Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Worried.  (Read 5281 times)

Offline sky1234

I am writing this because I'm not sure what to do in this situation.

I'm going to try make things short. I have seen this escort only two times. I found her off Viva street and can't locate her ad anymore. The first time I had seen her we had great chemistry. I had paid her for a very short service, despite us spending a couple hours together. Even spending the couple hours together we only did it once and we were simply conversating and joking around throughout the duration that's all. I thought she really liked me. I paid her for the duration we originally agreed and left. There was no issues at all.

So then I saw her again, at a hotel this time (should I be worried about this too?) I bought more money this time round, almost double. Told her I only want this duration and that was fine. My time with her went well but this time round half way through, she asked if I wanted to stay longer. I agreed, however I only bought the cash that I had on me (still much more than what I paid last time). We continued and then at the end I went to pay her. I gave her the cash and she wanted me to transfer her more. I told her, I can't transfer you anymore due to privacy reasons. She understood and was clearly upset and told me to leave. I had left and apologized.

She is now texting me saying she will take it further if I don't transfer her the rest of the duration. I told her I paid you more than what I did last time for pretty much the same duration. I also replied to her saying I didn't know us simply conversating talking about life is a service I had to pay for too.

What do I do here? Should I be worried about her saying she is going to do something about it?
As far as I know, she only has one of my numbers. Not specifically a punting number but just one of the few I have. She doesn't know too much about me either.

Offline James

keep the messages as proof, report her before she can report you maybe. if you keep messages then you got evidence. Or say you will give cash in hand. meet her
Banned reason: Unhealthy obsession with SP malicious posts out of spite
Banned by: daviemac

Offline robsmith149

Just ignore her texts, she'll give up eventually.

Offline Bumbuttass

If you used a punting phone and gave her a fake name or even just a first name then she has no way of doing anything really

Offline Thecunninglinguist

Even though she has taken her VS ad down you should still do a review of your experience and if as l guess it must have been, her phone number was visible in the ad. Then add it to your review to make it searchable. I guess you have a punting phone and she has no other identity details? She has nothing to chase you with.

Offline greg101

Spam the fuck out of her phone number.  Freeads, free cat or dog.  PS4 with 20 games and 3 pads - £80.  BMW M3 2003 reg 1 owner sale to bereavement   £2000.  She'll have to change her number.  Wind her up regarding payment, see my posting here

Remember to have a good time.

Offline Sparta Prada

Seems like the OP was very naive here. You are visiting a WG, she is there to extract as much money as they can from you under the pretence of offering an intimate service. Seems like he probably thought he had a ‘special relationship’ with this girl, and she has basically see him up.

OP needs to publish the number of the girl and see whether anyone else on UKP knows her or has suffered the same trick from the girl. As for him, just ignore any messages and calls, they will soon tire of it and seek their next victim.

One thing I do want to ask the OP is how much he paid for the first visit and how much she was asking for the second visit?

Offline sensualencounter

It’s not very clear from the OP but it sounds like you have short changed her so she has a right to be unhappy and to pursue it. However, it’s very murky if a price wasn’t agreed on beforehand.

As for your comment about not knowing you had to pay for conversating (sic) that’s pretty dumb and naive - you have to pay for an escort’s time, doesn’t matter what you get up to. It is their job after all.

Finally, the comments about spamming her etc are fucking stupid and irresponsible. Grow up ffs.

Offline Jake.mackie

You sound like a dick. You pay for an escort's time.  So you decided to have a conversation? She wasn't interested in you. She was filling the time.   If you were with her for 2 hours and spend 30 minutes fucking, you pay for 2 hours. You were her earning potential, when she couldn't see other clients.

Text her. Apologise. Ask if you can drop cash in an envelope through the door.

You are as much a scammer as a WG who takes the money and run.


Offline greg101

Sky1234.  Don’t offer to drop the money to her, that’s a bad move. Once she knows you cave in to texts demanding money, they might not stop. You are assuming she is rational, you have no way of knowing that. Bin that sim or if it’s a contract or work sim then change the number.  It’s easy to send a group text to those people that need to reach you on that number.

