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Author Topic: Just wondering about the Virus  (Read 9744 times)

Offline RedKettle

Herd immunity has worked well in Sweden. There is a virus that if it mutated would be a fucking disaster called the nipah virus which is 70% fatal, or MERS which was from memory 30+% fatal.

I caught SARS last time round which was 6% fatal and we didn't lock down then, this at best is 1% fatal so why didn't we lockdown before? The flu in 2014-15 had a massive death rate virtually comparable with covid but we didn't lock down.

So why now, I initially looked at this to dismiss someone in my family (who is a consultant in the NHS) and they won't take the vaccine and after looking at the facts, I won't its up to you what you do all I am asking is you look at both sides critically.

I also question if the vaccine is so safe, why won't the BBC and the MSM debate anti vaccine experts? As a matter of fact they have stated they won't debate them. I wonder why?

Very hard to keep up with all the rubbish that you have stated on this thread, to answer each one would take more time than I am prepared to devote to somebody like you.

What staggers me is how people who have crackpot ideas about things always seem to believe they are the intelligent ones who read the only reliable information sources and only they are able to join the dots and come to the right answer.  Yet it it clear that they often have something missing in their ability to think freely, turn information into coherent patterns etc etc. 

Anyway you run off and live in your fantasy world whilst the rest of us get on with life in the real world and we will fight the (non existent) Covid 9 threat by downloading the (killer) app, maintaining (state sponsored) social distancing, using the (mind controlling) vaccine when/if available etc etc.  That will allow you when the world is back to normal to say that you were quite right and it was all made up in the first place.

Lets just hope there are not enough nutters around to screw it up for all of us.

Offline HailWood

I believe the key difference between flu and SARS and Covid-19 is the infectiousness of Covid which transfers easily and the number of asymptomatic infected who can pass it on unconsciously to vulnerable people.

Also the herd immunity approach taken by Sweden has not worked well by one key measure. It now has the highest death rate per capita in Europe and which when compared to a similar nation (Norway) is ten times greater.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2020, 03:47:54 pm by MikeTheBike »

Offline John the Sextist

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Who gives a shit about someone in the UK talking about percentages for the Australian population regarding a pandemic, it's got absolutely nothing to do with the UK, I doubt very much if "John" is an expert in any field of Viral Technologies.

What I suggest you do is put your time into something useful and understand Cryptic Transmission rather than discount this current issue as merely nothing as it's quite clear you have the blinkers on and have paradigm syndrome  :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

 :sarcastic: :sarcastic:

Offline Cocknose

So the government documents are rubbish how much research have you done red kettle? You obviously haven't read the links and when someone quotes the WHO figures on pandemics against government figures you state its rubbish 🙄 please look at the effectiveness of the flu jab (max 60% min 4%) yet all increase the risk of catching coronaviruses. Read the literature you are making yourselves more susceptible.

Its OK to say that you are doing this to protect your loved ones your not though

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Even Richard Madeley sees it
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Banned by: daviemac

Offline RedKettle

So the government documents are rubbish how much research have you done red kettle? You obviously haven't read the links and when someone quotes the WHO figures on pandemics against government figures you state its rubbish 🙄 please look at the effectiveness of the flu jab (max 60% min 4%) yet all increase the risk of catching coronaviruses. Read the literature you are making yourselves more susceptible.

Its OK to say that you are doing this to protect your loved ones your not though

External Link/Members Only

Even Richard Madeley sees it

The flu virus mutates very easily and is always slightly hit and miss.

I have done plenty of research thanks.

I would also say that if you look around and are on the same side of the argument as David Icke and Piers Corbyn then you are on the wrong side!!

Offline gbyld87

Offline Cocknose

What research have you actually done, I am counting the hours until you have actually done some  look a both sides not one.
After a lot of research (actual research) I switched sides of the fence, I dont believe the queen's a lizard or aliens fart oxygen  however after reading government legislation, Canadian Swedish and translated Chinese and who literature can you make your mind up, so do it  then criticise.

Banned reason: Threats of violence
Banned by: daviemac

Offline RedKettle

What research have you actually done, I am counting the hours until you have actually done some  look a both sides not one.
After a lot of research (actual research) I switched sides of the fence, I dont believe the queen's a lizard or aliens fart oxygen  however after reading government legislation, Canadian Swedish and translated Chinese and who literature can you make your mind up, so do it  then criticise.

