Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Brazilians in London  (Read 1382 times)

Offline MeritofMirth

I hope this post is in the right place. If not, please do indicate otherwise.

I've been punting since intermittently since late 2016, so can't really claim to have a long-term perspective. However, in recent months I've noticed a seemingly significant increase of Brazilian WG's on AW. By contrast there seem to be fewer Eastern Europeans (Poles in particular) and a minuscule number of Brits.

I could be plain wrong, of course, but I was wondering if anyone else had made this observation?

Offline salazar

I think I have noticed it but I always filter my search to Brit ladies. South American is not really my thing and Brazilians don't usually live up to their "salsa" fame.

Offline Anadin

I think there were more a couple of years ago but yeah we've had a steady stream of Brazilians in London for a while.

Offline sparkus

It stands to reason given the country's population size and economic conditions, plus the fact that many of them can currently travel freely to the UK to live under Portuguese or Italian passports (as both countries offer these to just descendents rather than the more stringent citizenship rules of the UK).  Even those who don't have them can arrive easy enough as tourists etc. and then drift into what is an undocumented activity.

Oh, that and women with dark skin and generous proportions, not to mention vivacious ways, tend to be popular with punters.

Offline pepsicolaboy

The hidden from profile £20+ extra for owo adds up to a nice little extra earner for the SP/Sergei


Offline Chezdon2

It stands to reason given the country's population size and economic conditions, plus the fact that many of them can currently travel freely to the UK to live under Portuguese or Italian passports (as both countries offer these to just descendents rather than the more stringent citizenship rules of the UK).  Even those who don't have them can arrive easy enough as tourists etc. and then drift into what is an undocumented activity.

Oh, that and women with dark skin and generous proportions, not to mention vivacious ways, tend to be popular with punters.

Please show me where these Brazilians are hiding in London because every single Brazilian ad I've seen is a pasty white chick with bolt on tits and sparrow-like legs.

As someone who lived there for 2 years these are not the typical Brazilian girl. They're thick, tanned, juicy, and just damned hot. The ads I've seen here are just disheartening.

Better off jumping on a plane and spending 1/4 of the cash on something 4 x hotter.

Unless I'm looking in the wrong places...

Offline llanero

It stands to reason given the country's population size and economic conditions, plus the fact that many of them can currently travel freely to the UK to live under Portuguese or Italian passports (as both countries offer these to just descendents rather than the more stringent citizenship rules of the UK).  Even those who don't have them can arrive easy enough as tourists etc. and then drift into what is an undocumented activity.

Oh, that and women with dark skin and generous proportions, not to mention vivacious ways, tend to be popular with punters.

Sorry for the off topic but you haven’t got a pale idea about how stringent citizenship rules outside of the UK actually are.
In fact in 1981 the U.K. had to modify its citizenship rules as they were too relaxed compared with most of the ones in the EC. One example of that was what ended up in becoming the Windrush scandal, plus the fact that Commonwealth citizens had an easy ride on U.K. citizenship and thus the U.K. used to be a pass through for people to get a citizenship to open up the doors of the EC.
You will find that Italian citizenship in particular has never been easy to get. To begin with, jus sanguinis is based upon the notion that one of your parents has to be Italian citizen, which implies that the right to claim it has to be verified. That in itself is a lengthy process, especially when the last resort is to verify the central archives in Rome (using the last resort route implies in itself that the claim has little substance).
Plus, you should know that there must have been at least 7 million Italian citizens who emigrated to Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay in the 1870 to 1950 time span. Plenty of descendants to claim Italian citizenship.

Offline llanero

I think there were more a couple of years ago but yeah we've had a steady stream of Brazilians in London for a while.
Nowhere near as the numbers of them in Italy, Spain, Portugal and France.

Offline llanero

I hope this post is in the right place. If not, please do indicate otherwise.

I've been punting since intermittently since late 2016, so can't really claim to have a long-term perspective. However, in recent months I've noticed a seemingly significant increase of Brazilian WG's on AW. By contrast there seem to be fewer Eastern Europeans (Poles in particular) and a minuscule number of Brits.

I could be plain wrong, of course, but I was wondering if anyone else had made this observation?

The slide of sterling, the high cost of living, the quality of life (squalid) and Brexit.

Offline sparkus

Sorry for the off topic but you haven’t got a pale idea about how stringent citizenship rules outside of the UK actually are.
In fact in 1981 the U.K. had to modify its citizenship rules as they were too relaxed compared with most of the ones in the EC. One example of that was what ended up in becoming the Windrush scandal, plus the fact that Commonwealth citizens had an easy ride on U.K. citizenship and thus the U.K. used to be a pass through for people to get a citizenship to open up the doors of the EC.
You will find that Italian citizenship in particular has never been easy to get. To begin with, jus sanguinis is based upon the notion that one of your parents has to be Italian citizen, which implies that the right to claim it has to be verified. That in itself is a lengthy process, especially when the last resort is to verify the central archives in Rome (using the last resort route implies in itself that the claim has little substance).
Plus, you should know that there must have been at least 7 million Italian citizens who emigrated to Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay in the 1870 to 1950 time span. Plenty of descendants to claim Italian citizenship.

Happy to have my sweeping statement corrected by someone in the know given that my understanding was only gleaned from convo with innumerable Brazilian WGs and the odd Tinder date here and there through the medium of very basic Engleesh.

Offline llanero

Happy to have my sweeping statement corrected by someone in the know given that my understanding was only gleaned from convo with innumerable Brazilian WGs and the odd Tinder date here and there through the medium of very basic Engleesh.

You have mixed up two different aspects of immigration: citizenship rules and border controls. The two are really difficult to conceive how they can be mixed up.
Border controls in the U.K. don’t work because the U.K. border officers have no awareness or preparation to work out who is trying to get in illegally. Plus, the border force in the U.K. is run by a private firm, so they just take the money. The border police don’t want to get engaged in awkward situations.
Once in the U.K. their trade is made easier due to the permissive character of the general population. Everyone minding their own business to the point where you can find brothels or WGs at a stone throw from a public building or in the middle of a residential compound. I am sure you have been or are acquainted to the fact it is dead easy in the U.K. to set up a “profile” as a SP, even in some cases some brothels publish their telephone number and address in the wide open! Un-be-lie-va-ble. The punter’s paradise.
Try to trick a Brazilian immigration officer, see how well it goes. Especially if you get curious about illegal substances.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2020, 08:48:07 pm by llanero »

Offline sparkus

You have mixed up two different aspects of immigration: citizenship rules and border controls. The two are really difficult to conceive how they can be mixed up.
Border controls in the U.K. don’t work because the U.K. border officers have no awareness or preparation to work out who is trying to get in illegally. Plus, the border force in the U.K. is run by a private firm, so they just take the money. The border police don’t want to get engaged in awkward situations.
Once in the U.K. their trade is made easier due to the permissive character of the general population. Everyone minding their own business to the point where you can find brothels or WGs at a stone throw from a public building or in the middle of a residential compound. I am sure you have been or are acquainted to the fact it is dead easy in the U.K. to set up a “profile” as a SP, even in some cases some brothels publish their telephone number and address in the wide open! Un-be-lie-va-ble. The punter’s paradise.
Try to trick a Brazilian immigration officer, see how well it goes. Especially if you get curious about illegal substances.

Mate, I said I was happy to defer to your obvious expertise over mine here so let's leave it at that shall we? I said it stands to reason but it clearly doesn't, unless someone else is more familiar than your good self?