Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: What she says vs what she means  (Read 4147 times)

Offline Plan R

Offline RedKettle

You could suggest that anyone who wants to send you poems does it in private by PM rather than showboating it on here so everyone has to endure it  :thumbsdown:

And then the same crowd would be along having a go because she was telling punters what to do.

Personally I thought the poems on this thread and another were witty and I am envious of his ability to be so creative. It was about having a laugh and not flirting, but no doubt the fun police will have won and he will not dare do it again.

Offline freeze44

And then the same crowd would be along having a go because she was telling punters what to do.

Personally I thought the poems on this thread and another were witty and I am envious of his ability to be so creative. It was about having a laugh and not flirting, but no doubt the fun police will have won and he will not dare do it again.

And the same crowd will be crying that they can't have fun with wg's and a quick look at the replies shows they will use this sort of thing to push their fluffy agenda!  :crazy:

Agree the 'poet'  :lol: was just trying to have some fun but it can get silly as Lewis points out.

So you don't think there is a danger that this site becomes just another wg and pimp led site unless a careful eye is kept on flirting etc? Even the wg takes the point. What do you want? A fluff feast?

Offline tynetunnel

I thought the limericks were fun and witty, and I thought that the WG responded appropriately given the ethos of the site. I even had a (admittedly poor) shot at crafting my own in an attempt at a witty reposte  :rolleyes:

I’m not offended at all, nor do I feel that this thread puts the site at risk of disappearing into a world of intolerable fluffyness. I have just enjoyed it for what it is, a little light hearted banter  :hi:

Offline millbush

but no doubt the fun police will have won and he will not dare do it again.

"Blowing smoke up a girls ass and driving up prices"   :lol: as one one of them likes to say no doubt.
Banned reason: Troll.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline lewisjones23

Who pissed on your chips?

is this website a chat platform for wg and punters?

Offline cotton

Thank you for your light-hearted contributions MissWolf, they are appreciated, as long as the Site's rules are respected I personally welcome occasional contributions from SP's to provide some long overdue balance. A woman, even a SP, is a Partner, not an Adversary. Some of the sad old woman-haters on here have long since forgotten that Punting is supposed to be FUN so they fall into the trap of taking this BB much too seriously. Like all Websites its content is best viewed for entertainment only, and should often be taken with a very large pinch of salt.
Reported. Id suggest the one common characteristic that members on here have in common is their love of women.

Everyone enjoys a laugh , the distinction is between a having a laugh and curtailing unwanted hooker attention whoring and ass kissing that undermines the ethos of the site , is against the rules, and is divisive setting members against each other. Personally i like the contribution of SPs so long as its not self absorbed flirty BS and they dont start prancing about like theyre the only gay in the village.

Offline mace-window

Reported. Id suggest the one common characteristic that members on here have in common is their love of women.

Everyone enjoys a laugh , the distinction is between a having a laugh and curtailing unwanted hooker attention whoring and ass kissing that undermines the ethos of the site , is against the rules, and is divisive setting members against each other. Personally i like the contribution of SPs so long as its not self absorbed flirty BS and they dont start prancing about like theyre the only gay in the village.

Agree 100%.

Offline mace-window

Thank you kindly but I really don't need defending, I find that rather awkward and a little embarrassing.

The purpose of this site is as the guys say primarily for reviewing escort services and we as SP's are allowed a presence on here, I would hope that anything I post can add balance to a discussion and stay within the site rules.

I have no desire to be a forum darling, to be a pain, a frequent poster or to engage in anything other than a discussion,  albeit on occasion that has become a little light hearted, my intention has never been to offend.

I cant stop or control how others react to my contributions

You see that formulajuan1, that what happens when you white knight for a women. Women think it's embarrassing.

Offline B4bcock

Seems opinion is divided on this.   I certainly never intended to cause any division on this site, so, if I may be allowed one last verse on this thread, I will make sure any future flippancy is kept to an appropriate and acceptable level.

Some guys treat Wolf's comments with loathing
And take up a stance that's opposing
If only they'd see
She is just like me
And really a sheep in wolf's clothing.

 :hi: :drinks:

Offline mace-window

Here's a starter for alternative meanings to what a SP will say to you that I've heard over many years.
Please add any you've heard.