And that is exactly the arrogance I hate from nutjobs like you - most people do not agree with you so they have not done the incredible research you have and/or are too thick to understand it. 

And you can fuck off with telling me when I can criticise - that is up to me (and the mods).  You spout rubbish and I am free to say that.

Offline gbyld87

I've lost track of who believes what in this shitshow of a topic.  Do we all agree the virus actually exists or is that up for debate as well? 

Cocknose - boiling it down for a simple mind like mine, are you saying you believe it's nowhere near as bad as we're being led to believe, and that most/all measures introduced by the government under the auspices of 'tackling' the virus are either excessive or with ulterior motive?

I'm not taking a side here, just trying to understand both sides of this thread  :hi:

Offline GingerNuts

What research have you actually done, I am counting the hours until you have actually done some  look a both sides not one.
After a lot of research (actual research) I switched sides of the fence, I dont believe the queen's a lizard or aliens fart oxygen  however after reading government legislation, Canadian Swedish and translated Chinese and who literature can you make your mind up, so do it  then criticise.

Don't forget YouTube. We can all learn a lot from those well known pandemic experts Richard Madeley and John from Australia...

By the way, did you read the WHO links I posted earlier which explain what a pandemic is or are you still relying on our good friend John for that information?

Offline winkywanky

So the government documents are rubbish how much research have you done red kettle? You obviously haven't read the links and when someone quotes the WHO figures on pandemics against government figures you state its rubbish 🙄 please look at the effectiveness of the flu jab (max 60% min 4%) yet all increase the risk of catching coronaviruses. Read the literature you are making yourselves more susceptible.

Its OK to say that you are doing this to protect your loved ones your not though

External Link/Members Only

Even Richard Madeley sees it

The problem with a 'journalist' like the fuckwit presenting that Talk Radio show (I don't now what his name is and I can't be bothered to find out), is that he gets Madeley on and he just agrees with everything he says. They just pat each other on the back like they're mates down the pub, they're both right and every other point of view is wrong.

What kind of fucking journalistic rigour is that, just to have your own point of view and either shoot someone down in flames or take them off the air if they disagree with you, or get someone who does agree with you and luxuriate in your own cleverness for half an hour or so, becaue he's some bloke off the telly with perfect hair, an easy charm and a glib attitude? :rolleyes:.

I'll be honest and say I didn't get more than a third of the way through, but do they at any point address the likely scenario which comes out of not having precautions or Lockdown, where Covid totally kicks off, kills the 2% who will die of it (yes, a small percentage), while at the same time totally clogging the NHS anyway, and resulting in many people dying hideous and distressing deaths at home because the hospitals fill up?

And while they pat each other on the back for being so clever while everyone else is so thick, they say Covid is currently the 26th biggest killer in the UK (or whatever it is) while conveniently forgetting that if there were no precautions or Lockdown, there is an inevitability that it would go rocketing up that hit parade.

I actually agree with the sentiment of what they're saying, but they are too thick (I'll say that because that's what they're saying about people who disagree with them) to realise the outcome of what they're suggesting.

I'll even admit that that outcome (or at lest the severity of it) isn't a foregone conclusion, no-one really knows how bad it might be. But if they were polticial leaders, would they be willing to take that risk, rather than just sniping from the sidelines, twenty rows back?

I think not.

And every country on the planet, from Trump's raging tenure in the Whitehouse, to China (couldn't be more different), to Russia, to the whole of Europe, to South America, to Australia and NZ, are all effectively doing the same thing: trying desperately to stop the spread. Yes, every country will have a slightly different approach because every country has its own natural culture and behaviours. Those cool, calculating Scandis and Germans will be wafully efficient at it and it won't seem too hard, the Mediterranean countries will be all hot blooded and fuck it up a bit (apart from Italy which got the shock of its fucking life) and we in the UK will bleat and moan and whinge and pick holes in every little detail which doesn't exactly fit their own very speshul lives.

But every country in the world is trying to do the same thing. Is every country totally wrong?  :unknown: If just one country realised it was all total bullshit and just let the virus get on with it, would they not get a big and amazing financial advantage while the rest of the world sleepwalked into the abyss?

That's the trouble with celebs, they know how to massage their public, whether they're talking utter shite or not.

