Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Do any of your friends or family know...  (Read 7639 times)

Offline chris9005

I've been an enthusiastic punter/hobbyist for over 40 years now, although I've slowed down a bit in recent years - combination of old age and poverty!

Anyway, I met up recently with a former workmate of mine with whom I used to enjoy nights out back in the 1970s and 80s, particularly in northern cities like Leeds, Manchester, Newcastle and Sunderland. We had a few beers and started reminiscing about the women we'd pulled (yes, like the old farts we are) and out of the blue, he said "These days, it's not worth the effort - I'd sooner pay for it." I told him I'd done it occasionally (!) as well, and we chatted about WGs we'd met.

I was thinking afterwards that he's the only person I know (well, apart from the aforementioned WGs) who knows my guilty little secret. I told him that I was surprised he'd told me and he couldn't see why - "Most blokes do it, so what's the problem." He's right, of course , but I doubt I'd tell anyone else.

Out of interest, has anyone else shared their secret with a mate?

Offline freeze44

I've been an enthusiastic punter/hobbyist for over 40 years now, although I've slowed down a bit in recent years - combination of old age and poverty!

I was thinking afterwards that he's the only person who knows my guilty little secret.

Out of interest, has anyone else shared their secret with a mate?

Hmmmm. ....slowed down or stopped?!  :sarcastic:

The only one's who know about mine are the fellas on here.... :dash:

Offline Jonestown

Hmmmm. ....slowed down or stopped?!  :sarcastic:

Looks like he has been stopped since October 2013.

Oh, and letting this little secret out is 100% stupidity.

Offline RLondon99

Told an ex. Thought it would be alright as she'd often said she'd always been a bit of a whore.

Didn't speak to me for at least two years. Relationship never recovered. Lesson.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2020, 01:05:53 pm by RLondon99 »

Offline MME

I've met a couple of PunterMates through this forum. Met up with one and had an MMF, I'd never share this with anyone in my 'private' life but I see having a PunterMate(s) as a sort of shared interest for mutual discretion. It was good to talk to someone with the same hobby after so many years of having it kept secret.

Not everyone's cup of tea I guess but works out for me, I think my PunterMates would agree too.

Offline MME

Told an ex. Thought it would be alright as she'd often said she'd always been a bit of a whore.

Didn't speak to me for at least two years. Relationship never recovered. Lesson.


Offline cotton

All my real mates know and ive either punted with them or know about their whoring activities. But with real freinds confiding about whoring is just the tip of the iceberg. If you have to keep up a false facade or live a lie then id say the people are aquaintances rather than real freinds.
Yeh aquaintances who you cant trust then sure you have to pretend and present a false facade to , sometimes these people are ok but theyre not real freinds imho.

Offline chris9005

Looks like he has been stopped since October 2013.

I only recently returned permanently to the UK, so not stopped in the past six years. Mind you, even in France things were a bit limited for all the reasons given above.

I've got a few opportunities coming up in the next few months and I'll be doing reviews if and when. Meantime, I'm vicariously enjoying posts on UKP!

Offline workinallweek

 2 people know 

 1 who i introduced to the hobby 
 The other one admited it to me  and we swap notes and had a trip or two away ...
Banned reason: Offering glowing positive reviews for free bookings.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline standardpostage

No  :thumbsdown: :scare:

Punting is covered by the Data Protection Act 2018.

Online Fuzzyduck

Absolutely no way. They may be "real mates" and you think you can trust them, but these things can come back and bite you in the ass. For example, if he gets busted and is challenged about it, how can you guarantee your name won't get blabbed out in defence to demonstrate that "loads of nice guys do it". In a circle of friends, it could totally fuck the dynamic up, particularly with the women.

Online threechilliman

No sharing with pals for me. Too dangerous, even though I suspect one or two indulge in said hobby.

Offline Home Alone

The only friends who know  I punt are a couple of former Regulars I've kept in touch with in their retirement. Oh, and the ex-punter who married one of them!

