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Author Topic: Trip to Poland - Lubliniec&Warsaw, October 2019  (Read 1015 times)

Offline Donald Tramp

So i had the chance to visit two sex clubs in Poland last week and there's some of my experiences in those...

First, Club Prive in Lubliniec:

Lubliniec is a small town (or more like a village) some two hour train ride from Krakow. It's completely dead place, nearly a ghost town with absolutely nothing to see and nothing to do but there is a gem there and that's called Club Prive.

Prive belongs to a group of Polish sex clubs sharing the same management and they have 3 clubs, one is Prive and two others (Euphoria and Lava) are in Warsaw.

Club Prive is open only two days a week, on Fridays and Saturdays. Friday is a "warm-up" day for the Saturday, which is the real party day of the week. I visited the club on Friday only.

Since the Friday is a quiet day of the week, the entry fee was also reduced 50% and was only 100zl (some 20 quid). Therefore my expectations were very low, just really wanted to see the place, how it looks etc. so if I ever go back there again I know what to expect.

So when i entered the club around 21:30 (they open at 21), it felt like completely empty. I was asked some standard questions at the entrance like "do you know what kind of club you are entering?" and "have you ever been in a swinger club before?" and blah blah. There was a young, good-looking girl at the entry and was answering honestly to my questions. I asked for example if there is going to be any people here tonight and she said that only 10 people have registered for the party and probably not much more can be expected. I still wanted to check out the club since i was already there.

Prive is surprisingly huge place, in a separate building, sharing a courtyard with a small hotel which can be booked for 100zl per person/room and they are literally just opposite of each other. Very convenient. The hotel is quiet and with no services but the rooms are clean and serving their purpose well.

On fridays the club is open on two floors and some services, like sauna&jacuzzi are out of order then. On saturdays there is a downstairs disco open and all the other amenities in use.

I liked how the club looked, it was by far the coolest and styliest sex club I've seen anywhere. And biggest as well, to my surprise. Drinks were not included in the entry fee but prices were very low, even lower than in ordinary night club (11 zl for a beers, and some 20-30zl for alcoholic cocktails) so that was cool.

At first it really looked like it's going to be a lonely evening for me 'cos there was nobody anywhere, expect for one older couple. I started to chat with the lady part of the couple who looked interestingly hot. Like a proper dirty gilf slut you see on internet's pornsites and my imagination started to run wild. Sadly she didn't really speak english, only few words and we tried to speak a bit of german which she knew more but it was very primitive chat, as basic as it can get. Still better than nothing.

Slowly i saw few other people coming in and after one hour or so there was maybe 5-6 people altogether in the house. No one was doing anything expect walking around.

Then i saw one couple retreating to one of the rooms on the first floor and they started fucking. It was possible to watch the action also from the above, the second floor and i watched that together with the hot gilf. Unfortunately that couple wanted to keep it between themselves so i lost quickly interest in them. And started to already think about leaving the club altogether 'cos it really felt that this is it and there's nothing more to come anyway.

How wrong i was! Suddenly that hot gilf came to me with his guy and pointed to one of the big rooms on the second floor. I immediately knew what was going to happen and was excited right away. I had been thinking about that gilf since the second i saw her and was finally about to fuck her. Great!

So we were fucking her together with her husband (who to my big surprise revealed to be 65 years old, although he looked some good ten years younger) and while we were at it, another couple joined the huge king size bed. The female part of the couple was really hot, i would say somewhere in her late 30's to her early 40's probably. And when i saw the guy part of the gilf i was fucking moving towards the couple that just joined us, i knew that she was available for fucking too. So suddenly everything had changed and there was amazing fucking going on between all five of us. I even ended up accidentally fucking that younger lady without condom 'cos i had put the condom on not very carefully so it just dropped somewhere in the midst of a action. She realized that but didn't mind, which was cool so i just kept on fucking her bareback. That's the beauty of a swinger clubs that everything is much less strict than in clubs where you're dealing with paid pros and basically anything can happen if people are up to it. So it's more interesting and adventurous experience.