The very fact she is saying “take it further” is a veiled threat. Do what you want, me personally I’d spam the fuck out of her number, fuck what high and mighty sensualencounter and his point of view. Bottom line, dispose of or change sim number, don’t pay.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2020, 10:33:26 am by greg101 »

Online scutty brown

"I thought she really liked me"  - thats a big fucking mistake by you. You got sucked in.

Sounds like you owe her money for the second visit - how much is she asking for?

And who is she? Whats her phone number?

Offline jimmymac

Just ignore the bitch. She won't do anything and most important of all-next time you visit an escort WISE UP!! They are not your friend, they want to get as much money from you as possible.

Offline The Owl

I am writing this because I'm not sure what to do in this situation.

I'm going to try make things short. I have seen this escort only two times. I found her off Viva street and can't locate her ad anymore. The first time I had seen her we had great chemistry. I had paid her for a very short service, despite us spending a couple hours together. Even spending the couple hours together we only did it once and we were simply conversating and joking around throughout the duration that's all. I thought she really liked me. I paid her for the duration we originally agreed and left. There was no issues at all.

So then I saw her again, at a hotel this time (should I be worried about this too?) I bought more money this time round, almost double. Told her I only want this duration and that was fine. My time with her went well but this time round half way through, she asked if I wanted to stay longer. I agreed, however I only bought the cash that I had on me (still much more than what I paid last time). We continued and then at the end I went to pay her. I gave her the cash and she wanted me to transfer her more. I told her, I can't transfer you anymore due to privacy reasons. She understood and was clearly upset and told me to leave. I had left and apologized.

She is now texting me saying she will take it further if I don't transfer her the rest of the duration. I told her I paid you more than what I did last time for pretty much the same duration. I also replied to her saying I didn't know us simply conversating talking about life is a service I had to pay for too.

What do I do here? Should I be worried about her saying she is going to do something about it?
As far as I know, she only has one of my numbers. Not specifically a punting number but just one of the few I have. She doesn't know too much about me either.

Piss poor boundaries all round. The second time you saw her it sounded like she was asking if you wanted to extend the booking but it sounds like you both danced around the issue of 'is this a free social we get on thing or is this a business transaction'. If you had sex with her again after your money ran out then that was a rookie error or a deliberate abuse of privilege on your part, although she was equally stupid or manipulative if she had a cash figure in mind but didn't get the money up front or confirm it.

All too murky and lacking in detail to be honest with you.

Offline shed

The original post lacks any credibility unless either he posts a review or gives the link of the vivastreet advert. Too naive to be true in my humble opinion so I ask him to prove me wrong and supply a link or do a detailed review.

Offline Beamer

The original post lacks any credibility unless either he posts a review or gives the link of the vivastreet advert. Too naive to be true in my humble opinion so I ask him to prove me wrong and supply a link or do a detailed review.

Absolutely right Shed.
4 reviews in 5 years.
I suspect that it's probably just a load of BLX.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2020, 11:37:09 am by Beamer »

Online Pantysniffer

Perhaps you should of paid her first. Isn't that the normal way. Strange to say the least. It's not as if you were a regular of hers, only seeing her once before.

Offline Neromatrix

You got yourself to blame. Agree price in advance and time and stick to it. Did you really think see liked you? Its all business to them and sexual satisfaction to punters, and it should be nothing more.

Offline Hoping

Don't be worried.  She doesn't know who you are. Forget her and put it down to experience.  Whatever you do DO NOT PAY HER ANY MORE MONEY.  If you she knows you are a sucker she will not leave it and keep hassling you for more.

Offline greg101

Don't be worried.  She doesn't know who you are. Forget her and put it down to experience.  Whatever you do DO NOT PAY HER ANY MORE MONEY.  If you she knows you are a sucker she will not leave it and keep hassling you for more.

Yep, same as I said.

Offline Taggart

Offline EnglishRebecca121

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She is now texting me saying she will take it further if I don't transfer her the rest of the duration.