Offline winkywanky

Apologies for the typos, I get that way when I'm pissed off  :hi:

Offline Cocknose

Even MP's are calling it out and 3 of the most eminent virologists in the UK are, look at the evidence not the BBC
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Banned by: daviemac

Offline Cocknose

External Link/Members Only

The health Secretary being torn a new one over man flu
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Banned by: daviemac

Offline GingerNuts

Even MP's are calling it out and 3 of the most eminent virologists in the UK are, look at the evidence not the BBC

Calling what out? Post links to what you're referring to.

Offline winkywanky

Even MP's are calling it out and 3 of the most eminent virologists in the UK are, look at the evidence not the BBC

MPs have a political agenda (literally), I wouldn't trust them basically, especially ones who don't have to make the tough decisions.

As for 'three eminent virologists', how does their number compare with those scientists who are behind the govt's decisions, and majority scientific opinion?

Offline winkywanky

External Link/Members Only

The health Secretary being torn a new one over man flu

And why are Talk Radio an arbiter of medical excellence or pandemic response? Who approved them? And why do all their presenters have the same opinion? Or are they just 'right' because they agree with you?

Offline kippydon

 we cannot believe all we hear or read , government know they have totally F****D big time and and now blaming other people mainly the public as to how shit they have done

also the hear immunity has not worked any where as yet, Sweden has someone pointed has a high death rate then people think, obviously hear immunity will come in time when a vaccine is rolled out if any, but time will tell

but this shower of shite we have at the moment need to go soon and fast

Offline RedKettle

we cannot believe all we hear or read , government know they have totally F****D big time and and now blaming other people mainly the public as to how shit they have done

also the hear immunity has not worked any where as yet, Sweden has someone pointed has a high death rate then people think, obviously hear immunity will come in time when a vaccine is rolled out if any, but time will tell

but this shower of shite we have at the moment need to go soon and fast

I agree with this so far as the mess the Government are making of things.  I do think the approach in Sweden is interesting and worth study, if only as they went about it in a different way. No so much going after herd immunity but trusting people to act sensibly. They have suffered far less economically and with excess deaths.

Trouble here is that we started with huge public willingness to do the right thing but that has been pissed away by a whole range of stupid things done by the Government, including driving across the country for an eye test, exempting grouse shoots etc etc.

Offline HailWood

we cannot believe all we hear or read , government know they have totally F****D big time and and now blaming other people mainly the public as to how shit they have done

but this shower of shite we have at the moment need to go soon and fast
The government fucked up initially for sure. Mainly the decision to clear hospitals into care homes to make way for the Covid sick, without fully understanding how many might already be infected thus carrying it into an area of particular vulnerability which have accounted for around 40% of DWC deaths.

However, now only the truly stupid (who won’t understand how this is transmitted) and self centred individuals fail to follow the basic government advice to reduce risk of spreading the disease (while trying to maintain a semblance of the economy). So I do blame these people and not the government. It is extremely debatable as to whether any other government would have done better.

Offline Cocknose

Banned reason: Threats of violence
Banned by: daviemac

Offline RedKettle

The government fucked up initially for sure. Mainly the decision to clear hospitals into care homes to make way for the Covid sick, without fully understanding how many might already be infected thus carrying it into an area of particular vulnerability which have accounted for around 40% of DWC deaths.

Yes staggeringly bad decisions around that aspect.  I think the public enquiry will be cutting on that point.

Of course they have gone the other way now and relatives can often still not visit - you are talking about the quality of life for someone who may only have months left to live and they have to spend it in isolation from family.

As always social care has been very badly treated.

Offline RedKettle

However, now only the truly stupid (who won’t understand how this is transmitted) and self centred individuals fail to follow the basic government advice to reduce risk of spreading the disease (while trying to maintain a semblance of the economy). So I do blame these people and not the government. It is extremely debatable as to whether any other government would have done better.

Certainly at the beginning when we knew nothing about it I think it was luck rather than judgement if Governments did the right things!!  I tend to think the lock down was too severe but frankly that is with the benefit of hindsight and I really would not have a go at the Government over those initial actions.

Whilst I agree with you that we have a hard core of idiots just not paying any attention to the rules (and indeed coming up with crackpot theories that distract the weak minded) some of that still rests with the Government.  They have in recent months displayed a high level of incompetence and poor decision making and I believe the loss of credibility has fuelled the feeling amongst people that they need not follow the rules.

