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Author Topic: Face masks  (Read 3738 times)

Offline snagz

So.... Do people turn up to appointments wearing face masks (considering what's about to happen :) :D)?

Offline Zeusthedoc

do you wear a seatbelt while driving given when you get to your destination you're going to be moving about and suddenly changing speed/direction?

if people choose to punt, that's up to them...
the mask is to protect themselves/others on the way there/back!

Offline Global_Punter

Punting requires a bit of rub & tug, a don't think a mask will do the trick. It's still likely to spread at close proximity.

Offline rbtgrr

do you wear a seatbelt while driving given when you get to your destination you're going to be moving about and suddenly changing speed/direction?

if people choose to punt, that's up to them...
the mask is to protect themselves/others on the way there/back!

A face mask isn't to protect you on the way there and back, it is to prevent you infecting others.
A marginal effect at best.
Banned reason: You’re not my matey correct, Twat
Banned by: Iloveoral

Online Kerosene

Less chance of being recognised on the way to and from perhaps?

Offline Nathxxx

Meta-analysis based on worldwide studies on Covid-19 spread has identified two common themes:

1. Standard masks do not work (in preventing spread)
2. Humidity is a key factor in spreading rates.

External Link/Members Only

Offline winkywanky

A gas mask and goggles which form a proper seal on the face would work. And some rubber gloves. And then being hosed down afterwards.

But then that's a whole different type of booking entirely  :blush:

Offline GingerNuts

Meta-analysis based on worldwide studies on Covid-19 spread has identified two common themes:

1. Standard masks do not work (in preventing spread)
2. Humidity is a key factor in spreading rates.

External Link/Members Only

He seems to be referring to standard face masks not protecting the wearer when their purpose is to help prevent the wearer spreading the virus, i.e. you don't wear one for your own benefit, you wear one for the benefit of everyone else.

Presumably you've read the whole article and all the links so please correct me if I'm wrong.

Offline Zeusthedoc

A face mask isn't to protect you on the way there and back, it is to prevent you infecting others.
A marginal effect at best.

I did say this...
I said protect you and others

Online RandomGuy99

We all need to do our bit by:

- Wearing masks
- Washing hands more frequently
- Social distancing where possible
- Staying home as much as possible

I'll still want to have a shag now and again though. Less frequently than before, but I don't think I can manage having no sex for another 6 to 12 months.

Now seems to be the best time for a shag if you feel the urge.

If we get a spike then we'll need to do mini lockdowns. 

The human race has been here before and it will again in the future. 

We'll get through it.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2020, 11:25:57 pm by RandomGuy99 »

Offline Nathxxx

He seems to be referring to standard face masks not protecting the wearer when their purpose is to help prevent the wearer spreading the virus, i.e. you don't wear one for your own benefit, you wear one for the benefit of everyone else.

Presumably you've read the whole article and all the links so please correct me if I'm wrong.

Based on a number of papers, with some variety on the effectiveness, but the common issue is the size of the virus is too small for your standard cheap facemask (vast majority wearing), in or out. An analogy i heard is it’s the equivalent of using a chain-link fence to keep out flies. Add the issue of no proper seal around the face and more than 20 mins of breathing into the mask, there are theories it could increase the risk by warming and moistening the masks, but these are just theories at this point (more research required)

So, in summary: doesn’t work, may make it worse.

Offline GingerNuts

Based on a number of papers, with some variety on the effectiveness, but the common issue is the size of the virus is too small for your standard cheap facemask (vast majority wearing), in or out. An analogy i heard is it’s the equivalent of using a chain-link fence to keep out flies. Add the issue of no proper seal around the face and more than 20 mins of breathing into the mask, there are theories it could increase the risk by warming and moistening the masks, but these are just theories at this point (more research required)

So, in summary: doesn’t work, may make it worse.

Masks are to block respiratory droplets (from the person wearing one) which carry the virus. If the virus has no carrier it isn't going anywhere.

They do work.

Offline scutty brown

Based on a number of papers, with some variety on the effectiveness, but the common issue is the size of the virus is too small for your standard cheap facemask (vast majority wearing), in or out. An analogy i heard is it’s the equivalent of using a chain-link fence to keep out flies. Add the issue of no proper seal around the face and more than 20 mins of breathing into the mask, there are theories it could increase the risk by warming and moistening the masks, but these are just theories at this point (more research required)

So, in summary: doesn’t work, may make it worse.