"You are special" - means you are the only guy to call today and I need cash
"You are different" - you're not as rough as most of the other guys
"I love your soft touches" - I hate it but it's way better than the rough guys
"We have a connection" - I love the regular stream of cash you bring me
"I feel something" - I don't but you love hearing it and keep coming back
"I cancelled your appointment as i was tired" - I got fucked by loads of guys yesterday and my pussy feels like the Tyne Tunnel.
"Sorry I was late in responding" - Another guy had more money to give me than you and I still need yours.
"Text me" - Come back as you are easy money.
"With you it's like making love" - Some bits were alright and you didn't just pound the shit out of me.
"The other guys are just work" - I've told that to everyone this week and it's working really well.
"I miss you" - I have bills to pay and really need you to think I like you so you come back.
"I'm annoyed you saw someone else" - I could be losing your easy cash and am trying to trigger your protection instinct to keep you.
"My real name is     " - Just making you think you're getting to know me and have a chance so you'll keep coming back
"I'll think about it" - Fuck Off
"I'll tell you a secret next time" - I'm going to make some shit up which you'll believe and it'll make you come back
"I asked a male friend about you" - I was telling my mates that I've got a right soppy mug in tow who's giving me loads of cash
"I thought about not taking any more of your bookings as I have feelings for you" - You're really starting to get on my tits now but I still need the cash
"You've upset me" - I'm playing the emotion card to make sure you come back
"You've got a big dick" - I've had way bigger but you look like someone who will cum quicker if I say it
"Your dick is really thick" - I've had thicker.
"You broke my heart" - I'm losing your easy cash by the looks of it so please stay with me
"I could stay here all night" - When the alarm for times up goes off one of us is leaving here pretty damn sharpish
"I'm cumming" - I'm not but this might make you stop pounding me
"I like you" - You're a soppy git who needs a little push to come back as the sex we just had might have been shit as I didn't really try
"Are you rich?" - I hate working and you look like a soft touch
"Are you married?" - You'd better treat me nicely or I could fuck with your life buddy
"You are so sweet" - You are easy to get cash out of
"You are so cute" - I didn't even have to ask for the cash
"Do you dream about me?" - If you say yes to this I'm going to use your EAS to empty your wallet

 :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Man I love this Thread. Only has some of these said to me.

One I add though I don't know the meaning of:

"You fuck like a pornstar" - I think that she was getting fed up that my rock hard dick has not cummed yet after 20 mins of hard fucking. Then again she was loudly moaning a lot and had her eyes back of her head a couple of times.

"You got a nice dick" - Got no idea what that means to be honest. 

Offline Hobbit

All for having a laugh etc but agree with Lewis. If this sort of thing, flirting, takes hold then this site gets fluffy and watered down. For example, a neg review will be more difficult  to post if forum darlings are allowed!

You only have to look around and see the twats and dickheads we have already!  :sarcastic:

As for sitting back and letting the mods run everything, then that's not what this site is about either. unless I'm told otherwise, as has always been a lot of self regulation and challenge.  :thumbsup:

Fully agree with Lewis, when girls start bantering on this forum then it's bad news and can lead to all sorts of issues, such as Whiteknights and Fluffies. And everyone knows how much I despise Whiteknights.

This is a punters forum - so let's keep it that way. :thumbsup:

Offline RedKettle

Seems opinion is divided on this.   I certainly never intended to cause any division on this site, so, if I may be allowed one last verse on this thread, I will make sure any future flippancy is kept to an appropriate and acceptable level.

Some guys treat Wolf's comments with loathing
And take up a stance that's opposing
If only they'd see
She is just like me
And really a sheep in wolf's clothing.

 :hi: :drinks:

 :D :D :D

Offline Dogfather

Fully agree with Lewis, when girls start bantering on this forum then it's bad news and can lead to all sorts of issues, such as Whiteknights and Fluffies. And everyone knows how much I despise Whiteknights.

This is a punters forum - so let's keep it that way. :thumbsup:

SP's having the ability to contribute is really beneficial to us all as they can inform us (a) how to improve punts (b) what to avoid (c) what they like (d) what is going on in their heads. A pinch of salt can be taken sometimes but anything that helps us get better value or better sex has to be a good thing.

