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Author Topic: Seeing an Escort, but have a GF  (Read 5817 times)

Offline jokaa

Hey guys,

I have been in a relationship for the last few years so haven't been punting, but I have an itch I need to scratch for a PSE session that my Mrs just isn't into. Our sex life is actually great - very intense, and there's a lot I enjoy, but she just isn't comfortable with the more rougher side of things and I'm missing it.

I've been tossing and turning around seeing an escort again. My hesitancy comes from a few things: cheating, betrayal, etc.

I don't need a lecture or anything, and the moral side of things is something I've come to terms with, but I do have one last major doubt - the risk of STIs. A few points below:

- Me and the Mrs are active, but we use condoms for sex as she can't go on the pill, so that's fine. We used to do pull out method but we had a few close calls so don't do that anymore. However, she does give me head.
- Obviously if I were to see a working girl I wouldn't do BB, but I do want OWO. The whole thing I'm missing more than anything is face fucking and stuff, so seeing a working girl and not doing OWO wouldn't tick my boxes.

I see comments from lots of gents with a Mrs at home who they're still active with, but they also see working girls and get OWO.

Any advice on how I can go about this, and if it's just not possible without putting my girl at risk (like serious risk), then let me know and I'll squash this itch straight away.

Thank you

PS: One idea I had was to see a WG whilst my Mrs is coming on her period. Would this give me time to get tested and make sure I'm clear by the time me and the Mrs get going again?

Offline Convince Me

Towards the end of her jam making, if you ride a bike, feign an injury where you've damaged your nuts; blood in your piss. Might give you a week or so.

Offline shyboy1

Firstly choose a good experienced indie rather than a cheaper hi volume Rom for example.
OWO will never be risk free but an experienced well reviewed woman will usually be better at spotting potential hazzards and hotter on hygiene etc so the risk is lessened to some degree then there is your own precautions appart from obviously being clean for the meeting make sure you shower thoroughly as soon as possible afterwards, when I first started I would have a hot bath with dettol in it straight after a punt but that might be a bit extreme  :lol:
Basically there’s only so much you can do but I’ve punted for about 12 years now always with owo and not had a problem.

Offline bedhedred

If you have regular sex with your wife, I would not do OWO. You may find it hard to get a STI test without going private, and spending even more in the process.

Offline jokaa

appreciate the responses guys. Sounds like this will be tough, and may not be worth the risk. If I was unhappy with my GF then that would be one thing, but I'm not.

I suppose deep throat is even more of a risk due to back of the throat gonorrhea right?

This may not just work at all for me. No worries thank you

Offline bedhedred

appreciate the responses guys. Sounds like this will be tough, and may not be worth the risk. If I was unhappy with my GF then that would be one thing, but I'm not.

I suppose deep throat is even more of a risk due to back of the throat gonorrhea right?

This may not just work at all for me. No worries thank you

DT uncovered would be more risky. I've even done covered DT with a girl and then she changed the condom for vaginal sex, so clearly she thought there was a transmission risk from her own throat to her own pussy.

Don't focus on the "happy path". Just assume that you will be unlucky and then think through how you would deal with the consequences.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2020, 01:40:32 pm by bedhedred »

Offline jokaa

yep agree.

It's tough as I feel the need to get with different women - black, white, asian, latin etc. but love my girl and don't want to put her health at risk. oh well

Offline winkywanky

If you're going to do this OP, I would say have regular STI tests to protect your missus as well as yourself.

As has been mentioned, choose your WG carefully. Is she the kind of WG to (or in a position where she's likely to) inform YOU if SHE tests positive? Twice in my punting career, I've received such post-punt texts from respected and established WGs, and had myself checked out as a result. Luckily both times I tested negative (I'm actually single so only have my own health to worry about). But basically, they did the right thing.

If this is going to be a very occasional thing (perhaps two or three times a year) then I would get tested after each occasion. Bear in mind some things take a while to show up, and factor this in. Do your homework.

One thing which you might easily catch from rough oral (if the girl is carrying it) is Chlamydia. This is often symptom-free in men but can do great damage to a woman if not treated. There will be a risk to you and your missus. Mitigate that risk as much as you can.

Offline winkywanky

appreciate the responses guys. Sounds like this will be tough, and may not be worth the risk. If I was unhappy with my GF then that would be one thing, but I'm not.

