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Author Topic: So now the Coronavirus is racist!  (Read 2042 times)

Offline NIK

In their bid to unearth 'racism' absolutely everywhere the lefties now reckon more 'minority ethnic' people (why is it no longer pc to say ethnic minority?  -  more 'people of colour' bollocks) are suffering from the virus per head of population and intimating this is because of 'racist' attitudes towards care and prevention.

Is there no end to their everyone and everything is racist bollocks?  :dash:

Perhaps the Coronavirus could be charged with hate crime?
« Last Edit: April 11, 2020, 06:03:44 pm by NIK »

Offline martini2429

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Saw it on the BBC News, 13% of the Population are of BAME, yet 34% of those dying from Covid 19 are of BAME

Offline NIK

Yes, they did say they are looking into genetic reasons, but the dominant implication was it is because of 'discrimination' and social deprivation. They just have to bang the 'racism' drum at every turn. Apparently a disproportion of ethnic minority - sorry minority ethnic :unknown:  -  doctors have fallen victim. Didn't know doctors suffered from 'social deprivation'. You learn something every day.  :rolleyes:

Offline Doc Holliday

As with all these things the answer will be complex and there will be an element of social deprivation etc. .. but a significant factor is the higher incidence of diabetes amongst those of Afro-Caribbean and Asian descent. Especially the latter. I think something like 60% of the worlds diabetics are of Asian descent?

In addition there are higher rates of coronary heart disease in South Asians (eg India) than Europeans. Some of this can be accounted for by social factors etc, but there also seems to be a large element of purely ethnic predisposition.

« Last Edit: April 11, 2020, 06:48:27 pm by Doc Holliday »

Offline winkywanky

Similarly, far more men than women become badly ill with Covid-19 (although the difference lessens at much higher ages).

Offline freeze44

In their bid to unearth 'racism' absolutely everywhere the lefties now reckon more 'minority ethnic' people (why is it no longer pc to say ethnic minority?  -  more 'people of colour' bollocks) are suffering from the virus per head of population and intimating this is because of 'racist' attitudes towards care and prevention.

Is there no end to their everyone and everything is racist bollocks?  :dash:

Perhaps the Coronavirus could be charged with hate crime?

Thought you be getting upset about how sexist the virus is too? 

So if male and/or poor and live in cramped conditions you much more likely to get it and suffer more than others.

Fucking racist, sexist bastard virus!!

Offline Happylad

Similarly, far more men than women become badly ill with Covid-19 (although the difference lessens at much higher ages).

 There you are then, it isn`t just racist, it`s sexist as well, and if you look up quickly you will see a couple of good sized porkers passing overhead.

I`m waiting to hear whether the Jindua in Delhi will blame Islam, or whether it`s all just part of a Jewish plot to subdue the Gaza Strip

Offline tintin100

Similarly, far more men than women become badly ill with Covid-19 (although the difference lessens at much higher ages).
Most of those doctors were old and male, also they are well past the normal retirement age for a doctor. I have dealt with numerous  GP's consultants and surgeons and have noticed that Asia doctors do tend to retire later in life.

Offline winkywanky

What doctors?

I was simply pointing out that more men are falling badly ill with Covid-19 than women. It seems to affect men more badly.

Offline tintin100

What doctors?

I was simply pointing out that more men are falling badly ill with Covid-19 than women. It seems to affect men more badly.
Misread the post. I had it my head the post was about the number of ethnic doctors dying on the NHS.

Offline Rochelle

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In their bid to unearth 'racism' absolutely everywhere the lefties now reckon more 'minority ethnic' people (why is it no longer pc to say ethnic minority?  -  more 'people of colour' bollocks) are suffering from the virus per head of population and intimating this is because of 'racist' attitudes towards care and prevention.

Is there no end to their everyone and everything is racist bollocks?  :dash:

Perhaps the Coronavirus could be charged with hate crime?
Is there no end to you thinking there's no racism?

Offline Mikeh38

I'll bet there WAS more than a hint of racism in the arrest of the bloke in Manchester today who was running errands for his mother.
Bet if he was white the Police wouldn't have even asked.

Offline David1970

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From the NYT

Basically if you are older, poorer, male, or BAME there is a better chance of dying

BAME people tend to be poorer and there for in worst health.
Order people tend not to as healthy as good young people
Males tend to less health than females in older life.

