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Author Topic: How much do Escorts actually earn  (Read 10901 times)

Offline MassageBloke

We all look at WG's charges, but how much do they actually earn? Are they fully booked, or sit there waiting for the phone to ring. Anyone a heads up on this? Seems to be quite a few of them out there.
Banned reason: Self confessed non punter.
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Offline EnglishRebecca121

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Banned reason: Ex sex worker with zero useful contribution to make
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Offline CheeseBoard

What do you think they earn? Why do you care?  :unknown:

Offline daviemac

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We all look at WG's charges, but how much do they actually earn? Are they fully booked, or sit there waiting for the phone to ring. Anyone a heads up on this? Seems to be quite a few of them out there.
Are you for real???   :wacko:

Go on AW and look at their rates, it's there in print.   :dash:

Offline Midori

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This is a "how long is a piece of string" type question really. Depends on hours worked, demand and how much you charge.

I make the money I want to make, it equates to a regular normal wage but I don't do this full time, I take a couple of bookings a week and mostly from regulars these days. I could earn more if I worked more. What I have a good quality of life and excitement compared to what my life would be if I got your bog standard full time graduate wage in say an admin style position, and that's what makes me happy.

Offline freeze44

£124.50p per week is the average  :thumbsup:

Some wg's have fluffy punters so their takings, on average, go up to £177.12p per week.

The past it wg who is sitting by a dusty phone is getting £.99p on average and topping things up by cam  :wacko:

Offline thekingreturns

Suppose it depends on if they have are independent, agency worker, brothel worker or have a pimp.... whatever it is I bet its not FULLY declared... I know some have accountants but I very much doubt its all put down

Offline mh

Offline The_Grinder

Fuck all.... looking at your number of reviews

Offline winkywanky


This  :lol:

Offline Skeleton

Do the maths.

£140 per hour
Average 8 hour working day
5 day working week
4 weeks holiday so 48 weeks a year....£268k a year.

Pretty sure that's about right for them all  :dash:

Offline Jonestown

We all look at WG's charges, but how much do they actually earn? Are they fully booked, or sit there waiting for the phone to ring. Anyone a heads up on this? Seems to be quite a few of them out there.

Why, are you thinking of chancing your arse and going into the business yourself ?

Online finn5555

the word earn needs to be used loosely  :D :D

Offline greg101

I think if you are a stunning 10/10 working girl like EnglishRebecca121; who is stunningly beautiful and well educated then I’d imagine 125k a year no problem. In a parlour maybe 35k.

Offline sensualencounter

I think if you are a stunning 10/10 working girl like EnglishRebecca121; who is stunningly beautiful and well educated then I’d imagine 125k a year no problem. In a parlour maybe 35k.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Online finn5555

I think if you are a stunning 10/10 working girl like EnglishRebecca121; who is stunningly beautiful and well educated then I’d imagine 125k a year no problem. In a parlour maybe 35k.

 :dash: :dash: :dash: :dash:

Offline greg101

:dash: :dash: :dash: :dash:

finn5555 I've never seen EnglishRebecca121, she won't see me (ENGLISHREBECCA121 IF READING THIS DON'T OUT ME BY PUTTING WHY!).
On her videos she speaks well and appears to be high brow.  I stand by my previous statement, I think she is star spangled beautiful and posh.

Online MissWolf

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finn5555 I've never seen EnglishRebecca121, she won't see me (ENGLISHREBECCA121 IF READING THIS DON'T OUT ME BY PUTTING WHY!).
On her videos she speaks well and appears to be high brow.  I stand by my previous statement, I think she is star spangled beautiful and posh.

 :vomit: :vomit: :vomit: :dash:

Online finn5555

finn5555 I've never seen EnglishRebecca121, she won't see me (ENGLISHREBECCA121 IF READING THIS DON'T OUT ME BY PUTTING WHY!).
On her videos she speaks well and appears to be high brow.  I stand by my previous statement, I think she is star spangled beautiful and posh.

Mate some love her of course, she is skilled at sucking the cock of every Tom, Dick and Abdul... as for beautiful and high brow you are having a laugh  :sarcastic:

She is a attention seeking parasite who lies and vies for attention  :dash:

We have had all sorts from her trying to garner a sympathy booking or sympathy on here, some examples are:

Kidney failure
Dying dad
Being outed
Property portfolio (yet she rents  :wackogirl:)

I could go on but 99.9% what comes out of her mouth is bullshit which has been proven time and time again.

Of course you can fawn over her, unless your some kind of weirdo your money is good enough for her she isn't fussy  :hi:

Online RandomGuy99

How much do you earn?

Not going to tell us all because it's none of our business?

It's also none of our business how much escorts earn.

Offline greg101

finn5555, I have no interest in her personal life, if she is ill then I have empathy for her and wish her well.  If she has a property portfolio then good on her but it is of little consequence to me.
I genuinely think she is a very attractive young lady, the loss is mine, she will always have a busy customer base as according to reports she gives a fabulous service.  She ticks all the boxes
for me, articulate, well spoken and beautiful.  She is the Lillith Noir of the South West.  Good luck to her I say.