I suppose deep throat is even more of a risk due to back of the throat gonorrhea right?

This may not just work at all for me. No worries thank you

In the two cases I just mentioned where a WG warned me she'd tested positive after I punted her, Gonorrhea was the culprit.

As I said, luckily I got away with it.

Offline jokaa

Thanks all.

I'm not doing it, I can't put her health at risk like that it's not fair.

Was curious to see if there are ways around it and for now the only thing I can think of is to time a punt around the same time as her period, but even then, a test during that week or so can still be unreliable so soon after.

Let's hope for a fucking prevention method for clap and chlym outside of a rubber or damn. fucks sake.

Offline winkywanky

Any way of getting what you want from your missus, with her being happy to provide it for you? Does she even know you fantasise about rough oral etc? You never know, if she knows it turns you on it might turn her on?  :unknown:

There might of course be other ramifications, she might want you to humour her fantasies too, she might get you to dress up like Little Bo Peep or something  :D

Offline threechilliman

Any way of getting what you want from your missus, with her being happy to provide it for you? Does she even know you fantasise about rough oral etc? You never know, if she knows it turns you on it might turn her on?  :unknown:

There might of course be other ramifications, she might want you to humour her fantasies too, she might get you to dress up like Little Bo Peep or something  :D

Or she might fancy a relaxing GB whilst hubby watches....

Offline winkywanky

Yes, as ever, be careful what you wish for.

Offline jokaa

Lol no chance, no

She lets me take control but dirty PSE sex? Nope.

Offline shyboy1

Lol no chance, no

She lets me take control but dirty PSE sex? Nope.
I would say that the amount of concern you’re showing is commendable, you obviously care a great deal for your partner so punting probably isn’t going to be worth the anxiety it will cause you. Always weigh the benefits against what you would lose and remember there are 100’s of ways to get caught out, not just infections.
I’m happily single, have been for years but if i was in your situation I doubt I would be punting at all.
Try talking to her about your fantasies, a couple of bottles of decent wine will always help with this, you never know she might just surprise you!
If that fails there’s always Porn.

Online scutty brown

If you have to ask us the question, then you're not mentally ready to do it.

Offline webpunter


If you have to ask us the question, then you're not mentally ready to do it.

The risks from OWO vary burd to burd
So a skanky cheap roma or any ruff burd cheap as chips ain't a good start
Reck the risks are around 1 in 10 [ruff / roma] to 1 in 50 [sensible experienced hooker who knows what she's doing]
Just that they won't have any real idea they have an infection that they can pass on thru OWO
Usually if they do they get a sore throat, which clears itself
A mate of mine who is a doc & does a bit of hookering gave me the intel
If the burd offers CIM the risk increases
Fuck all chance of getting anything from RO.  Next to zero

Online scutty brown

Fuck all chance of getting anything from RO.  Next to zero

but not quite zero

We've discussed it a couple of times on here before, but I DID get gonnorhea in the throat from RO
And it was bloody hard to get rid of - multiple courses of antibiotics

Offline webpunter

Unlucky to say the least

Was having beers with mates in the boozer
A few departed home leaving me & a couple of others
Who enjoy our fave sport
Didn't take long for the conversation to change direction  :lol:
After the usual conversation about notable 'adventures' it was on to Q&A time with the doc
Under discussion was what tablets to take after a foreign golf hookering trip where OWO a-plenty
A bit like taking the motor for an MOT
And RO as an add-on subject
He said he wasn't aware of a case of any infection from RO

Unfortunately you are the exception to the rule.  Even worse that hard to get rid of

Try having warts frozen off your helmet.  Ouch  :scare:  Civvy shagging going in commando  :dash:

but not quite zero

We've discussed it a couple of times on here before, but I DID get gonnorhea in the throat from RO
And it was bloody hard to get rid of - multiple courses of antibiotics

Offline dieseldriver

If you have regular sex with your wife, I would not do OWO. You may find it hard to get a STI test without going private, and spending even more in the process.