I suspect two former colleagues - married to each other - who live in Prestwich not far from the terrace of shops which include what used to be Sandy's Parlour, may have clocked me coming out of the ginnel which leads to the Parlour's front door. I can't think of any other reason why they've 'dropped' me, when we used to be quite close.

Afaik, nobody else suspects. But that's only afaik, of course.

Offline Home Alone

No  :thumbsdown: :scare:

Punting is covered by the Data Protection Act 2018.

To judge by the way AW words its template for an AW Field Report, shouldn't that be the Date Protection Act? ;) :D

I'll get me coat!

Offline ulstersubbie

No sharing with pals for me. Too dangerous, even though I suspect one or two indulge in said hobby.

In this life, there are some things you simply do not share!

Offline bigboy96

Definitely a no no! A friend today might not be a friend tomorrow  and will then have something over you.

Offline ik8133

A few of my mates and work colleagues have admitted to me that they punt, but I've kept quite about my activities. 

Saying that, had a meal recently with a mate who booked the venue beside a red-light district on the continent, after the meal we said our goodbye's and went on our merry ways, only to meet up again window shopping!   :D   

Offline B4bcock

A secret is a secret no longer if just one other person knows it.    If all your mates know, they will hardly consider it to be something you want to be kept quiet and are sure to discuss it with others outside your circle.

OP's mate's assertion that "Most blokes do it" is almost certainly untrue.  Most blokes probably fantasise about doing it but, for many and varied reasons, never actually cross the line.   Those guys are very unlikely to genuinely like someone in their midst who is able to act out their fantasies for real, especially if they are prevented by things such as the wrath of a domineering OH, lack of finances, or religious sentiments for example.

Also, ask yourself what do you gain from telling others???

Offline Beamer

In this life, there are some things you simply do not share!

Absolutely right  :hi:

Offline Watts.E.Dunn

What happens on UK punting STAYS on UK punting.

Offline Private Parts

Only with my shrink. He’s more expensive than the lovelies.
But I sleep well at night

Offline Thecunninglinguist

There is a very old saying but apt to remember in this context. The world is alright as long as me and you are alright. When it comes down to me and you.......fuck you!

Online threechilliman

In this life, there are some things you simply do not share!

Funny thing is, I'm pretty damn sure our secrets would be safe with each other - our good ladies do not need to know about this! It'd make for an interesting evening in the pub, swapping tales.

I do know one person that punts and have done for a very long time. He doesn't know I know and his secret is one that I'll take to my grave, rest assured.

Offline winkywanky

I think the number of people you could trust with this kind of info is equal to the number you could trust with your life...and it's probably the same ones. Apart from any family members of course  :scare:.

I think in reality it's best to tell no-one at all. Even if you tell a good mate in confidence, they will probably tell another good mate in confidence, and get the picture.

Offline mr.bluesky

What happens on UK punting STAYS on UK punting.

+1. 100%. No such thing as a safe secret with mates. A few too many beers can easily loosen the tongue  :scare:

Offline Payyourwaymate

I've been an enthusiastic punter/hobbyist for over 40 years now, although I've slowed down a bit in recent years - combination of old age and poverty!

Anyway, I met up recently with a former workmate of mine with whom I used to enjoy nights out back in the 1970s and 80s, particularly in northern cities like Leeds, Manchester, Newcastle and Sunderland. We had a few beers and started reminiscing about the women we'd pulled (yes, like the old farts we are) and out of the blue, he said "These days, it's not worth the effort - I'd sooner pay for it." I told him I'd done it occasionally (!) as well, and we chatted about WGs we'd met.

I was thinking afterwards that he's the only person I know (well, apart from the aforementioned WGs) who knows my guilty little secret. I told him that I was surprised he'd told me and he couldn't see why - "Most blokes do it, so what's the problem." He's right, of course , but I doubt I'd tell anyone else.

Out of interest, has anyone else shared their secret with a mate?

So....out of interest...Where are your reviews?  :angelgirl:

Offline Private Parts

What happens on UK punting STAYS on UK punting.
Only one person can keep a secret.
If you think about it
PO :hi:

Online Fuzzyduck

So....out of interest...Where are your reviews?  :angelgirl:

To be fair he did address this in Reply #8.

