Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Prossies who don't respond to emails  (Read 6193 times)

Offline Cactus

More a rant than anything...

Why do some prossies insist on communication via. AW email system, then never respond to emails sent.  It's annoying when they read them and don't respond, but then even worse when they just automatically delete them.  I've bashed off a couple of emails over the weekend, looking to sort a punt for the coming week - sent maybe 4 emails, 1 deleted without reading, 2 not responded to and 1 not yet read.  I've got a little bit of AW feedback, no alias' attached to my account or 'notes' as I renewed my username/account recently after getting fed up with AW, but left it 3 months between deleting my old account and setting up a new one.

The email I send is usually succinct, I think anyway.  Hello; introduction; brief speil about what I'm after; suggest a couple of dates; hope to hear from you soon blah blah blah.

Think I'll just stick to prossies who are organised enough to display their mobile number!  Mind you, the issue of them having credit in their phones is a whole other matter entirely of course.


  • Guest
Name and shame. That way you can get it out of your system and warn other punters as well. :hi:

Offline Qwerty

If I named and shamed all who failed to respond like this I'd have double the number of posts.

Seems to me it's normal, these days I'm quite surprised if I get an email response.


  • Guest
Blacklist them and name and shame.


  • Guest
I would name them to see if anyone else has had the same experience ie do they have a track record. The autodelete function probably means they have blacklisted you.  Also I know you say you dont have aliases but unless you have set up a service provider account carefully or have a service provider confirm it not sure how you would know for certain. It was a shock to me when I found out that AW had linked a ton of of aliases to mine when I had never created any others. Also there may be a warning marker that you cant see that a SP has placed on your account. Have you tried to haggle with them over price some girls ignore these requests as I understand some will ignore guys just for that (although they are happy to go lower for RB's). Another thing I can think off that your picking lots of PG scams, simple answer to that is pick well reviewed girls from here.   

The only other thing is maybe your services might be a little "unusual" shall we say, but I guess you would be able to guess if that was the problem.

In my experience though some girls are just rubbish at the coms side of things.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2014, 01:50:50 pm by Gigabyte »


  • Guest
Forget it and move on. Life's too short.

Offline CBPaul

This does happen a lot and I've found it is mainly EE girls. I put it down one of

The profiles being scams or fakes.
The person / pimp running the profile can't be arsed to reply or has insufficient English skills.
They want you to communicate only by phone.
They are about to move to another area and can't be arsed to say (has happened a couple of times this one).

Whatever the reason, if I get no reply to an email I move on. Sending a speculative email is quite a good way of sorting the fakes. Like the OP my emails are pretty brief and to the point.

Offline shagbambi

What Gigabyte says about multiple aliases may be due to signing into hotel networks.   Technically all users from that hotel will have the same IP address.  If you have stayed at a hotel with 700 rooms for example, the number of AW users, both punters and hookers must be huge especially over time.  Hence AW's filters picking this up and assigning multiple aliases to your account.  The same would apply for coffee shops etc.

I just think that hookers don't give a fig.  The better one's especially once highlighted on boards have their cult following of fluffies, regulars and samplers so just can't keep up with demand.  I also think they pick up mail at a standardised time so if your requested slot has passed or is filled they could not be asked.  And then they are just the plain disorganised...

So as pokenn says,

Move on, somebody else will want you money.


  • Guest
Actually the main thing that I believe why most ladies do not respond to emails as they think those guys are timewasters, and also when any smart lady will see any alias then definitely she will not reply. Well it is also true that some European ladies have language difficulties in English so definitely they will avoid emails. Also it is true that some English ladies are ignoring emails, so in that case shall I say it's language difficulties? Overall the whole issue is upto us punters we shall choose the communication methods, shall we call them or email them? Although some ladies prefer email but they are very few. So by mentioning their names in the forum will not make any solution I think.


  • Guest
Name and shame all the way for me, maybe the prossie doesn't realise this is pissing punters off until she reads this thread.

Offline inch

Well, I emailed a lady who is active on this forum, both via AW and her posted gmail account and got no reply. A simple polite availability enquiry.

I guess some get an awful lot of email and saying 'no' would just take too long ... who knows.