Have to disagree with that. I contacted my local STI clinic based in a hospital like most are couple of years ago after a cold sore appeared on the outside of my foreskin. Was told can book a private appointment or just turn up and wait my turn. No cost involved, NHS funded. And completely confidential. Result of initial test sent by whatever means chosen. i.e. letter, text or phone call.
As it turned out, cleared up with Germolene before going. Back further to the mid eighties, an ex GF got vavinal warts from her ex hubby who was shagging others. So I had to be tested. The swab test took me by surprise. Didn't expect a q-tip like to be put into my pee hole. Chlamydia result. Antibiotics to cure. Then another q-tip into pee hole to test if clear.

Like you, I just love OWO that the OH wont do. Married her twenty years ago and had OWO from lots of SP's to this day without catching anything. I'd say do what you have to do.  Might regret it later on in years when too old for shagging SP's...........  :unknown: 

Online scutty brown


cheeky bastard

actually thats what the junior doctor said, but the consultant put her straight

Online scutty brown

Have to disagree with that. I contacted my local STI clinic based in a hospital like most are couple of years ago after a cold sore appeared on the outside of my foreskin. Was told can book a private appointment or just turn up and wait my turn. No cost involved, NHS funded. And completely confidential. Result of initial test sent by whatever means chosen. i.e. letter, text or phone call.
As it turned out, cleared up with Germolene before going. Back further to the mid eighties, an ex GF got vavinal warts from her ex hubby who was shagging others. So I had to be tested. The swab test took me by surprise. Didn't expect a q-tip like to be put into my pee hole. Chlamydia result. Antibiotics to cure. Then another q-tip into pee hole to test if clear.

Like you, I just love OWO that the OH wont do. Married her twenty years ago and had OWO from lots of SP's to this day without catching anything. I'd say do what you have to do.  Might regret it later on in years when too old for shagging SP's...........  :unknown:

Very few STI/STD clinics offered walkins before covid, I doubt if you'll find any now

Offline dieseldriver

Not just for extra sex and BJ's married men and those in a similar position to yourself visit SP's for. Pro dommes have large numbers of married men customers too. As can be seen on sites like Fetlife. And laughable the lengths they go to in hiding the evidence from their OH's   :D . At least with a BJ the only evidence is a floppy cock for a while after   :thumbsup:

Offline jokaa

Unlucky to say the least

Was having beers with mates in the boozer
A few departed home leaving me & a couple of others
Who enjoy our fave sport
Didn't take long for the conversation to change direction  :lol:
After the usual conversation about notable 'adventures' it was on to Q&A time with the doc
Under discussion was what tablets to take after a foreign golf hookering trip where OWO a-plenty
A bit like taking the motor for an MOT
And RO as an add-on subject
He said he wasn't aware of a case of any infection from RO

Unfortunately you are the exception to the rule.  Even worse that hard to get rid of

Try having warts frozen off your helmet.  Ouch  :scare:  Civvy shagging going in commando  :dash:

what tablets did your doc friend recommend lol?

Offline jokaa

I would say that the amount of concern you’re showing is commendable, you obviously care a great deal for your partner so punting probably isn’t going to be worth the anxiety it will cause you. Always weigh the benefits against what you would lose and remember there are 100’s of ways to get caught out, not just infections.
I’m happily single, have been for years but if i was in your situation I doubt I would be punting at all.
Try talking to her about your fantasies, a couple of bottles of decent wine will always help with this, you never know she might just surprise you!
If that fails there’s always Porn.

thanks mate. I feel at the moment with where we're at its not worth doing this unless I can like at least 90% safeguard against getting anything from OWO

Offline jokaa

If you have to ask us the question, then you're not mentally ready to do it.

I'd only be prepared to do it if I can make sure I have enough time to reliably test before me and my girl have sex again.

Offline oddson1970

l am in a similar position to yourself in that l have itches that need scratched.....l'm married but my mrs rarely gives me head and a good blowjob is something l need every now and then.
    If you really want to minimise the risk, choose a girl who is part time/low volume.You can never totally eliminate everything but catching anything from uncovered oral is rare and you would have to be really unlucky to do so.The fact that you use condoms with your partner is also a benefit in this case but this hobby comes with risks and its up to the individual to evaluate those risks and determine whether its worth it or not.

