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Author Topic: Swingers and Sinners, Sutton 17 February  (Read 1496 times)

Offline cultvoid

This is a new party, held at the same venue (the famous Sutton "mansion") as the Bi Fun Party, with the same organiser. It runs every two weeks on Mondays, and therefore alternates with the long established Bi Fun Party. Bi Fun is very well reviewed here, most lately by the masterpiece review from "A Decent Fist":

Website: External Link/Members Only

Cost: £75 for a four hour afternoon party.

The details given on the website are pretty comprehensive and basically it's all accurate.

A short summary for those who have already attended Bi Fun Party:

Essentially, it's the same as the Bi Fun Parties, but without the rule (which is ignored anyway) that all attendees have to accept male/male action. It's 20 quid more expensive for single males at £75. It's possible there are more people at this (it's years since I went to Bi Fun, so maybe that is just as busy these days) - it was certainly very busy on my visit.

There were no T-Girls in attendance, and no obvious gay action, although there were plenty of three ways going on.

If you're new to this, more details

This is billed as a Swingers party, therefore no sex is guaranteed. So you'll need to have either good social skills, be able to not get blind drunk, be able to grab your chance when you can (unlike me) or you'll need to posses a big black cock and the attitude of a crack dealer. There aren't many swingers parties where single men are welcome and aren't made to feel like dirty old men (even if they are) - here everyone is welcome.

Although the party in this format has only been running a few weeks, it was absolutely heaving. It's a big house, and I arrived just half an hour late, but it was crowded and difficult to get changed - this in my view is a very good thing as it makes for a proper house party.

And a proper house party it is. The organiser does an excellent job of making it so, there's good music playing throughout the house without being too loud. You can bring your own alcohol (I heard someone asking if there was booze on offer and they were disappointed). Good range of snacks and nibbles on offer.

Now, from a punting point of view this party is a very grey area. Whilst technically it is a swingers party, that wouldn't work very well with so many single males in attendance. So there are paid workers there. They aren't allegedly "professionals" - here's what the website says:

we also assist some ladies with their travel, childcare and other costs to attend as those expenses can be too much to afford on low (or no) income.

It's fairly easy to tell which ones have been "assisted with their travel" (being cruel, they're the females whose weight in stones is less than their age). At a very rough guess, I'd say that there were around 10 of these, with quite a wide range of attractiveness. The best ones you'd probably find in an average parlour (although I observed when in voyeur mode that even the best of them didn't look so great once they'd taken their clothes off). A couple of them were acting as host in rotation; they were guarding the valuables locker and managing the drinks - but I noticed that essentially every girl who was there was fucking at some point of the party (that's not always the case - it's annoying when the fittest woman there is clearly just there to dish out sandwiches).

The main hosts were really nice but also loud and brash - not a bad thing, I saw them grab some of the shyer guys who were reticent and making it clear they could have a fuck. Great hosting!

It's probable that many of these "10" are active on the scene somewhere, but I'm sorry I don't punt much and rarely in London so I can't identify any.

The actual organiser (male) stays pretty much in the background - generally opening the door, collecting the cash etc. There's no obvious "heavies" there so I don't know what would happen if something kicked off. Not that that's very likely.

I'm going to get asked about ratios: it was impossible to count the number of men as the house was so full: but probably more than 50. But I would also say that if you're wanting to fuck a particular SP - sorry, "female who has benefited from travel assistance" - you won't have any problems providing you're assertive enough to make your presence known when she's finished with the previous. Most guys tends to pad around in towels from one room to the next, but if you're patient enough to stand and wait, the girls seem generally happy to serve the next in line.

Two caveats: one girl had an annoying habit of disappearing for a shower after every fuck, which made it very difficult to get her. Also, the aforementioned crack-dealer(*) had a very annoying habit of sticking his massive black cock in everytime I got to the head of the queue. Good on him, I'm a dweeb and I'm not going to try telling Bumpy Johnson to fuck off.

(*) no crack was being dealt.

As well as the many single males and "assistedees", there are a small number of genuine single female swingers. They're not someone you're going to admit to fucking (see note †), but if you're here for swinging, then they're actually very genuine and warm people. (Edit: I've remembered now there was an older but very tidy lady there, I'm fairly certain she was a civvy but she took several guys and had the most amazing and I think genuine orgasms. I wish I'd had a chance to meet her).

Finally, through the afternoon several (3 or 4) young (ie not eligible for a bus pass) couples showed up, usually consisting of a nervy looking simp guy and a hot young woman. Of course, these couples kept their clothes on and after their tour of the building, I never saw any of them again.

If you're new to this you'll need to be assertive enough to get your turn; I've discovered I'm a bit of a wall flower and actually didn't get any action with anyone in receipt of travel assistance. I did however meet a few genuine swingers, but I can't admit to fucking any (see note †) (hint: I winced reading Decent Fist's review when he came to describe the less attractive squirter. A chasm, it was. I can't admit to doing it, but people were watching! She's a regular, folks).

Something I haven't noticed happening at Bi Fun is that it seemed to be accepted that the last half hour would end with a bukkake session in the sitting room (which is generally used as a more mellow social area). So if you've not blown your load at least you have a get of jail free card.

Although I had little in the way of action, that's because I can't get laid in a brothel and despite that, it was a great party, lots of banter, I met some genuine swingers and some nervous first time guys, and I came out very happy. There is something for everyone here, and I recommend it if you're in anyway social.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2020, 08:48:51 pm by cultvoid »

Offline Goldfinch

A good read,cheers for sharing. :thumbsup:

Offline smiths

Good review OP, thanks. :thumbsup: Just to clarify the actual legal position for any punters not sure or unaware, like all sex parties its a brothel and could get raided just like any such party could at any time the police choose. The police will most certainly know all about the Sutton house and what goes on.

Outfits like this use the word swingers in the hope it will help if they get raided, well it wont if the police have done the most basic thing, send in a copper undercover posing as a punter, once he hands money over and is offered sex that's all they would need to raid. That's not to say some real swingers don't attend as I imagine some do.

More information is on the Crown Prosecution Website, their site gives the law and factual info rather than the shit some places post, and some punters have posted on here over the years.

Offline cultvoid

Yes, that's about it. I do think this party and bi fun actually does pull off at least the illusion of a swinger's party though.

I understand the locals are outraged at what goes on at the mansion. Not the sex, the noise from the cars parking. (It's like the M1 on Carshalton Road!)

I bet there was at least one high court judge and a Chief Constable in there padding around in a towel, that's why it's not been raided (yet).

Offline cultvoid

Argh sorry I hadn't noticed that the same party day has already been reviewed! And MUCH better than mine, with idents of the girls too. Who would have thunk it - they're professionals and probably not in need of help with their travel costs!