And how would she do this ? does she have any of your real details? no one else ie the police would give a flying fuck , she probably plays this game with "all the nice ones" .
Do not give her money . she doesnt like you else she wouldnt be trying to charge you more, agree with others you should prehaps do a link to her profile incase she  comes back and fucks others over, if your telling the truth of course that is,
Banned reason: Ex sex worker with zero useful contribution to make
Banned by: Head1

Offline sensualencounter

Yep, same as I said.
Not quite the same is it? You also said you’d spam the fuck out of her. Dickish thing to do. Nothing to do with being high and mighty. You wouldn’t want that done to you so why do it to someone else? It’s shit like that which gives punters and punting a bad name. Your comments are inflammatory and exactly what anyone trying to knock this industry will pounce on. If you overreact to something like this then I’d be worried what sort of punter you are.

Offline hockogrockle

What is she going to "take further"? She has no claim in contract law. The case of Pearce v Brooks (1845) established that contacts for the sale or purchase of sexual activities were void  on account of their inherent immorality, and will therefore not be enforced by the courts. So from that point of view, she can whistle for her money. It would be another matter if she had been defrauded by the punter. In that case, there would be no bar to criminal proceedings. And frankly, the punter would deserve to be prosecuted. But would she go to the police? Only if she wanted to admit she was a prostitute. And then, there would be an evidential burden. It would be her word against his. It would be virtually impossible to prove beyond reasonable doubt that she had been defrauded, and the police could almost certainly not be bothered wasting their time on a trivial matter like this.
I express no opinion on whether the original post was fact or fiction.

Offline hillingdonpete

I am writing this because I'm not sure what to do in this situation.

In this situation, I can only advise that you grow up.

Online Watts.E.Dunn

       I gave her the cash and she wanted me to transfer her more. I told her, I can't transfer you anymore due to privacy reasons. She understood and was clearly upset and told me to leave. I had left and apologized.

Give the bloke a bit of slack. I've had this happen too with a decent or so i thought girl, a very similar thing happened we agreed a rate ran a bit overtime and then one night the excrement hit the fan and big time!.

To them mate your just a cash machine, and she like any "Consultant" will tell you what you want to hear as long as you pay her;!.

And if you don't then you'll hear a real ear bender!:-(

Online Watts.E.Dunn

    The case of Pearce v Brooks (1845) established that contacts for the sale or purchase of sexual activities were void  on account of their inherent immorality, and will therefore not be enforced by the courts

Ah!, but the implied terms of the contract were for her "time" only;?.

Whatever else happens, immoral or not, no matter;!

Offline dynatron

tell her to fuck off or change your mob no if it realy bothers you

Offline greg101

Not quite the same is it? You also said you’d spam the fuck out of her. Dickish thing to do. Nothing to do with being high and mighty. You wouldn’t want that done to you so why do it to someone else? It’s shit like that which gives punters and punting a bad name. Your comments are inflammatory and exactly what anyone trying to knock this industry will pounce on. If you overreact to something like this then I’d be worried what sort of punter you are.

Wind your neck in, mind your own business, fyi I pay for my punts like everyone else; that's what type of punter I am.  If someone is going to take the piss, why not have a go back!
I suppose a ride like you would just take it! - crack on mate.

Really this is /thread.  OP knows all he has to do is bin the sim or change the number.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2020, 10:01:47 pm by greg101 »

Offline PepeMAGA

cant be sure on what happened from your post, its not clear if
1) you agreed a time, you completed that time and agreed to carry on with the premise you had more money than you actually had.
2) you were half way through the agreed time, then she wanted more to carry on. you agreed to this and carried on knowing you didnt have it.
3) she wanted more money than had been agreed at any point.

first one, you've ripped her off
second one you're as bad as each other.
third one shes a scammer, dont worry about it. change your sim.

Offline sky1234

Hey everyone, thank you all for your messages and your advice, I have taken all views on board. Not sure on how to reply to everyone.

To clarify, we agreed on a set time from the beginning. Just like we did on the first punt. I feel I paid her correctly for the first punt (as she never had any issue) and also the second.  Both punts I left in the same duration, again I paid her more the second time booking.