On AW I probably get a 20-30% reply rate to enquiries.


  • Guest
Actually the main thing that I believe why most ladies do not respond to emails as they think those guys are timewasters, and also when any smart lady will see any alias then definitely she will not reply. Well it is also true that some European ladies have language difficulties in English so definitely they will avoid emails. Also it is true that some English ladies are ignoring emails, so in that case shall I say it's language difficulties? Overall the whole issue is upto us punters we shall choose the communication methods, shall we call them or email them? Although some ladies prefer email but they are very few. So by mentioning their names in the forum will not make any solution I think.

That made me laugh Abdul... I guess your flagged red for danger then.

Personally if they dont reply to an email its there loss and they wont be getting my money

Name and shamed for refusing to reply to an email seems a bit high handed if you ask me but if you see it as a major annoying issue then go for it


  • Guest
The thing is, they read then don't reply. Then they spam you when it's slow times for them. Another type of not responding is responding to say yes,then reading your reply asking if so and so time is fine. Then nothing until they have no clients. You are left sitting and waiting for nothing. Wasted punting time.

As a rule of thumb, as it is a business, if you wouldn't take it in any other sale or service sector, don't take it in this one either.

A lot of WGs open and read or do as above, in order to have people to email during slow times. It's a waste of time. Why not name and shame for it? If we emailed, read replied and didn't follow up, we would be labelled time wasters and might have notes by our names. Why shouldn't it work both ways?

It also lets us know who not to bother emailing, saving time.

Offline Sedlmayer

A while back I posted the following on PN -

"Is it just me or is this damn rude?

 On Saturday I was browsing the purple site, and saw a lady that I thought looked really nice, so I sent her a polite, literate (ie not textspeak) email asking if she was going to be free on Monday at 1:00.

I checked back on Sunday, to see that she had read the email - I assumed that I would get a reply once she'd checked her arrangements or whatever. No reply, however, was forthcoming, but Monday morning her green "Available Today" light was on, so she was working. She's English, so this is not a language thing, or a girl who can't/doesn't do her own email etc.

 I can't help regarding this as really rude - a quick reply wouldn't have taken any time or money - but what does anyone else think, and is this a common occurrence?"

One of the usual uber-fluffies responded with

"Is it me or is this really not worth starting this thread?" and Chloe Kisses had to steam in with "No its not. He should have re e-mailed or tried to contact her by phone"

That was one of the last nails in the coffin of my allegiance to PN.   :dash:


  • Guest
It seems most places are geared towards and run by seller, not buyer. That is very odd, I must say. The industry is based on the buyer.


  • Guest
A while back I posted the following on PN -

"Is it just me or is this damn rude?

 On Saturday I was browsing the purple site, and saw a lady that I thought looked really nice, so I sent her a polite, literate (ie not textspeak) email asking if she was going to be free on Monday at 1:00.

I checked back on Sunday, to see that she had read the email - I assumed that I would get a reply once she'd checked her arrangements or whatever. No reply, however, was forthcoming, but Monday morning her green "Available Today" light was on, so she was working. She's English, so this is not a language thing, or a girl who can't/doesn't do her own email etc.

 I can't help regarding this as really rude - a quick reply wouldn't have taken any time or money - but what does anyone else think, and is this a common occurrence?"

One of the usual uber-fluffies responded with

"Is it me or is this really not worth starting this thread?" and Chloe Kisses had to steam in with "No its not. He should have re e-mailed or tried to contact her by phone"

That was one of the last nails in the coffin of my allegiance to PN.   :dash:

It is definately annoying, and CK's response is clearly a WG response. If you don't get a quote from a company do you a) re email them/ring them by phone or b) decide that if they cant be bothered to check and respond to emails you dont want to do business with them because theres hundreds of others out there who will offer a better service.   

Offline smiths

More a rant than anything...

Why do some prossies insist on communication via. AW email system, then never respond to emails sent.  It's annoying when they read them and don't respond, but then even worse when they just automatically delete them.  I've bashed off a couple of emails over the weekend, looking to sort a punt for the coming week - sent maybe 4 emails, 1 deleted without reading, 2 not responded to and 1 not yet read.  I've got a little bit of AW feedback, no alias' attached to my account or 'notes' as I renewed my username/account recently after getting fed up with AW, but left it 3 months between deleting my old account and setting up a new one.

