Sugar Babies

Author Topic: The increase in TS reviews - a question during lockdown  (Read 10924 times)

Offline paulitor23

There is something to be said the feminising of men as part of the leftist stance of demonising and destroying "white male privilege" who are the scooby doo villain behing every problem in society, allegedly.

In my opinion, the darker side of the trans movement is the pressure on young children through the media and school system to self identify and question their biological sex and "assigned" gender before they are too young to be considered sexually and emotionally mature.

TS people in the media are usually overly sexualised and celebrated - a few decades ago as objects of ridicule and freakshows and today as equal to biological women, if not more beautiful. I wonder where that comes from, as I don't think the social justice movement for trans rights is demand led. Trans people are a very small minority and until recently, had no pull in the upper echelons of society and politics. It's very much a political, top-down movement. In fact, it's become the biggest social justice movement, seemingly out of nowhere.

Nothing in this thread should be moralising or seeking to limit anyones choice, but the impact of social conditioning on people's tastes and sexual desires is very interesting. I don't think the curiosity that people in this thread have mentioned can ever come completely from within; that is to say, it is encouraged through consumption of media etc.

A few have mentioned that rather than adopt any labels, they are simply "perverts" and willing to try new things. I respect their honesty, but I think this supports my suggestion of porn and escort use leading to desensitization. The same mental mechanisms behind addiction apply in whole or part to the regular pursuit of visceral sexual gratification. Perhaps it's a good thing, but I wonder if one's ability to exercise self control gets weaker over time. Lowering inhibition is one thing and should be encouraged, but use of the term perversion suggests that the person finds their own behaviour unacceptable to some degree.

Offline winkywanky

1) There is something to be said the feminising of men as part of the leftist stance of demonising and destroying "white male privilege" who are the scooby doo villain behing every problem in society, allegedly.

2) In my opinion, the darker side of the trans movement is the pressure on young children through the media and school system to self identify and question their biological sex and "assigned" gender before they are too young to be considered sexually and emotionally mature.

3) TS people in the media are usually overly sexualised and celebrated - a few decades ago as objects of ridicule and freakshows and today as equal to biological women, if not more beautiful. I wonder where that comes from, as I don't think the social justice movement for trans rights is demand led. Trans people are a very small minority and until recently, had no pull in the upper echelons of society and politics. It's very much a political, top-down movement. In fact, it's become the biggest social justice movement, seemingly out of nowhere.

4) Nothing in this thread should be moralising or seeking to limit anyones choice, but the impact of social conditioning on people's tastes and sexual desires is very interesting. I don't think the curiosity that people in this thread have mentioned can ever come completely from within; that is to say, it is encouraged through consumption of media etc.

5) A few have mentioned that rather than adopt any labels, they are simply "perverts" and willing to try new things. I respect their honesty, but I think this supports my suggestion of porn and escort use leading to desensitization. The same mental mechanisms behind addiction apply in whole or part to the regular pursuit of visceral sexual gratification. Perhaps it's a good thing, but I wonder if one's ability to exercise self control gets weaker over time. Lowering inhibition is one thing and should be encouraged, but use of the term perversion suggests that the person finds their own behaviour unacceptable to some degree.

To respond to your points in turn:

1) There's some truth in this IMO. Of course men shouldn't hit their wives, of course men should do the washing up, of course men shouldn't 'control' women or any of the other stuff which would make a woman feel coerced or trapped or put down. But similarly, I'm sure we all know that when you get into a relationship with a woman they can start trying to make you into their 'ideal bloke'. I'm not talking about leaving your pants on the floor and leaving the toilet seat up, I'm talking about a root & branch rebuilding of your psyche. That's just as pervasive.

A relationship is a balancing act of power and sometimes one partner will like to be the one with less power. If that's the case the hormones in our bodies will mean that's normally the woman and that's why men are generally more assertive. But it can be the other way around sometimes, or all of the time. In sex, it's fun to play around with that power balance. But in everyday life as well as sex life there needs to be respect and consideration for the other, and hopefully an agreed balance.

Daily we are bombarded with images and suggestions that men need to access their feminine side more, and that women need more power, that they're being downtrodden. There's an obsession with having 50% of any given job role being women (apart from being a sewer worker of course) and if it isn't happening, there's something wrong with society. Of course there are also issues with some work/job environments being 'laddish' and there can be such a big disparity that women can be 'put off' from applying. It's important that they aren't. That can go both ways too though, just out of school a mate of mine got an office job surrounded by women and they were demeaning him and sexually intimidating him all day, from little things to being groped up in the stationery cupboard.
We all know that 90% of TV advertising is driven by women's buying choices, and that means that the bloke in the ad is frequently depicted as stupid or a klutz. Could you do that with a woman? No. In terms of equal opportunities it should be exactly that - equal opportunity. Not equal numbers. The biggest part of getting into any job is having the desire and drive to be in it, not whingeing about why 50% aren't women. Of course This is all tied up with 'equal pay' too, of course women should get the same pay for any given job, but to look at a company's pay stats and say there's gender bias because the men in the company earn more than the women on average, is bollocks. And we are getting this rammed down our throats every day.