Both punts started off with us quickly getting into it, I finished all intimacy well before the duration I had booked for and I only go once. After having sex with an escort, after I cum to be exact, I never go back to the same persona I have before it started. I respect their time and leave but with this escort she was too friendly and it had felt like she wanted me to stay as their was no clear notion from her. I did make a few comments saying that I'm tired or I feel exhausted (in both punts) but they were replied to with more welcoming responses. I wouldn't remember too correctly as I was half drunk to remember most of the conversations.
Basically, After I finished it was like back to being 'friends' if that makes sense. So to clarify, I did not have sex with her again after my money ran out.

What I will do is change my number, however I cannot find her Vivastreet link at all, I would post that up if I could find it in my history but with most ads I'm going through they just get back to the home page or search section of VS.

And to the guy that says 100 post, 5 reviews? To be honest, not only do I not see escorts that often but is there a certain ratio a member needs to have per posts or something? Lol. Although There has been some I have seen where they are already well reviewed and I don't feel there would be any impact on me adding another one.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2020, 01:20:42 am by sky1234 »

Online scutty brown

So you went to a punt drunk?
You're an idiot

Offline Charles Glass

Banned reason: Multiple Profiles - Charles Glass, Gazza1234
Banned by: CoolTiger

Offline catweazle

There has been some I have seen where they are already well reviewed and I don't feel there would be any impact on me adding another one

Wrong. Adding further reviews to the "already well reviewed"SP is valuable in demonstrating that standards are (or are not) being maintained.

Online Doc Holliday

.. however I cannot find her Vivastreet link at all, I would post that up if I could find it in my history but with most ads I'm going through they just get back to the home page or search section of VS.

Convenient ... but as others have suggested you do have her phone number as she has been texting you?

When will people realise that when they post ask these sort of questions, they will always be called upon to name and shame and if you are not prepared to do so your story's credibility will be questioned?

Online lewisjones23

Convenient ... but as others have suggested you do have her phone number as she has been texting you?

When will people realise that when they post ask these sort of questions, they will always be called upon to name and shame and if you are not prepared to do so your story's credibility will be questioned?

I can’t even be arsed to engage with these types of post anymore that the OP made

I bet the actually truth of the story is that he has major EAS and has been sending all kinds of money and now it has run out he needs a way to try and extract himself from the situation. He will have told the brass all kinds of personal info that she can use against him

Offline The_Grinder

A big lesson to be learnt here.

A WG is often a great actress and with it a con woman who is very experienced, us guys can easily fall for the pretty lady who is a great fuck and shows affection, remember a lot (not all as in everything in life there are exceptions to the rule) would prefer to kick you in the balls than fuck you, its a job, how many of us get up on a Monday morning and feel joy at a week of work.

Have a read of this and see what girls think...

External Link/Members Only

Offline pewpewpew

On this off chance that this isn't all horse shit..

How long did you book?
What price was agreed?
How much did you pay?
How long did you stay?

Offline sensualencounter

Wind your neck in, mind your own business, fyi I pay for my punts like everyone else; that's what type of punter I am.  If someone is going to take the piss, why not have a go back!
I suppose a ride like you would just take it! - crack on mate.

Really this is /thread.  OP knows all he has to do is bin the sim or change the number.
I'll comment how I see fit thanks and call out a wanker when I see one.

Offline OakTree

I feel I paid her correctly for the first punt (as she never had any issue) and also the second. 

What the fuck does that mean? What do you do, pluck a figure out of the air?

You sound like you shouldn't be allowed out on your own.  :crazy:

Offline greg101

I'll comment how I see fit thanks and call out a wanker when I see one.

Every time you look in a mirror more than likely.

Offline Turtle1

You punt, you pay, you walk away, no BS in between. The WG is trying to extract money. The OP isn’t blameless, state what you want at the beginning and stick to it. Ignore the messages and don’t reply.