The email I send is usually succinct, I think anyway.  Hello; introduction; brief speil about what I'm after; suggest a couple of dates; hope to hear from you soon blah blah blah.

Think I'll just stick to prossies who are organised enough to display their mobile number!  Mind you, the issue of them having credit in their phones is a whole other matter entirely of course.

Could of course be a number of reasons mate. One could be the WG already had punters booked in so couldnt be bothered replying.

Another could be she or her pimps English wasnt good enough to be able to reply.

Another the WG only plans her actually being working daily so if one day she is busy she doesnt bother working the next day so any emails received she only looks at the day she comes back to work or not at all so you dont get a response. ;)


  • Guest
Chloe Kisses had to steam in with "No its not. He should have re e-mailed or tried to contact her by phone"

Then you open the door to be seen as nagging/pi$$ taking/stalking.  No reply, no more communication.  However some will state that if you ask a question she's answered on profile, you won't get reply.


  • Guest
Then you shouldn't reply if they ask anything you sent in the email. Like when they ask what you want after you said it before in the back and forth.

Offline Sedlmayer

It is definately annoying, and CK's response is clearly a WG response. If you don't get a quote from a company do you a) re email them/ring them by phone or b) decide that if they cant be bothered to check and respond to emails you dont want to do business with them because theres hundreds of others out there who will offer a better service.

When I was a young salesman many years ago, a very successful, self-made businessman told me, "If I contact you and you don't get back to me next day, you don't want my business."


  • Guest
A while back I posted the following on PN -

"Is it just me or is this damn rude?

 On Saturday I was browsing the purple site, and saw a lady that I thought looked really nice, so I sent her a polite, literate (ie not textspeak) email asking if she was going to be free on Monday at 1:00.

I checked back on Sunday, to see that she had read the email - I assumed that I would get a reply once she'd checked her arrangements or whatever. No reply, however, was forthcoming, but Monday morning her green "Available Today" light was on, so she was working. She's English, so this is not a language thing, or a girl who can't/doesn't do her own email etc.

 I can't help regarding this as really rude - a quick reply wouldn't have taken any time or money - but what does anyone else think, and is this a common occurrence?"

One of the usual uber-fluffies responded with

"Is it me or is this really not worth starting this thread?" and Chloe Kisses had to steam in with "No its not. He should have re e-mailed or tried to contact her by phone"

That was one of the last nails in the coffin of my allegiance to PN.   :dash:

I'm surprised she didn't report you to the mods for bullying behaviour, she is a piece of work that one. I still think they should be named and shamed, so what if it is a little OTT, knowing the names will still help the next punter. As I said it might even help the WG improve her business. If this happened with Tescos or Apple, I would want ot know about it. So why should a WG be a special case.

Offline Dani

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It may just be that your email has got lost amongst the many.  It does happen at times that you find when you log in that you have dozens of them and some are like epic novels so you tend to skim them and sometimes miss one or two or forget what they have said.  However it just might be that you had specified what you were looking for and she could not be arsed to do it (thinking you know what you want so might be harder work than someone else).  Only she will know her reason for ignoring you although I don't think it hurts to reply even if you see the email too late with a simple I am sorry I have just seen this, maybe next time.  although it depends on when she saw it, if she knew she was working or not or if she was fully booked for that day so didn't think it worth replying.  Not everyone feels it is right to say sorry but no.  Not always because she is ignorant but sometimes you say no to someone and they get quite nasty and once that has happened a few times you think why bother.

Best bet is to move on and find someone who will be happy to see you and what you are looking for.  However if she has a phone umber displayed then this is probably the best way to get in contact for a booking


  • Guest
Generally speaking, when my emails get ignored, I check back on the profile a week or two later and find either it was deleted, or the girl turned out to be an obvious fake, with no updates or feedback in that time. So if a girl doesn't reply, I write her off as a waste of time and move on.


  • Guest
Hi everyone,

I am a WG, this is my very first post here. I think that the customer comes first (I know, I know we all say this – some of us mean it, some of us don’t really), so if a potential customer takes the time and effort to message a WG on AW, the least she can do is to send a reply (although I must admit that I don’t tend to reply if the message is rude, arrogant, or in text speak), even if she cannot/doesn’t want to see the client. I don’t think it is impossible to read all your incoming mails even if you have dozens each day. How long does it take? If a message is very detailed then probably 5 minutes?? I think it is worth to spend that amount of time on EVERY potential client (not on apparent TWs, of course). Why would I expect clients to read my (very detailed) profile if I cannot be arsed to read and reply to their much shorter messages?


  • Guest
I'm 95% sure that I have been flagged ( some girls sure have an ego as large as Mount Everest).
Not for violence, time wasting or anything dangerous.

If someone wants to check and confirm they can pm me.

Got nothing to hide. Never been chased out of a location or anything but been red flagged or blacklisted I guess.

Done me a favour though as in a way have saved cash and ultimately more choosy to avoid any potential barbies in the future.

I get girls are insecure but sometimes it's ludicrous.

I have never had comms issues via email - most are polite enough to respond and say sorry but thanks
Some don't reply and delete
Some reply late

The way it works is most people
Receive an email from aw saying new email received from ( unsure on what details they provide) but I generally would reply with the following:

1- availability time
2 - your punting number ( and when available for text/ call)
3- why you like her - a brief intro or saying this is what I'm looking for goes a long way

Most people send a random email - why should they email when u have left them with nothing but another email to ask YOU what you want from the girl in question

Save the blonde moments for the encounter but if your organised - email replies won't be an issue
« Last Edit: April 01, 2014, 03:15:19 am by Glader »


  • Guest
This has been the case for a long time and getting steadily worse. About 50% of the messages I send on AW don't even get read, and most of those profiles disappear within a couple of months. About another 25% are read but no reply, and a lot of them disappear too. Another 20% I get a reply in a day or two, but half of those fizzle out quickly. Of the rest it can take anything up to a month to get a reply.

I stick more or less to the ones that display phone numbers. It's a lot easier, and you find out straight away if the number is false or not. Quite a lot are non existent and are only there to add credibility to the PG scams. I have the impression that only about 5% of the profiles are girls actually serious about the business. The rest are jokers and scams.


  • Guest
I agree this is annoying,i am now trying to arrange my punts at least a week in advance as it can become quite time consuming emailing and texting a few girls at once trying to organise a booking.
I do think you have to persevere as some of the best girls as recommended by this site can in my experience still take days to reply.
I now have a punt lined up for friday with my top choice but it took a while,my original email was sent last thursday but not read till yesterday despite the wg having logged in,the time i wanted had gone but luckily there was another that worked so i got there in the end!


  • Guest
I think part of the problem is that good WGs get so many messages.  I saw a girl for outcall yesterday evening. After we had finished we were sitting chatting and she looked at her phone and had about a dozen messages and texts.

Offline CBPaul

Many do have the tendency to check their phones at every opportunity. If it's when I go for a piss then fine, if it's when I should be getting the attention I've paid for, not fine.

I'm sure that most prossies get a load of messages and many of them from time wasters and punters they would rather not see. Then again I get a shit load of emails and delete off the crap ones as I go through them, leaving the ones I have an interest in - not too difficult.

I don't tend to book too far ahead either. Arranging for a punt in a week may be all settled today but come next week she may have forgotten or double booked (got a better offer). The most I book ahead now is making arrangements the day before.

Offline Cactus

As an update, the two who had read my mails have now made contact.

The first asked for my mobile number, which I provided & then entered into an exchange of barely legible text speak messages. I asked for an hour incall in my email, but advised that I needed an hour to get into Edinburgh for the punt, she asked by text if I could do an hour, but gave me 15 minutes notice. I pointed out what I said in my email & told her to forget about it. I've seen her before, she's as thick as two short planks but gives a good service, I've reviewed her positively, but she's changed her profile. Stupidity is her downfall & I due to the fact that her texts made absolutely no sense eg.. i dnt do hour erm u do half hour... then I got; I do do hour jurt timimg wish ok I can mabya do 345 for hour. What the fuck does that mean? She's Scottish too, English being her first language. Hasn't responded again after I pointed out what I requested & advised in my email.
External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only

Prossie 2 responded & advised she was taking the week off, but would be available for incalls next week.