Online Chazz

I started having symptoms a week after OWO (like pissing barbed wire) and went to my local walk-in GUM. They told me it was extremely unlikely to catch anything from OWO. They also refused to test me until two weeks after the OWO, as otherwise they could come back with a false negative. I'd hoped to be given antibiotics anyway, but they refused to give me anything without a positive test result. I had to go back to the GUM the following week for a test, and then wait a further week for the results. (As it happened, they were negative, but had they been positive, i'd've had to wait another week whilst I took the course of antibiotics before I went anywhere near the wife). Fortunately, Mrs Chazz hasn't been anywhere near my cock in years, but if she was still up for it, I'd've had a hell of a time trying to find excuses not to fuck her for over a month. (In the end, my problem turned out to be fucking kidney stones!)

Offline Mr Kent (Not AW)

I don't know if Matt Hancock uses this site but perhaps he could assist in a Test and Trace App for WGs ?

Offline Easygoingdude

I don't know if Matt Hancock uses this site but perhaps he could assist in a Test and Trace App for WGs ?


Offline RedKettle

(In the end, my problem turned out to be fucking kidney stones!)

stick to fucking women, they are softer.   :D

Offline jokaa

I started having symptoms a week after OWO (like pissing barbed wire) and went to my local walk-in GUM. They told me it was extremely unlikely to catch anything from OWO. They also refused to test me until two weeks after the OWO, as otherwise they could come back with a false negative. I'd hoped to be given antibiotics anyway, but they refused to give me anything without a positive test result. I had to go back to the GUM the following week for a test, and then wait a further week for the results. (As it happened, they were negative, but had they been positive, i'd've had to wait another week whilst I took the course of antibiotics before I went anywhere near the wife). Fortunately, Mrs Chazz hasn't been anywhere near my cock in years, but if she was still up for it, I'd've had a hell of a time trying to find excuses not to fuck her for over a month. (In the end, my problem turned out to be fucking kidney stones!)

I guess I'm lucky my girl wants to fool around so much lol.

This is what I mean about conflicting reports - the GUM clinic are telling you it's extremely unlikely to catch something from OWO but then people say it's likely to get chlym or clap. Guess there's no right answer and it's just pot luck.

Offline jokaa

l am in a similar position to yourself in that l have itches that need scratched.....l'm married but my mrs rarely gives me head and a good blowjob is something l need every now and then.
    If you really want to minimise the risk, choose a girl who is part time/low volume.You can never totally eliminate everything but catching anything from uncovered oral is rare and you would have to be really unlucky to do so.The fact that you use condoms with your partner is also a benefit in this case but this hobby comes with risks and its up to the individual to evaluate those risks and determine whether its worth it or not.

Do you scratch those itches mate?

Yeh we use condoms and there are plenty of times where we just rubber up and go at it and I don't even get head, so I could find a way around it to be honest

Offline bedhedred

If you are that keen, then get the girl to give you head with a skyn condom. From a good oral provider with a solid reputation, it would still be a life-enhancing experience. I've had some great covered oral which was better than owo from a useless provider. Finding a good provider is the key.

Offline Malvolio

If you are that keen, then get the girl to give you head with a skyn condom. From a good oral provider with a solid reputation, it would still be a life-enhancing experience. I've had some great covered oral which was better than owo from a useless provider. Finding a good provider is the key.

This is a good idea - facefucking with a thin condom sounds like the way to go for the OP.

Offline Titi

Good to have you back Jokaa. My advice; don’t punt if you’re worried about all the things you listed. As you know, punting is not for the faint hearted.

Offline The Owl

Extremely unlikely isn't zero when it comes to catching an STI through OWO whilst the incubation period before symptoms show will most likely be longer than your partners period. You should also remember that condoms don't protect against genital herpes like they an STI.

At the end of the day OP needs to balance up the risks vs the rewards of punting to scratch an itch. He also needs to figure out if it will be to scratch and itch or if he'll end up chasing the dragon. Punting can be addictive.

It's OP's choice and his responsibility if anything other than him getting his rocks off happens.

Offline jokaa

Good to have you back Jokaa. My advice; don’t punt if you’re worried about all the things you listed. As you know, punting is not for the faint hearted.

I've been lurking for the past 6 months building myself up for this, but good to be back in any case although from the advice on this thread doubt I'll be back punting..  :unknown:

When I was punting, I never once had anything. However, difficult to take the gamble despite the odds being in my favour as someone else can now be put at risk because of it. Gotta pray she breaks up with me so I can go back to punting... ;)  :lol:

Offline Lady Lover

Not worth the risk mate.