2) Schools and educating kids: I don't have kids but I'm certainly aware of the PC brigade (by that I mean overly so) trying to tell us that men and women are the same, we're all gender fluid and we should mix things up by giving boys dollys to play with and girls, an Action Man. Give kids full access by all means, but don't try to engineer them in some way, you'll fuck up their heads. Teach them to respect everyone, however different they are. Similarly, although it's only entertainment, I do get fed up with every action film having a ballbusting woman who can beat up on men. It all started with Lara Croft I believe?

3) I think Trans people (male to female) can often be very 'camp', in a 'theatrical' way and also in a sexual way. Almost like a performance. I think that's already within them and I think the media grasp onto that because it makes good telly. Is it an innate and driven desire to be ultimately feminine? I honestly don't know. It can perhaps come across as 'trying too hard'. If you lived with a Trans girl, would they be like that all the time? I doubt it. I do think you're wrong about the Trans movement not being demand-led though, I think they want their place in the sun, just like the Gay movement did, just like the Women's movement did. You kind of wonder when all the dust will settle, if indeed it ever will. These are times of great change, great upheaval, from the world order all the way down to what's in your girlfriend's knickers. What facilitates all of this now of course, is social media. Movements are unstoppable now, whether the majority of others subscribe to them or not.

4) Personally, I would disagree about my 'Trans curiosity' being led from without. Modern media and awareness have made things visible, but not influenced my thinking...I think! I'm finding out about myself as much as about others, and at my age too, who'd have thought it? Although punting is in a way 'fake contact', paid for and transitory, and with a Trans girl that's no different of course, I find myself trying to look into the other person more than with a Cisgirl. I find them fascinating, and that's not in a freakshow kind of way. Without giving too much away, of all the Trans girls I have seen I actually had dinner with one of them. It was an 'ordinary' dinner date in an 'ordinary' restaurant, with drinks in a bar afterwards. It was off the clock and we went Dutch. I had a fantastic night out with a gorgeous girl and we had a lot of fun (I think and hope she had as much fun as I did). We were laughing all night and we delved a little deeper too. Genuine intereest in each other, from both sides. I'm sure most people around us knew 'the score' yet there were no raised eyebrows whatsoever and it was just a normal dinner with a girl, albeit with someone 'out of my league' and young enough to be my daughter. If you want to look at it that way, I was just as proud to 'have her on my arm' as with any girl. Maybe they thought she was my daughter? I have no idea.

5) The pervert thing...for me that's simply denoting my desire to sexually explore, beyond what the societal norm is. I mean it in a lighthearted way, and yes, possibly to deflect the issue of my own sexuality, which I think is almost a side issue, in that I'm comfortable with myself and what I get up to. I have no interest in men at all, of any age, of any 'looks'. If I did I wouldn't deny it here. You think a Trans girl is a bloke in a frock and I'm therefore Gay or Bi, I don't really care. Coming back to the desensitisation thing which I addressed above, there's no way this has happened to me. I still find the small, normal stuff exciting and I don't feel the need to buy loads of leather and latex gear and strap myself to a fucking machine, operated by some mad Dom (of either sex). For me, my attraction to Trans girls is that I see them simply as girls who happen to have the same sexual equipment as me. Just as importantly, I also see them as people, and not just objects of some unicorn sexual fantasy.


Offline unus669

Thanks for your thoughful post paulitor, which deserves a considered response.

I would say yes, more guys are indeed reviewing Trans escorts on UKP now. Certainly this will have at least something to do with the old Hung Angels site closing down, and that will be guys who always had a interest in T-girls.

However, just as certainly, there are guys (such as myself) who never even knew that site existed, who nevertheless have got into TSs. Similarly, they still see Cisgirls too.

In all of this, there most definitely is less of a taboo about it now as well, and what you will see is quite a few guys 'giving it a go' and seeing whether they like it. And they are very willing to post up here about it, even if they wish they hadn't gone through with it. I think for many it's something they want to give a try at least once in their lives, and why not? It's an anonymous punting site where reviews of Trans girls are allowed in the rules, and even those who have no personal interest can take a peek and see what all the fuss is about if they wish.

So for the benefit of all on here, same as with any other punting, the reviews get posted up, warts-and-all. It's for others to make of it what they will.