Online finn5555

finn5555, I have no interest in her personal life, if she is ill then I have empathy for her and wish her well.  If she has a property portfolio then good on her but it is of little consequence to me.
I genuinely think she is a very attractive young lady, the loss is mine, she will always have a busy customer base as according to reports she gives a fabulous service.  She ticks all the boxes
for me, articulate, well spoken and beautiful.  She is the Lillith Noir of the South West.  Good luck to her I say.

Fucking hell no helping some people  :sarcastic: :sarcastic: :sarcastic:

Offline sensualencounter

finn5555, I have no interest in her personal life, if she is ill then I have empathy for her and wish her well.  If she has a property portfolio then good on her but it is of little consequence to me.
I genuinely think she is a very attractive young lady, the loss is mine, she will always have a busy customer base as according to reports she gives a fabulous service.  She ticks all the boxes
for me, articulate, well spoken and beautiful.  She is the Lillith Noir of the South West.  Good luck to her I say.
You're coming across as a little unhinged.

Online unclepokey

If they've got any sense less than the VAT registration  threshold (currently £85,000)

Offline jeanphillipe

i just realised Mr J999 is missing, 

if saafe is anything to go by it can be as good as 20 k a month and as bad as breaking even/basic wages

Offline greg101

If they've got any sense less than the VAT registration  threshold (currently £85,000)

I stay below the threshold by.

Getting my customers to buy materials, Ignoring large single contracts and only operating 4 days a week.  Not sure working girls can do that.

There was some talk of the threshold being reduced to 25k?

Offline Jonestown

I stay below the threshold by.

Getting my customers to buy materials, Ignoring large single contracts and only operating 4 days a week.  Not sure working girls can do that.

There was some talk of the threshold being reduced to 25k?

If you run a worthwhile business why would you want to stay below the threshold, are would you want to put a cap on your earnings ?

Offline greg101

If you run a worthwhile business why would you want to stay below the threshold, are would you want to put a cap on your earnings ?

My wife is in the super tax bracket I've 2 other 'revenue' sources for income, it suits my/our needs.

Offline Drayki

We all look at WG's charges, but how much do they actually earn? Are they fully booked, or sit there waiting for the phone to ring. Anyone a heads up on this? Seems to be quite a few of them out there.

Why don’t you go and book one  :dash: and then ask them personally how much they earn  :lol:

Then when you’ve managed to get your head out of your arse come back and tell us the answer  :bomb:

Online finn5555

Not sure working girls can do that.

They operate in a cash environment  :dash:

Online mr.bluesky

We all look at WG's charges, but how much do they actually earn? Are they fully booked, or sit there waiting for the phone to ring. Anyone a heads up on this? Seems to be quite a few of them out there.

Why don't you ask their Tax inspector ? I am certain they are all honest and declare all their earnings  :D
« Last Edit: February 06, 2020, 05:42:49 pm by mr.bluesky »

Offline millbush

Banned reason: Troll.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline The Owl

Fuck all.... looking at your number of reviews

Best response on this thread so far.  :lol:

Offline Vice Admiral

Here's a bit of arithmetic, positing a girl with a fairly modest level of activity . 

£80 for half-an-hour is an average-ish rate these days (although of course prices vary wildly).   If our notional escort does two half-hour bookings a day, five days a week – and takes Saturday and Sunday off – that's £800 a week, or £41,600 a year.

Not bad, eh? 

For five hours' work a week.

Sadly, however, almost all the escorts I have known well enough to have knowledge of their approach to money management have been spendthrifts, to whom the concept of saving or prioritising is alien.  So the money is spent almost as soon as it comes in.  It's not difficult to get through £10,000 a year on weed, for example.

My guess is that the escorts who contribute to this site manage their money well, and will have a different story to tell.

But my experience is as I have described it – with the result that many of the girls who do this well-paid job (albeit a job that not many of us, if the roles were reversed, would much fancy) never have a penny in the bank, in spite of the fact that they are earning above the average national wage.

Offline Home Alone

So this'll be the first thread you've started, then, OP?? :dash:

If you'd wanted to feel like part of the gang, wouldn't it have been better, in retrospect, to have established some sort of presence - you know the sort of thing: reviews of SPs you've seen; maybe fewer dissertations on the history of Upminster; before a crass subject like this which can surely only be of interest to you and, as mr.bluesky points out, HMRC?

Just saying!

Offline freeze44

So this'll be the first thread you've started, then, OP?? :dash:

If you'd wanted to feel like part of the gang, wouldn't it have been better, in retrospect, to have established some sort of presence - you know the sort of thing: reviews of SPs you've seen; maybe fewer dissertations on the history of Upminster; before a crass subject like this which can surely only be of interest to you and, as mr.bluesky points out, HMRC?

Just saying!

Well put  :thumbsup: Could apply to a number of lurkers, leeches and dickheads  :sarcastic:

Offline Home Alone

i just realised Mr J999 is missing, 

Aye, where's James999 when you need him? He'd have had a field day with this OP.