Bollocks, it will capture any vapour droplets leaving your airway, so stopping any suspended aqueous-borne virus.
What is won't stop is any airborne virus aerosol, but thats by no means confirmed as a significant transmission route.
Masks will reduce infectivity and should be regarded as another brick in the protective wall, along with isolation and hand sanitation

Offline Nathxxx

Bollocks, it will capture any vapour droplets leaving your airway, so stopping any suspended aqueous-borne virus.
What is won't stop is any airborne virus aerosol, but thats by no means confirmed as a significant transmission route.
Masks will reduce infectivity and should be regarded as another brick in the protective wall, along with isolation and hand sanitation

The initial theory was as you state. This is a meta-analysis (as reliable as it gets in research) which has identified common themes from world wide sources, links are all provided. I mean, you can say it’s bollocks, but on what grounds?

Offline Bonker

I wish masks had come along earlier. Some of my punts would have been less unpleasant if the WGs faces had been covered up. And I wouldn't have had to hide my true feelings.

The missus wears one when she goes shopping and people no longer run into the street screaming.

Offline scutty brown

The initial theory was as you state. This is a meta-analysis (as reliable as it gets in research) which has identified common themes from world wide sources, links are all provided. I mean, you can say it’s bollocks, but on what grounds?

you mean this link?
External Link/Members Only
As far as I can see thats a non-reviewed, non-refereed flight of fancy by a guy picking reports that favour his point of view. It does NOT appear to be a proper review of the literature. Also much of it is irrelevant anyway as it discusses other agents than covid, while at least one paper was comparing types of mask, not mask vs no mask.
The review is worthless

Offline Nathxxx

you mean this link?
External Link/Members Only
As far as I can see thats a non-reviewed, non-refereed flight of fancy by a guy picking reports that favour his point of view. It does NOT appear to be a proper review of the literature. Also much of it is irrelevant anyway as it discusses other agents than covid, while at least one paper was comparing types of mask, not mask vs no mask.
The review is worthless

The references are there, with the links to the original papers. The original papers are clear with their methods, feel free to highlight the contradictions here. Genuinely, if you can see any, but looks quite clear to me.

Granted this is based on general viruses. But COVID is a virus, I mean you do agree with that right?

Just a bit of background from me: I used to work in a specialist area of healthcare, including dealing with infectious diseases. I don’t do the research, but I pay attention to the experts that do. The standard masks were never considered good enough for airborne viruses. This now highlights how ineffective and potentially dangerous it is.

But, I’ll leave it here. People can make up their own mind

Offline GingerNuts

The references are there, with the links to the original papers. The original papers are clear with their methods, feel free to highlight the contradictions here. Genuinely, if you can see any, but looks quite clear to me.

Granted this is based on general viruses. But COVID is a virus, I mean you do agree with that right?

Just a bit of background from me: I used to work in a specialist area of healthcare, including dealing with infectious diseases. I don’t do the research, but I pay attention to the experts that do. The standard masks were never considered good enough for airborne viruses. This now highlights how ineffective and potentially dangerous it is.

But, I’ll leave it here. People can make up their own mind

As someone who pays attention to the experts you'll have read the original papers.

Which ones conclude that mask wearing doesn't help prevent the transmission of the virus through respiratory droplets (the reason we're saying masks work and should be worn)?

Offline Global_Punter

The theory is simple:

How does Covid-19 spread:

* Fomite transmission: touching an affected surface and then touching your face, thats the reason your asked to wash your hands - my take is
   that its not guaranteed that the bed sheets, SP or hard surface in the location will be sterile enough to protect you. Mask or no mask once
   you touch the face the mask cant protect you from the virus.

* Respiratory particles can reach you directly, in a 1/2 or 1 hrs booking you cant stop this from happening. Respiratory particles last in the air
   for 15 mins, all you need to do is remove the mask to catch some air and your at risk.

In all cloth, surgical and N95 ( best ones ) are recommended as a simple barrier to help prevent respiratory droplets from travelling into the air and transmitted onto others ie when the person wearing the mask coughs, sneezes or raises their voice - best know as source control.