If you have a good relationship and you're getting satisfied already the risk of experimenting with a kink totally outweighs the reward  :drinks:

Sounds like you're stressing about the whole situation, if you go ahead, you will end up worrying too much which your other half will pick up on

Offline James

Do oral protected op and u be fine. No kissing less risk of sti.
If covid den u get from anywhere
Banned reason: Unhealthy obsession with SP malicious posts out of spite
Banned by: daviemac

Offline The Owl

I've been lurking for the past 6 months building myself up for this, but good to be back in any case although from the advice on this thread doubt I'll be back punting..  :unknown:

When I was punting, I never once had anything. However, difficult to take the gamble despite the odds being in my favour as someone else can now be put at risk because of it. Gotta pray she breaks up with me so I can go back to punting... ;)  :lol:

You may not need to break up with her. Once the honeymoon period is over it will be cheaper and easier to fuck a prostitute than it will be getting pussy from your girlfriend.   :sarcastic:

Offline fredfunkster

1. As mentioned above, good covered oral can be very good -  and if you get an SP who will take a good facial, you can whip the rubber off, and have a nice PSE moment virtually risk free.

2. You can get what looks like STI from too much cycling on the wrong saddle. Start riding a bike a lot, and if you are unlucky enough to catch something - there’s your excuse. Pro tip.

Offline Briddy

As has been said, your obviously not mentally ready. I have a Mrs still have regular sex but I like to see wg's for numerous reasons.
The way I see it, it's a transaction hand the money over fuck a girl you couldn't pull on civvy street. No emotional attachment risks like could happen if you had an affair. 

Offline jokaa

As has been said, your obviously not mentally ready. I have a Mrs still have regular sex but I like to see wg's for numerous reasons.
The way I see it, it's a transaction hand the money over fuck a girl you couldn't pull on civvy street. No emotional attachment risks like could happen if you had an affair.

Do you wrap up for blowjobs?

Offline Briddy

No I tend to have owo, which yes isn't totally risk free but is still smaller risk than unprotected sex

Offline jokaa

No I tend to have owo, which yes isn't totally risk free but is still smaller risk than unprotected sex

haha yeh anyone even thinking about unprotected sex is an idiot, let alone having a Mrs and doing it. Boggles my mind.

Might just have to do it. Like you, I see sex as a transactional thing. The sex with my GF is completely different. It's like having an amazing, healthy, home cooked meal every night, but then every now and then, you want to go and get some dirty fried chicken.

Quite proud of that analogy...

Offline Briddy

haha yeh anyone even thinking about unprotected sex is an idiot, let alone having a Mrs and doing it. Boggles my mind.

Might just have to do it. Like you, I see sex as a transactional thing. The sex with my GF is completely different. It's like having an amazing, healthy, home cooked meal every night, but then every now and then, you want to go and get some dirty fried chicken.

Quite proud of that analogy...
  :D made me chuckle that, in stealing that one

Offline Vic69

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Hey guys,

I have been in a relationship for the last few years so haven't been punting, but I have an itch I need to scratch for a PSE session that my Mrs just isn't into. Our sex life is actually great - very intense, and there's a lot I enjoy, but she just isn't comfortable with the more rougher side of things and I'm missing it.

I've been tossing and turning around seeing an escort again. My hesitancy comes from a few things: cheating, betrayal, etc.

I don't need a lecture or anything, and the moral side of things is something I've come to terms with, but I do have one last major doubt - the risk of STIs. A few points below:

- Me and the Mrs are active, but we use condoms for sex as she can't go on the pill, so that's fine. We used to do pull out method but we had a few close calls so don't do that anymore. However, she does give me head.
- Obviously if I were to see a working girl I wouldn't do BB, but I do want OWO. The whole thing I'm missing more than anything is face fucking and stuff, so seeing a working girl and not doing OWO wouldn't tick my boxes.

I see comments from lots of gents with a Mrs at home who they're still active with, but they also see working girls and get OWO.

Any advice on how I can go about this, and if it's just not possible without putting my girl at risk (like serious risk), then let me know and I'll squash this itch straight away.

Thank you

PS: One idea I had was to see a WG whilst my Mrs is coming on her period. Would this give me time to get tested and make sure I'm clear by the time me and the Mrs get going again?

Have you spoken to your GF about swinging? You never know she may be up for it......that may be the way forward.