Offline jeanphillipe

Aye, where's James999 when you need him? He'd have had a field day with this OP.

I was thinking more along the lines of rebecca bashing :sarcastic:

Offline Watts.E.Dunn

Was having this very debate with a touring girl who sez that she doesnt make as much as anyone thinks she might.

OK she see's around 4 punters a day at at £130 quid each.

Claims her Hotel costs are around £140 a day.

She travels a lot, car seems to cost her £280 a month on lease so petrol insurace and taxes etc say 300 ish maybe  more so say £580 month

Adversing costs, and wet wipes, durex etc say 300 odd a month.

She has around 6 weeks off a year so i make her overall income and expenses as;

Income say 120,000

Hotels say 27,600

Car 6960

Expences 3323

so 120,000


exps 37,893

round that to £40,00


£80K per annum

Course you can argue that car will have some personal miles but she says that she only uses it for a trip to waitrose once a week and very little else.

Seems also that s 4  blokes a day inst that muich this is her average some days maybe 6 some days 1 or 2 some none!.

About right?

She, I reckon, could increase her prices a bit but go much above what shes charging and she thinks custom will fall.

Offline Home Alone

I was thinking more along the lines of rebecca bashing :sarcastic:

Sorry, jp; that was too subtle for me! :rolleyes:

Offline millbush

Was having this very debate with a touring girl who sez that she doesnt make as much as anyone thinks she might.

OK she see's around 4 punters a day at at £130 quid each.

Claims her Hotel costs are around £140 a day.

She travels a lot, car seems to cost her £280 a month on lease so petrol insurace and taxes etc say 300 ish maybe  more so say £580 month

Adversing costs, and wet wipes, durex etc say 300 odd a month.

She has around 6 weeks off a year so i make her overall income and expenses as;

Income say 120,000

Hotels say 27,600

Car 6960

Expences 3323

so 120,000


exps 37,893

round that to £40,00


£80K per annum

Course you can argue that car will have some personal miles but she says that she only uses it for a trip to waitrose once a week and very little else.

Seems also that s 4  blokes a day inst that muich this is her average some days maybe 6 some days 1 or 2 some none!.

About right?

She, I reckon, could increase her prices a bit but go much above what shes charging and she thinks custom will fall.

Not many unskilled workers earn 80k,I'm guessing the expenses are allowable as no doubt she pays her taxes.
Banned reason: Troll.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Trotter671

How much do you earn?

Not going to tell us all because it's none of our business?

It's also none of our business how much escorts earn.


Offline Trotter671

Fuck all.... looking at your number of reviews

Badumm Tsss!! Like it  :hi:

Online unclepokey

Was having this very debate with a touring girl who sez that she doesnt make as much as anyone thinks she might.

OK she see's around 4 punters a day at at £130 quid each.

Claims her Hotel costs are around £140 a day.

She travels a lot, car seems to cost her £280 a month on lease so petrol insurace and taxes etc say 300 ish maybe  more so say £580 month

Adversing costs, and wet wipes, durex etc say 300 odd a month.

She has around 6 weeks off a year so i make her overall income and expenses as;

Income say 120,000

Hotels say 27,600

Car 6960

Expences 3323

so 120,000


exps 37,893

round that to £40,00


£80K per annum

Course you can argue that car will have some personal miles but she says that she only uses it for a trip to waitrose once a week and very little else.

Seems also that s 4  blokes a day inst that muich this is her average some days maybe 6 some days 1 or 2 some none!.

About right?

She, I reckon, could increase her prices a bit but go much above what shes charging and she thinks custom will fall.

Yeah. But trouble is the VAT people look at TURNOVER ie what she charges. True she could claim the VAT on what she is charged for hotels, fuel and condoms etc.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2020, 08:32:01 pm by unclepokey »

Offline Belgarion

We all look at WG's charges, but how much do they actually earn? Are they fully booked, or sit there waiting for the phone to ring. Anyone a heads up on this? Seems to be quite a few of them out there.

Thinking about becoming a PIMP?

Offline BoroPool

A girl who retired said she had £150,000 in the bank and house paid for so a lot lol
« Last Edit: February 06, 2020, 08:37:15 pm by BoroPool »

Offline James

they earn too much from us lads.
all cash in hand,
a bad week if they see 4 people at 100 per half hour then 400 quid.
a good week and longer bookings, you can say about 1000 maybe.
all cash and some escorts do part time, so wont bank the extra dollar they get. cash in hand keep for spending. use bank for income.
its a good business
Banned reason: Unhealthy obsession with SP malicious posts out of spite
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Offline Colston36

This is like asking how much do musicians or writers earn. If you're at the top, insane money, but if you're an ordinary person, not much.

I know one who charges £200 an hour, and is booked up to April. I know another, not that much less attractive, who gets maybe a pair of  bookings a week at £100 an hour.

And one thing I certainly know, having lived with one for two and a half years, is it is not an easy job having sex with fat, sweaty, ignorant unattractive oafs who think you're coining it for doing fuck all.