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Author Topic: Muggers in Birmingham  (Read 7190 times)

Offline temptation

I've had similar in the past, turned up at a place that's deserted and empty industrial units. I didn't hang about, no follow up asking why I didn't turn up either.

Offline daviemac

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Isn't possessing pepper spray illegal and dealt with under firearms legislation in the UK?
Yes, it comes under the same category as a firearm. Chances are armed response would attend if you are seen with it. Anyone carrying it would probably get dealt with more severely than the muggers.

Offline dubs

My client told me something suspicious recently, I figured I’d give you the heads up as this seems to happening more often.

He was leaving a private apartment after a booking, to which he was confronted by several security personnel who worked in the building. They said they know what’s going on and the police are on their way, making claims that the WG is being trafficked (but, the WG is still in the flat and my client managed to enter the apartment and complete the booking with no fuss). Then they say they’ll tell the police there’s nothing to worry about if he gives them money...Which is ridiculous, the police would not just turn around without speaking to the victim if there’s an allegation of sex trafficking; so obviously no police. He gave them £40 as he was outnumbered and left. Don’t think my client knew what to make of it but just sounds like the security caught wind of a WG in the building, either made an arrangement with the WG so she could stay with no hassle or mugged her punters.

If anyone wants the name of the building PM me so you can avoid this place (or let me know if I can post it publicly). It’s near broad street

This should be reported to the cops.  I'd love to see them organise a sting operation to catch the muggers.

Is it being discussed on SAAFE, because if enough girls report it the cops will have to do something.

Offline Genesis42777

Yes, it comes under the same category as a firearm. Chances are armed response would attend if you are seen with it. Anyone carrying it would probably get dealt with more severely than the muggers.

very true daviemac  :thumbsup: And yet in America its not illegal to own a tank and a flamethrower. :lol: :lol: :lol:

regards G  :hi:
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Offline dog999

So, does this also apply to my bag of pepper?.

Offline Adultworkuser

I've just shown the pic of him posted on the east midlands thread  to my mate. Apparently although he had a corona mask on it does seem like the same guy. Similar build, skin tone, shaped head etc.

Offline James

I've just shown the pic of him posted on the east midlands thread  to my mate. Apparently although he had a corona mask on it does seem like the same guy. Similar build, skin tone, shaped head etc.

looks connected, hes been released from jail apparantly, if someone reports he will be locked up. But will be hard to report, technically we are in the wrong for visiting a escort to
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Offline GingerNuts

looks connected, hes been released from jail apparantly, if someone reports he will be locked up. But will be hard to report, technically we are in the wrong for visiting a escort to

How are we technically (I assume you mean legally) in the wrong for visiting an escort?

Offline daviemac

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So, does this also apply to my bag of pepper?.
Yes, if you are carrying it as a weapon, what possibly excuse could you have for an unsealed bag of pepper in your pocket.

looks connected, hes been released from jail apparantly, if someone reports he will be locked up. But will be hard to report, technically we are in the wrong for visiting a escort to
Are you for real??? has the law been changed in the last 5 minutes and nobody's noticed. The only time it is illegal to visit a prostitute is if they are underage, coerced or trafficked, none of which applies in this case. The escorts that I know of who use the premises concerned are all willing and some even have the police doing welfare checks. 

The reason these scumbags tend to get away with this sort of thing is due to the ill-informed such as yourself.

Offline James

How are we technically (I assume you mean legally) in the wrong for visiting an escort?

yep legally its still not allowed due to 1m social distancing. Your allowed in another persons house they say, but have to 1m distance. You dont do that shagging
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Offline daviemac

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yep legally its still not allowed due to 1m social distancing. Your allowed in another persons house they say, but have to 1m distance. You dont do that shagging
How do they know you haven't been social distancing whilst inside, they don't. All you need to do is tell the police who you've been to see and theses cunts are trying to mug you, they are hardly going to start questioning what you were doing in there, particularly as it is not illegal for you to visit.

Offline daviemac

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yep legally its still not allowed due to 1m social distancing. Your allowed in another persons house they say, but have to 1m distance. You dont do that shagging
I've spent the last few minutes searching for the legislation that say social distancing is covered by law, I have been unable to find it, as I can only find guidelines I would be grateful if you could provide a link the the law you refer to, what authority the police have to enforce it and subsequent penalties one might incur. I know the fine for not wearing a mask can be £100.

As ignorance is no excuse, I would hate to think I was breaking a law I was unaware of.
« Last Edit: July 25, 2020, 03:14:33 pm by daviemac »

Offline David50

Is that not pepper spray that women I think can carry to protect themselves from rape or is it something else ?

Offline Palomaxxxxxx

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I would recommend that any punter being accosted in such a manner dials 999, tell the operator he's in xxx building and he's being mugged. Another thing I would suggest is you, or any other escort involved, reports it to the police, neither you or the punter are doing anything wrong.