Offline Payyourwaymate

To be fair he did address this in Reply #8.

Oh, I see it now. Fine, I retract my statement  :hi:.

Offline millbush

The only people that would tell anyone else are those with nothing to lose and everybody has something to lose.
Banned reason: Troll.
Banned by: daviemac

Online hullad

Nobody knows but me and the ladies

No way I would trust anyone knowing and I think that's a point of view that has been held in good stead by punters over the years.

« Last Edit: January 27, 2020, 07:34:37 pm by hullad »

Offline Briddy

Told my closest mate not long after starting this hobby, he was intrigued and wanted to try. We both ended up frequenting Sandy's once a week from mid 2015 right up until it closed for good. He's stopped and I still see the odd sp every now and then (funding permitting)

Offline standardpostage

Loose lip's, sink ship's,

as they used to say in the 1940's  :)

Offline Dogfather

Only with my shrink. He’s more expensive than the lovelies.
But I sleep well at night

Nice idea on the shrink.  :thumbsup:

Offline winkywanky

Loose lips, sink ships,

as they used to say in the 1940's  :)

They'll be saying it again in around 10yrs' time, when all those lip fillers go wrong and the NHS sinks under the weight of trying to fix girls' faces.

Offline sub_marine

Making sure this hobby remains secret is one of the reasons I rarely punt with Scottish SPs.  OH is fine with me going to the strippers occasionally, but my group of mates are such prudes that even visiting the strippers only happens about once every 2 years.

Online Fuzzyduck

Making sure this hobby remains secret is one of the reasons I rarely punt with Scottish SPs.  OH is fine with me going to the strippers occasionally, but my group of mates are such prudes that even visiting the strippers only happens about once every 2 years.

One of the reasons I love going to Scotland is being able to fuck more Scottish SPs. Generally good fun IMO.
Get some different mates.

Offline Private Parts

Nice idea on the shrink.  :thumbsup:
Believe me after a few years it works. Non judgemental but would like my address book! :thumbsup:
PP :hi::

Offline Scarboroughdude

Keeping it my little secret adds to the excitement, I'm so ordinary lol.

Offline freeze44

Keeping it my little secret adds to the excitement, I'm so ordinary lol.

 :D like a good spy  :thumbsup: no one notices 'ordinary' 

Online Maverick1808


My punting is strictly confidential to me and me only. I’ve thought about telling 2 very close friends who i trust 100% but decided not too. Funny thing was one of them revealed out of the blue that he punts from time to time, I literally had no idea as didn’t think he had the balls  :lol: :lol:

Offline Dogfather

Believe me after a few years it works. Non judgemental but would like my address book! :thumbsup:
PP :hi::

With my current shitstorm brewing it sounds good. A quick search shows there's a specialist in the sexual side close by here as well by the looks of it.

Also a good excuse to sneak a punt in if you can say "going to see the therapist" and accidentally divert.  :drinks:

Offline Corky

Think about the upside v the potential downside.

Online Punterperson1971

I don’t tell no one what I do best not to.

Offline Charlie Chalk

Hell no! I would never, ever even think of contemplating the vague possibility of perhaps obliquely mentioning this to anyone who knows me.

My vice, my hobby, my secret.

Offline Kerosene

If I did tell anyone, I can choose the words to use and set everything out in its proper context. But if they chose to pass that on I've no guarantee who they might tell, what they might add and what they might omit. And since it's not their own life they'd be talking about then I can't be sure they'd be as particular about the details as I might.

I won't be telling anyone anything.

Offline king tarzan

My soon to be 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 ex girlfriend BIG TIME NO NO
My family have suspicion
Friends some yes some BIG TIME NO NO
Banned reason: Misogynist who gets free bookings from agencies for pos reviews.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline xyfek

I tell no one, and never will. Only WGs know I punt.

But, curiously, a handful of mates have confided that they've paid for sex. I smirked inside, but kept my mouth shut and acted mildly surprised.