So the virus is racist, ageists and sexists if you look at the facts 

Offline David1970

Is there no end to you thinking there's no racism?

Best ignore the old fool.

Offline Rochelle

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Offline NIK

I am not saying there isn’t any racism. However, if there wasn’t people like you two would be compelled to invent it.

Btw you can thank this ‘old fool’ for you being able to air your views on here.

Online badsin

I lived for 20+ years in an area of Derby, where there is a large proportion of Indians and Pakistani's. What I see, almost daily, is a disregard to the rules, and recommendations.
- last Sunday evening, 5th of April. I was walking back from the shop. Came past a house, where approximately 12-15 people came out of the front door, went to various cars and drove off. Mixed generations, and not the same 'household'.
-Tuesday 7th April, taking my dogs for a walk (which I have to class as my exercise). Car parked up with three occupants, teenage lad comes out of a house, goes and gets into the car, and is immediately passed a spliff before driving off.
- Good Friday, 10th April, speaking to my next door neighbour over the fence in back garden. He was telling me how many families where out picnicking in the local park (200m from my front door, but I rarely use that park). I dare say this would of been the same yesterday, and possibly today.
A few factors involved as I see it. Living in multi-generational households being a contributory factor, exposing the elderly to whatever the younger folks may be harbouring.
Not following the rules regards social distancing. A lot of younger Pakistani's really don't think any rules (or laws for that matter) apply to them.
A good friend of mine, whom I have holidayed with on a few occasions, who is a black guy. Met up with his family for a barbecue on Friday, about 8 people attended. Not a massive affair, obviously against the rules. More than 50% of those attending would be in risk groups, overweight, high blood pressure, diabetic etc. Maybe as they attend church, it won't get them?

As an aside, a work colleague called my on Thursday. He's a Muslim man, telling me he's lost 5 people to the virus from his mosque. All seemingly attended a funeral on the 17th March in Walsall, where a large proportion of mourner's have become ill or worse.

I'm really not saying that other groups don't contain cretins. However from what I see, and hear, almost daily in the area I live, we've a long way to go with this lockdown yet.
Ohhh, and the Albanian drug dealers are still at it in the local park - wankers  :dash:

Offline Hobbit

I lived for 20+ years in an area of Derby, where there is a large proportion of Indians and Pakistani's. What I see, almost daily, is a disregard to the rules, and recommendations.
- last Sunday evening, 5th of April. I was walking back from the shop. Came past a house, where approximately 12-15 people came out of the front door, went to various cars and drove off. Mixed generations, and not the same 'household'.
-Tuesday 7th April, taking my dogs for a walk (which I have to class as my exercise). Car parked up with three occupants, teenage lad comes out of a house, goes and gets into the car, and is immediately passed a spliff before driving off.
- Good Friday, 10th April, speaking to my next door neighbour over the fence in back garden. He was telling me how many families where out picnicking in the local park (200m from my front door, but I rarely use that park). I dare say this would of been the same yesterday, and possibly today.
A few factors involved as I see it. Living in multi-generational households being a contributory factor, exposing the elderly to whatever the younger folks may be harbouring.
Not following the rules regards social distancing. A lot of younger Pakistani's really don't think any rules (or laws for that matter) apply to them.
A good friend of mine, whom I have holidayed with on a few occasions, who is a black guy. Met up with his family for a barbecue on Friday, about 8 people attended. Not a massive affair, obviously against the rules. More than 50% of those attending would be in risk groups, overweight, high blood pressure, diabetic etc. Maybe as they attend church, it won't get them?

As an aside, a work colleague called my on Thursday. He's a Muslim man, telling me he's lost 5 people to the virus from his mosque. All seemingly attended a funeral on the 17th March in Walsall, where a large proportion of mourner's have become ill or worse.

I'm really not saying that other groups don't contain cretins. However from what I see, and hear, almost daily in the area I live, we've a long way to go with this lockdown yet.
Ohhh, and the Albanian drug dealers are still at it in the local park - wankers  :dash:

Life is like a mirror and it always reflects back what is projected in it. In layman's terms for you to understand. You will always find people going against the rule in various ethnicities. Being a certain colour or race doesn't make you more civilised than others. What makes people civilised is education and the culture they are brought up in. If you hang around with drug dealers, then most likely one day you will become a drug dealer. If you hang around with twats then........ I'm sure you can figure out the rest. :hi:

Offline David1970

In the area I live in their is one family of Asian decent, they are the only BAME people in the area. The amount of people who are breaking the lockdown rules are unbelievable. The ones breaking the rules are not BAME people in my area, I would suspect race does effect if you are breaking the lockdown rules.
The one Asian family has put notes though older people’s letter boxes saying, if they need help please phone them.