I also think the communication is now poor, something that they were excellent at initially.  I know it is a difficult concept but they need to make people understand why is it OK to relax the rules in one place but not in another.  Too many think well if it OK to go to work why not OK to go to a mates house.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2020, 10:05:00 am by RedKettle »

Offline Cocknose

The government fucked up initially for sure. Mainly the decision to clear hospitals into care homes to make way for the Covid sick, without fully understanding how many might already be infected thus carrying it into an area of particular vulnerability which have accounted for around 40% of DWC deaths.

However, now only the truly stupid (who won’t understand how this is transmitted) and self centred individuals fail to follow the basic government advice to reduce risk of spreading the disease (while trying to maintain a semblance of the economy). So I do blame these people and not the government. It is extremely debatable as to whether any other government would have done better.

I wouldn't like to deal with it, especially after the fuck up of Neil Fergusson and his figures, he's fucked up everything he's ever predicted, look at his predictions for sars and swine flu :dash: and the doubling of cases that didn't happen and matt Hancock said happened in the talk radio show  check the figures on worldometer, ( which all governments use), more doctors and virologists dare not speak out for fear of losing jobs, this is a fact.

The economy is heading into meltdown over this and we need to stop it, the homeworking is bringing the catering industry to its knees, beauty and leisure and tourism are all fucked.
Banned reason: Threats of violence
Banned by: daviemac

Offline kippydon

The government fucked up initially for sure. Mainly the decision to clear hospitals into care homes to make way for the Covid sick, without fully understanding how many might already be infected thus carrying it into an area of particular vulnerability which have accounted for around 40% of DWC deaths.

However, now only the truly stupid (who won’t understand how this is transmitted) and self centred individuals fail to follow the basic government advice to reduce risk of spreading the disease (while trying to maintain a semblance of the economy). So I do blame these people and not the government. It is extremely debatable as to whether any other government would have done better.

I hear where you coming from about another government doing better or not we will never know, but  the government had near 2 or 3 months head start , just by what what happening in italy spain  etc who were ahead of the curve and knew exactly what was heading our way and they did nothing until it was too late,they had plenty of warning , and i am afraid it seems they have not learnt and we heading in the same direction again

i also agree we have some stupid people who could not give a fuck about anyone else and who are not helping by not following the rules, it those people they need to get tough on

amd for the government to say they did not know things would get worse when schools and uni open , i am afraid is just pure incompetence  , any person with common sense would have predicted that

i do have some sympathy with students , all lectures are done online ,and why they were asked to come to uni campuses is another fuck up from Boris, there was no need for them to go back to uni, they could have studied at home

really this goverment have not got a clue and still not learning by past errors

Offline RedKettle

i do have some sympathy with students , all lectures are done online ,and why they were asked to come to uni campuses is another fuck up from Boris, there was no need for them to go back to uni, they could have studied at home

For many courses that does not work. Science courses require lab time, Engineering requires practical work, vets needs hands on with animals etc etc. Few easy answers to any of these issues.

Offline kippydon

For many courses that does not work. Science courses require lab time, Engineering requires practical work, vets needs hands on with animals etc etc. Few easy answers to any of these issues.

yes  you are correct , but mose courses can be done online few people you have mingling must be a good thing to get this virus under control

Offline filthy.john

I hear where you coming from about another government doing better or not we will never know, but  the government had near 2 or 3 months head start , just by what what happening in italy spain  etc who were ahead of the curve and knew exactly what was heading our way and they did nothing until it was too late,they had plenty of warning , and i am afraid it seems they have not learnt and we heading in the same direction again

i also agree we have some stupid people who could not give a fuck about anyone else and who are not helping by not following the rules, it those people they need to get tough on

amd for the government to say they did not know things would get worse when schools and uni open , i am afraid is just pure incompetence  , any person with common sense would have predicted that

i do have some sympathy with students , all lectures are done online ,and why they were asked to come to uni campuses is another fuck up from Boris, there was no need for them to go back to uni, they could have studied at home

really this goverment have not got a clue and still not learning by past errors

Totally agree. Each and every year when the Unis return you hear in the news about students being warned to be on the lookout for signs of viral meningitis because there has been a campus breakout. And of course the so-called 'freshers flu' that does the rounds.... A Covid spike in unis was wholly predictable whist it was still circulating at or around a R value of 1 - in other words - it was still out there on the loose. It was absolutely nailed-on inevitable that folk descending into a new spot living for extended periods on top of each other rather than a few fleeting contacts at the beach or on a protest march - an resurgence was on the cards.

