Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Social media / girls and real names  (Read 2833 times)

Offline lborocd1

Bit of a random one, in the course of organising punts / I’ve come across girls using there own phones / real names in comms - I confess after the punt I have had a quick look on Facebook and found the profiles of the individuals... anyone else done similar ? Had to say one of them if I’d known they knew a close friend of my Ex wife I probably wouldn’t have shagged....

Offline Picti

Bit of a random one, in the course of organising punts / I’ve come across girls using there own phones / real names in comms - I confess after the punt I have had a quick look on Facebook and found the profiles of the individuals... anyone else done similar ? Had to say one of them if I’d known they knew a close friend of my Ex wife I probably wouldn’t have shagged....

No. I expect my personal privacy to be respected (although I don't have a social media presence anyway) and I reciprocate by respecting WG's right to personal privacy without punter intrusion.  The only part of their lives I'm interested in is a) the periods of time I pay for, and b) her general practices in sex work which I determine from reviews, etc.

In my opinion, the only exception to observing privacy rights is in the event of violence, robbery, theft, blackmail, outing, etc. Beyond those, if she's offering a good, honest service then she deserves the secure separation of work and personal.

Online scutty brown

Bit of a random one, in the course of organising punts / I’ve come across girls using there own phones / real names in comms - I confess after the punt I have had a quick look on Facebook and found the profiles of the individuals... anyone else done similar ? Had to say one of them if I’d known they knew a close friend of my Ex wife I probably wouldn’t have shagged....

If the profile relates to her sex work then its fair game.
If it doesn't then leave well alone, doing anything else opens you up to charges of stalking

Offline lborocd1

If the profile relates to her sex work then its fair game.
If it doesn't then leave well alone, doing anything else opens you up to charges of stalking

Was more an observation than anything - I thought most working ladies would go with a punting phone / WhatsApp rather than use clearly there own personal one with full name on it.....

Offline lborocd1

No. I expect my personal privacy to be respected (although I don't have a social media presence anyway) and I reciprocate by respecting WG's right to personal privacy without punter intrusion.  The only part of their lives I'm interested in is a) the periods of time I pay for, and b) her general practices in sex work which I determine from reviews, etc.

In my opinion, the only exception to observing privacy rights is in the event of violence, robbery, theft, blackmail, outing, etc. Beyond those, if she's offering a good, honest service then she deserves the secure separation of work and personal.

But if it’s all laid out in front of you - as opposed to searching, makes you wonder what else they are being lax at doing.

Online scutty brown

Was more an observation than anything - I thought most working ladies would go with a punting phone / WhatsApp rather than use clearly there own personal one with full name on it.....

It is a stupid thing to do, but then sex workers aren't renowned for their IQ.

Offline lborocd1

It is a stupid thing to do, but then sex workers aren't renowned for their IQ.

I don’t know - a few of the ladies I have been have been actually really good conversationalists and were nice people to talk to while getting a bit of a service. Some were pretty shocking but I’ve learnt over the years now to not go on impulse or short notice punts - plan a bit ahead

It’s worrying when you find a profile on adult work and then also see the exact same one on Facebook after the punt / it’s happened twice to me in 6 years

Offline Nosser2

I've never done a check on a WG's phone number myself, but I don't see anything wrong with doing so. It's never crossed my mind before as I (perhaps naively) simply assumed they had punting phones/sims just as any sensible punter should have.

If she leaves an easily followed audit trail, then it's fair game for someone to follow it to her facebook page or wherever else if you ask me. What matters though is what you do with the information - outing her or otherwise intruding on her personal life is not acceptable in those circumstances as far as I'm concerned.

Anyway, that's my twopenneth, and if I ever get back to punting again, I'll still not be routinely checking their numbers out on google as who they are beyond being a service provider is of little to no interest to me.

Offline Picti

But if it’s all laid out in front of you - as opposed to searching, makes you wonder what else they are being lax at doing.

Her security is her responsibility; the decision to follow-up on any shortcomings in her security is yours.

My question is, why under normal circumstances would you (or any punter) be interested in a WG's private life?

It's a boundary I wouldn't cross, and I'm sure we're aware of how a WG looking up a punter's social media and personal details would be received.