White knighting and flirting can fuck right off. If you want to do that use UKEscorting.

Offline Charles Glass

I'm not sure I fully understand this one ...
Is she referring to a hursuite man just our side of gorilla?  :unknown:
Or is she referring to a man with a poorly disguised wig?  :unknown:
External Link/Members Only

A rug or carpet is a very hairy chest.
Banned reason: Multiple Profiles - Charles Glass, Gazza1234
Banned by: CoolTiger

Offline Gordon Bennett

Dunno what's happened to me but I've not had any plaudits or compliments off an escort for ages. I miss them! I used to invariably get some sort of bullshit comment about my physique, anatomy, manner or cock and my eyes would roll and I'd think yeah, yeah, yeah..... pull the other one.
However, I now see that it doesn't really do any harm and it's part of the service. I'm now very much all for getting my ego massaged - hopefully one of them will chuck something my way this year.

Offline Watts.E.Dunn

Its quite intresting reading whats posted here sometimes its like a mirror of UKP with much the same concernes like the Wuhan flu under the blather and babble section!

External Link/Members Only

Offline County Militia

Here's a starter for alternative meanings to what a SP will say to you that I've heard over many years.
Please add any you've heard.

"You are special" - means you are the only guy to call today and I need cash
"You are different" - you're not as rough as most of the other guys
"I love your soft touches" - I hate it but it's way better than the rough guys
"We have a connection" - I love the regular stream of cash you bring me
"I feel something" - I don't but you love hearing it and keep coming back
"I cancelled your appointment as i was tired" - I got fucked by loads of guys yesterday and my pussy feels like the Tyne Tunnel.
"Sorry I was late in responding" - Another guy had more money to give me than you and I still need yours.
"Text me" - Come back as you are easy money.
"With you it's like making love" - Some bits were alright and you didn't just pound the shit out of me.
"The other guys are just work" - I've told that to everyone this week and it's working really well.
"I miss you" - I have bills to pay and really need you to think I like you so you come back.
"I'm annoyed you saw someone else" - I could be losing your easy cash and am trying to trigger your protection instinct to keep you.
"My real name is     " - Just making you think you're getting to know me and have a chance so you'll keep coming back
"I'll think about it" - Fuck Off
"I'll tell you a secret next time" - I'm going to make some shit up which you'll believe and it'll make you come back
"I asked a male friend about you" - I was telling my mates that I've got a right soppy mug in tow who's giving me loads of cash
"I thought about not taking any more of your bookings as I have feelings for you" - You're really starting to get on my tits now but I still need the cash
"You've upset me" - I'm playing the emotion card to make sure you come back
"You've got a big dick" - I've had way bigger but you look like someone who will cum quicker if I say it
"Your dick is really thick" - I've had thicker.
"You broke my heart" - I'm losing your easy cash by the looks of it so please stay with me
"I could stay here all night" - When the alarm for times up goes off one of us is leaving here pretty damn sharpish
"I'm cumming" - I'm not but this might make you stop pounding me
"I like you" - You're a soppy git who needs a little push to come back as the sex we just had might have been shit as I didn't really try
"Are you rich?" - I hate working and you look like a soft touch
"Are you married?" - You'd better treat me nicely or I could fuck with your life buddy
"You are so sweet" - You are easy to get cash out of
"You are so cute" - I didn't even have to ask for the cash
"Do you dream about me?" - If you say yes to this I'm going to use your EAS to empty your wallet

You sound very bitter and resentful, perhaps an escort hurt you in the past? Regardless, you throwing a tantrum won't solve anything, I hope your outlook on life improves one day.

Offline freeze44

You sound very bitter and resentful, perhaps an escort hurt you in the past? Regardless, you throwing a tantrum won't solve anything, I hope your outlook on life improves one day.

Is it a full moon or something?? The clowns have come out to play tonight!  :sarcastic:

Offline mace-window

Is it a full moon or something?? The clowns have come out to play tonight!  :sarcastic:

Dear God. Mr sunshine is here to ruin the fun.

Offline RedKettle

Is it a full moon or something?? The clowns have come out to play tonight!  :sarcastic:

I agree with you on that one.