Absolute complete and total disregard and incompetence of the highest order. Fuckers should hang their heads in shame.

Offline HailWood

Again @kippy and @filthy we come up against economic constraints with universities. Closing them would risk many going bankrupt or having to be bailed out by the tax payer at huge cost. Students are in the low risk category so I see why this decision has been made.

Offline The Highwayman

A loose metaphor, Mr H. What I really meant was my Peter Wyngarde jockstrap. :cool:

I had to look him up, however I do remember Jason King (a bit)  :D

Offline The Highwayman

Again @kippy and @filthy we come up against economic constraints with universities. Closing them would risk many going bankrupt or having to be bailed out by the tax payer at huge cost. Students are in the low risk category so I see why this decision has been made.

Have to agree. If you're ~20 you're not really going fear this pandemic, indeed by far the majority of students have very mild symptoms (or are asymptomatic).

Also it's the easiest thing in the world to criticise the Government, especially with the value of hind sight.

TBH I think our mainstream media have been outrageous in this, and I would love them to start being more reasonable, but it's so easy to get people to kick off no matter what happens or what decisions are made. We have opinions from people who think Sweden had the right idea all the way to lockdown should have been more severe and never lifted.

Just remember these things:

    The people responsible were/are Chinese (I'm not normally one for conspiracy theories, however, I do not find it impossible to believe that this virus was developed in the Wuhan Biological Laboratory, thereby implicating the Chinese Government). Whether there, or in the live animal market, the people responsible are Chinese. For the avoidance of doubt I am not blaming all Chinese people.
      It is therefore NOBODY else's fault!
        Everyone else in the world, be they government or healthcare worker is dealing with something for which there is no rule book.
          And all they can ever do is TRY THEIR BEST TO MAKE THINGS LESS BAD

          Trying to make things less bad has been, and remains, their only option:
          There is no magic formula to make it go away, to save every life, to save every job.
          Trying to balance the health needs and economic needs is a nightmare.

          In fact it's a fucking shit job, because even if you are 99% perfect in every decision (and I'm not saying that this has been the case) then it would still be all about degrees of losing, you cannot win.

Offline filthy.john

Again @kippy and @filthy we come up against economic constraints with universities. Closing them would risk many going bankrupt or having to be bailed out by the tax payer at huge cost. Students are in the low risk category so I see why this decision has been made.

NOT so much the universities - they'd have made their money even if the courses were delivered online over Zoom - ie virtually and remotely - rather than in person and face to face... I dare say it is more about the corporate bodies that own and run the student accommodation and the university town and city economies that depend upon an influx of students.

I dont accept that it is in any way desirable or acceptable to expose anybody - even low risk groups - to an increased risk of the virus. It isnt just the danger of death - the long term consequences of an infection seem to me to be quite stark and very serious. I'e read about top level athletes who have ended up with myocarditis and percarditis as a consequence fo the infection potentially with permanent heart damage. On top of that, there is the risk of letting the virus rip through those 'low risk' groups who then go on to infect the higher risk groups... Whitty said it himself - we can't just let individuals take the risk they are happy to take because sooner or later that risk is transferred to others...

So I'm sorry, whatever the driver for this decision - it was a despicable one and just yet more contradictions in this governments approach to managing the virus.

It needs to be an all or nothing response.

If corporate entities collapse - thats very sad - but I'm afraid it has to be a case of adapt to the situation or go to the wall. There are always winners and losers commercially. Out of adversity comes opportunity.

Offline HailWood

NOT so much the universities - they'd have made their money even if the courses were delivered online over Zoom - ie virtually and remotely - rather than in person and face to face... I dare say it is more about the corporate bodies that own and run the student accommodation and the university town and city economies that depend upon an influx of students.

I dont accept that it is in any way desirable or acceptable to expose anybody - even low risk groups - to an increased risk of the virus. It isnt just the danger of death - the long term consequences of an infection seem to me to be quite stark and very serious. I'e read about top level athletes who have ended up with myocarditis and percarditis as a consequence fo the infection potentially with permanent heart damage. On top of that, there is the risk of letting the virus rip through those 'low risk' groups who then go on to infect the higher risk groups... Whitty said it himself - we can't just let individuals take the risk they are happy to take because sooner or later that risk is transferred to others...

