretty stupid to seriously think about that let alone actually do it!
If you don't and you really didn't mind her finding out and more than likely dump you and can live with the consquences of that....then go ahead!

And beware of the fiscal consequences, it was a no fault divoice here but ran well into 6 figures!...

Offline winkywanky

Well Berlin continues to be the best funded city in Germany. Not that we can lay it all at the feet of the Marshall Plan. It is however the envy of the rest of the country. To a visitor (avoiding any ‘orrible outskirts) it can seem almost too perfect.   :thumbsup:

Never been, I must go some time.

Apparently it's lovely at Christmas (I think every German city is TBH, at least Cologne and Dusseldorf from personal experience) although sadly this year is a complete washout obvs  :rolleyes:.

Offline Steve2

It’s one of the pleasures of Berlin. Fancy a punt at 3am and there’s brothels open with a decent selection at a decent price and public transport to get there. How well that city spent its ill-gotten money to rebuild!

Absolutely M. Just so well organized. And almost certainly a 24 hr Currywurst stall on the way back  :lol:

Offline Home Alone

Living on my own, I've no need to sneak anywhere. But the only bed I'd be looking for late at night would be my own. Unless, of course, I'd booked a lass for an Overnight session, which I've not done for over five years.

Offline Marmalade

That brings up an idea of an o/n punt on an Orient Express — not that I’ve done it, but an o/n on a private compartment on a train would be a gas. India is a bit too sanctimonious and the calculus of their railway booking systems challenging. Eastern Europe might be possible? I can’t think of many countries that run trains with private sleeper apartments and where a local supply of p4p might make the idea attractively doable. Any ideas?

Cheers by the way to Steve2, who is a mine of helpful information on Berlin.  :drinks:

Offline willie loman

That brings up an idea of an o/n punt on an Orient Express — not that I’ve done it, but an o/n on a private compartment on a train would be a gas. India is a bit too sanctimonious and the calculus of their railway booking systems challenging. Eastern Europe might be possible? I can’t think of many countries that run trains with private sleeper apartments and where a local supply of p4p might make the idea attractively doable. Any ideas?

Cheers by the way to Steve2, who is a mine of helpful information on Berlin.  :drinks:

a relative of mine, picked up an american lady on the inverness to london  overnight sleeper, it wouldnt greatly appeal to me, as at that epoque and perhaps even now, there were no showers on the train. he told me their antics were much appreciated by the rail workers when the train stopped for some reason.

Offline sparkus

TBH all late at night activities (civvies, strip bars) have ceased for me given there's no cover such as night out with the lads miles away to have as an excuse for crawling back in then.  WFH means you would have to leave the house rather than go straight from work as well.  I've managed a handful of night time punts on the way back from relatives but lockdown and tiers put a stop to that as well.

Offline advent2016

I'm regularly called out for work at all hours though sometimes I just get a mate in a 24 hour call centre to call me out when I want a late night punt or didn't fancy what was for dinner. Working, travelling at all hours has always been part of my life and fitted well in this hobby.

I just find civvy girlfriends so un-accomodating these days; no morning sex as they want another shower even when working from home, no evening sex or before sleep sex though she used to read "chick porn for hours" or play ipad games. I still have the sex drive of a 20yr old and girls in their 40s don't the exception being nurses who always seem up for it

Offline signy

I can’t think of many countries that run trains with private sleeper apartments and where a local supply of p4p might make the idea attractively doable. Any ideas?

How about finding a reliable Glasgow or Edinburgh escort who is touring London and booking her for the journey home? It would be a bit expensive as you would have to pay for a double on the Caledonian Express northwards, plus your journey home, plus whatever you negotiated with her for the night. However, if thats your fantasy and for a one-off...

Offline Watts.E.Dunn

I'm regularly called out for work at all hours though sometimes I just get a mate in a 24 hour call centre to call me out when I want a late night punt or didn't fancy what was for dinner. Working, travelling at all hours has always been part of my life and fitted well in this hobby.

I just find civvy girlfriends so un-accomodating these days; no morning sex as they want another shower even when working from home, no evening sex or before sleep sex though she used to read "chick porn for hours" or play ipad games. I still have the sex drive of a 20yr old and girls in their 40s don't the exception being nurses who always seem up for it

Did you mean that;

"Nurses in their forties were allways up for it?".....

Offline Marmalade

How about finding a reliable Glasgow or Edinburgh escort who is touring London and booking her for the journey home? It would be a bit expensive as you would have to pay for a double on the Caledonian Express northwards, plus your journey home, plus whatever you negotiated with her for the night. However, if thats your fantasy and for a one-off...

I’ve been on the sleeper and it’s not exotic, reasonably priced, or in the slightest bit conducive to shagging.

Offline sparkus

Did you mean that;

"Nurses in their forties were allways up for it?".....

He does have a point though.

Offline sparkus

I’ve been on the sleeper and it’s not exotic, reasonably priced, or in the slightest bit conducive to shagging.

I've only caught one or two episodes of the ridiculous Sex and the City and one was where Kim Caterall's character was stuck on a grotty sleeper train across the US and was rebuffed by all the men she tried it on with (though I'm sure they wouldn't have rebuffed Kim Caterall in Porky's).