Offline hockogrockle

    The case of Pearce v Brooks (1845) established that contacts for the sale or purchase of sexual activities were void  on account of their inherent immorality, and will therefore not be enforced by the courts

Ah!, but the implied terms of the contract were for her "time" only;?.

Whatever else happens, immoral or not, no matter;!
That would be laughed out of court. It would mean a contract for nothing at all. So it would be void on an alternative ground: lack of consideration. That is to say, nothing is done that merits any payment.

Offline Stapler

A friend of mine had a similar experience when he didn't agree any services or boundaries with the working girl. He paid up front.

She said she liked to dress up in yellow sowesters. She said it really turned her on! She asked him to do the same and promised wild sex! He went along with it and he duly wore the clothing she provided.

Anyway, she switched on a fan and they began to throw buckets of water over each as if they were caught in a storm at sea.

When he asked about sex. She said, are you joking - in this weather!

Banned reason: For having fuck all useful to say
Banned by: Head1

Offline socks

As far as I am aware contracts for sexual services aren't enforceable, so what exactly is she going to do about it? Anything would most likely be illegal.

Offline Clattypats

This is all based on the premise the OP isn't full of shit, which I think could be the case... If not then the WG is more of an arse than him...If he does owe her money then she shouldn't have encouraged him to stay on in the first place...

Agree a time/duration/price before the meet and stick to it... Why did the OP take double the money (still not enough supposedly) that he did for the first meet, was he expecting to boundary push timewise :unknown:

If what he says "is true" then just blank her messages/threats... Fuck all she can do... Change your SIM/number, blank her comms, as opposed to Spam her with shit...

« Last Edit: February 03, 2020, 06:26:38 pm by Clattypats »

Online Watts.E.Dunn

A big lesson to be learnt here.

A WG is often a great actress and with it a con woman who is very experienced, us guys can easily fall for the pretty lady who is a great fuck and shows affection, remember a lot (not all as in everything in life there are exceptions to the rule) would prefer to kick you in the balls than fuck you, its a job, how many of us get up on a Monday morning and feel joy at a week of work.

Have a read of this and see what girls think...

External Link/Members Only

Interesting!, I think that can work both ways round, some of us are a bit well, how can we put it?, not that much enamoured after women espically if we've been taken for a ride or the divorce cleaners cheated on whatever.

And women who are escorts may feel much the same and whilst the men may baulk at the cost of a woman the women see having to be intimate with a man as the big drawback towards earning a lot of money.

Fuckin sad really:(

Online Doc Holliday

External Link/Members Only

I think in Germany when they legalised/regulated Prostitution they made it a legally enforceable contract for the SP to claim monies from the punter, but obviously not vice versa for the punter to claim sexual services.

Offline standardpostage

A friend of mine had a similar experience when he didn't agree any services or boundaries with the working girl. He paid up front.

She said she liked to dress up in yellow sowesters. She said it really turned her on! She asked him to do the same and promised wild sex! He went along with it and he duly wore the clothing she provided.

Anyway, she switched on a fan and they began to throw buckets of water over each as if they were caught in a storm at sea.

When he asked about sex. She said, are you joking - in this weather!
LOL  :lol: Hahaha.

Offline wannabe

Escorts charge money for the time spent, usually. In future find out how much the girl charges for the time you want, and don't expect any more.

If she asks do you want to stay longer, tell her immediately you have no more cash. She can then decide to give you a bit more time for free - no misunderstandings.

If you're lucky a nice girl may be quite relaxed about time, and give you longer without discussion. As has been said always use a fake name, have a punting phone number, and don't carry any ID that they could find whilst you're in the shower.

Offline sub_marine

This scenario if true sound like a clown I seen in a bar years ago.  My first trip to Amsterdam as a teenager, a stripper was walking around on the bar asking guys who wanted a dance, this other british guy in a suit says yes, so she gyrates her stuff right in front of him and looking through her legs at him and all the rest for 5 mins, then stops and asks for €20, he refused to pay saying he thought it was free, within 20seconds 2 massive dutch doormen stand either side of him and lift him from the stool and walk him backwards out of the bar, never to be seen again