So I'm sorry, whatever the driver for this decision - it was a despicable one and just yet more contradictions in this governments approach to managing the virus.

It needs to be an all or nothing response.

If corporate entities collapse - thats very sad - but I'm afraid it has to be a case of adapt to the situation or go to the wall. There are always winners and losers commercially. Out of adversity comes opportunity.

I think you miss the big picture. For example, if corporate entities collapse so does the job market, so do investors in those corporate entities (which in all probability includes yours and my pension schemes). A few deaths are inevitable but the harsh truth is that sacrifice a few for the greater good is the hard choice the government has to make. The analogy with war is apt in this respect.

Offline Cocknose

As we approach flu season again the figures will rise and the second ripple will occur, the businesses are already getting past the point of no return and these measures will ensure more do.

 I am doing my bit for track and trace, in one cafe I was Elon Musk, with made up numbers, I have also signed in with people names and numbers I dont like. I have cancelled my gym as they have asked me to download the app and stopped going to shops with stupid one way systems and shops which won't take cash.
Banned reason: Threats of violence
Banned by: daviemac

Offline HailWood

As we approach flu season again the figures will rise and the second ripple will occur, the businesses are already getting past the point of no return and these measures will ensure more do.

 I am doing my bit for track and trace, in one cafe I was Elon Musk, with made up numbers, I have also signed in with people names and numbers I dont like. I have cancelled my gym as they have asked me to download the app and stopped going to shops with stupid one way systems and shops which won't take cash.

If true, are you aren’t just spouting nonsense, then you are endangering people around you including the SPs you meet and the punters who go to see them after you.  :dash:

Offline gbyld87

I am doing my bit for track and trace, in one cafe I was Elon Musk, with made up numbers, I have also signed in with people names and numbers I dont like. I have cancelled my gym as they have asked me to download the app and stopped going to shops with stupid one way systems and shops which won't take cash.

Seems like a lot of trouble to go to.  You might not be able to go in many shops or anywhere really before too long.  I mean it's fine if you just think it's pointless, but to deliberately sabotage the system takes a lot more effort...

Offline RedKettle

As we approach flu season again the figures will rise and the second ripple will occur, the businesses are already getting past the point of no return and these measures will ensure more do.

 I am doing my bit for track and trace, in one cafe I was Elon Musk, with made up numbers, I have also signed in with people names and numbers I dont like. I have cancelled my gym as they have asked me to download the app and stopped going to shops with stupid one way systems and shops which won't take cash.

Just confirms the view of you that I had, except rather than just being a weak minded fool you are also nasty.

Online daviemac

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As we approach flu season again the figures will rise and the second ripple will occur, the businesses are already getting past the point of no return and these measures will ensure more do.

 I am doing my bit for track and trace, in one cafe I was Elon Musk, with made up numbers, I have also signed in with people names and numbers I dont like. I have cancelled my gym as they have asked me to download the app and stopped going to shops with stupid one way systems and shops which won't take cash.
The sooner you get caught and prosecuted the better, to be perfectly honest it's fucking morons like you who give punters a bad name. Who in their right mind would want to fuck up a system designed to save lives. It's one thing you not wanting to take part in track and trace, it's another thing altogether implicating others.

Your actions could get some innocent person forced to self isolate for no reason or face heavy fines if they don't. That could also include their friends and family as well.

Offline filthy.john

I think you miss the big picture. For example, if corporate entities collapse so does the job market, so do investors in those corporate entities (which in all probability includes yours and my pension schemes). A few deaths are inevitable but the harsh truth is that sacrifice a few for the greater good is the hard choice the government has to make. The analogy with war is apt in this respect.

No, I dont miss the big picture...

Yes, the job market collapses but something will spring up in its place - adapt or die.

You know it is very sad - but the Chancellor himself has said it - not all jobs can be saved. Not all markets will exist forever. The virus has probably brought about wholesale change in digital working - instead of a gradual, managed change - it has been forced upon us. There are sectors and professions that have been fighting against and utterly resistant to being brought into digital working, this pandemic has forced them to adopt and adapt.

There will be many corporate pension schemes that have heavily invested in commercial real estate and so on - and yes, theyre going to be potentially thrown on the rocks - but as I say - ADAPT AND OVERCOME. For a market that collapses another will take up the slack.

If you were going to start a business now - it would be one that serviced home-working or logistics. For every market that ceases to exist another will be created or will grow.