Prossie 3 still hasn't read my email. Seen her before,bad a good punt & she was online yesterday.
External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only

Prossie 4 who deleted my email without reading has now disappeared.

I genuinely think I'm going to buy a new Hoover instead :dash:

Online cunnyhunt

I genuinely think I'm going to buy a new Hoover instead :dash:

You will get more suck for your money if you do  :hi:

Offline Cactus

You will get more suck for your money if you do  :hi:

Indeed. Probably time for another thread, but should it be off topic or UKP?  :unknown:


  • Guest
This is one reason why it may be preferable to have a regular.  Until diminishing returns anyway.

Rochdull lad

  • Guest
This is one reason why it may be preferable to have a regular or two.  Until diminishing returns anyway.

Suggested amendment for you, GeeWiz.

Offline Cactus

This is one reason why it may be preferable to have a regular.  Until diminishing returns anyway.

Tried that, they tend to become complacent and useless in the end, taking your booking for granted - in my experience anyway.  I'd rather have a civvy partner these days than a regular prossie.  I'll happily see a prossie a number of times if they are good, keep the bookings spaced out so that they don't get complacent.  I know a couple of prossies who are reliable and can contact them for a booking pretty much whehever they are available, but you need to keep them on their toes.  Would never have a "regular" where you see her pretty much exclusively again - the last one turned into a nightmare, took some real liberties, plus variety is the spice of life.


  • Guest
I have a two counts and you're out policy. As much as it boils my piss when they don't respond it's usually an indication of flakiness and or cuntage. If she can't be bothered to reply blow the fucking bitch out and move on
« Last Edit: April 01, 2014, 04:27:29 pm by SirFrank »


  • Guest
I have a two counts and you're out policy. As much as it boils my piss when they don't respond it's usually an indication of flakiness and or cuntage. If she can't be bothered to reply blow the fucking bitch out and move on

Say your after a longer meet, or a 'dinner date' or even an overnight, ££££'s generate prompt replies
 :D  Then if she eventually fits the criteria you can sharpen your pencil a bit with the appointment duration.   

Andre 3000

  • Guest
I have a two counts and you're out policy. As much as it boils my piss when they don't respond it's usually an indication of flakiness and or cuntage. If she can't be bothered to reply blow the fucking bitch out and move on

Indeed. There are a few WG's I've taken off my HL for that. Sent them a email with maybe 2 quick questions on it,I can see they look at it usually within 5 mins and don't reply at all. I mean I can understand if they're doing something and can't reply straight away but if the next day comes and there is no reply then off the list they go.

Offline Qwerty

She's Scottish too, English being her first language.

That's a moot point  :D


  • Guest
Working Girls have to put up with shed loads of creepy weirdos and our messages could get lost.  As well as the Private Gallery Scams, I wonder if some part timers are nervous, disorganised or don't log in very often cos they've not thought it through properly.  Also maybe some women start a profile cos they've seen Call Girl Diaries or are curious get cold feet when it comes to actually doing the deed or just wanted to see how much attention they'd get.

Rochdull lad

  • Guest
While I'm sure that WGs have to put up with some weirdos, I think that the girls JV describes in his last sentence are simply in the wrong job and are as much time-wasters as some clients are accused of being.

It takes a woman with a fairly strong personality, I'd have thought, to be a good and successful WG.


  • Guest
A lot of girls seem to prefer to deal only by phone, and almost ignore the AW side of things except as a way to advertise their number. I can't understand it myself, the email route seems like a much more convenient, but each to their own. I just wish girls would make that clear on their profile, so I don't bother sending an email only for it to be ignored.


  • Guest
A lot of girls seem to prefer to deal only by phone, and almost ignore the AW side of things except as a way to advertise their number. I can't understand it myself, the email route seems like a much more convenient, but each to their own. I just wish girls would make that clear on their profile, so I don't bother sending an email only for it to be ignored.

Imo a lot of that is down to SAAFE they are very strong advocates for the prossie speaking to the punter directly on the phone to gauge the type of person they are. They even talk about a TW tone of voice and a dangerous tone of voice.