There was few curious people coming to watch us fucking but no one joined us. I kept on banging those two ladies like crazy, with a mindset that these are going to be the only pussies available tonight anyways so there's no reason to save myself for anything. And again i was so wrong!

After i had fucked myself nearly to the death, i needed a drink which i got from the very well stocked bar. After a beer and a cigarette (there's a smoking place in a corridor upstairs) i saw that there was some new flesh in the house, so i went to have a closer look on what's going on.

There was a very hot, young (early 20's), slim (nearly athletic) blonde girl with a long hair and a decent face sucking an old man's cock in one of the fucking rooms. The old fella pointed me and waved at me as an invitation to stick my cock in her mouth too. Which i did.

She was really a wild cat, trying to deep throat with gagging, sucking balls and licking the shaft like crazy, very much into the whole thing. Which made me think and realize once again how crazy women really are. Like she - she was good looking enough to pick any thirsty dude of her age from any given night club yet there she was, sucking that 65-year old cock and eating his spunk (yeas, she did swallow indeed).

I know i will never understand women and probably don't even want to. Same girls who are so full of themselves on Tinder and having bigger ego and bitchier attitude than Queen of the Universe can degrade themselves elsewhere at the same time like this. Well, it's not my business and not my pain, so i just keep on doing what i'm doing in a places like this and giving zero fucks to some tinders etc.

So all in all i'd say that there was more than 10 people in the club that night, but less than 20. I saw five couples of whom two wasn't sharing and of three did. One very young couple was exceptionally shy and were intimidated even when others were just watching them, so i guess they didn't even fuck there, just having some oral sex.

Considering that my own expectations were zero before entering the club and i still had wild and very rewarding sex with three different ladies for nearly four hours in a row and paid only some 20 quid for all that, i'd say that the night was a huge success. I liked especially the mood, which was very positive and encouraging the whole time and also the club itself was very nice. This time it was definitely the quality over the quantity and it really didn't matter at all that there was only a handful of people present 'cos all those who were there were really cool and up to some good action.

I was told that on saturdays it gets busy, sometimes even packed so that means well over 100 guests and I can only guess how wild it gets then.

Saturdays it's only 200zl (40 GBP) for entry, so it's a bargain if you ask me. They also have special events on a regular basis, like Valentine's party, New Year party etc. which are always packed, i was told. I'm sure i will come back to this club again and hopefully many times. Next time i will make sure that i will stay the both friday and saturday there to enjoy the club fully.

This time i was only held back by the fact that i was going to Warsaw the next day, for a different party, at the club Euphoria.

So, let's jump right to the Warsaw chapter of this story.

Club Euphoria, Warsaw:

After a really good night of fucking and a bit of a rest (i was really relieved that my bed was just across the yard 'cos i was quite beat after all that action in the Club Prive) I took first a train to the nearest bigger town called Czestochowa and from there a bus to Warsaw.

The Club Euphoria is very far away from Warsaw, at the outskirts of the town, some 40 mins bus/car ride from the central area. It really is in the middle of nowhere, just some industrial buildings nearby. The club itself is in a private house, remarkably smaller than Club Prive and with a totally different feel to it. There's no signs anywhere so check the correct address.

I was at the club right at 21 when they were supposed to open but it took some time to get the gates open and there was some 30 eager and thirsty men outside waiting. Didn't look too good to be honest. I saw only one or two ladies getting in, and inside cars with their male partners.

Oh well, here are anyway so let's see how it goes...

We had to stand in queue and it took at least 15 mins for me to get in, which was a bit of a drag as well. But upon entry i was happily surprised to know that since i had made an early registration for the event, i got 50% off and paid only 100zl for this party as well, just like the previous night ant Prive. Euphoria doesn't usually give this kind of discount so i was just very lucky this time. And it was for 30 first registrations only anyway.

So the club was like a private party in someone's house, on three different floors. Most of the fucking happened in the upper floor whilst the middle floor was for smoking and drinking (there was a small bar desk and kind of a dj blasting some disco music, some people were dancing). Prices were the same or even slightly cheaper than in Lubliniec (10 zl beer) so that was good as well.