Obviously everyone is aware that Trans girls started out their lives as males, and pre-op ones still have the tackle. And there is a wide variation across the genre (probably not the right word) from middle-aged blokes in frocks with frankly little femininity, all the way through to ultra-feminine creatures who are to all intents and purposes gorgeous women up until the knickers come off. Infact, there are many instances of post-op Trans girls who (wrongly) advertise themselves as 'female'. Indeed, there is a recent thread on here where one of the longstanding and well-respected 'alpha-male' members of UKP has seen such a girl and not realised until after it was pointed out to him on here.

It's a crazy, mixed-up world these days and barriers are coming down in all sorts of ways. There is no black & white any more, there is convergence, merging, a blurring of the boundaries. That in itself can be exciting for some, for others, they have no interest in blurring those boundaries and that's fine. Each to their own.

Also worth noting that in addition to the subjects of our desires blurring the edges, so too is it with punters. I've little doubt that some punters on UKP have Bi-tendencies and enjoy playing the entire field between the extremes I mentioned above, and some punters will only want to go with an ultra-feminine Trans girl who is totally passable. They would probably consider themselves heterosexual and would have no interest whatsoever in blokes or even 'pretty boys' (I'm talking over-18 of course, the same as for seeing over-18 female escorts).

I don't think there are any Gay punters here, Gay blokes have no interest at all in women and indeed, if you ask a Trans girl, they have no interest in Trans girls either.

Generally across society there is much more acceptance of people who are 'different' these days, there is less discrimination, there is less hate, there is less prejudice. There's much more of an attitude of live and let live. So long as everyone contributes to society in some way, why shouldn't they all get along while being who and what they want to be?

Quite rightly because TSs aren't everyone's cup of tea, there's a separate category for TS reviews and postings. And personal sexuality of course is a matter of great pride to a good many men. But it's quite amusing to see some who seem to take great delight in visiting those reviews and then slagging off guys who punt TSs as 'Gay' or 'Bisexual'. I have no idea why they do this, why are they looking in the first place, and why do they feel the need to assert their own alpha-maleness by doing so? It's pointless and meaningless, this place is an anonymous exchange for punting information and tips.

I think you'll generally tend to find a lot more honesty in TS reviews because in posting such a review, you've already had to jump the mental hurdles I outlined above. It's as if everything's already laid bare, so just tell the truth.

Anyway, hope this helps  :hi:.

Blimey WW excellent post :thumbsup:

Wouldn’t pay attention to the jungle man, he likes to stink out the place for attention. Only if he could cobble together reasoning :lol:

Offline KinkTok

Straight? Gay? Bi? Bi- Curious? Non Binary? I self identify as Pervert

 :lol: :lol: I'm going to steal that one !

Offline peter purves

To respond to your points in turn:

1) There's some truth in this IMO. Of course men shouldn't hit their wives, of course men should do the washing up, of course men shouldn't 'control' women or any of the other stuff which would make a woman feel coerced or trapped or put down. But similarly, I'm sure we all know that when you get into a relationship with a woman they can start trying to make you into their 'ideal bloke'. I'm not talking about leaving your pants on the floor and leaving the toilet seat up, I'm talking about a root & branch rebuilding of your psyche. That's just as pervasive.

A relationship is a balancing act of power and sometimes one partner will like to be the one with less power. If that's the case the hormones in our bodies will mean that's normally the woman and that's why men are generally more assertive. But it can be the other way around sometimes, or all of the time. In sex, it's fun to play around with that power balance. But in everyday life as well as sex life there needs to be respect and consideration for the other, and hopefully an agreed balance.

Daily we are bombarded with images and suggestions that men need to access their feminine side more, and that women need more power, that they're being downtrodden. There's an obsession with having 50% of any given job role being women (apart from being a sewer worker of course) and if it isn't happening, there's something wrong with society. Of course there are also issues with some work/job environments being 'laddish' and there can be such a big disparity that women can be 'put off' from applying. It's important that they aren't. That can go both ways too though, just out of school a mate of mine got an office job surrounded by women and they were demeaning him and sexually intimidating him all day, from little things to being groped up in the stationery cupboard.
We all know that 90% of TV advertising is driven by women's buying choices, and that means that the bloke in the ad is frequently depicted as stupid or a klutz. Could you do that with a woman? No. In terms of equal opportunities it should be exactly that - equal opportunity. Not equal numbers. The biggest part of getting into any job is having the desire and drive to be in it, not whingeing about why 50% aren't women. Of course This is all tied up with 'equal pay' too, of course women should get the same pay for any given job, but to look at a company's pay stats and say there's gender bias because the men in the company earn more than the women on average, is bollocks. And we are getting this rammed down our throats every day.

2) Schools and educating kids: I don't have kids but I'm certainly aware of the PC brigade (by that I mean overly so) trying to tell us that men and women are the same, we're all gender fluid and we should mix things up by giving boys dollys to play with and girls, an Action Man. Give kids full access by all means, but don't try to engineer them in some way, you'll fuck up their heads. Teach them to respect everyone, however different they are. Similarly, although it's only entertainment, I do get fed up with every action film having a ballbusting woman who can beat up on men. It all started with Lara Croft I believe?

