Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Glasgow Erin?  (Read 3632 times)

Offline AyrshirePunter

Hey all,

Just wondering if anyone knows what happened to Erin who used to do legit/sensual massage and escorting from a flat in Glasgow Harbour? She was my no. 1 pick (6ft tall, beautiful and good patter) but as I hadn't been able to get to Glasgow for punting I lost touch. She's been off the radar for months now and her phone number is dead. Did anyone happen to visit her near the end of her period on AW/CL and know if she's quit/moved/just not advertising?

Offline AyrshirePunter

I guess no-one has any info then? Gutted :dash:, probably (out of hundreds) the best looking SP I've had the pleasure of. And a nice lassie with it.

Offline Clattypats

I guess no-one has any info then? Gutted :dash:, probably (out of hundreds) the best looking SP I've had the pleasure of. And a nice lassie with it.
Seen her at Glasgow Harbour back in 2018, about 4 times in the space of 5 months... She had no pics up at the time so I went with the scraps of info I had from on here...

She was a really good booking I just went off her for some reason and never tried again... May have been the last booking she offered me a massage, something I had previously said I wasn't interested in...  :unknown:

She disappeared for a bit then came back as "British Erin" then was gone again and I never kept track...

Offline AyrshirePunter

Cheers for the info CP,  think 2018 was my last go..
I guess she's retired or moved unfortunately.  She was a bit of an "under the radar" gem, I'm probably not the only one who was reluctant to review and send loads of punters her way to take the freshness out of her. I think it was maybe 2014 that I had my first meet, responding to a craigslist advert of all things! She was very "un-escorty" back then, although she told me she'd worked for a newcastle agency previously. Appointments would often over run by half an hour because she was so chatty - got a lot more hard-nosed as time went on, but she was still £120 for a full hour with a genuine honey. Pretty vanilla services, but delivered enthusiastically.

No-one on the current Glasgow scene is anywhere near as attractive IMO.

Offline Jock D

Cheers for the info CP,  think 2018 was my last go..
I guess she's retired or moved unfortunately.  She was a bit of an "under the radar" gem, I'm probably not the only one who was reluctant to review and send loads of punters her way to take the freshness out of her.

Aye, good for you...keep your wee secret gems to yourself, till they disappear then come on here looking for info...because that's the way this forum works, right? :crazy:

The fact that you couldn't see the irony in your post says it all really... :timeout:

Offline J_H

Cheers for the info CP,  think 2018 was my last go..
I guess she's retired or moved unfortunately.  She was a bit of an "under the radar" gem, I'm probably not the only one who was reluctant to review and send loads of punters her way to take the freshness out of her. I think it was maybe 2014 that I had my first meet, responding to a craigslist advert of all things! She was very "un-escorty" back then, although she told me she'd worked for a newcastle agency previously. Appointments would often over run by half an hour because she was so chatty - got a lot more hard-nosed as time went on, but she was still £120 for a full hour with a genuine honey. Pretty vanilla services, but delivered enthusiastically.

No-one on the current Glasgow scene is anywhere near as attractive IMO.
Can't find that bit on the Forum user rules.

Offline Clattypats

Can't find that bit on the Forum user rules.
He is right though, and he's said it... It does happen though  :( Punters don't want to be at the back of the queue if they do a good review on someone (or want someone to themselves, so to speak)  :unknown: Not a habit I make of tbh...

Swithered and swayed to review one WG once, and by time I decided to, two reviews popped up in the space of a day or two, so I didn't bother as they were pretty in line with mine, ... Apart from that I've always reviewed WGs with no, or very sparse Feedback...
« Last Edit: August 22, 2020, 11:56:24 pm by Clattypats »

Offline Boinky

I usually don't bother reviewing well-reviewe girls if I have nothing to add. If I feel the's something different to add to the mix of a Neutral/Negative review for one that's got a pile of positives I will.

I always review girls that have little in the way of reviews to help create an accurate portrayal of the SP.

Offline AyrshirePunter

Fair enough, but I don't think using the forum somehow commits you to reporting every encounter you have with an SP. I haven't posted many reviews, granted, but I'm still probably a net contributor. Not through any virtue on my part, but because I'm mostly restricted to Ayrshire these days, and there's bugger all recent reviews of the limited SPs that are down I don't "take" that much either.

I'd definitely review any encounter that involved B&S, junkie, RIP-off etc. Anything else would depend on whether it was a well reviewed SP,  a difference of opinion on an SP from the consensus, and tbh, if I can be arsed typing it on a phone keyboard.

In the case of Erin, yeah, I didn't review her out of self-interest...but this forum is largely made up of men who pay money (that could be dropping the mortgage or going into the kid's college fund) to cheat on a partner - I doubt I'm the only selfish, immoral bastard on here?!