The party was originally advertised as Octoberfest party but it was later changed to some "Hubert birthday party". Hubert was a local dude who turned 40 that day. An annoying egoist with loud mouth who made a little bit too big number out of himself. He got really drunk and was obnoxiously all over every girl in sight all the time. In a normal club he would be beaten to a pulp for a behaviour like that and granted a lifetime ban for the club but here he was tolerated surprisingly well.

Euphoria was much more busy than Prive, obviously, but the mood wasn't nearly as good. Actually at first i didn't like the mood at all, it took some time to adapt. It reminded me somehow of the cold mood of KitKat, Berlin, where everyone is so full of themselves and just all for himself at the expense of others. I saw some people who were not talking to anyone, not even smiling and who looked like they are definitely not having fun.

Like one black dude who was obviously there only for the pussy and not making any friends while at it and being way too eager to get that. He was always the first in line whenever some girls showed any signs that she might be down for some action. Even tho he was denied regularly (Poland isn't the best place for brothers anyway to get pussy, there's still deep rooted conservatism throughout the society and interracial contacts aren't very usual, even in the places like this), he was persistently trying to make his way, desperately beating his limp small dick in hopes to revive it if the chance ever occurs. Finally i saw him fucking at least two different girls in a darkness.

The ratio of males/females were around 80/20 (aged from early 20's to late 50's, quite equally all ages presented), so not too many girls around. And those who were, seemed to have a pretty much attitude, even the lesser good looking ones. Older ladies were usually nice tho (like they always are, cos they are forced to be so). Reminded me again a bit too much of a KitKat. But here there was more varied crowd, even some older beer bellies who i didn't see fucking anyone tho, so i don't know if they were happy with their evening in the end or not. All in all maybe some 100 people in. English wasn't widely spoken so if you don't know polish (like me), you can feel quite an outsider then. Surprisingly even the younger ones didn't speak english, actually the older ladies spoke better english than them. But just a few of them did.

There was really only one female that i liked as a person and she was damn hot blonde milf with long hair ang big ass&cans. Pretty face for a 40-something. A mother of three, at the club with her husband (who was very nice lad too). So i ended up chatting with those two quite a bit. Just a friendly talk 'cos i got the impression somehow that they aren't interested in having sex there but more just to chill out. Luckily i was wrong again.

She was definitely a woman i wanted the most of all in that club and when i saw her retreating to the one small booth with an old dude that wasn't her husband, i knew that my time has come. I maneuvered myself nearby, whipping out my cock as a sign that i'm in too if called upon. But she just kept sucking that dude's cock forever. I saw him coming already in his condom but he just put on a new one and kept on going. It felt like forever but finally she came close to me and slurped my cock in her mouth, bareback gladly. She was really amazing cocksucker. Like a vacuum cleaner.

Her husband was watching us from a narrow hole all the time but not joining. I guess this was his cuckold fantasy or something, he wasn't engaging himself in any sort of a sexual action with anyone during the whole time in the club.

And then suddenly she turned her perfect booty towards me and made a sign that she wants to be fucked by me. For some reason i was the only one she was actually fucking, she just gave head to that one dude and did nothing with anyone else. I have no idea why, but that's also a nature of swinger clubs that there's a different kind of action and different kind of people with different desires. I'm just very glad that she wanted to give me what i'd been craving for the whole night. She was definitely the highlight of that night for me and sort of saved my whole night.

There was three couples that were exceptionally annoying, especially their male parts. Youngish, at least the girls in their early 20's and dudes in their late 30's/early 40's. I'd say straight up assholes and definitely not the type of people i want to be around. Just keeping everything to themselves and thinking egoistically that someone might be interested in seeing them fucking lousily some worthless skank.

Well, I'm not. In fact i don't give a shit and as soon as i realized that these people are assholes, i ignored them completely and from then on they didn't exist to me. That's the only way to deal with these kind of folks. You're gonna see those always in every sex club so it's better to learn how to deal with them and how it's best to just ignore them and concentrate on your own thing. They're no good anyway to anyone.