It seems that some people only see BAME people in a negative light, I am sure there is a name for these people.

Offline Hobbit

In the area I live in their is one family of Asian decent, they are the only BAME people in the area. The amount of people who are breaking the lockdown rules are unbelievable. The ones breaking the rules are not BAME people in my area, I would suspect race does effect if you are breaking the lockdown rules.
The one Asian family has put notes though older people’s letter boxes saying, if they need help please phone them.

It seems that some people only see BAME people in a negative light, I am sure there is a name for these people.

Exactly. Race doesn't really come into it. It's all about culture and how people are brought up.

Offline winkywanky

I lived for 20+ years in an area of Derby, where there is a large proportion of Indians and Pakistani's. What I see, almost daily, is a disregard to the rules, and recommendations.
- last Sunday evening, 5th of April. I was walking back from the shop. Came past a house, where approximately 12-15 people came out of the front door, went to various cars and drove off. Mixed generations, and not the same 'household'.
-Tuesday 7th April, taking my dogs for a walk (which I have to class as my exercise). Car parked up with three occupants, teenage lad comes out of a house, goes and gets into the car, and is immediately passed a spliff before driving off.
- Good Friday, 10th April, speaking to my next door neighbour over the fence in back garden. He was telling me how many families where out picnicking in the local park (200m from my front door, but I rarely use that park). I dare say this would of been the same yesterday, and possibly today.
A few factors involved as I see it. Living in multi-generational households being a contributory factor, exposing the elderly to whatever the younger folks may be harbouring.
Not following the rules regards social distancing. A lot of younger Pakistani's really don't think any rules (or laws for that matter) apply to them.
A good friend of mine, whom I have holidayed with on a few occasions, who is a black guy. Met up with his family for a barbecue on Friday, about 8 people attended. Not a massive affair, obviously against the rules. More than 50% of those attending would be in risk groups, overweight, high blood pressure, diabetic etc. Maybe as they attend church, it won't get them?

As an aside, a work colleague called my on Thursday. He's a Muslim man, telling me he's lost 5 people to the virus from his mosque. All seemingly attended a funeral on the 17th March in Walsall, where a large proportion of mourner's have become ill or worse.

I'm really not saying that other groups don't contain cretins. However from what I see, and hear, almost daily in the area I live, we've a long way to go with this lockdown yet.
Ohhh, and the Albanian drug dealers are still at it in the local park - wankers  :dash:

A lot of the above will be because some BAME communities don't feel, or appear to be, part of the wider, national community. They don't connect with it.

They have their own lives within their own community, pretty well keep to themselves, and obey their 'own cultural rules'. They haven't integrated with the host country, and at times like these everyone suffers and loses out because of that. I'm not just blaming them, the reasons will be complex, but it's almost as if they live in a country-within-a-country. That's not desirable at all.

Offline cotton

Hopefully refering to the Jewish community wont be inflamatory , its not intended to be.  But the large orthodox Jewish community around Stamford Hill Nth London have been very active recently , probably due to easter. I have no problem with the Jewish community, just a few points that occur to me is that the nature of the faith gives them a different outlook on the virus and health than we do. They look towards religion to give meaning to things rather than as we do looking to science. Same with Muslims , strict Muslims believe the word of the prophets and deny scientific discoveries that conflict with their religion. The upshot of this is that they may not buy into the science as much as other communities, they may see their duty to worship their chosen diety as a higher priority than obeying a bunch of man made laws that relate to something they regard as sent by god anyway.
Also in local communities predominated by one ethnic group its likely the police will not be quick to interfere as from a casual observers perspective the police take a sensitivity to the local vibe rather than a heavy handed jackbooted approach to law enforcement. Meaning the police wont step in regarding enforcement.
If a communities religious outlook dictates what we would view as an irresponsible attitude to social distancing and prioritising health then what do you do , personally i say it is all part of living in an ethnically diverse country , this is how we have chosen to build our society so what basis is there now for complaining that these people dont respect our rules for such and such when ultimately they live their lives differently from us.

Offline David1970

A lot of the above will be because some BAME communities don't feel, or appear to be, part of the wider, national community. They don't connect with it.

They have their own lives within their own community, pretty well keep to themselves, and obey their 'own cultural rules'. They haven't integrated with the host country, and at times like these everyone suffers and loses out because of that. I'm not just blaming them, the reasons will be complex, but it's almost as if they live in a country-within-a-country. That's not desirable at all.

What caused that problem was multi-culturism, what we need is integration by everyone.
Multi-cutlurism has caused ghettos, schools which are not mixed, mono culture areas, both BAME and non-BAME.
Their are people of all colours and religions who want to separate to follow their own warped ideas.


Offline winkywanky

Hopefully refering to the Jewish community wont be inflamatory , its not intended to be.  But the large orthodox Jewish community around Stamford Hill Nth London have been very active recently , probably due to easter. I have no problem with the Jewish community, just a few points that occur to me is that the nature of the faith gives them a different outlook on the virus and health than we do. They look towards religion to give meaning to things rather than as we do looking to science. Same with Muslims , strict Muslims believe the word of the prophets and deny scientific discoveries that conflict with their religion. The upshot of this is that they may not buy into the science as much as other communities, they may see their duty to worship their chosen diety as a higher priority than obeying a bunch of man made laws that relate to something they regard as sent by god anyway.
Also in local communities predominated by one ethnic group its likely the police will not be quick to interfere as from a casual observers perspective the police take a sensitivity to the local vibe rather than a heavy handed jackbooted approach to law enforcement. Meaning the police wont step in regarding enforcement.
If a communities religious outlook dictates what we would view as an irresponsible attitude to social distancing and prioritising health then what do you do , personally i say it is all part of living in an ethnically diverse country , this is how we have chosen to build our society so what basis is there now for complaining that these people dont respect our rules for such and such when ultimately they live their lives differently from us.

You may be surprised to learn that the Jewish Faith doesn't celebrate Easter, they don't follow Christ  :rolleyes:

However, this year their Festival of Passover does coincide with it.

Good to see that your usual intellectual rigour is being applied to your posts  :thumbsup:

Offline winkywanky

What caused that problem was multi-culturism, what we need is integration by everyone.
Multi-cutlurism has caused ghettos, schools which are not mixed, mono culture areas, both BAME and non-BAME.
Their are people of all colours and religions who want to separate to follow their own warped ideas.

Like I said, the reasons will be complex, and there's probably 'blame' on both sides.

The unfortunate fact remains though that this will clearly hamper Lockdown in some areas.

Offline Moby Dick

Are certain skin colours more likely to catch and die from Corona Virus?
Something I have noticed watching the News : BAME doctors and nurses who have died, but is this due to their skin colour?

Is this a question of genetics, medical history, or social behaviour, jobs and risks we take?
Is it not simply a case that there are a lot of BAME in the medical profession and front line workers and as such are more exposed to the virus.

Also lower income put themselves at greater risk : work or starve.
In the USA the unaffordable private medical system (no NHS) has been cited at the reason for higher death rates amongst the poorer BAME groups.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2020, 12:09:57 pm by Moby Dick »

Offline Jerk Chicken

In their bid to unearth 'racism' absolutely everywhere the lefties now reckon more 'minority ethnic' people (why is it no longer pc to say ethnic minority?  -  more 'people of colour' bollocks) are suffering from the virus per head of population and intimating this is because of 'racist' attitudes towards care and prevention.

Is there no end to their everyone and everything is racist bollocks?  :dash:

Perhaps the Coronavirus could be charged with hate crime?

OP this is a bit of a cheap shot to be fair.

The media brief is in no way suggesting anything untoward or implying anything sinister.

It is merely flagging up a cause for concern that the numbers are disproportionately effecting non-white health staff and patients in equal measure and is something that should be rightly called out. Do you get this?

Yes the reasons will be varied and sometimes complex but no point trying to hide it.

I cannot find any wording in the briefings that come even close to matching the theme of your post so perhaps it is you reading what you want to read #justsaying
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Offline winkywanky

Are certain skin colours more likely to catch and die from Corona Virus?
Something I have notice watching the News : BAME doctors and nurses who have died, but is this due to their skin colour?

Is this a question of genetics, medical history, or social behaviour or jobs (risks) we take?
Is it not simply a case that there are a lot of BAME in the medical profession and front line workers and as such are more exposed to the virus.

Also lower income more put themselves at greater risk : work or starve.
In the USA the unaffordable private medical system (no NHS) has been cited at the reason for higher death rates amongst the poorer BAME groups.

I don't think specific figures are out for NHS-worker mortality, but obviously a very big proportion of doctors, nurses and other frontline NHS staff are BAME, certainly more than the national average I reckon?

Offline Belgarion

In their bid to unearth 'racism' absolutely everywhere the lefties now reckon more 'minority ethnic' people (why is it no longer pc to say ethnic minority?  -  more 'people of colour' bollocks) are suffering from the virus per head of population and intimating this is because of 'racist' attitudes towards care and prevention.

Is there no end to their everyone and everything is racist bollocks?  :dash:

Perhaps the Coronavirus could be charged with hate crime?

The downside of off topic being here is you being back.

No one is talking about racism, they are showing how different communities and classes of people are impacted.

When you factor in the legacy of some communities in the country and poor people living on the edge, you can see the trends.

Same in the US.

The goal here is to learn from this and be better and help those left behind get better.

Not surprised it upset you to be honest.

Offline Hobbit

A lot of the above will be because some BAME communities don't feel, or appear to be, part of the wider, national community. They don't connect with it.

They have their own lives within their own community, pretty well keep to themselves, and obey their 'own cultural rules'. They haven't integrated with the host country, and at times like these everyone suffers and loses out because of that. I'm not just blaming them, the reasons will be complex, but it's almost as if they live in a country-within-a-country. That's not desirable at all.

Sorry but I have to disagree with this. This may apply to a small factor of the BAME group but the majority of them have fitted into society and have mingled with the culture whether it's British or American et cetera. There are cases such as what you mention and these can be seen in some European groups for example where Polish or other European people in the UK tend to stick in their own communities and don't become accustomed to British culture. I've always said that if you have lived here for 5 years or more and are from a different country and you haven't accustomed yourself to the British way of living and haven't socialised and made friends with people from other cultures then that is a very sad and selfish state to be in.

Offline winkywanky

Er, what I said was some (emphasised in italics).

Which you appear to agree with, but then you say you disagree with me?

Clearly there are some wedges of communities which have not integrated fully, if not much at all. And at times like these they'll take their cues more from that community than the broader UK community.

Offline Hobbit

Are certain skin colours more likely to catch and die from Corona Virus?
Something I have noticed watching the News : BAME doctors and nurses who have died, but is this due to their skin colour?

Is this a question of genetics, medical history, or social behaviour, jobs and risks we take?
Is it not simply a case that there are a lot of BAME in the medical profession and front line workers and as such are more exposed to the virus.

Also lower income put themselves at greater risk : work or starve.
In the USA the unaffordable private medical system (no NHS) has been cited at the reason for higher death rates amongst the poorer BAME groups.

The virus is not killing based on skin colour. At the moment it looks like it is targeting mostly elderly and vulnerable people with health conditions. Your immune system has a big part to play in it and if people are coming from a minority where they are not eating properly due to lack of money or eating too much and are overweight then that could have an impact. But saying all this some people who fit these criteria still seem to be surviving. For example a few days ago a 99-year-old man recovered from the virus and left hospital.  :unknown:

Offline Hobbit

Er, what I said was some (emphasised in italics).

Which you appear to agree with, but then you say you disagree with me?

Clearly there are some wedges of communities which have not integrated fully, if not much at all. And at times like these they'll take their cues more from that community than the broader UK community.

Sorry dude. What I was trying to say was that it doesn't apply to everyone in that group but having read your post again, I can see that we both were singing from the same hymn sheet.

Offline winkywanky

The virus is not killing based on skin colour. At the moment it looks like it is targeting mostly elderly and vulnerable people with health conditions. Your immune system has a big part to play in it and if people are coming from a minority where they are not eating properly due to lack of money or eating too much and are overweight then that could have an impact. But saying all this some people who fit these criteria still seem to be surviving. For example a few days ago a 99-year-old man recovered from the virus and left hospital.  :unknown:

You don't know that for sure, scientists are looking into genetic factors at this very time.

Some diseases do affect some ethnic groups more than others.

Offline winkywanky

Sorry dude. What I was trying to say was that it doesn't apply to everyone in that group but having read your post again, I can see that we both were singing from the same hymn sheet.


Offline Doc Holliday

The virus is not killing based on skin colour.

Well actually there is a possibility it may be?

HIV is an example

« Last Edit: April 12, 2020, 01:01:27 pm by Doc Holliday »

Offline Hobbit

You don't know that for sure, scientists are looking into genetic factors at this very time.

Some diseases do affect some ethnic groups more than others.

And this is the problem, nobody knows for sure. What I don't understand is why don't they go back to basics and look at Bats. For example, this virus came from a Bat and they are immune to it as it doesn't really affect them in a harmful way. I recently heard in a documentary that this may be because they have a faster heartbeat and they generate more heat which could be protecting them from the virus. Perhaps the answer lies in its origin. :hi:

Offline Hobbit

Well actually there is a possibility it may be?

HIV is an example

Really? What colour is HIV killing more?

Offline NIK

The downside of off topic being here is you being back.

‘Oh dear how sad for you. Never mind’ as the great Sergeant Major Shuttup said in that terribly ‘racist’ programme ‘It Ain’t Half Hot Mum’.
Never mind, the BBC, in a perfect example of modern liberal ideology, have banished it.

Offline David1970

‘Oh dear how sad for you. Never mind’ as the great Sergeant Major Shuttup said in that terribly ‘racist’ programme ‘It Ain’t Half Hot Mum’.
Never mind, the BBC, in a perfect example of modern liberal ideology, have banished it.

Have you been checked for dementia lately? 

Offline scutty brown

The virus is not killing based on skin colour. At the moment it looks like it is targeting mostly elderly and vulnerable people with health conditions. Your immune system has a big part to play in it and if people are coming from a minority where they are not eating properly due to lack of money or eating too much and are overweight then that could have an impact. But saying all this some people who fit these criteria still seem to be surviving. For example a few days ago a 99-year-old man recovered from the virus and left hospital.  :unknown:

There ARE indications that certain blood groups are more prone to getting the cytokine storm which kills so many - and blood group distribution is to some extent a racial / geographic function.
But other factors may be at play as well - for instance does having the sickle cell trait make you more subsceptible? That would definitely show a racial bias

Offline scutty brown

‘Oh dear how sad for you. Never mind’ as the great Sergeant Major Shuttup said in that terribly ‘racist’ programme ‘It Ain’t Half Hot Mum’.
Never mind, the BBC, in a perfect example of modern liberal ideology, have banished it.

NIK, your trolling skills have declined during your absence from the forum. You really should give up

Offline scutty brown

And this is the problem, nobody knows for sure. What I don't understand is why don't they go back to basics and look at Bats. For example, this virus came from a Bat and they are immune to it as it doesn't really affect them in a harmful way. I recently heard in a documentary that this may be because they have a faster heartbeat and they generate more heat which could be protecting them from the virus. Perhaps the answer lies in its origin. :hi:

There's a LOT of research into bat viruses going on, partly due to the rabies risk

Offline hillingdonpete

There ARE indications that certain blood groups are more prone to getting the cytokine storm which kills so many - and blood group distribution is to some extent a racial / geographic function.
But other factors may be at play as well - for instance does having the sickle cell trait make you more subsceptible? That would definitely show a racial bias

Which blood groups are more prone?

Offline Scotpunter

If the higher infection rate is based on the UK. Then the worst affected areas initially were the Midlands & London. Both areas with a high number of people from ethnic backgrounds. This is of course going to skew the data on corona being a racist!  :thumbsup:
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Offline scutty brown

Which blood groups are more prone?

Can't remember for sure -it was a few weeks back but I think there was an indication that A was more prone and O less.
It was an anecdotal comment on Radio 4 science program, not a published document so needs to be taken with a degree of scepticism

Offline hillingdonpete

Can't remember for sure -it was a few weeks back but I think there was an indication that A was more prone and O less.
It was an anecdotal comment on Radio 4 science program, not a published document so needs to be taken with a degree of scepticism

Thank you  :thumbsup:

Offline NIK

NIK, your trolling skills have declined during your absence from the forum. You really should give up

So anyone concerned with the obsession with finding ‘racism’ everywhere is a troll?

Offline David1970

If the higher infection rate is based on the UK. Then the worst affected areas initially were the Midlands & London. Both areas with a high number of people from ethnic backgrounds. This is of course going to skew the data on corona being a racist!  :thumbsup:

In the USA there are higher infection rate among BAME people than the general population so nothing to do with Midlands of England & London.

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« Last Edit: April 12, 2020, 04:09:51 pm by David1970 »