It's not a 100 % protection for very close proximity like massage and punting etc IMOH as you still need to maintain some distance and be in an airy environment which is not possible in a room, going to the shower or touching hard surfaces that may have accommodated other punters of which some maybe asymptomatic. 

Offline softlad25

some girls would be better with masks   :rolleyes:

Offline Yorkshirefatrascal

The missus wears one when she goes shopping and people no longer run into the street screaming.
Lol  :scare:

Offline holeymoley

Since we have had various types of flu and flu vaxccines for over 50 years, how come it’s taken until now for masks to be suggested for members of the public.

Also why have so many doctors and health professionals died, as presumably they would have been wearing masks and gloves, gowns etc, I know I’m old but I just can’t make any sense of it.

In addition the Japanese who seem to be obsessed with masks on a normal daily basis, and with no lockdown seem to have had a very low incidence rate. Also people die with it and others don’t even know they have it, there seems to be so many contradictions imho.

Offline jordan452

I guess they could help with discretion on the way to a punt.

Offline LLPunting

Since we have had various types of flu and flu vaxccines for over 50 years, how come it’s taken until now for masks to be suggested for members of the public.

Also why have so many doctors and health professionals died, as presumably they would have been wearing masks and gloves, gowns etc, I know I’m old but I just can’t make any sense of it.

In addition the Japanese who seem to be obsessed with masks on a normal daily basis, and with no lockdown seem to have had a very low incidence rate. Also people die with it and others don’t even know they have it, there seems to be so many contradictions imho.

We are more complacent with flu and tolerant of the kills it delivers every year.  Other countries do use masks, only fuckwit arrogant societies like ours and US don't have the social cohesion to live up to community spirit unless there's a Blitz on or a flagpole to parade around like saving the NHS.

Masks prevent droplet spread they do not prevent aerosol and they cannot prevent anything if they are removed from the face (to change or absent mindedly scratch an itch) in infected areas.  Hospital treatment areas are known high infection risk and staff short on appropriate PPE may have had to take risks whilst engaged in saving the sick.

These "contradictions" are expressions of the multiplicity of ways that infection can occur and which very few controlled environments can mitigate all at once without becoming too constrained or too limited in capacity to deal with the deluge of patients we experienced, especially when confronted with a pathogen that we don't know.

Offline Doc Holliday

Just a bit of background from me: I used to work in a specialist area of healthcare, including dealing with infectious diseases. I don’t do the research, but I pay attention to the experts that do.

Really? As a specialist you surely researched the author (Denis G. Rancourt, PhD) who compiled the article?

You will be aware that masks have become a civil liberties issue in the US. "only God can tell me to wear a mask" etc ... and yet you link to a very small independent US news site with a strong anti MSM editorial ethos. How did you find that? Are you a regular reader?

They publish an article by a former physics professor with something of a chequered and controversial past, including being sacked from his position at Ottowa University in 2009 and whose present role is as a researcher with the Ontario Civil Liberties Association since 2014. Part of his role includes media response. Did you consider he may be slightly biased on the subject of public wearing face masks?  :rolleyes:

Edit. I should add f**k knows what this has to do with punting?

« Last Edit: July 13, 2020, 12:38:27 pm by Doc Holliday »

Offline JamesKW

So.... Do people turn up to appointments wearing face masks (considering what's about to happen :) :D)?

Its up to you,by its very nature punting is a risky passtime.I travelled on tube trains in rush hour,like sardines,with everyone coughing and spluttering during February and March (when the virus was at its most prevalent) without a face mask and didnt even get any pleasure out of it.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2020, 12:45:43 pm by JamesKW »

Offline king tarzan

i view it very simply... then don't go... simpletto
Banned reason: Misogynist who gets free bookings from agencies for pos reviews.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Hobbit

i view it very simply... then don't go... simpletto

I fully agree. I wish people would stop asking silly questions about "should I or shouldn't I", "whether I should wear a mask or a full-body condom"? The bottom line is, if you are worried about catching COVID from punting, then don't do it and stay at home and wait for the vaccine to come out which is at least a year away. You will always find that if you're worried now, then you will be worried during the punt and also after it. So it won't be enjoyable. I've always said do what you love and love what you do. :hi:

Offline Marmalade

Punting requires a bit of rub & tug, a don't think a mask will do the trick. It's still likely to spread at close proximity.

