Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Secret recordings  (Read 3631 times)

Offline Jake.mackie

Just wondered if anyone had secretly left their camera phone recording when in with a sp? Surreptitiously in your shirt pocket with the lense poking over the top...

Offline milyzz

Just wondered if anyone had secretly left their camera phone recording when in with a sp? Surreptitiously in your shirt pocket with the lense poking over the top...

Have you?

Offline Spurt

Sure fire way to get it lodged where the sun don't shine.

Offline GingerNuts

Only low-life scum would do that...

Offline bbois77

Only low-life scum would do that...

A well known genre within the porn market, plenty of supposedly clandestinely filmed sexual encounters whether paid for or not, judging by the 100000s of views, scum activities seem popular with the porn viewing public, so an awful lot of scum types out there, then it becomes mainstream and then not so scummie!

Online jc1971

Could be interesting to consider the potential criminal liability of such actions.......

Offline r1965h

Just wondered if anyone had secretly left their camera phone recording when in with a sp? Surreptitiously in your shirt pocket with the lense poking over the top...

Only a complete wanker would think of doing this.

Offline GingerNuts

A well known genre within the porn market, plenty of supposedly clandestinely filmed sexual encounters whether paid for or not, judging by the 100000s of views, scum activities seem popular with the porn viewing public, so an awful lot of scum types out there, then it becomes mainstream and then not so scummie!

Most are likely fake and any genuine ones will have been filmed by scum.

I'm not sure why you're trying to justify such behaviour.

Offline Fishface

Consensus so far seems its a stupid thing to do. Also a criminal offence to film someone naked without their consent, revenge porn etc.

But like bareback sex, some just can't help themselves.

And like bareback sex it will come back to haunt you sooner or later. Like Ian Brady and his secret locker you won't be able to destroy the evidence because it becomes too important to your state of being. So you preserve the evidence until the police catch up with you........ :bomb:

But there are always idiots.
Banned reason: No reviews in 7 years and refusing to explain why.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline winkywanky

From a purely pragmatic perspective, if the OP made sure ONLY HE EVER SAW IT then what's the harm, no-one would ever know?

Of course, would anyone actually asking this question be that trustworthy in any case? That's apart from the security of such footage, shit like this always seems to 'leak out' somehow, whether by complete ineptitude or by drunken braggadocio.

That's apart from the fact that it's an invasion of privacy (would he like it if she had a secret video of him?) and is very definitely ILLEGAL.

Ill-advised, is what I woud say. At the very least.

Offline Beamer

Just wondered if anyone had secretly left their camera phone recording when in with a sp? Surreptitiously in your shirt pocket with the lense poking over the top...

Its got to be one of the most stupid actions connected to punting.
Anyone considering doing this has to be a 1st Class plonker

Offline oldstreethookup

This is illegal and an invasion of privacy.

You won't be protected by the fact you have paid a girl for a service.

To be honest, is it worth risking putting yourself in a situation with a WG where she discovers you were filming her without permission?

Also, if you were to get caught the emotional and mental effect this could have on them is unknown. Don't do it.....

If you need it for your own cheap thrill (and i'm not digging here, everyone has their kinks!!!) find a WG who allows filming, tell her upfront you want it to feel like a secret, get her to go to the bathroom for 5 mins and set it up where she doesn't know.

I think most WG get off on helping us fulfil dirty fantasies

Offline winkywanky

This is illegal and an invasion of privacy.

You won't be protected by the fact you have paid a girl for a service.

To be honest, is it worth risking putting yourself in a situation with a WG where she discovers you were filming her without permission?

Also, if you were to get caught the emotional and mental effect this could have on them is unknown. Don't do it.....

If you need it for your own cheap thrill (and i'm not digging here, everyone has their kinks!!!) find a WG who allows filming, tell her upfront you want it to feel like a secret, get her to go to the bathroom for 5 mins and set it up where she doesn't know.

I think most WG get off on helping us fulfil dirty fantasies

Great post.

Offline alibirmingham

Bat shot crazy to even consider such stupid actions. A punt can turn very nasty if caught as well. Most have Sergei’s and they’ll soon relieve you of your phone and probably other personal belongings too.

Saying that the SP’s do seem to be aware of such abhorrent behaviour as demonstrated during a meet I once had. Put my jacket on the back of a chair which was at the foot of the bed. I put my phone in to the pocket but as the pocket was already full it was poking out. Didn’t notice it myself until 15 mins into the meet and the sp jumped off me while doing RCG and put the lights on full and covered herself up. Confused I asked what’s wrong and she started hurling abuse accusing me of filming etc. I had to get up, show her my phone, unlock it and go through the video library etc before she calmed down. Lost 10 mins of that booking and learned a valuable lesson. MAKE SURE PHONE IS HIDDEN AND OUT OF SIGHT  :thumbsup:

Online RandomGuy99

From a purely pragmatic perspective, if the OP made sure ONLY HE EVER SAW IT then what's the harm, no-one would ever know?

Of course, would anyone actually asking this question be that trustworthy in any case? That's apart from the security of such footage, shit like this always seems to 'leak out' somehow, whether by complete ineptitude or by drunken braggadocio.

That's apart from the fact that it's an invasion of privacy (would he like it if she had a secret video of him?) and is very definitely ILLEGAL.

Ill-advised, is what I woud say. At the very least.
It's a breach of trust between the SP and the punter. 

Nobody should be making secret recordings in a booking.

Offline Bock

Some low life’s have tried it on, I remember Jenni B’s profile saying something about all bags, coats etc had to be left out of sight or words to that effect ...

Found it:

ALL belongings (bags, coats, phones, glasses, watches etc.) are to be placed somewhere where, if you're so inclined to film me without my permission your footage will be restricted to the view of a cupboard door or the back of a chair.

Offline Spurt

Best to leave in the car nothing worse than a phone ping mid stroke reminding you to get milk.

Offline winkywanky

Best to leave in the car nothing worse than a phone ping mid stroke reminding you to get milk.

That could be likened to the tap on the door mid-stroke, reminding you to 'get milk' (before your time is up).

Offline alibirmingham

Best to leave in the car nothing worse than a phone ping mid stroke reminding you to get milk.

Most wg’s I’ve seen don’t give you the full address. They usually want you to call them when on the street, in front of the door, or by the intercom so leaving in the car isn’t really an option. I usually put it in flight mode once im in the apartment to avoid getting disturbed but my work phone has to stay on in case of emergency calls. Luckily only ever gone off once but that was a complete waste of £60. Spent 20 mins of a 30 min booking on the bloody phone sorting out the emergency.

Offline alibirmingham

Best to leave in the car nothing worse than a phone ping mid stroke reminding you to get milk.

Most wg’s I’ve seen don’t give you the full address. They usually want you to call them when on the street, in front of the door, or by the intercom so leaving in the car isn’t really an option. I usually put it in flight mode once im in the apartment to avoid getting disturbed but my work phone has to stay on in case of emergency calls. Luckily only ever gone off once but that was a complete waste of £60. Spent 20 mins of a 30 min booking on the bloody phone sorting out the emergency.

Offline guymids-72

Only a complete wanker would do this FFS.
There are some smoking hot girls that allow filming, I personally have a great 30 mins of action with Lilith-noir, well worth the extra cash and she really performed for the camera

Offline Availableinlarge

Only a complete wanker would do this FFS.
There are some smoking hot girls that allow filming, I personally have a great 30 mins of action with Lilith-noir, well worth the extra cash and she really performed for the camera
Did you pay extra for the filming?

Offline guymids-72

Did you pay extra for the filming?

Yes mate...£50 extra, I have a go pro on a mini tripod.
Great for placing on a table to catch the action and you can pick up for some close ups.
Been meaning to Dona review but been Uber busy at work and home

Offline theoriginallingam

Hi my name is original lingam and i am by the going standard scum, complete wanker.

My own opinion why not film how many lifes will this effect me, how long will anyone involved even be attached to a outcome of a worst case scenario.

Either way check
Revenge porn is when someone shows a private sexual photograph or film of you to another person or people, without your consent and with the intention of causing you distress. It is an offence whether they show someone, share it with others via social media, email or any other form of communication. It can also be an offence for another person to then re-share or re-post the private sexual image or film with others. Revenge porn is not the legal name for this offence but it is a term which is commonly used and understood.

A photograph or film is private if it shows something of a kind that is not ordinarily seen in public.

A photograph or film is sexual if it shows all or part of a person’s exposed genitals or pubic area, or if a reasonable person would consider the photograph or video to be sexual because of its nature.

A person who is found guilty of an offence of sharing sexual or private photographs or videos without consent can be sentenced to up to two years in prison or fined, or both.

Link  here >>External Link/Members Only

P.s got a new video coming up in my next review

Banned reason: Tout
Banned by: daviemac

Offline alibirmingham

Hi my name is original lingam and i am by the going standard scum, complete wanker.

My own opinion why not film how many lifes will this effect me, how long will anyone involved even be attached to a outcome of a worst case scenario.

Either way check
Revenge porn is when someone shows a private sexual photograph or film of you to another person or people, without your consent and with the intention of causing you distress. It is an offence whether they show someone, share it with others via social media, email or any other form of communication. It can also be an offence for another person to then re-share or re-post the private sexual image or film with others. Revenge porn is not the legal name for this offence but it is a term which is commonly used and understood.

A photograph or film is private if it shows something of a kind that is not ordinarily seen in public.

A photograph or film is sexual if it shows all or part of a person’s exposed genitals or pubic area, or if a reasonable person would consider the photograph or video to be sexual because of its nature.

A person who is found guilty of an offence of sharing sexual or private photographs or videos without consent can be sentenced to up to two years in prison or fined, or both.

Link  here >>External Link/Members Only

P.s got a new video coming up in my next review

Normally I would say each to their own but If your openly admitting to using secret filming equipment to film your punts your a fucking wrongen. (If it’s consensual filming then all the power to you and the rest of the comments Below don’t apply and I’ve filmed previous punts with the SP’s permission so no the thrill filming provides)

Feel for the poor wgs who are just trying to make a living and having to deal with scum on a daily basis anyway but you take the biscuit and are on another level.

I’m no morality police but I do feel the wgs you’ve seen should be warned of your behaviour and even reported to the police but the anonymity this site provides is a core right so your protected by that.

My opinion, stop while your ahead before you do get caught and end up behind bars.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2019, 02:22:03 am by alibirmingham »

Offline redliner69

Only a complete wanker would think of doing this.

Seriously doubt this comment.

I'd bet good money that pretty much most of all us had thought about doing this.

Putting it in action may be different though.

Offline winkywanky

Hi my name is original lingam and i am by the going standard scum, complete wanker.

My own opinion why not film how many lifes will this effect me, how long will anyone involved even be attached to a outcome of a worst case scenario.

Either way check
Revenge porn is when someone shows a private sexual photograph or film of you to another person or people, without your consent and with the intention of causing you distress. It is an offence whether they show someone, share it with others via social media, email or any other form of communication. It can also be an offence for another person to then re-share or re-post the private sexual image or film with others. Revenge porn is not the legal name for this offence but it is a term which is commonly used and understood.

A photograph or film is private if it shows something of a kind that is not ordinarily seen in public.

A photograph or film is sexual if it shows all or part of a person’s exposed genitals or pubic area, or if a reasonable person would consider the photograph or video to be sexual because of its nature.

A person who is found guilty of an offence of sharing sexual or private photographs or videos without consent can be sentenced to up to two years in prison or fined, or both.

Link  here >>External Link/Members Only

P.s got a new video coming up in my next review

It can be only a matter of time... :bomb:

Offline winkywanky

Seriously doubt this comment.

I'd bet good money that pretty much most of all us had thought about doing this.

Putting it in action may be different though.

We've all thought of murdering someone at some point.

VERY big difference between venting and doing...or even talking openly/seriously about doing.

Offline nodrah

We've all thought of murdering someone at some point.

VERY big difference between venting and doing...or even talking openly/seriously about doing.

No, Winky, not all of us have thought about murdering someone ...

Offline winkywanky

Depends on your life experience so far, perhaps you've had no true adversity yet, or perhaps you're just different from me? Perhaps you never get very angry?

The point I was making was that many people in some extreme situations might say 'I'll fucking kill you', or perhaps they might say 'I'd have bloody well killed them' if their friend or relative had been burgled or assaulted. It's a frequent occurrence for people to say that. It doesn't mean they would actually do a million years.

But apologies for generalising.

Offline theoriginallingam

Hey if you wanna record aswell and protect y0urself,

Check out manyvids theyll give you a video release form, you'll have to change it around a bit, it'll work  though.
Banned reason: Tout
Banned by: daviemac

Offline theoriginallingam

Hey if you wanna record aswell and protect y0urself,

Check out manyvids theyll give you a video release form, you'll have to change it around a bit, it'll work  though.

Sign up here External Link/Members Only
Banned reason: Tout
Banned by: daviemac

Offline milyzz

Offline inbruges

I will admit I've done it once. Don't know why I did it and realise how foolish it was. Should I consider myself a wanker?

Offline winkywanky

No, because you've come clean about it.

But you ought to erase it.

Offline theoriginallingam

Nobody should be recording unless the person recording has full consent.
With the link you can make manyvids account and they'll give you one to download.

Thats a consent form, so you'll have to ask her or other
Banned reason: Tout
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Xtro

That could be likened to the tap on the door mid-stroke, reminding you to 'get milk' (before your time is up).

....give milk....

Yes mate...£50 extra, I have a go pro on a mini tripod.
Great for placing on a table to catch the action and you can pick up for some close ups.
Been meaning to Dona review but been Uber busy at work and home

Don't you mean pro go?  :D

I will admit I've done it once. Don't know why I did it and realise how foolish it was. Should I consider myself a wanker?

Only if you watched it back and knocked one out!   ;)

But really, totally out of order unless all being filmed consent to it.

Offline cotton

Ive sometimes considered recording audio capturing theconversation prior, during and after sex with civies or hookers just as a safeguard against wrongful allegations , possibly slightly paranoid but having an audio record like having a dashcam for driving  to prove what actually happened in case of dispute, but just audio. Not sure if that would be legal , never done it tho.
Obviously if you want to film you should ask prior.

Offline Beamer

« Last Edit: November 30, 2019, 01:32:51 pm by Beamer »

Online Punterperson1971

Nobody should be recording unless the person recording has full consent.
Early this year a regular I see was giving me a blowjob and I mentioned how turned on i was and said “wish I could have filmed this”she then replied “go and get your phone”.she let me take to short films of her giving me a blow job and I use it for my own please/viewing as well.

Offline Littlefoot

I wouldn’t want to see myself in action, it wouldn’t be a pretty sight.  :dash: mirrors are bad enough!  :sarcastic:

Online Punterperson1971

I wouldn’t want to see myself in action, it wouldn’t be a pretty sight.  :dash: mirrors are bad enough!  :sarcastic:
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Doesn’t bother me,seeing her again Friday so might see if I can do one more before Christmas

Offline InMefan

Secret recordings are unfair and something no one should do. I do want to see a few girls that allow filming and film it but it is hard to find loads that have it on there "likes" in Adultwork, even doing the search option on there and ticking the being filmed option only comes up with a few profiles and misses out a few profiles like lilithnoir for example.

Offline David50

No and I never would . I always turn my mobile off in front of the escort so as she can see I have no intention of recording anything

Online m4rmite

I wouldn’t want to see myself in action, it wouldn’t be a pretty sight.  :dash: mirrors are bad enough!  :sarcastic:
Saw myself in action in a mirror on my last punt, lets just say jabba the hut looked more attractive than i did. :thumbsdown:

I have mirrors in my home bedroom, but the chance of action is remote so all safe.