I told the punter he should have called the police himself, or waited for the so called police to arrive as like you said he wasn’t doing anything wrong. He didn’t want any fuss so refused.

Sounds like its probably the same place the incident with my friend took place. Do you know what month this happened ?

This month  :)

yep legally its still not allowed due to 1m social distancing. Your allowed in another persons house they say, but have to 1m distance. You dont do that shagging

That’s ridiculous. Someone assaulted me recently and they are now on an ABH charge. I wasn’t quizzed about social distancing, as I was the victim of a serious crime? The police took it very seriously. As someone else said, they can’t really prove what you were doing in there as you are paying for time? It’s not their business anyway.

Anyone who has been a victim of crime, escort or punter, should report to the police. These twats go around doing things like this because they know people are unsure about reporting to the police.
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Offline Adultworkuser

I have another friend who visits escorts from time to time as well. Hes a small guy but hes been boxing since he was 15. If he trys this with someone like him hes going to be in for one hell of a beating.

Offline Adultworkuser

I told the punter he should have called the police himself, or waited for the so called police to arrive as like you said he wasn’t doing anything wrong. He didn’t want any fuss so refused.

This month  :)

That’s ridiculous. Someone assaulted me recently and they are now on an ABH charge. I wasn’t quizzed about social distancing, as I was the victim of a serious crime? The police took it very seriously. As someone else said, they can’t really prove what you were doing in there as you are paying for time? It’s not their business anyway.

Anyone who has been a victim of crime, escort or punter, should report to the police. These twats go around doing things like this because they know people are unsure about reporting to the police.

He already came back after two months only? He must ne robbing a decent amount of people then.

Online scutty brown

Is that not pepper spray that women I think can carry to protect themselves from rape or is it something else ?

No they cannot carry it. You think wrong.
Pepper spray or any other kind of chemical weapon is illegal

Offline daviemac

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No they cannot carry it. You think wrong.
Pepper spray or any other kind of chemical weapon is illegal
Very true, it carries a maximum of 10 years in prison.

Offline James

the guy ovs had enough in derby so started in bham, location wise they are not far . Hopefully the 5-0 catch up with him and hes back behind bars.
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Offline David50

I think a WG is involved as how do they know an apartment near broad street is visiting WG.  He could live there or be visiting a mate or family member .

Offline David50

Very true, it carries a maximum of 10 years in prison.

Ridiculous people can’t protect themselves .

Offline James

I think a WG is involved as how do they know an apartment near broad street is visiting WG.  He could live there or be visiting a mate or family member .

yep, now which one is up to the detective here or police to find out. It may be a jealous pimp if someone else is getting custom, or a genuine girl trying to earn extra.
Or an opportunist,
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Online scutty brown

I think a WG is involved as how do they know an apartment near broad street is visiting WG.  He could live there or be visiting a mate or family member .

takes just a few minutes to find where a girl is working, there's no reason to suggest a girl is complicit

this is either a simple mugger who has found an easy method of theiving, or a religious vigilante

Offline daviemac

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Ridiculous people can’t protect themselves .
You can, just not with weapons. If you don't like it move to a country where you can carry weapons.

I think a WG is involved as how do they know an apartment near broad street is visiting WG.  He could live there or be visiting a mate or family member .
They are just chancers they'll ask anyone who's going in, some will give in some won't.
« Last Edit: July 25, 2020, 06:37:17 pm by daviemac »

Offline southern boy

Chances who outnumber the victim possibly with weapons the police guidance would be don't take them on and give them what they ask for then ring to say you've been mugged when theve gone

Online scutty brown

There is always a golden rule though: DON'T ENGAGE.
Keep walking, ignore them, don't stop to talk. If they get in your face, pretend you can't understand what they're saying, pretend you're foreign, tell them you've no spare change. But keep walking

Offline James

i think hes peartree mob. indianamira21 profile now showing in bham. she is possible peartree connection
for ppl who dont know, peartree mob is an asian pimp who mugs punters in notts derby. some ppl get a punt without muggings. few of his girls opetate in bham sometimes
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Offline daviemac

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i think hes peartree mob. indianamira21 profile now showing in bham. she is possible peartree connection
for ppl who dont know, peartree mob is an asian pimp who mugs punters in notts derby. some ppl get a punt without muggings. few of his girls opetate in bham sometimes
Any chance you can repeat in English,   :unknown:

Can you post the link to the legislation regarding social distancing you refereed to please. 

Offline Adultworkuser

Why dont these girl just chose a better location to work from in Birmingham? That b1 area just looks dodgy and unsafe in general. But it could just be me who thinks that I guess.

Online badsin

Seemingly the same guy has been operating in Derby for a while, in between stints in the nick, thread and picture here:

I would strongly recommend contacting the police, seemingly recently out of prison, so will get recalled on licence  :hi:

Offline James

Any chance you can repeat in English,   :unknown:

Can you post the link to the legislation regarding social distancing you refereed to please.

ok so theres a group of girls in derby thst punters get mobbed
i think its connected because a girl called indianamira21 is now in bham b1 area.  a few other girls come to b1 from this group.

regards social distance, its what they told us on news. go houses but 1m apart. so i was applying that
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Banned by: daviemac

Offline James

Why dont these girl just chose a better location to work from in Birmingham? That b1 area just looks dodgy and unsafe in general. But it could just be me who thinks that I guess.

b1 is by the station and cheap i guess
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Offline daviemac

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regards social distance, its what they told us on news. go houses but 1m apart. so i was applying that
You are claiming that it's a legal requirement to social distance in a private house, therefore those who visit the prostitute in this case are acting illegally, that is not the case, it isn't a law, it's a recommendation.  There's a vast difference, people are being accosted by these scum whilst going about the lawful business of visiting a prostitute.

There's an old saying, 'a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing', very true in your case.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2020, 01:09:03 pm by daviemac »

Offline Adultworkuser

b1 is by the station and cheap i guess

Yh, you would think based on the prices girls like the one mentioned in the thread charge they would not be so miserly though

Online badsin

a simple mugger who has found an easy method of theiving

From what I've read, this guy seems to visit the girls to find their location, he might not complete an appointment, but could get the address off the girl via text or AW message.
Then lurks waiting for guys to visit said address, and making his move.
Hopefully he'll get nicked and get sent back to prison with no harm to punters or SP's.

Offline Genesis42777

From what I've read, this guy seems to visit the girls to find their location, he might not complete an appointment, but could get the address off the girl via text or AW message.
Then lurks waiting for guys to visit said address, and making his move.
Hopefully he'll get nicked and get sent back to prison with no harm to punters or SP's.

I personally find it all a bit to random...There,s just no way a mugger/extortionist is doing this alone.He must be in cahoots with girl/pimp etc,etc..He must have booking times information etc.he just must..! like a mugger/extortionist is going to by chance,hang around a building,block of apartments or a property and approach anybody 24/7 hoping its going to be a all punters look the same...dirty brown mac,sunglasses and walk with a limp :lol: :lol: :lol:

regards G :hi:
« Last Edit: July 26, 2020, 09:43:16 pm by Genesis42777 »
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Offline daviemac

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I personally find it all a bit to random...There,s just no way a mugger/extortionist is doing this alone.He must be in cahoots with girl/pimp etc,etc..He must have booking times information etc.he just must..! like a mugger/extortionist is going to by chance,hang around a building,block of apartments or a property and approach anybody 24/7 hoping its going to be a all punters look the same...dirty brown mac,sunglasses and walk with a limp :lol: :lol: :lol:

regards G :hi:
Have you read this thread,  it's about the same bloke, he's done it in Derby as well. They recon he makes bookings to get the address then waits outside for other punters.

Offline daviemac

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Have you read this thread,  it's about the same bloke, he's done it in Derby as well. They recon he makes bookings to get the address then waits outside for other punters.

I have posted this on the other thread so I will ask here as well.  This has been reported by a SP but if anyone knows of a victim and they are prepared to go to the police, I have the crime number and will pass it on.

Offline Genesis42777

Have you read this thread,  it's about the same bloke, he's done it in Derby as well. They recon he makes bookings to get the address then waits outside for other punters.

evening daviemac  :hi: Yes i have read all the thread,but i still believe someone else is involved..if it was as simple as some guy waiting were a known SP works, at certain random times to rob/intimidate punters.Then it would be "prolific" and every dickhead/thug would be doing it.But it,s rare..very rare.Look at the logistics of it.If a girl works from 10am-10pm that,s 12 hours.

12 x 1 hour punts
24x 30 min punts
48x 15 min punts

Now eveyday her day bookings times must be different.some days more bookings and some days less
say she has 2x1 hour bookings+4x30min bookings=5x15min bookings in a day is he going to hang around (5hrs and 15 mins) 11x random times spread over 12 hours is he bollox as like...he must know when punters are booked in.
regards G  :hi:
« Last Edit: July 27, 2020, 07:04:21 pm by Genesis42777 »
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Offline daviemac

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evening daviemac  :hi: Yes i have read all the thread,but i still believe someone else is involved..if it was as simple as some guy waiting were a known SP works, at certain random times to rob/intimidate punters.Then it would be "prolific" and every dickhead/thug would be doing it.But it,s rare..very rare.Look at the logistics of it.If a girl works from 10am-10pm that,s 12 hours.

12 x 1 hour punts
24x 30 min punts
48x 15 min punts

Now eveyday her day bookings times must be different.some days more bookings and some days less
say she has 2x1 hour bookings+4x30min bookings=5x15min bookings in a day is he going to hang around (5hrs and 15 mins) 11x random times spread over 12 hours is he bollox as like...he must know when punters are booked in.
regards G  :hi:
To be quite honest I couldn't give a fuck what you think. You can speculate, believe or imagine all you want. I am stating FACT.

The fact is at least one escort has reported this, at least one escort has asked me to post here to see if any punters are willing to come forward. To top it all off I have the crime number to pass on to any such punter.

In reality this has got fuck all to do with me, I'm 200 miles away, it does not affect me, however I find myself in a position where people trust me to help where I can and they know I will not betray a confidence. As a result of this I have been contacted by an escort who has relayed the information to me. In keeping with the ethos of the site, as I may be able to help follow punters,  I have involved myself and to be quite honest I do not need some prick shit stirring, I have far better things to do with my time.

I have irrefutable evidence that at least one escort from the area has reported it to the police. can you show me the irrefutable evidence you have that a working girl is involved. If not do not bother replying to me.

I'm more than happy to help fellow punters but I am not going to fight and argue to do so.

Offline James

hopefully the work of the victims and escorts catch this guy and make it safe for us to punt. A lot of touring girls use that location due to closure of hotels/ hard to get hotel bookings. Once hotels are less relaxed it could be safe again.
The scum doing it probbably prefers jail. Like the bar of soap maybe or just the free food
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Online Andywb

Punters being mugged is a variant on another problem that was happening a couple of years ago in B'ham. In that case it was Thai girls being robbed in their flats by 2 or 3 scumbags who would arrange a fake appointment and then barge into the flat and threaten the girls to hand over their takings - often a few days worth because they knew girls stashed the loot rather than going to the bank everyday. This was told to me by a thai lass and I noted it in my review at the time
« Last Edit: July 27, 2020, 10:18:15 pm by Andywb »

Offline James

Look out for a honda, thats the car apparently, posted somewhere else
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Online badsin

Reply 92 above: probably best not to discuss different methods of robbery, they may well be reading these pages  :hi:

Offline Genesis42777

To be quite honest I couldn't give a fuck what you think...

Seriously"  Did you forget your manners!! daviemac.I was merely offering my P.O.V.not shit stirring..its a forum for debate. Seriously..."don,t reply back".. who do you think you are.....No need to be obnoxious and rude.And your supposed to be a "Moderator" of this site a mediator/arbitrator.
And you did not need to reply back yourself..i was not after a juvenile spat with you


« Last Edit: July 30, 2020, 12:09:47 pm by daviemac »
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Offline daviemac

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Seriously"  Did you forget your manners!! daviemac.I was merely offering my P.O.V.not shit stirring..its a forum for debate. Seriously..."don,t reply back".. who do you think you are.....No need to be obnoxious and rude.And your supposed to be a "Moderator" of this site a mediator/arbitrator.
And you did not need to reply back yourself..i was not after a juvenile spat with you

No, I have not forgotten my manners, I had already pointed you in the direction of posts referring to how they operate which indicated escorts were not involved.

Moving on from that I asked for punters to come forward with information that could be given to the police. As far as I can tell you have no relevant information that the police can use so, too true, I couldn't give two fucks what you think.

My posting on here, in an area I have no association with, after being contacted by an escort on another forum where she asked if I could help, is not part of a UKP moderators brief.

This is something that doesn't affect me personally nor is it a UKP moderation issue yet I have invested quite a bit of time and effort into it in an attempt to help those it does affect, so yes it does get frustrating when I ask for factual information and get opinion and speculation in return.

Your insistence that escorts must be involved is pure speculation and neither helpful, something I am interested in and as I have no local knowledge is something I wish to debate.

Your reply #89 came several hours after I had asked for anyone with information that could be passed on to the police to come forward, why reply if you don't have such information.

Offline Overyonder

Wow that's all good isn't it  :dash: Luckily I havent been in such a situation but whenever I punt I always have my wits about me in terms of who's around and location.

Hopefully you all keep your eyes out and are vigilant. I think someone mentioned there's a distinct area to avoid? Or is it a case of any punt around b street could be dangerous?

Offline James

Wow that's all good isn't it  :dash: Luckily I havent been in such a situation but whenever I punt I always have my wits about me in terms of who's around and location.

Hopefully you all keep your eyes out and are vigilant. I think someone mentioned there's a distinct area to avoid? Or is it a case of any punt around b street could be dangerous?

From what i know the place is on the corner of a street begining with h. Its on that side of bham. Not the broad street ends, more by mailbox
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Offline dog999

Even the calculations have scrambled my brain. 12x = what 24 x48= what the fuck!. :D :D Not simples!.