Eventually i ended up fucking seven different girls there, aged early 20's to late 50's. All good looking I'd say and sex-wise very rewarding. One i actually ended up fucking in the asshole but that was a pure accident, at least from my part. It was dark and i realized the whole thing afterwards when i was wondering why my dick smells so strongly of shit. Then i remembered her cunt feeling very tight while fucking her doggy style and got it. I wasn't even washing it but just sticking it owo into some nearest available mouth so one of these girls ended up licking some other girls shit from my penis. Maybe she knew it, maybe not, I'll never know. Wasn't complaining the smell 'tho.

There was thins one room i especially hated. It was nearly always locked with some dudes banging some whore and it had some peeking holes, like glory holes, but only for watching. The dudes who were in that room were always very rude and obnoxious, denying the entry if trying to get in and joining the action. Those kind of things make swinger clubs sometimes very annoying places. I absolutely despise those and usually in the clubs that i go, aren't even those kind of rooms. That was like an epitome of all that is bad about swinger clubs.

So while i had some serious problems with the mood at times at Euphoria, there was still so much good that I really can not complain. To think that i had sex with seven beautiful and hot different girls and paid only some 20 GBP for it, is amazing deal. And i remember leaving the club with a smile on my face and happy.  I will definitely visit that club again if ever in Warsaw.

Would also like to check out the sister club, Lava as well. I just heard that it's even smaller than Euphoria, but who knows, maybe the mood there is better. Or in Euphoria some other evening with different people at can be much better? There's nothing wrong with the club itself, it's just these assholes with an attitude that can be a problem sometimes.

So all in all, sex with ten different women, total cost around 50 GBP with drinks, I'd say that the whole trip exceeded all my expectations greatly and made me very happy since i know now that there is a great sex scene in Poland as well that was so good change for all the Berlin clubs I've been to so many times already that it was about time to see finally something else for a change.

I can warmly recommend both of those clubs to anyone.

Offline thebadooboy

Firstly thanks for such a detailed reporting. I have a few questions.

1. How did you managed to have sex with 7 girls at 65. I suspect you didn't pop 7 times but just wanted to know what your trick was.
2. How did you find these clubs? Online? On a forum? Poland is not a well beaten path like Germany is? Or did you have local contacts.
3. You mention witnessing racism in that club that wasn't in Warsaw. Did you, in general see any sort of racism elsewhere.
4. What time did they close?

Thanks again for your contribution

There's apparently 5 swingers list in Poland. Guess this one hasn't been updated External Link/Members Only
« Last Edit: November 05, 2019, 07:27:04 am by thebadooboy »

Offline Donald Tramp

1. How did you managed to have sex with 7 girls at 65. I suspect you didn't pop 7 times but just wanted to know what your trick was.
2. How did you find these clubs? Online? On a forum? Poland is not a well beaten path like Germany is? Or did you have local contacts.
3. You mention witnessing racism in that club that wasn't in Warsaw. Did you, in general see any sort of racism elsewhere.
4. What time did they close?

Thank you, mate!

1. I'm not 65 yet, it was this other fella who attended the party at Club Prive with his wife.
And you guessed it right, I sure as hell didn't pop seven times a night, at Euphoria it was two or three times and at Prive maybe three or four (funnily so, 'cos at Prive there was only three different ladies but that gilf was really hot as i told you, so she made me come few times just with her alone). But it's not so important for me so i don't keep count.

And in swinger/gang bang clubs the style is always more or less "sportfucking", so it's impossible to come so often, at least in my case. For ejaculation, I need more intimate feeling which is mostly lacking in these kinda places.

2. I found these clubs just by using Google. Reviews were nowhere to be found so i just decided to check em out blindly and write one myself. Someone has to do that, right? :)

There might be some sort of a forum in polish language with reviews but i have no knowledge about that.

3. I saw this black dude in Warsaw, who was repeatedly denied pussy and I felt like it was mostly because of his skin color, but then again it was just my thought and i can't be sure 'cos there was no talk involved. He didn't try to make any contact with anyone either.
But he also wasn't the only one who was told "no" when trying to hop on the pussy. I was told that twice too and with the girls i either already had sex before or ended up having that later on. So you never know. Sometimes these girls are just tired at certain point or whatever.

I don't usually bother thinking about their reasons too much, it's mostly waste of time anyway 'cos women are crazy by nature and not very reasonable therefore.

In that other club in Lubliniec i didn't obviously witness any racism 'cos i was the only foreigner in the club and sharing their skin color.

In Warsaw's club I saw one other couple (white-skinned) too who weren't polish, but they were in the club maybe for half an hour or so and didn't engage in any action, they were just talking there. I have no idea why they were there for such a short time.

I felt personally treated well even tho polish don't seem to be too much into talking english (or they just don't know it), but it's the same in Germany as well, they like to talk in german and tend to avoid english. And the same goes for the most of the countries I've been to. Everyone likes to speak their own language usually.

4. I think both clubs were closing around 02:00AM, or at least that was the time i left both clubs with all (or most of) the other guests. So active time in those clubs is about 4-5 hours. Which i quite effectively used as well :D Had only short drink/cigarette pauses here and there but mostly it was constant fucking while in there.

My "secret" is to exercise well (especially squats which i do every day at least 50 to keep me in required condition for sportfucking) and sildenafil (without it it's impossible to maintain hard-on for such an extended period of time).

I usually take my medication only after first fuck and pop, 'cos it feels better au naturel (Viagra tends to numb my dick a bit and take away the sensation slightly) but after that it's absolutely necessary in order to get through the whole night honorably.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2019, 09:46:02 am by Donald Tramp »

Offline Steve2

Thanks for the interesting reviews DT

Offline thebadooboy

Thank you, mate!

1. I'm not 65 yet, it was this other fella who attended the party at Club Prive with his wife.
And you guessed it right, I sure as hell didn't pop seven times a night, at Euphoria it was two or three times and at Prive maybe three or four (funnily so, 'cos at Prive there was only three different ladies but that gilf was really hot as i told you, so she made me come few times just with her alone). But it's not so important for me so i don't keep count.

And in swinger/gang bang clubs the style is always more or less "sportfucking", so it's impossible to come so often, at least in my case. For ejaculation, I need more intimate feeling which is mostly lacking in these kinda places.

2. I found these clubs just by using Google. Reviews were nowhere to be found so i just decided to check em out blindly and write one myself. Someone has to do that, right? :)

There might be some sort of a forum in polish language with reviews but i have no knowledge about that.

3. I saw this black dude in Warsaw, who was repeatedly denied pussy and I felt like it was mostly because of his skin color, but then again it was just my thought and i can't be sure 'cos there was no talk involved. He didn't try to make any contact with anyone either.
But he also wasn't the only one who was told "no" when trying to hop on the pussy. I was told that twice too and with the girls i either already had sex before or ended up having that later on. So you never know. Sometimes these girls are just tired at certain point or whatever.

I don't usually bother thinking about their reasons too much, it's mostly waste of time anyway 'cos women are crazy by nature and not very reasonable therefore.

In that other club in Lubliniec i didn't obviously witness any racism 'cos i was the only foreigner in the club and sharing their skin color.

In Warsaw's club I saw one other couple (white-skinned) too who weren't polish, but they were in the club maybe for half an hour or so and didn't engage in any action, they were just talking there. I have no idea why they were there for such a short time.

I felt personally treated well even tho polish don't seem to be too much into talking english (or they just don't know it), but it's the same in Germany as well, they like to talk in german and tend to avoid english. And the same goes for the most of the countries I've been to. Everyone likes to speak their own language usually.

4. I think both clubs were closing around 02:00AM, or at least that was the time i left both clubs with all (or most of) the other guests. So active time in those clubs is about 4-5 hours. Which i quite effectively used as well :D Had only short drink/cigarette pauses here and there but mostly it was constant fucking while in there.

My "secret" is to exercise well (especially squats which i do every day at least 50 to keep me in required condition for sportfucking) and sildenafil (without it it's impossible to maintain hard-on for such an extended period of time).

I usually take my medication only after first fuck and pop, 'cos it feels better au naturel (Viagra tends to numb my dick a bit and take away the sensation slightly) but after that it's absolutely necessary in order to get through the whole night honorably.

Your enthusiasm to try new things are an inspiration to our community. Well done!