3) I doubt it. I do think you're wrong about the Trans movement not being demand-led though, I think they want their place in the sun, just like the Gay movement did, just like the Women's movement did. You kind of wonder when all the dust will settle, if indeed it ever will. These are times of great change, great upheaval, from the world order all the way down to what's in your girlfriend's knickers. What facilitates all of this now of course, is social media. Movements are unstoppable now, whether the majority of others subscribe to them or not.

A good post WW and by Paulitor too

Just briefly

1. Effeminization is about racial politics as alluded to the reference about White Privilege

2. With regard to the aforesaid in bold, this is what any culture/society does through social conditioning. With regard to Lara Croft types in movies this is now one cultural norm trying to replace another. So if you are tired of seeing it perhaps you my have to see much more until it becomes second nature  :P  ;)

3. With the number of Trans and media exposure I think Paulitor's contention is vis-a-vis other movements like BAME, Women, Disability etc the Trans movemet is small. In the UK it is tied to other groups under the Equality Act so may help to establish your point.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2020, 12:46:32 pm by peter purves »
Banned reason: Can't / won't take advice.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Xtro

Was this one of those vids the Effeminisation of the Black Male??

Not that I can remember specifically.

Looking at that BBC News link Xtro, quite disturbing that apparently after previous death threats, she was 'found dead' and cremated before an autopsy was carried out. Hmmm...

Foulplay, no doubt.

What is 'feminisation of men', anyway?

Is it men mincing as they walk, adopting female characteristics and mannerisms, hand-on-hip, speech patterns and such?

Or is it a desire to have sex with Trans women?

It's a bit like saying all gay men are oooh, cooooey and basically camp. It doesn't work that way.

Especially that!   ;)

Offline no2punter

I've not punted during the lockdown but I have tried a few T girls. At first it was just curiosity – similar to trying black women, or older women, or women of different body types. It didn't really do all that much for me the first time. However, I did see a very well reviewed TS off here after that, and I definitely enjoyed that meeting.

TS porn is definitely a major factor, as well as the increased mainstreaming of T girls in Hollywood, TV and modelling, meaning people are more likely to be exposed to attractive T girls in the media than before and thus want to explore that sexual attraction. Furthermore, the transition itself - hormones, surgery techniques, etc - has improved massively over the years, meaning that T girls now are a lot more feminine and convincing than they were a few decades ago.

Also, some Eastern (Hindu/Buddhist) cultures have greater social acceptance for sexual interest in T girls, and the numbers of people from these backgrounds in the UK have also increased, but this is probably a pretty small factor in the increase.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2020, 04:27:37 pm by no2punter »

Offline soppyget

A fascinating string gents.  One question that comes to mind is, has anyone had problems with female escorts (either making a booking in the first place or their attitude towards a punter who swings both ways) following going public on here about having had sex with a trans escort?

In my experience, lasses are generally more open minded and accepting of our sexual preferences but there is always the exception to the rule.

I know I've turned up to a meet with an escort (female, haven't done a trans.... yet) and she knew my profile name on here because she'd been keeping track of a conversation about her on here.  So some of them are capable of putting two and two together. 

Offline winkywanky

A fascinating string gents.  One question that comes to mind is, has anyone had problems with female escorts (either making a booking in the first place or their attitude towards a punter who swings both ways) following going public on here about having had sex with a trans escort?

In my experience, lasses are generally more open minded and accepting of our sexual preferences but there is always the exception to the rule.

I know I've turned up to a meet with an escort (female, haven't done a trans.... yet) and she knew my profile name on here because she'd been keeping track of a conversation about her on here.  So some of them are capable of putting two and two together.

I haven't had that problem, no.

You don't have to have a cock to be prejudiced or ignorant, a fanny will do just as nicely.

I guess bearing in mind virtually all WGs will bareback with a partner/others, some female WGs might think Trans girls are a bigger risk than a Cisgirl owing to the anal element?

As for WGs knowing who I am, I'm quite descriptive in my reviews so if they were to look on UKP they'd no doubt realise who I am (by the way, I never mention UKP on a punt, but won't lie about it if the WG brings it up). One particular TS WG effectively blocked me after I saw her three times because she didn't like the level of detail in my review and follow-up posts. Quite ironic really, since I probably got her a load of business in reality. I'm pragmatic about it, I move on. Probably for the best in any case, any more than three punts is liable to court the disaster-in-waiting known as EAS.