Offline gbyld87

No, I dont miss the big picture...
For every market that ceases to exist another will be created or will grow.

Or there could be a deep, mass recession which disproportionately and fundamentally affects the lives of the poorest people and ultimately leads to the destruction of families and the lives and prospects of the most disadvantaged children in our society. 

But you know, you can't make an omelette etc...  :drinks:  I'm sure you'll be OK, that's what matters in the end right?

Offline winkywanky

As we approach flu season again the figures will rise and the second ripple will occur, the businesses are already getting past the point of no return and these measures will ensure more do.

 I am doing my bit for track and trace, in one cafe I was Elon Musk, with made up numbers, I have also signed in with people names and numbers I dont like. I have cancelled my gym as they have asked me to download the app and stopped going to shops with stupid one way systems and shops which won't take cash.

You're purposely and actively fucking up Track & Trace (which will increase infections) and then you moan about businesses going under?

What type of useless, selfish cunt are you?  :unknown:  :thumbsdown:

Offline Cocknose

You're purposely and actively fucking up Track & Trace (which will increase infections) and then you moan about businesses going under?

What type of useless, selfish cunt are you?  :unknown:  :thumbsdown:

Go fuck yourself wanky planky, you research fuck all no fuck all and hide behind a keyboard
Banned reason: Threats of violence
Banned by: daviemac

Offline winkywanky

Go fuck yourself wanky planky, you research fuck all no fuck all and hide behind a keyboard

I'm hiding behind a keyboard? What, so when you got to a place with a QR code you're telling them what you're doing? I don't think so, because you're a fucking lying hypocrite of the highest order.

You can have an opinion on whether you think any of the restrictions are valid, it's a free country, but purposely going around fucking up shit makes you a total low-life. You fucking wanker  :hi:.

Offline Cocknose

Seems like a lot of trouble to go to.  You might not be able to go in many shops or anywhere really before too long.  I mean it's fine if you just think it's pointless, but to deliberately sabotage the system takes a lot more effort...

Believe me if I could I would, think of the flu vaccine that's being pushed which every year is a guess, the flu vaccine increases your chance of contracting respiratory illnesses, which is a terrible thing to do to people at risk from CV19

Children are at less risk of catching CV19 and this year more children than ever before and adults are being asked to have the flu jab, why? Could it be to potentially increase the spread?

Patrick Valance holds 600,000 shares in gsk one of the front runners for the "vaccine" is that or is it not a conflict of interest?

A work colleague has just tested negative for man flu and had to be tested due to his daughter having a cold and is waiting for the home test, another waste of time for a virus that is STILL killing less than the flu.

My friends wife has died from cancer due to this mass hysteria and a close family member may be in the same boat, and I know of 3 businesses of family members and friends which are on the edge of collapse. So for all you who really haven't been affected shut up.
Banned reason: Threats of violence
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Cocknose

Let's meet up and see if you run your mouth off
Banned reason: Threats of violence
Banned by: daviemac

Offline winkywanky

Let's meet up and see if you run your mouth off

You fucking imbecile  :thumbsdown:

Anyway, what are you going to do from 6' away?  :lol:

Offline filthy.john

Or there could be a deep, mass recession which disproportionately and fundamentally affects the lives of the poorest people and ultimately leads to the destruction of families and the lives and prospects of the most disadvantaged children in our society. 

But you know, you can't make an omelette etc...  :drinks:  I'm sure you'll be OK, that's what matters in the end right?
2 parts to this: first part - yes, correct... that's about the measure of it. Second part - who knows... I think we are all living in precarious times - to some extent we're all on a knife edge all of the time but perhaps now more than ever. I wouldnt like to say that I will come through this unscathed (in more ways than one) but whether I do or I don't or the same with everyone else, that's just the luck of the draw isnt it. In the words of the great philosopher Ronan Keating (at least I think it was him) - Life is a roller coaster and you just have to ride it.

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Let's meet up and see if you run your mouth off
We're going to leave you here just now to remind people what an utter cunt you are.

Offline John the Sextist

Let's meet up and see if you run your mouth off

You need to calm down Cocknose, you'll find your self being booted off here by a moderator and banned for threatening remarks against a fellow member  :( :(

Personally I'd rather see you continue on this thread as I've never seen someone go this far to make themself look so fuckin stupid, you are a born natural, please continue as it's rather amusing  :sarcastic: :sarcastic:
