Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Whats A Fair Price for a Punt  (Read 19740 times)


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This conversation started in another post but was off topic so I thought id start it fresh...

Just going to copy paste where it left off with Vorian...

Does seem strange that you see some girls with amazing (photoshop) pics charging the same rate £150 p/h as skanky looking pics.
Its like thats the minimum average price no matter what she looks like or the photoshop pics are fake and its just a different skank ?

I wonder if most think this is a fair price for 1 hour.
In most industries or services the price is dictated by what the market is prepared to pay.
Maybe sites like this should make a united effort to dictate the price of a punt :-)

How on earth would that work, I respect your sentiment but there is no collective bargaining power. This forum is the best thing for punters in the long run.

There no collective bargaining power..YET lol lol
The agencies and independents never sat down and agreed a price to punt but by more than coincidence the price settled at around £150.00 because they determined thats what the market will pay.
Well the market has to change.
They would still punt if every punter said £100 max.They are not going to close shop and work in Tescos !!

How many members do you think are on sites like this or punters that just browse.
I think (and probably wrong) that there is an opportunity to have an influence on the price charged.

The agencies and independents do value the reviews on sites like this.
With a little collective thought it might be possible to influence the price charged to members.
Agencies and independents can choose not to be part of the initiative that verifies the punt/reviews it/ have recommended agencies and independents in exchange for fixed hourly rates .....they would be crazy not too.

I havent been punting for long and by no means an experienced punter but if there was a site that I knew provided the above I would have definitely only booked girls through it and saved a lot of wasted time on fake profiles etc.

Got to be worth a PUNT  :D

Interesting view, can't say I totally agree but I think you should start a new topic, worth discussing imho,  but I think you might be disappointed with the response.  :unknown:

I wouldn't be disappointed regardless of the outcome.
If most punters are happy paying £150.00 /hr. then theres no point trying to resolve any issue that doesn't exist.

However if they are not here is an opportunity to try and do something about it.
The girls are on agencies because it allows collective bargaining power to create a monopoly on prices charged.
Independents look at the agencies and take that price as an indication to what is possible.

If one of them changed it would rock the apple cart and the other would have to fall in line to be competitive.
At the end of the day they are running a business which is driven by market forces.

The problem is the market is segmented doesnt know how to collectively influence their supplier.

You can guarantee once one agency jumped on board the others would follow suit.

Ps Vorian,
Interested in what you dont agree with. Is it the principle or the practice. post I think as this is now off topic. can we copy and paste and continue there :-)




  • Guest
Anything that would lead to lower prices for punters without compromising quality, is something I can fully support in principle.  However I can not ever seeing it working in practice.


  • Guest
Hi have 3K post to my 27 so Im guessing you have way more experience of how this site works, the input and support from admin with regard to members initiatives.

Ultimately it would require the support of the site administrators to be successful.   
If that hurdle could be cleared I think it could/would work.

In any economic scenario the ability to trade is key.
None of these agencies or independents have a USP and can easily be replaced with another girl happy for the work.


  • Guest
Hi have 3K post to my 27 so Im guessing you have way more experience of how this site works, the input and support from admin with regard to members initiatives.

Ultimately it would require the support of the site administrators to be successful.   
If that hurdle could be cleared I think it could/would work.

In any economic scenario the ability to trade is key.
None of these agencies or independents have a USP and can easily be replaced with another girl happy for the work.

It just my personal opinion and nothing to do with the forum as a whole. One post or one million does not mean one persons view is worth more than another's. I think it is difficult to imprint a standard economic model on punting as it is unique.  Also I would worry about the independence of a forum if money became involved,  %%% is a good example of how this corrupts a site.

Offline smiths

This conversation started in another post but was off topic so I thought id start it fresh...

Just going to copy paste where it left off with Vorian...

 The times i have read punters, usually new to the forum having some big idea about changing how punting has operated for decades. All very idealistic and nothing wrong with that, but not realistic in my view.

The reality is many many punters arent interested or aware of punting forums so what ever punters on here do wont stop bad WGs and pimps fucking punters over. What we can do on here is help and advise those punters who are aware of the forum so they get better punts. And name and shame bad WGs as much as we can.


  • Guest
It just my personal opinion and nothing to do with the forum as a whole. One post or one million does not mean one persons view is worth more than another's. I think it is difficult to imprint a standard economic model on punting as it is unique.  Also I would worry about the independence of a forum if money became involved,  %%% is a good example of how this corrupts a site.

I never said the view is WORTH more but you would possibly have more experience on how the site work in terms of support and the collective comradeship of its members (if any at all)

I dont have any experience of %%% but would be interested to know why/how it is corrupt in your opinion.

It could be as simple as price being a factor in reviews and the site only recommending agencies and independents that it felt where good value.
To avoid corruption and stay independent a review section like "which" could be adopted.

A washing machine on "Which" for 5K would really have to justify its price to get a great review and could never compete with the domestics charging £200 that essentially do the same job and look the same.

Offline smiths

I never said the view is WORTH more but you would possibly have more experience on how the site work in terms of support and the collective comradeship of its members (if any at all)

I dont have any experience of %%% but would be interested to know why/how it is corrupt in your opinion.

It could be as simple as price being a factor in reviews and the site only recommending agencies and independents that it felt where good value.
To avoid corruption and stay independent a review section like "which" could be adopted.

A washing machine on "Which" for 5K would really have to justify its price to get a great review and could never compete with the domestics charging £200 that essentially do the same job and look the same.

We already have reviews like Which. They are on the review boards, up to the individual punter to decide if he trusts the author of them or not.

What your suggesting here is to only allow reviews where a certain price determined by Adam is permitted to be reviewed, that of course would be entirely up to Adam.

Whatever was adpoted would still be reliant on taking the unprovable word of punters, if only trusted punters were allowed to do reviews there would be that many less of them than now of course. Again only Adam could decide such a thing.


  • Guest
The times i have read punters, usually new to the forum having some big idea about changing how punting has operated for decades. All very idealistic and nothing wrong with that, but not realistic in my view.

The reality is many many punters arent interested or aware of punting forums so what ever punters on here do wont stop bad WGs and pimps fucking punters over. What we can do on here is help and advise those punters who are aware of the forum so they get better punts. And name and shame bad WGs as much as we can.

Your probably right and I have to respect the fact there is a good chance you have more experience in the punting forum arena than I do.
Punting is a business just like any other so hard to imagine why they wouldnt react the same as any other business in a competitive market that didnt poses any USP whatsoever. 

Quite likely nothing will come of this but no harm in trying....just for fun :-)


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One of the problems is no set standards, it is mostly subjective and what is attractive to one person will not be to the next. What is good value for money. I don't believe that price and quality are not linked so how does one decide what is good value for money. I respect your opinion and enthusiasm but think what UKP I'd today is really the best option when trying to reduce the risk of a bad punt. As far as price goes what a punter is prepared to pay is an individual choice be it one pound or a million.


  • Guest
We already have reviews like Which. They are on the review boards, up to the individual punter to decide if he trusts the author of them or not.

We dont have reviews like "Which" as price is not included and there is not a fixed criteria on how the review is written.
A fixed template and overall star rating is the method "Which" applies with value for money included.
Could also be a recommendation as to the price. Agencies or independent can choose to conform with the price or charge their own.
Ford dont charge the same price as Mercedes and a report on which takes that into account. 

Whatever was adpoted would still be reliant on taking the unprovable word of punters, if only trusted punters were allowed to do reviews there would be that many less of them than now of course. Again only Adam could decide such a thing.

If several people reviewed the same girl an average of their star rating would be displayed so you get a true overall opinion.
Obviously the ability to read individual reviews could still be available.

Just an idea that really requires  user input and support .
Either way just a thought :-)


  • Guest
One of the problems is no set standards, it is mostly subjective and what is attractive to one person will not be to the next. What is good value for money. I don't believe that price and quality are not linked so how does one decide what is good value for money. I respect your opinion and enthusiasm but think what UKP I'd today is really the best option when trying to reduce the risk of a bad punt. As far as price goes what a punter is prepared to pay is an individual choice be it one pound or a million.

If 10 reviews give a girl 1 star for for look and 1 gives her a five star rating what should her average star rating for looks be ??
If you decide after seeing the picture she is a 10 and ignore the 10 guys that said she is butt ugly then "beauty is in the eye of the beholder"  and happy punting to you sir.

Offline smiths

We dont have reviews like "Which" as price is not included and there is not a fixed criteria on how the review is written.
A fixed template and overall star rating is the method "Which" applies with value for money included.
Could also be a recommendation as to the price. Agencies or independent can choose to conform with the price or charge their own.
Ford dont charge the same price as Mercedes and a report on which takes that into account. 

If several people reviewed the same girl an average of their star rating would be displayed so you get a true overall opinion.
Obviously the ability to read individual reviews could still be available.

Just an idea that really requires  user input and support .
Either way just a thought :-)

Fixed criteria in reviews has been discussed before, Adam has allowed them to be more flexible which i personally agree with. Price is included in most reviews, its usually mentioned by the punter as to what he paid and for how long.

Where this falls apart in my view is where you compare punting to a Mercedes or Ford. A WG is a totally unique bespoke individual, not a machine, a machine is only as good as it is manufactured to be, often on a conveyor belt. What makes a good WG has absolutely NOTHING to do with what she or her pimp happen to charge but ALL to do with her own individual attitude.

There is lots of proof to back this up, i have punted with good WGs who charged me £70-100 an hour and ok ones who charged me £350 an hour years ago, the difference was the good £70-100 an hour WGs were better than the £350 an hour ones, proving to me price charged isnt the determining factor. As reviews and posts on here show some punters have had the same experiences.

Then we come on to punters, what i might see as good VFM another punter might not. Some other punters might be rich or mugs or both. What i do know is many Agencies in London have been operating for years so my logic tells me despite the fact they charge rates i wont pay nowadays they must get enough punters who will, and again to back this up some punters on here have and will pay higher rates than me, as their reviews and/or posts have shown. NIK is prepared to pay Nicoletta £200 an hour as she has always offered him a good service, i was prepared to pay Keira Pharrell £180 an hour and to me it was good VFM. We have differing opinions on what is VFM to us, what we are prepared to pay and why.

Even punting with the same WG can result in two completely conflicting views of the WG, one positive, one negative, what was good for one wasnt for another. This is where it being subjective to the punter obviously comes in. A template can give factual info, what the WG charged, did she look like her photos, her location and services offered, but at present punters can ask the author of a review or other feedback questions that interest him about the WG and the Agency, Parlour or Party if applicable.

Lastly, we then have the absolute fact that if every punter on here agreed to only paying a certain amount of money how would it be proven they hadnt paid more, it couldnt be proven, it relies on taking their word for it, which might or might not be true, who knows.


  • Guest
Where this falls apart in my view is where you compare punting to a Mercedes or Ford. A WG is a totally unique bespoke individual,

But her service is not...
If you were to employ a cleaner or any other service provider you would look for comparisons in order to evaluate what its worth.

Admittedly you may want to pay a higher price for a Mercedes than a Ford because you can afford it and you prefer it but that doesnt mean its worth it ?
Which evaluate on the true value and dont take into account personal choice.
For example there is a fee for a lawyers and it varies depending on experience and skill.You wouldn't expect to pay more because you liked him or her.

There is lots of proof to back this up, i have punted with good WGs who charged me £70-100 an hour and ok ones who charged me £350 an hour years ago, the difference was the good £70-100 an hour WGs were better than the £350 an hour ones, proving to me price charged isnt the determining factor. As reviews and posts on here show some punters have had the same experiences.

I know a guy who paid £15K for a beat up MK3 Ford Transit and he loved it.... Doesnt mean its worth it ??

Then we come on to punters, what i might see as good VFM another punter might not.

Exactly... but if there was a set price that most agreed, thats what a good shag is worth it could be used as a bench mark to evaluate the price of others that are exceptional and those that are below average.I think the agencies with their marketing strategies like VIP etc is just a way to convince punters its worth more.

Agencies in London have been operating for years so my logic tells me despite the fact they charge rates i wont pay nowadays they must get enough punters who will,
And I believe they do...but that doesnt mean they wouldnt settle for less if business started to decline.Its a business in an overpopulated market not a bespoke service.

NIK is prepared to pay Nicoletta £200 an hour as she has always offered him a good service, i was prepared to pay Keira Pharrell £180 an hour and to me it was good VFM. We have differing opinions on what is VFM to us, what we are prepared to pay and why.

Which supports my argument. The WG's are only worth what punters are prepared to pay...what if they where prepared to pay less ??

Lastly, we then have the absolute fact that if every punter on here agreed to only paying a certain amount of money how would it be proven they hadnt paid more, it couldnt be proven, it relies on taking their word for it, which might or might not be true, who knows.

It really doesnt matter if somebody pays over the odds, the point Im making is about establishing new odds.
Many WG's believe they are worth £150.00 p/h because thats what they can get and thats what they see others charging.

The estimation of their value would change if that price became unrealistic and I bet they would still punt for less rather than change industry.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2014, 11:20:48 pm by Sadgit »

Offline smiths

But her service is not...
If you were to employ a cleaner or any other service provider you would look for comparisons in order to evaluate what its worth.

Admittedly you may want to pay a higher price for a Mercedes than a Ford because you can afford it and you prefer it but that doesnt mean its worth it ?
Which evaluate on the true value and dont take into account personal choice.
For example there is a fee for a lawyers and it varies depending on experience and skill.You wouldn't expect to pay more because you liked him or her.
I know a guy who paid £15K for a beat up MK3 Ford Transit and he loved it.... Doesnt mean its worth it ??

Exactly... but if there was a set price that most agreed, thats what a good shag is worth it could be used as a bench mark to evaluate the price of others that are exceptional and those that are below average.I think the agencies with their marketing strategies like VIP etc is just a way to convince punters its worth more.
And I believe they do...but that doesnt mean they wouldnt settle for less if business started to decline.Its a business in an overpopulated market not a bespoke service.

Which supports my argument. The WG's are only worth what punters are prepared to pay...what if they where prepared to pay less ??

It really doesnt matter if somebody pays over the odds, the point Im making is about establishing new odds.
Many WG's believe they are worth £150.00 p/h because thats what they can get and thats what they see others charging.

The estimation of their value would change if that price became unrealistic and I bet they would still punt for less rather than change industry.

Good luck with your campaign, as i have already stated many many punters dont know about or have any interest in sites like this so even if every punter here agreed (with you having to take their word for it) to only paying up to a certain price those many other punters wont be aware of it, so will continue to pay what they pay.

Time will tell how successful you are, i will happily tip my hat to you if you achieve what you propose.

Offline berksboy

   "Many WG's believe they are worth £150.00 p/h because thats what they can get"

     Anything be it a prozzy , car , house or footballer is worth wot someone will pay on the day end of.

    I will pay up to MY max and no more , anyone else can pay as much as they see fit and a prozzy can ask as she sees fit it is a free market !


  • Guest
   "Many WG's believe they are worth £150.00 p/h because thats what they can get"

     Anything be it a prozzy , car , house or footballer is worth wot someone will pay on the day end of.

    I will pay up to MY max and no more , anyone else can pay as much as they see fit and a prozzy can ask as she sees fit it is a free market !

I agree the value of anything can be escalated to whatever the highest bidder wants to put down, I have never argued that point.

My position has been most things have an intrinsic value especially when they are NOT unique and exist in an over populated market.
This not the same as footballers (I think they are over paid) but Im pretty sure there are more WG's than premier league players and the standard of the players is more unique.
The reason agencies can swap girls is because essentially girls can easily be substituted and most punters wont complain.
Try do that with a world class striker by asking his mate to turn up next Saturday.

Dont get me wrong I have no intention of starting a crusade to change the industry but was only stating sites like this only exist because the agencies and WG's
take full advantage of collectively having a fixed (average) price for the services even when its a crap service.

Punters have the ability to do much more than whine to each other which doesn really have any impact on the practices of the industry.


« Last Edit: March 23, 2014, 06:47:02 pm by Sadgit »


  • Guest
I believe the 'market price' can be an indicator of ideal fair price, although punters may think it's bit higher than their anticipation, wgs vice versa.

WGs believe they should get 150/hr

Punters believe they should only pay 50/hr

Obviously both of them cannot get an agreement at first, but time flies, some punters are willing to pay more than 50 and some wgs may rate 100 or lower to get business, so more and more wgs tend to rate their price close to 70-130/hr (it's a combination of their self believe value and market influence issue), which can be a range of 'market price'. 70-80 may stand for pretty girls who provide vanilla service and 110-130 may stand for gorgeous girl who will offer full service. I found the service what they provide is a factor which determines their price, but most importantly is their body and looking. Nice looking girl with hot body certainly believe that they worth a lot and way beyond market price, so they rate themselves higher, like 150 or more, they can get few business, but not much. On the contrary, some girls isn't that hot but cute, tend to lower their rate to 90-100, then they may get 8-10 visitors per day, that's a lot of income.

Probably there's no 'fair price' as punters and wgs have thousands reason believe they deserve more money/service. Usually there's the 'fair price' occurred when there's an agreement made. So I believe the so called 'fair price' or 'market price' is between 70-130, which stands for the most common range of rates which bring punters and wgs together.


  • Guest
I am new to the punting game and only visited 3 ladies.
 My first punt being with Natalie 2323904. I was very nervous not knowing what to expect however she made me feel very comfortable and gave a reasonable OWO all be it a bit shallow.

My second punt was with Beauty Monica 1893185 This was in the same apartment and room in Pimlico. Monica was a lot larger than her pictures indicated and did not give me a GFE which was indicated on her profile plus she was doing all the fake moans bullshit which to be honest puts me off.

My 3rd punt was with the Prettyporcelindoll 1746255 She came to my place. The funny thing about her was that I picked her because she reminded me of someone I'd seen out and about in Sainsbury's and my local area and I'd always had the hots for her. Well she actually turned out to be the same person. We laughed about it and she was fine to go ahead with the booking even though she knew this when we met. Out of all 3 she was the most sexiest and knew how to push my buttons. I will be seeing her again for sure.

Anyhow what I wanted to say was for each of these ladies I paid £100 for an hour of their time but Shelly was far the best and she did an outcall. Would I pay more to see someone?? Maybe at a push £120 but no more than that.   


  • Guest

Are you in London.
The rate seems to be £150/ an hour the £70-£80 for half hour.

My personal opinion is the WG's and agencies have a bigger say in the price than the punter for all the reason I stated b4.
They work as a collective and therefore established a "ring of steel" price.

In reality the punter with the amount of WG's out there you have to take your hat off and commend them for taking full advantage of a situation.

If WG's doubled their price up to £300.00 many guys would stop punting because the girls have priced them out of the market.
On the other hand I doubt if many girls would leave the industry if the punters refused to pay more than £75.00 per hour.
What are most of them going to do that pays more ???

The price is not based on a compromise its based on the maximum they think they can get.

Ps Im not hinting at a revolution...just lighthearted forum debate



  • Guest

Are you in London.
The rate seems to be £150/ an hour the £70-£80 for half hour.

My personal opinion is the WG's and agencies have a bigger say in the price than the punter for all the reason I stated b4.
They work as a collective and therefore established a "ring of steel" price.

In reality the punter with the amount of WG's out there you have to take your hat off and commend them for taking full advantage of a situation.

If WG's doubled their price up to £300.00 many guys would stop punting because the girls have priced them out of the market.
On the other hand I doubt if many girls would leave the industry if the punters refused to pay more than £75.00 per hour.
What are most of them going to do that pays more ???

The price is not based on a compromise its based on the maximum they think they can get.

Ps Im not hinting at a revolution...just lighthearted forum debate


Viva la revolución!!!!


  • Guest
I am new to the punting game and only visited 3 ladies.
 My first punt being with Natalie 2323904. I was very nervous not knowing what to expect however she made me feel very comfortable and gave a reasonable OWO all be it a bit shallow.

My second punt was with Beauty Monica 1893185 This was in the same apartment and room in Pimlico. Monica was a lot larger than her pictures indicated and did not give me a GFE which was indicated on her profile plus she was doing all the fake moans bullshit which to be honest puts me off.

My 3rd punt was with the Prettyporcelindoll 1746255 She came to my place. The funny thing about her was that I picked her because she reminded me of someone I'd seen out and about in Sainsbury's and my local area and I'd always had the hots for her. Well she actually turned out to be the same person. We laughed about it and she was fine to go ahead with the booking even though she knew this when we met. Out of all 3 she was the most sexiest and knew how to push my buttons. I will be seeing her again for sure.

Anyhow what I wanted to say was for each of these ladies I paid £100 for an hour of their time but Shelly was far the best and she did an outcall. Would I pay more to see someone?? Maybe at a push £120 but no more than that.   

Did Shelly shave completely? I saw a pic from her gallery and doubt about that.

Offline smiths


Are you in London.
The rate seems to be £150/ an hour the £70-£80 for half hour.

My personal opinion is the WG's and agencies have a bigger say in the price than the punter for all the reason I stated b4.
They work as a collective and therefore established a "ring of steel" price.

In reality the punter with the amount of WG's out there you have to take your hat off and commend them for taking full advantage of a situation.

If WG's doubled their price up to £300.00 many guys would stop punting because the girls have priced them out of the market.
On the other hand I doubt if many girls would leave the industry if the punters refused to pay more than £75.00 per hour.
What are most of them going to do that pays more ???

The price is not based on a compromise its based on the maximum they think they can get.

Ps Im not hinting at a revolution...just lighthearted forum debate


Why are you only now talking about London Agencies where i agree the entry rate is about £150 an hour, thats certainly not the entry rate for Indies though of course.

IMO Agencies simply ensure the price punters pay is kept high so they get their cut, that and previous bad experiences of punting through Agencies is why i wont do so again. However some punters happily punt through Agencies for their own reasons. This is not about to change anytime soon in my view.


  • Guest

Are you in London.
The rate seems to be £150/ an hour the £70-£80 for half hour.

My personal opinion is the WG's and agencies have a bigger say in the price than the punter for all the reason I stated b4.
They work as a collective and therefore established a "ring of steel" price.

In reality the punter with the amount of WG's out there you have to take your hat off and commend them for taking full advantage of a situation.

If WG's doubled their price up to £300.00 many guys would stop punting because the girls have priced them out of the market.
On the other hand I doubt if many girls would leave the industry if the punters refused to pay more than £75.00 per hour.
What are most of them going to do that pays more ???

The price is not based on a compromise its based on the maximum they think they can get.

Ps Im not hinting at a revolution...just lighthearted forum debate


I'm in London. I do admit that many agency charge crazily price like 200-600 just becuz they need a pimp cut from it. But for independent wgs on aw, the most common price range is between 70-130. If you focus on on specific area like central London, then the average price can be 150, or 130-180. However for rest area, you may find loads of 60-80/hr wgs in London. So for the average range would between 70-130/hr in the whole London (only for independent wgs on aw).

There's a forum member named Flemstone? He always fucks cheap wgs who close to him. I've read many of his reports, most of those wgs charge no more than 80 per hour, many of them charge 60-70.

For calculating the price, I'm not willing to talk more about agencies. One reason is that many agencies charge huge money despite you come or not, like 600+/hr. As 95%+ people would not give that a shit. For those agencies who rate their girls about 150-250, they usually cut 30-60% from their girls, so what the girl can get is normally about half, that's say 80-125. Another reason is prostitution is legal in UK and more and more wgs chose to become independent (no one would like to share their contribution to those shitty pimps who only taking the phone and doing arrangements). They rates their price tend to or a little bit higher than what they can exactly gain after cutting from the pimp. That's the real price what they can get agreement with punters directly. So I'm more willing to calculate and discuss about price base on the aw, as you may know, there're more than 6k registered wgs on aw in London area, although it's not too much for statistic, but should be enough to show something.


  • Guest
Did Shelly shave completely? I saw a pic from her gallery and doubt about that.

No she has a lady garden but a very tasty one  :wacko:


  • Guest
No she has a lady garden but a very tasty one  :wacko:

Cheers. I just found it on her info, sorry for the asking.

 It seems she's near to my place, maybe a call next week  :hi:

Offline smiths

I'm in London. I do admit that many agency charge crazily price like 200-600 just becuz they need a pimp cut from it. But for independent wgs on aw, the most common price range is between 70-130. If you focus on on specific area like central London, then the average price can be 150, or 130-180. However for rest area, you may find loads of 60-80/hr wgs in London. So for the average range would between 70-130/hr in the whole London (only for independent wgs on aw).

There's a forum member named Flemstone? He always fucks cheap wgs who close to him. I've read many of his reports, most of those wgs charge no more than 80 per hour, many of them charge 60-70.

For calculating the price, I'm not willing to talk more about agencies. One reason is that many agencies charge huge money despite you come or not, like 600+/hr. As 95%+ people would not give that a shit. For those agencies who rate their girls about 150-250, they usually cut 30-60% from their girls, so what the girl can get is normally about half, that's say 80-125. Another reason is prostitution is legal in UK and more and more wgs chose to become independent (no one would like to share their contribution to those shitty pimps who only taking the phone and doing arrangements). They rates their price tend to or a little bit higher than what they can exactly gain after cutting from the pimp. That's the real price what they can get agreement with punters directly. So I'm more willing to calculate and discuss about price base on the aw, as you may know, there're more than 6k registered wgs on aw in London area, although it's not too much for statistic, but should be enough to show something.

I agree regarding A/W Indies prices in London, London Agencies have always in my years of punting charged more than Indies on average so the pimp gets their cut.


  • Guest
This conversation started in another post but was off topic so I thought id start it fresh...

Just going to copy paste where it left off with Vorian...

I think your idea is naive in the extreme.

But that's just my opinion, and I applaud other posters who exhibit more patience and politeness in their replies to you.

Offline berksboy


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Why are you only now talking about London Agencies where i agree the entry rate is about £150 an hour, thats certainly not the entry rate for Indies though of course.

Im not ONLY talking about London agencies.

I asked HarryRoss a question as I was curious about the price he indicated.
Previously when this debate first started it was something HarryRoss said about price that started this whole debate.

Wherever you are located the punter could take more control of the price paid


  • Guest
I agree regarding A/W Indies prices in London, London Agencies have always in my years of punting charged more than Indies on average so the pimp gets their cut.

Exactly  :drinks:

Offline Ego123

What's uks lowest pay again !!


  • Guest
I think your idea is naive in the extreme.

But that's just my opinion, and I applaud other posters who exhibit more patience and politeness in their replies to you.

I thought this was a forum where people debated different ideas,
If you want to agree or disagree then make a contribution you believe to be valid.

The other posters are also relying to each other NOT just me.
Had you not noticed !!

Offline smiths

Im not ONLY talking about London agencies.

I asked HarryRoss a question as I was curious about the price he indicated.
Previously when this debate first started it was something HarryRoss said about price that started this whole debate.

Wherever you are located the punter could take more control of the price paid

Right, so the £150 an hour you mentioned in the post i replied to is a totally wrong figure then as its not what many Indies in London charge, its certainly not an average price for Indies on A/W, the biggest WG locating site there is.

I pay what i am prepared to pay, other punters pay what they are prepared to pay, its all very simple.

Offline smiths


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But her service is not...
If you were to employ a cleaner or any other service provider you would look for comparisons in order to evaluate what its worth.

I saw this and it made me chuckle. I am employed my cleaner as she was english told me she had ocd for cleaning (always helpful) and was a stunner of the highest order in my book.

I have come very close to propositioning her financially but I dont want to lose her cleaning services as she is very good and I trust her to be in my place when I am not present which is the most important thing to me.

So I am happy to pay a slight premium for this service. Though less than when I previously employed an eastern european through an agency

Offline DJ Fruit Polo

I agree regarding A/W Indies prices in London, London Agencies have always in my years of punting charged more than Indies on average so the pimp gets their cut.

Very true, I saw a lady a few years ago whose hourly rate as an indie was £100 less than if I'd booked her through an agency she also worked with   :scare:

I pay what i am prepared to pay, other punters pay what they are prepared to pay, its all very simple.



  • Guest
Right, so the £150 an hour you mentioned in the post i replied to is a totally wrong figure then as its not what many Indies in London charge, its certainly not an average price for Indies on A/W, the biggest WG locating site there is.

I pay what i am prepared to pay, other punters pay what they are prepared to pay, its all very simple.

What are you talking about...!!
Im talking about the price structure and how it is formulated.

No matter where you are or what you pay the price is based on what the agencies or the working girls think is the maximum they can extract from you.
Not sure why your focusing on a price and not the principle of economics, that its a buyers market not a sellers.

The punters are the buyers....Do you really not understand something as basic as this.


  • Guest
I thought this was a forum where people debated different ideas,
If you want to agree or disagree then make a contribution you believe to be valid.

The other posters are also relying to each other NOT just me.
Had you not noticed !!

Pointing out your idea is naive in the extreme is a contribution. It may even be a valuable one.

You may not like it, but that's the wonderful thing about free speech - you don't have to.


  • Guest
What are you talking about...!!
Im talking about the price structure and how it is formulated.

No matter where you are or what you pay the price is based on what the agencies or the working girls think is the maximum they can extract from you.
Not sure why your focusing on a price and not the principle of economics, that its a buyers market not a sellers.

The punters are the buyers....Do you really not understand something as basic as this.

You have to consider whether the supply of pro$$ies is in-elastic or elastic supply. You could argue that influx of EE did bring about an elastic change in the WG industry in the early 2000's in London. Demand for pro$$ie's is generally in elastic.

Offline smiths

What are you talking about...!!
Im talking about the price structure and how it is formulated.

No matter where you are or what you pay the price is based on what the agencies or the working girls think is the maximum they can extract from you.
Not sure why your focusing on a price and not the principle of economics, that its a buyers market not a sellers.

The punters are the buyers....Do you really not understand something as basic as this.

I was talking about your post 18 of this thread at the beginning where you mentioned £150 an hour.

Of course a WG or pimp will try to charge what they think they can get, thats blindingly obvious. A punter then has a choice what he is prepared to pay, its all very simple, although you seem to be struggling with the concept.

Punters dont all think alike, what one punter sees as VFM to him another might not so a universally agreed consensus isnt possible.

Offline smiths

Pointing out your idea is naive in the extreme is a contribution. It may even be a valuable one.

You may not like it, but that's the wonderful thing about free speech - you don't have to.

I thought it was spot on, and naive is certainly the case here. As i posted earlier in the thread its idealism over realism, idealism can be great of course, but i live in the real world of how punting works and has done for decades. I pay what i am willing to pay and other punters do the same, why would that change. ;)


  • Guest
What are you talking about...!!
Im talking about the price structure and how it is formulated.

No matter where you are or what you pay the price is based on what the agencies or the working girls think is the maximum they can extract from you.
Not sure why your focusing on a price and not the principle of economics, that its a buyers market not a sellers.

The punters are the buyers....Do you really not understand something as basic as this.

Relax dude.

IMO, including what I got from chatting with different wgs, the price setting is way complex than we can imagine. It's not about the maximum amount they can get becuz there's NO Maximum, people are greedy. Many times people will compromise to the reality. Like if the wg currently run out of money due to personal reasons, then she may state a limited price discount to boots her business which can balance her financial issue ASAP. Or the wg found her poor business and she needs a price change to attract more punters (less loss is another gain, earn less is better than nothing, once her business back to normal she may move her price up). Or the wg realized she's becoming famous and there're 10+ visitors each day, so she moved up her rate about 10. (A real example about Petite Sami, as some punters including me have fucked her, you can check my review. Her RRP is 80 but after 2 weeks, she changed her rate to 90). Also, the price can be influenced by the rent. As for the girls in central London, they cannot rate their price as easily as those girls living in the zone 6+ in London. That's why you will find many girls in zone 1 charge much higher than other zones. Just as you rent a one bedroom flat in central London, that may cost you more than 1500-2500/month, right? But in Canary Wharf you may only need to pay 1000-1500/month. Then what about sharing a 3 bedroom flat with 2 other wgs in Whitechapel? There're three Hungarian girls living in Whitechapel, also many people know them, I would guess the rent would not greater than 1500-2000/month, that's 500-667 per person, fair price for renting in Zone 2. Then what about wgs who live in southwark or other area? One of my regular wg named Alex, she told me that she lived in a share house and her monthly rent is only about 350, her one day contribution can already cover that amount. As you may know, she only charge 100/hr for outcall within zone 1-4 and covered the travel expense by herself. So you can see there're many intangible factors can influence the price setting. 
« Last Edit: March 23, 2014, 09:04:14 pm by HarryRoss »

Offline Dani

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Sadgit, I understand what you are saying but it would never work.  Even if every punter on every punting forum refused to pay over £80 an hour it would make no difference as the vast majority of punters do not visit punting sites.  It is a very small percentage that do, so small that it would not make any difference to how much we charge as we would not lose any significant amount of bookings by staying at our normal rate.
I would not even notice at all if it happened as I think I probably have one guy that I see that is a member here and another who I used to see quite often a few years ago is a newish member but nearly all my clients would not be interested at looking at a punting forum. 
All that would happen is you would find you were not punting very often as you would not find women at the price you want.  It would only affect the punter not the prossie. 
As even smiths said (I think it was Smiths) many don't know about forums or have no interest in them. 


  • Guest
I thought it was spot on, and naive is certainly the case here. As i posted earlier in the thread its idealism over realism, idealism can be great of course, but i live in the real world of how punting works and has done for decades. I pay what i am willing to pay and other punters do the same, why would that change. ;)

Thanks mate. :drinks: I know you have 30 + years of punting behind you. I've been at it for 25 years myself. The OP, in his own words is new to this ...

Offline smiths

Sadgit, I understand what you are saying but it would never work.  Even if every punter on every punting forum refused to pay over £80 an hour it would make no difference as the vast majority of punters do not visit punting sites.  It is a very small percentage that do, so small that it would not make any difference to how much we charge as we would not lose any significant amount of bookings by staying at our normal rate.
I would not even notice at all if it happened as I think I probably have one guy that I see that is a member here and another who I used to see quite often a few years ago is a newish member but nearly all my clients would not be interested at looking at a punting forum. 
All that would happen is you would find you were not punting very often as you would not find women at the price you want.  It would only affect the punter not the prossie. 
As even smiths said (I think it was Smiths) many don't know about forums or have no interest in them.

Yes it was me, i have explained what you have posted here but it clearly hasnt gone in.

I have also posted that even if every punter on here agreed to not paying over a certain price how would that be provable, in reality it wouldnt be of course, it totally relies on taking punters word for it.

We have of course had all this before on here, the poster RAT said within a year (about 2 years ago) ALL WGs would be charging no more than £50 an hour, wrong, Interested/Brian was well known for posting that punters should stop punting until WGs cut their prices, as we both know WGs would still get plenty of business even if every punter on here agreed to do that, plus there would still be no way of proving ALL punters would stick to not punting. Thats why as Curious posted its naive.

Offline wristjob

What's a fair price for anything? What's a fair price for a car? Mine cost £2k cos frankly I don't give that much of a crap. Some people pay millions.

As far as the £150/hour pricepoint - its more than I can afford nowadays but wasn't in the past, and circumstances contribute.

Ideally I think 3-4 punts a week would be great, al with primo totty. Can't afford that but maybe 4-6 30 mins a month with nice girls, budget say £250-300 for that. Some guys want 1 punt every 3 months and if they spent the same as me they could have a totally different kind of service. Some people have tons of cash and £150/hour isn't an issue. I thin Smiths has said in the past that the cost isn't a problem as such, just he objects to overpaying so he puts an artificial cap on things.

Way back in the past I had an "awkward period" in my life - and I just budgeted £1-2k for a month of punts. Wish I knew then what I do now :)

Anyway my point is I don't think it's the price as such that's the issue, and I bet I speak tor a lot of punters here when I say it's the service. I'll pay the cost, compromise as I need, but when I walk out the door I don't want to feel I was ripped off. I want to feel happy, excited - and that I got what I hoped for when I walked in. I would say the whole point of an agency (or parlour) is that there's a kind of quality guarantee over an independent - those that offer that will survive and those that don't will go to the wall.

Offline wristjob

Oh yeah - meant to add something. I occasionally pop in to another forum (not PN). They have limited advertising and site members occasionally get special deals from girls/agencies - which is kind of like you are suggesting here. If an agency offered UKP members a discount sure that would seem great, but what if down the line that allowed them to get some compromise on bad reviews? Not worth it IMO.

Offline smiths

What's a fair price for anything? What's a fair price for a car? Mine cost £2k cos frankly I don't give that much of a crap. Some people pay millions.

As far as the £150/hour pricepoint - its more than I can afford nowadays but wasn't in the past, and circumstances contribute.

Ideally I think 3-4 punts a week would be great, al with primo totty. Can't afford that but maybe 4-6 30 mins a month with nice girls, budget say £250-300 for that. Some guys want 1 punt every 3 months and if they spent the same as me they could have a totally different kind of service. Some people have tons of cash and £150/hour isn't an issue. I thin Smiths has said in the past that the cost isn't a problem as such, just he objects to overpaying so he puts an artificial cap on things.

Way back in the past I had an "awkward period" in my life - and I just budgeted £1-2k for a month of punts. Wish I knew then what I do now :)

Anyway my point is I don't think it's the price as such that's the issue, and I bet I speak tor a lot of punters here when I say it's the service. I'll pay the cost, compromise as I need, but when I walk out the door I don't want to feel I was ripped off. I want to feel happy, excited - and that I got what I hoped for when I walked in. I would say the whole point of an agency (or parlour) is that there's a kind of quality guarantee over an independent - those that offer that will survive and those that don't will go to the wall.

Yes, for me i require VFM in punting as i do outside punting, i could pay say £500 an hour to punt with a WG but i dont view that as i VFM so i dont do that. So i set an overall maximum which i wont go over instead as that suits me. ;)

Offline Ego123

I think that because it's unskilled it should be low unless you have a decent reputation I can honestly say I've only seen less than a handful of memorable punts the rest were shit and a waste of my money