Offline princerico

I'm wary of anyone that uses terms like 'Leftist' and moans about things like white male privilege. It's not about having a go at you because you are white it's just pointing out that you will have some advantages others are not born with, like not being stopped by the police in your car, more likely to be accepted in work spaces as you are similar.

Additionally, as someone who worked in schools until fairly recently, young people are not 'forced' into being anything. What they're not being is being made to feel bad, or guilty, or evil, for being what they think they are, or aren't. And that's healthy. I don't quite get the huge levels of animosity towards young people. Previous generations have been pretty bloody horrible, the current crop are a caring and accepting bunch, with the usual levels of naivety that we all had.

In a similar way, that a forum like this is able to review & discuss the huge variety of sex acts performed by the likes of us, whether that is straight sex, BDSM, TS etc, largely without judgment, is a positive thing. None of us are being forced to perform acts that we do not want to do, possibly unlike many of the sex workers we see.

Offline boredtryst

Sorry a late reply to this thread, but i have been reading it with interest.

I just wanted to say this has been the least judgmental thread I have read in a long time, Which shows that even on a forum which a hobby which is frowned upon in the mainstream, we can still have a adult discussion.

In a similar way, that a forum like this is able to review & discuss the huge variety of sex acts performed by the likes of us, whether that is straight sex, BDSM, TS etc, largely without judgment, is a positive thing. None of us are being forced to perform acts that we do not want to do, possibly unlike many of the sex workers we see.

Spot on princerico.

Online last_days_of_logan

Whilst i'm inclined to agree, i cant see why you feel the need to state this here in capital letters. Your sexuality, whatever it is, is neither something to be proud of nor ashamed of ... it just is what it is, same as the colour of your eyes.

well ssaid

Online last_days_of_logan

Hidden Image/Members Only

Need I say more

yeah but you see the dick isnt showing there. A man can find that person attractive if they didnt know they carried a dick along with the physique

i dont see any problem with that, its weird to think that finding out after the fact makes you different than what attracted you to the deceiver (if they conned you) in the first place

Online last_days_of_logan

Let me clarify heterosexual men would not go to trannies or TS.. the men that go ARE NOT HETEROSEXUAL.. END OF..

I have a question for you

If you saw a woman and thought to yourself..."oh man she looks banging, so sexy" and then you found out she was really a man just because she wither showed you a cock or because she told you herself....

...are you still gay?

Offline Xtro

I have a question for you

If you saw a woman and thought to yourself..."oh man she looks banging, so sexy" and then you found out she was really a man just because she wither showed you a cock or because she told you herself....

...are you still gay?

For example - External Link/Members Only


yeah but you see the dick isnt showing there. A man can find that person attractive if they didnt know they carried a dick along with the physique

i dont see any problem with that, its weird to think that finding out after the fact makes you different than what attracted you to the deceiver (if they conned you) in the first place

To clarify my post was tongue in cheek & aimed at the 'converted'.

Offline Thephoenix

Some very interesting posts.

In the words of that great philosopher Frank Bruno.... "To much thinking damages yer brain 'Arry!"

All I know is that I have 2 brains.... Head brain and Dick brain.

I love sensual massage with H.E.

I've enjoyed them with men, women and they.

My head brain tells me that I only fancy women, would only want a relationship with a woman, I don't like the Eurovision song contest or Kylie Minogue.

However if the massage starts to get arousing, dick brain takes over.
Head brain has gone into hiding, so dick brain releases the lust chemicals and I'm then likely to indulge in all manner of sexual activities.

I wonder what those aggressive so called straight guys would do if nearing the climax of a particularly erotic massage the therapist suddenly dropped her kecks to reveal a big throbbing donger.

Go to confession for a week, shower in disinfectant, or like me.... try and get my lips around it.

And that raises another question..... Do gay men generally perform better sensual massage?
« Last Edit: April 04, 2020, 03:13:32 pm by Thephoenix »

Offline blackjack1

Honestly I'd rather the reviews not be visable at all. But its good to know which reviewers see trannys, so you can put their opinons on normal female escorts in perspective. Other that to each his own long as we don't encroach on each others desires.

Offline winkywanky

its good to know which reviewers see trannys, so you can put their opinons on normal female escorts in perspective.


Offline Xtro

Honestly I'd rather the reviews not be visable at all. But its good to know which reviewers see trannys, so you can put their opinons on normal female escorts in perspective. Other that to each his own long as we don't encroach on each others desires.

Indeed. If the last female escort didn't have a cock then it should clearly be a Negative.     :wacko:

Offline A Decent Fist

Good thread. My own interest in the TV/TS side of things was sparked in the 1990s by seeing a few "shemale" porn mags and realising that some of the chicks with dicks were giving me a stonking hard-on. I found my first trans escort in the small ads of the Sunday Sport (there were no interweb then, by gum) and they have been part of my punting preferences every since.

Offline jordan452

yeah but you see the dick isnt showing there. A man can find that person attractive if they didnt know they carried a dick along with the physique

i dont see any problem with that, its weird to think that finding out after the fact makes you different than what attracted you to the deceiver (if they conned you) in the first place
I understand it doesn’t mean your into that. Sometimes I’m scrolling through Twitter I’ll find a big bubble butt escort I find attractive, then on further inspection of the profile it’s a TS.
I wouldn’t book. Yeah they look attractive, via enhancements have a lot of the attributes of a women I would usually book but I want pussy.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2020, 10:26:12 pm by jordan452 »

Offline JontyR

What I find odd about the argument that “if they were born male they are male and having sex with them makes you gay no matter what they are like now” -  it logically follows that if they were born female they are female and that having sex with someone who has  for 50 years called themselves Bernard and they are now bald, fat, no tits, a beard, smokes a pipe, wields a constructed girthy  hosepipe can be safe in the knowledge they are Super Straight.

When i was twenty I was concerned about labels. Confused certain acts with certain sexualities and was a poorer excuse for a human as a result. When my super hot girlfriend went anywhere near my bum I’d freak out. Time went on and I found I liked a touch there. Things progressed amongst lots of hot fanny action. And fucking her with a finger up her arse whilst she returned the compliment is still one of those stand out sexual experiences we keep hoping we’ll be able to match for eroticism someday.

Now my own journey moved on to pegging, and I was still hung up on the fact I wanted the dildo to not be realistic. I didn’t want a cock, that’d be gay. And I’ve enjoyed being pegged ever since, not even 10% of fucks would be like it, but every now and again.

Spin forwards a couple of decades and you wonder if it would be any different when you didn’t have to keep adjusting a harness or your present partner is one who doesn’t really dig it, believe me most women do, unless they are hung up on labels.

Then one day, the stars align and you find yourself with means and opportunity. And it’s, well shit actually. But that’s punting. You adjust your method. Do better research, come up with a list of specific punting rules, leave reviews and realise that labels are only as important as you want them to be. But my god, they got in the way of some fun.

Online Chris1990mcr

I think I shagged my first shemale escort when I was about 20.
Black Tyra in Manchester.

I love the variation between shemales and ladyboys and fully appreciate the qualities of them.

Having what looks like a girl, be completely into anal and usually when warmed up filthy, naughty and great at sucking dick is a turn on.

There was another amazing experience with a touring escort called Sharon Lima who ended up fucking me and sucking me off at the same time. She was a tall, slim supermodel looking shemale.
She was fit as fuck the sex was unbelievably hot and for a long time I punted shemales and only topped never even touching their cocks.
I think for me it was all about the ass and loving having girls who were certain to get off on being rimmed, fingered in the ass and fucked in the ass. F
These days I will now occasionally  not mind sucking them, love having my ass licked and a finger inside me and occasionally being topped.
I hadn’t realised Miriam was dead. I actually punted her when she toured and was a truly memorable experience.

Look like a girl horny like a boy.

I don’t consider myself gay or bi as I wouldn’t be remotely interested in sex, play or touching with a man. It holds no interest.

Offline tantraman

Thanks for your thoughful post paulitor, which deserves a considered response ...

... and thank you, WW, for such a perfectly considered response. I could not agree more, good sir! :drinks:

Online last_days_of_logan

I understand it doesn’t mean your into that. Sometimes I’m scrolling through Twitter I’ll find a big bubble butt escort I find attractive, then on further inspection of the profile it’s a TS.
I wouldn’t book. Yeah they look attractive, via enhancements have a lot of the attributes of a women I would usually book but I want pussy.

exactly this

Offline winkywanky

I understand it doesn’t mean your into that. Sometimes I’m scrolling through Twitter I’ll find a big bubble butt escort I find attractive, then on further inspection of the profile it’s a TS.
I wouldn’t book. Yeah they look attractive, via enhancements have a lot of the attributes of a women I would usually book but I want pussy.

Worth noting that a lot of the Cis-women a lot of guys will book, will already have breast implants, bum implants and lip fillers. Many, many guys go for that look.

In that way, the line between Cis-girls and Trans girls is blurred even further.

Of course yes, a pre-op will still have a cock, that's an obvious difference that the vast majority of guys won't be able to (and don't want to) get past.

But a post-op may be very hard to distinguish from a Cis-girl who simply has 'all the usual modern fakeness' which has almost become the norm. We have seen the result of that here of course, with guy(s) being fooled and tricked.

I'm not saying guys should or will change their minds about only seeing Cis-girls, that's their choice and a large amount would be mortified simply at the thought of that.

Nevertheless, lines are being definitely blurred.

Offline Xtro

But a post-op may be very hard to distinguish from a Cis-girl who simply has 'all the usual modern fakeness' which has almost become the norm. We have seen the result of that here of course, with guy(s) being fooled and tricked.

In addition, some post op's look more attractive than some women, and I'm not just talking about the hideous looking SP's but even the "Barbie Doll" gals.

Offline winkywanky

In addition, some post op's look more attractive than some women, and I'm not just talking about the hideous looking SP's but even the "Barbie Doll" gals.

Yes, some Trans girls have prettier faces and smoother skin, as well as a nicer figure.

That can also apply to pre-op as well.

It must really piss off some of the Cis-girls  :D

Offline Xtro

Yes, some Trans girls have prettier faces and smoother skin, as well as a nicer figure.

That can also apply to pre-op as well.

It must really piss off some of the Cis-girls  :D

Sorry, I meant to type Pre/post   :thumbsup:

Offline cosmiccosmo

Great thread with some extremely thoughtful and articulate responses, although the ‘haters are always gonna hate’ for their own personal reasons/prejudices. As Mr W said “lines are being definitely blurred”.

Although I have yet to dip my toe into the pre-op TS world about two years ago I booked a stunning female escort who as it turned out was post-op although advertised as female.

My first indication that ‘she’was different was the fact that her bolt-ons were quite cold to touch. Later I also realised that she had a relatively flat bum. However the DFK was amazing and OWO was sensational. Eventually she flipped over on to all fours and said “fuck me please”. I jokingly asked “which hole” and she indicated whichever one I want.

I chose the ‘pussy’ and pounded her until I popped. I flopped back onto the bed almost ready to leave before my time was up when she started a massage. A very good massage. Hmm, “strong hands” I thought. Dick brain took over (again) and after another bout of OWO she rubbered me up again pulled me into the ‘mish’ with her legs over my shoulders and inserted me into her bum. After the second pop I was pretty legless but eventually thanked her and left after going 30 minutes beyond my allotted time.

When I got home I decided to check out her reviews and realised that she was indeed post-op. For quite some time after that whenever I thought of the punt it was “Ewww! I fucked a tranny”. However I did get beyond that and while I do not doubt my sexuality one bit I will definitely book a pre-op once this current madness subsides. It will probably be more of a bucket-list situation as I have been punting regularly for about six years now and there are still a lot of female SP’s on my HL.

 And Mr W, this is as close to a review as I am planning to get. :D

Offline S.X. MacHine

Indeed, Cosmiccosmo, I had a similar experience involving a breathtakingly beautiful Thai escort who did not, however, mention ‘post op’ on her site.
The clues that she wasn’t cisgender? Well, slightly built not curvaceous; but plenty females are like that. She was insistent that I shouldn’t insert a finger in her, although I hadn’t even tried to. She was obviously paranoid about it, presumably a fake vag feels different.
She had a long perineum (fuck; this is starting to sound like a gyno textbook) between the anus and the vaginal opening. Unique.
The game was up when I entered her to find the vagina was oddly short. Didn’t stretch. Weird.
Anyway, it didn’t bother me either way since a shag’s a shag. Would’ve gone back but she was more expensive than the prevailing market price, so I didn’t bother.
This all happened years before I dipped my toe (well, not my toe, actually, but you know what I a mean) in the world of TS girls.

Offline Davey Dykes

Sharon Lima who ended up fucking me and sucking me off at the same time.

Would you care to share with the rest of the class how this is possible?

Offline winkywanky

She's fucking him in mish, and leaning down to do it.

If it's not too distressing, try to get a mental picture in your head, it would/could work.

Probably helps that Chris is perhaps also incredibly well hung  :D.

Offline Davey Dykes

Well I'll just have to defer to your superior knowledge of the subject and presume it is possible with a massive tool in the equasion. Still seems unlikely to me unless you have a serpentine spine.

Offline winkywanky

I've never been Bottom/pegged, but I've seen enough Tranny porn to know it's possible. I can post up some links if you want?  :D

Offline Davey Dykes

Nah, you're alright. I'll take your word for it.  :thumbsup:

Offline sparkus

I see this purely through an economic prism.

If a straight punter decides to see a TS SP then for his punt he is not seeing a female WG, therefore he is not increasing the number of clients that WG sees and therefore this has advantages.

Offline A Decent Fist

There was another amazing experience with a touring escort called Sharon Lima who ended up fucking me and sucking me off at the same time.

Would you care to share with the rest of the class how this is possible?

I have enjoyed this remarkable pleasure too. It was the highlight of a not entirely satisfactory meeting with a well-reviewed TS SP:

Offline princerico

I have enjoyed this remarkable pleasure too. It was the highlight of a not entirely satisfactory meeting with a well-reviewed TS SP:

me too, Sofia has done it when banging me missionary, at least once. She can bend down easily enough to get a mouth full.  :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

Offline Hugeadmirer

Good thread.

I can’t answer the ‘why’ the demand has increased better than WW already has but my two peneth regards to sexual orientation and the rest of it is in line with what someone said about having two brains...

I learnt a long time ago to listen to what turns me on and not be bothered about labels or even how I’ve been trained/conditioned to feel.

If it makes me horny, is legal (punting aside) and causes no one harm I’m all for following where my dick takes me.

And I’m so pleased I do. I feel much more sexually liberated and have some amazing experiences.

Not that it matters but to date I’ve not been turned on by a guy or tried that but if I’m the future I am I’ll give it a go and not have any remorse.

One last point, I believe cross dressers etc have been around as long as female prostitutes. As have gay prostitutes so don’t believe it’s new - of course I can’t verify this! - But my point is it’s nothing new. Just people are more liberal in their thinking, actions and sharing so it’s increased in terms of exploration and communication

Offline Chorley

For me TS's are a bit like a rubber knecking an accident  or You don't want to look , but you feel compelled to have a look anyway and feel a bit dirty afterwards :D

And no matter how convincing some of them look I still think, "That's a bloke/ used to be a bloke?"  :unknown: And I defefinitely  don't want any of them poking their e meat and 2 veg up my Oxo Tower :scare:  :scare: :scare:

The other thing that mystifies me is why punters tolerate their behaviour, as a lot of the TS escorts seem to behave like utter cunts? :unknown:

At the end of the day its a diverse world and whatever floats your boat us fine by me?  :hi:

Offline sparkus

A friend who slept with civvy post-op said he would try anything once and that he would defy anyone to say she was not beautiful etc.

However, he said the next morning there's no amount of fakery can mask a man's scent/BO.

Offline winkywanky

For me TS's are a bit like a rubber necking an accident  or You don't want to look , but you feel compelled to have a look anyway and feel a bit dirty afterwards :D

And no matter how convincing some of them look I still think, "That's a bloke/ used to be a bloke?"  :unknown: And I defefinitely  don't want any of them poking their e meat and 2 veg up my Oxo Tower :scare:  :scare: :scare:

The other thing that mystifies me is why punters tolerate their behaviour, as a lot of the TS escorts seem to behave like utter cunts? :unknown:

At the end of the day its a diverse world and whatever floats your boat us fine by me?  :hi:

I would refer my Rt. Hon friend to the above comments regarding fucking and blowing simultaneously  :D

As for the behavioural aspect of Trans WGs, I do suspect the level of flakiness is higher than with even Cisgirls. This is possibly to do with trying too hard  :rolleyes:

Seriously, I don't know whether this might be to do with a 'hormonal conflict' to do with oestrogen or similar that they might be taking?

Offline winkywanky

A friend who slept with civvy post-op said he would try anything once and that he would defy anyone to say she was not beautiful etc.

However, he said the next morning there's no amount of fakery can mask a man's scent/BO.

Interesting point.

I do have a bit of a thing about 'sniffing' girls (no, I don't mean that  :rolleyes:) and my previous gf noticed this. For me a big part of sexual arousal and intimacy is related to sense of smell.

From memory the only time I noticed a 'male smell' (not even BO really) was with just one TS WG, and although being very outwardly feminine I'm pretty sure she wasn't on hormones (she came a bucketload  :rolleyes:).

I think it really has a lot to do with the presence or otherwise of testosterone and oestrogen. But I'm not a doctor of course  :hi:.

Offline soppyget

I haven't had that problem, no.

You don't have to have a cock to be prejudiced or ignorant, a fanny will do just as nicely.

I guess bearing in mind virtually all WGs will bareback with a partner/others, some female WGs might think Trans girls are a bigger risk than a Cisgirl owing to the anal element?

As for WGs knowing who I am, I'm quite descriptive in my reviews so if they were to look on UKP they'd no doubt realise who I am (by the way, I never mention UKP on a punt, but won't lie about it if the WG brings it up). One particular TS WG effectively blocked me after I saw her three times because she didn't like the level of detail in my review and follow-up posts. Quite ironic really, since I probably got her a load of business in reality. I'm pragmatic about it, I move on. Probably for the best in any case, any more than three punts is liable to court the disaster-in-waiting known as EAS.

thanks ww.  All fair points.  What's EAS though?  Also, I'm a little behind on the terms.... can someone tell me what a cis girl is please?

Offline sparkus

thanks ww.  All fair points.  What's EAS though?  Also, I'm a little behind on the terms.... can someone tell me what a cis girl is please?

EAS = a soppy get  :sarcastic:

Offline winkywanky

thanks ww.  All fair points.  What's EAS though?  Also, I'm a little behind on the terms.... can someone tell me what a cis girl is please?

EAS = Emotional Attachment Syndrome (ie you fall for a WG)

Cisgirl = Girl born genetically female