  • Guest
A lot of girls seem to prefer to deal only by phone, and almost ignore the AW side of things except as a way to advertise their number. I can't understand it myself, the email route seems like a much more convenient, but each to their own. I just wish girls would make that clear on their profile, so I don't bother sending an email only for it to be ignored.

I understand what you're saying about girls making stuff clear on profiles but many don't read the profiles. There have been times I've been in areas where Internet signal shit so have put on my profile not to email if they want to see me that day. Some still do it and send an email that I won't read till after I've left.


  • Guest
Imo a lot of that is down to SAAFE they are very strong advocates for the prossie speaking to the punter directly on the phone to gauge the type of person they are. They even talk about a TW tone of voice and a dangerous tone of voice.

That is correct. However there is nothing wrong with replying to initial emails that are polite. You can gauge the sort of person they are by that. There is nothing wrong with the sort of email the OP says he writes, but certain emails will get ignored including ones from guys who say they have a big cock or asking for things that I don't do. They obviously haven't read my profile. While initial emails are ok I still like to speak with the guy prior to giving address. Though it's not as essential if he has feedback. Am sure guys like to speak with the lady too first.

Offline CBPaul

Some prossies will only deal by phone, others demand an AW booking and some want both, often without actually telling the punter and we are left second guessing whilst having to dance to their tune. I've missed out on several bookings thanks to not doing something I wasn't told to do in the first place - my powers of clairvoyance are pretty crap.   

Being sceptical, there are prossies who only arrange things by phone, don't answer emails and totally avoid the booking system. If this is combined with hidden fb then I move on - comments that have been left as 'fb only' don't seem to appear. If the profile has fb from bookings against it, a mouse over will reveal the number of positives, negatives and neutrals, so the more dodgy ones out there avoid this by only dealing by phone. 


  • Guest

One thing I have noticed is the increasing trend of so called working girls who get an ego boost from men who are willing to pay for their time. This is why your E-mails get read and never responded to. If you notice on her feedback she either has no escorting reviews or hasn't had any recent escorting reviews only webcam or phone reviews.

If you want to maximise and cut through the time wasters then only message working girls on there who display phone numbers (and call them opposed to E-mailing) - Make sure she has recent escorting reviews (within the last two weeks) Also look to see if they're 'logging in everyday but never seem to have any new reviews written about them ' that is a dead giveaway also.


  • Guest
One thing I have noticed is the increasing trend of so called working girls who get an ego boost from men who are willing to pay for their time. This is why your E-mails get read and never responded to. If you notice on her feedback she either has no escorting reviews or hasn't had any recent escorting reviews only webcam or phone reviews.

If you want to maximise and cut through the time wasters then only message working girls on there who display phone numbers (and call them opposed to E-mailing) - Make sure she has recent escorting reviews (within the last two weeks) Also look to see if they're 'logging in everyday but never seem to have any new reviews written about them ' that is a dead giveaway also.

This is a tough one. Around 99% of my bookings are via phone/private email. In fact this year alone I have only received 3 ratings even though I see 5 odd clients a day. I though the most preferable option is by phone at least that way you have instant contact with someone.


  • Guest
Hi everyone,

I am a WG, this is my very first post here. I think that the customer comes first (I know, I know we all say this – some of us mean it, some of us don’t really), so if a potential customer takes the time and effort to message a WG on AW, the least she can do is to send a reply (although I must admit that I don’t tend to reply if the message is rude, arrogant, or in text speak), even if she cannot/doesn’t want to see the client. I don’t think it is impossible to read all your incoming mails even if you have dozens each day. How long does it take? If a message is very detailed then probably 5 minutes?? I think it is worth to spend that amount of time on EVERY potential client (not on apparent TWs, of course). Why would I expect clients to read my (very detailed) profile if I cannot be arsed to read and reply to their much shorter messages?

No "Waynee" not a SP, just a sad twat who likes to pretend to be one.


  • Guest
certain emails will get ignored including ones from guys who say they have a big cock or asking for things that I don't do. They obviously haven't read my profile.

If I sent an email as retarded as that I'd expect to get ignored. It's when a perfectly polite, brief, to-the-point email gets ignored or deleted without reply for the tenth time this week that it get kinda tiresome.