Offline lborocd1

Her security is her responsibility; the decision to follow-up on any shortcomings in her security is yours.

My question is, why under normal circumstances would you (or any punter) be interested in a WG's private life?

It's a boundary I wouldn't cross, and I'm sure we're aware of how a WG looking up a punter's social media and personal details would be received.

Curiosity as they say - killed the cat

You have a point and it does worry me. I once got a call from an escort - fortunately
My phone was on silent and with me at the time - nothing sinister just a I’m free if your free type call from a semi regular.... which is why I use ( as do most of us ) a separate phone for this kind of deed

Offline kippydon

i agree , just do not see th epint of trying to probe in to soneome private, if the wg have chosen to use there private phone for this work, then relly need to respect them and get in contact you want to meet

Offline gbyld87

Bit of a random one, in the course of organising punts / I’ve come across girls using there own phones / real names in comms - I confess after the punt I have had a quick look on Facebook and found the profiles of the individuals... anyone else done similar ? Had to say one of them if I’d known they knew a close friend of my Ex wife I probably wouldn’t have shagged....

what were you trying to find out by looking them up on facebook?  is it just wank bank stuff or...?

Offline BlueRock

My punting phone has multiple social media apps and on saving WG's numbers I have noticed they often come up on social media. I have found it occasionally useful. Decided not to see a wg based off her social media drug use.

Offline Cryton123

A few years ago a regular found me on FB and sent a friend request! We got on really well so I accepted and we’re still friends to this day.

Offline l1mpd1ck

My punting phone has multiple social media apps and on saving WG's numbers I have noticed they often come up on social media. I have found it occasionally useful. Decided not to see a wg based off her social media drug use.
It means you also come up on hers

Offline Stickitin

Honestly never looked, there was however one SA girl who sent me her personal Instagram page when I was querying how new her pics were. When I met her I told her never to give that out as all her family were on there and there was the potential for someone idiot to give her grief. I noticed a few months later she had shut down (not made private, completely closed) all her social media so I suspect the inevitable happened.....  :dash:

Offline Itzmurph

I tend not to try looking up SPs on Facebook (wasn’t even aware you could by phone number anymore). Never asked for a real name.

I would be half interested if I could, for the one and only reason to “double check” there was no way we could cross paths in real life. Imagine it turned out she went to school with the wife and there she was on a recent pub photo.
On reflection though, no, don’t think I’d be that interested.

Offline Stongwee53

I follow a few on twitter that have links through there aw account but thats it. No interest in looking else where for them to be honest

Offline Buttons

Never bothered looking. I keep my social media accounts completely separate from any punting activity, but I did recently get a friend suggestion on Facebook “you might know this person” type thing for a friend of a friend who’s face I recognised as an SP from AW. Turns out we all went to the same school.

I didn’t pursue as I don’t know the lady in question. But both her FB and AW profiles have very clear face pictures, so she’s clearly not too bothered by potential fallout if someone makes the connection.

Offline peiyee

I'm friends with a couple of my long time regs and we are connected via social media, one is retired and happily married.

But like the verification pic thing, several WGs don't really protect their digital footprint, it has nothing to do with intelligence - some people are not even aware that these apps interconnect on their own accord. Always use a punting phone, and I also use a VPN. If you are a WG you get to see the IPs on AW.

Offline geostorm1

It’s worrying when you find a profile on adult work and then also see the exact same one on Facebook after the punt / it’s happened twice to me in 6 years

I think Facebook will basically track your location, tracks anyone else in the same area and if you were there more than a few minutes it can think you know each other. Dodgy algorithms but it's happened to me many times where a WG comes up on "people you may know". In fact, one girl messaged me on Messenger actually and I instant-blocked her.. I won't name her but was a girl from Old Whittington area. She only said "hi" but still crosses a line for me, imagine if my wife saw!!

It also does this with your contacts, if Facebook has access to yours  / their contact list, it will do the same algorithm thing and think you'll know each other.

Facebook needs a "I'm unfaithful" mode to stop this shit, or just stop using it!

Offline geostorm1

Also if you did want to scout a girl to make sure she's not best mates with your wife, set up a second Facebook account with fake details. I do this for the ex girlfriends I occasionally want to stalk check out but I've blocked on my main account to avoid drama.