Safest would be to bring back street prostitution, bjs or doggie only, wear your mask and get rocks off in open air for added protection.

Not everyone’s cup of tea but I’d wager quite a few would prefer (assuming they don’t get caught) a nice wee suck in a backstreet on the way home to months of abstinence or solitary wanking.

Not that our blighted advice givers are likely to back it...

Offline davidgood

Safest would be to bring back street prostitution, bjs or doggie only, wear your mask and get rocks off in open air for added protection.

Not everyone’s cup of tea but I’d wager quite a few would prefer (assuming they don’t get caught) a nice wee suck in a backstreet on the way home to months of abstinence or solitary wanking.

Not that our blighted advice givers are likely to back it...

I did not go to it, but there was a sex party taking place this week which was going to be held outdoors in secluded woodland.



Offline winkywanky

Wasn't a punt, but I had an outdoor sexual encounter one evening this week. We got totally nekkid in the 11pm starlight and did the dirty. A local farmer had constructed a huge pile of haybales at the far end of a field (about 15m square and 10m high) and we were right behind it, with a quiet road off in the distance.

Was pretty amazing actually  :cool:.

Offline simon07

This might do as Covid secure punting? Can buy via Amazon. Except I cannot add pic!
« Last Edit: August 15, 2020, 02:47:21 pm by simon07 »

Offline Home Alone

I fully agree. I wish people would stop asking silly questions about "should I or shouldn't I", "whether I should wear a mask or a full-body condom"? The bottom line is, if you are worried about catching COVID from punting, then don't do it and stay at home and wait for the vaccine to come out which is at least a year away. You will always find that if you're worried now, then you will be worried during the punt and also after it. So it won't be enjoyable. I've always said do what you love and love what you do. :hi:

Sage words, imo, Hobbit.

I may sound like a bit of a fatalist in what follows. But, as one who wasn't expected to survive schooldays, I believe that if an epidemic - of whatever size - is meant, in the great scheme of things, to see me off, it will do.

So while I haven't yet had a punt since last December - not reviewed on here because it was an atypical one for me [a 'Christmas offer' of 10% off a 2-hour meet] - if I get the urge to see a SP, I would probably do so. And I would wear a face mask where I am required to do so - e.g. when travelling on public transport to the meet - but not when I don't have to.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2020, 03:09:56 pm by Home Alone »

Online B4bcock

Wasn't a punt, but I had an outdoor sexual encounter one evening this week. We got totally nekkid in the 11pm starlight and did the dirty. A local farmer had constructed a huge pile of haybales at the far end of a field (about 15m square and 10m high) and we were right behind it, with a quiet road off in the distance.

Was pretty amazing actually  :cool:.

This 'encounter' wasn't with one of the farmer's sheep, by any chance, ww??   If so, please leave a revewe.   :)

Offline winkywanky

This 'encounter' wasn't with one of the farmer's sheep, by any chance, ww??   If so, please leave a revewe.   :)

 :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Luckily all his sheep had just been sheared. I do like a nice smooth pussy. Baaaaah.... ;)

Online Waterhouse

Sage words, imo, Hobbit.

I may sound like a bit of a fatalist in what follows. But, as one who wasn't expected to survive schooldays, I believe that if an epidemic - of whatever size - is meant, in the great scheme of things, to see me off, it will do.

So while I haven't yet had a punt since last December - not reviewed on here because it was an atypical one for me [a 'Christmas offer' of 10% off a 2-hour meet] - if I get the urge to see a SP, I would probably do so. And I would wear a face mask where I am required to do so - e.g. when travelling on public transport to the meet - but not when I don't have to.
I have exactly the same philosophy and outlook. Couldn’t agree more.  :hi:

Offline rocket88

 :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Luckily all his sheep had just been sheared. I do like a nice smooth pussy. Baaaaah.... ;)

Tourist to Yorkshire farmer: Are you shearing that sheep?

Farmer: No,fuck off and find your own!

Offline winkywanky

Ha ha ha!

Typical tight Yorkshireman (but not as tight as the sheep, I'll bet  :scare:  :D).